West Seattle police 1918 results

UPDATE: Missing West Seattle woman found

12:42 PM: Seattle Police just issued an alert for this woman missing in West Seattle:

Jonette is 79 years old, 5’1″, thin, brown-gray hair, brown eyes. Police say she has dementia and was last seen in the 4700 block of 42nd SW. No info on what she might be wearing. If you see her, call 911.

2:20 PM: Jonette is also now the subject of a Silver Alert, which offers a bit more information, including that she lives in The Junction.

4:54 PM: According to police radio, Jonette has been found, in the Alki area.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire investigation at 20th/Barton

(Added: WSB photos)

6:12 PM: Police are arriving at 20th/Barton, where they’ve reported finding “about 30 shell casings” after 911 calls about gunfire in the area. They also have just taken one possible suspect into custody. Another possible suspect was seen “southbound from Delridge and Henderson.” Updates to come.

6:15 PM: The Guardian One helicopter has arrived to help look. No word of any injuries.

6:20 PM: Now SFD is being called to Delridge/Henderson to treat a person who thinks they might have been “grazed” by a bullet. Also, a second possible suspect has been detained, officers have told dispatch.

6:25 PM: According to police radio, others might be involved and at large – officers have reviewed video that they say shows a black older Mercedes-Benz with no plates that was apparently involved, with four people inside.

6:30 PM: Officers have told dispatch that one of the people they detained is being released because they were not involved. They’re still searching for others. A K-9 team is joining.

6:44 PM: Our crew has arrived in the area and reports that in addition to the casings at 20th/Barton, which has been taped off, there’s another taped-off area nearby in which vehicles are visible with bullet holes.

6:55 PM: Guardian One has left for now because they’ve searched as thoroughly from the air as they can, pending new leads (but may return on a moment’s notice). The investigation on the ground is still very active. Police told us that despite the “possible grazing” report, they don’t have any word of injuries.

7:20 PM: Police continuing to search for evidence and suspects just told dispatch they’ve found two guns in the 9000 block of 21st SW. They’re described as an “AK” type gun and a Glock handgun. They confirmed over the radio with other officers that those types of casings have been found.

8:52 PM: No further updates. We likely won’t be able to confirm until tomorrow whether the person who was detained and not released was ultimately arrested. Meantime, at least one of the cars with bullet holes – the white Chrysler – was going to be impounded as “evidence,” according to radio exchanges.

ADDED FRIDAY: SPD tells us: “Several individuals were detained at different times/locations; all were interviewed and released. No suspects in custody currently.” So, no arrests. Also: “One of the involved parties sustained a minor injury, was treated by SFD, but the cause is not confirmed.”

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Police release video of West Seattle carjacking, pursuit that led to arrests in Burien. Here’s where the case stands

Back on April 12, we reported on an armed carjacking in an alley near 35th/Roxbury that led to a pursuit and search ending with the arrest of two teenage boys in Burien. Today, Seattle Police released this video from that night two and a half weeks ago:

Days later, as we reported at the time, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office filed felony charges against the 15- and 17-year-old suspects. We just checked the case files; both remain in secure detention – the 15-year-old suspect has another hearing tomorrow, while the 17-year-old is due back in court one week from today.

Seattle Police are still offering Living Room Conversations. Here’s how one went at a West Seattle home

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

That “bag of bullets,” as one neighbor described it, is part of the reason why residents of one Highland Park neighborhood gathered for a Living Room Conversation with police.

The neighbors who organized it, after surfacing safety concerns to various city departments, invited us to sit in on the recent gathering in the living room of their home near Westcrest Park. They were joined by SPD Sgt. Dorian Korieo, whose community-outreach-centered work supervising 32 people includes the living-room program (launched more than a decade ago), and Officer German Barreto, community-liaison officer at the Southwest Precinct.

“It’s your chance to ask a police officer (something) without there being a crisis,” explained Sgt. Korieo.

A question came quickly: “How can we help you?”

“We’re hiring,” Korieo smiled.

But you might not be looking for work, police or otherwise. So another way you can help is to report everything, the SPD reps said. “Mayor Harrell is very clear – if it doesn’t have a stat on it, it didn’t happen.”

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UPDATE: Little boy found alone at 35th/Avalon

11:18 PM: We just got a call from Southwest Precinct police about a sad case they are handling tonight, and they asked if we could help them solve it: People called 911 around 8:30 tonight to report a little boy crossing the street alone at 35th/Avalon. Nobody had reported a missing child, and police checked apartment buildings in the area but so far haven’t figured out whose child he is. They say CPS is on the way, to arrive after midnight, but maybe you know of someone looking for their child who hasn’t yet called police. They describe him as Black, maybe 5 years old or so but not very communicative, at least 3 feet tall, wearing pajamas with a blue top and multicolor bottom, maroon and tan Crocs shoes and black socks. If you have any information that might connect him with his family, call 911. The SPD incident number is 24-114442.

SUNDAY, 6:55 PM: We just talked with a Southwest Precinct lieutenant who confirms that the child’s family has been found. He didn’t have full details but says it was some sort of issue involving the child’s care provider while the child’s parent(s) were at work overnight.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire east of Schmitz Park

ORIGINAL REPORT, 1:46 AM SATURDAY: What started as a report about a fight east of Schmitz Park has turned into a gunfire investigation. Police have told dispatch they’ve found at least one casing in the 3000 block of Garlough SW (vicinity map). No reports of injuries but officers have told dispatch this might be related to an attempted auto theft. No other details so far.

ADDED TUESDAY: Here’s the police-report summary:

At approximately 0130 hours, multiple callers reported that six people were in a physical altercation in the area of Garlough Av SW and SW Hanford St, when one of the parties involved fired a gun. All participants were said to have then fled in a vehicle, traveling northbound. Officers arrived and canvassed the area for evidence, finding a spent shell casing. There was no indication that anyone was shot and an area check for possible suspects met with negative results.

MISSING: Have you seen Colleen? (update: found)

THURSDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: Colleen has been found and is safe.


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UPDATE: Police investigate another SUV abandoned on West Seattle beach

5:54 PM FRIDAY: Thanks to Craig for the photo. Police responded to West Seattle’s southwesternmost shore this afternoon – between Seola Beach and The Arroyos – to try to sort out how that Jeep Compass ended up in the water. First they had to be sure nobody was in the water. Dispatch checked the logs, and consulted the King County Sheriff’s Office, since this is close to the city-limit line, and found out a few things.

KCSO had a report of a hit-run around midnight involving a vehicle matching this description, near 30th/106th. And someone in the area reported giving the vehicle’s driver a ride to a bus stop around 1 am. What explanation they gave, we don’t know. Police who were back at the scene around 4 pm said they couldn’t access the vehicle because of the tide, which is going back out now.

P.S. Last reported case of SUV-on-the-beach was four weeks ago at Lincoln Park.

ADDED NOON SATURDAY: Thanks to the texter who sent this photo, saying it’s still there as of this morning:

It’s not visible from the public ends of either Arroyo Beach Drive or Seola Beach Drive – we tried looking Friday evening – so don’t bother trying to gawk.

READER REPORT: Admiral alert about ‘incidence of stalking’

Out of the WSB inbox this afternoon:

In the interest of keeping our neighborhood a safe place, I am writing to let you know of an incidence of stalking that happened to me this week in our neighborhood:

This Tuesday morning around 9:40 am I was walking east up Admiral and walked by a car that was parked in the “dead zone” between 49th Ave SW and Garlough Ave SW. When I was almost to 48th on SW Lander, he drove the wrong way up Lander, pulled over in his car and started talking to me. He let his feelings be known that he liked me and wanted to see me twice, which I answered with “NO” and “NO, I’m married.” and then he drove away. I was very distraught but dismissed it as a weird one-time occurrence. Wednesday I took my daughter to school and stayed for a school activity. Driving home, I saw his car again in the same place and time on Admiral; this was at about 9:15 am. Today, as I was running with my friend, west down Admiral he took a right turn in front of us from 51st onto Admiral and pulled over between 51st and Garlough at around 9:10 am.

After seeing him again this morning I called and made a police report. SPD gave me a case number (24-105089), told me to call 911 if he tries to make contact again, and asked that I put my neighborhood on high alert. I did not get a picture and do not remember any more than this: He presented as a white male with dark hair in his mid 30-40s. He was driving what I remember as a newer-looking black or very dark blue small sedan or hatchback with fully tinted windows. When I first walked by his car, the windows were cracked and I could smell cigarette smoke.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search in Admiral area

(Added: WSB photo, stolen car abandoned at 42nd/Andover)

5:20 PM: Thanks for the texts. Police are searching for a suspect wanted for among other things eluding and hit-run in Admiral. He was reported to be driving a white Crown Victoria, no plates, which police have reported finding at 42nd/Andover and have confirmed to have been stolen. Before being abandoned there, the vehicle is reported to have been involved in a hit-run near Hiawatha, at Walnut/Stevens. The suspect is reportedly on foot, and all we have is a partial description – white man, bald, glasses, dark hoodie or jacket. We’re trying to find out more.

5:26 PM: The Guardian One helicopter will be joining the search. The suspect was last seen southbound from where the stolen car was abandoned – a few more descriptive details: White or Hispanic, in his early 30s, 6′, 200-250 pounds, bald, glasses, dark top.

5:37 PM: After a possible sighting near 45th/Stevens, the search has moved there, including the helicopter. … Police tell us this all started in North Admiral, in an alley in the 2100 block of California.

6:05 PM: No updates since then. The search has apparently dead-ended for now and that’s why the helicopter moved on.

UPDATE: Police block parts of 35th, Roxbury after gunfire report

(Image from SDOT traffic camera at 35th/Roxbury)

9:58 PM: Police are blocking 35th between Roxbury and Barton, and Roxbury east of 35th, after a report of gunfire in the area, possibly coming from a person in an apartment building. No injuries reported.

10:41 PM: The roads are still blocked. Meantime, officers have reported detaining someone who might have involved.

11:10 PM: Officers told dispatch they were “wrapping up,” after checking the apartment from which the suspected gunfire came, and traffic cameras show the streets open again. We don’t know what if any evidence they found, nor whether the detained person was arrested, but we’ll be following up.

UPDATE: Police investigating suspected gunfire on Fauntleroy Way

9:33 PM SUNDAY: Police are looking for evidence after suspected gunfire on Fauntleroy Way near SW Raymond. We’ve heard about it from multiple readers, including two who shared security-camera video/audio – in this clip, you hear the suspected shots right after cars pass by on Fauntleroy, about 29 seconds into the video. No injuries reported, and no confirmation yet of evidence found.

MONDAY AFTERNOON: We followed up with SPD today. Officers did not find any evidence (casings, damage, eyewitnesses, injuries).

CRIME WATCH: Weapons found in 1st/Cloverdale RV after arrest of already-wanted man

11:30 AM: SPD has released information today on the Tuesday investigation that blocked traffic at 1st/Cloverdale, alongside Highway 509, as mentioned by a commenter following our daily traffic roundup. Police say it started as a domestic-violence report just before 6 am. Officers talked to a woman near “an RV trailer close to an encampment” who reported that she was almost hit by a bullet when a man shot at her. They arrested the suspect “after several calls for others to come out of the RV” and booked him into jail, eventually recovering the weapons shown below in a photo from SPD, which describes them as “an AR-15 without a serial number, a bow gun, arrow, and ammunition.”

Police say the suspect is “lawfully prohibited from having any guns.” We are checking on his status; since he was booked yesterday, he would likely be scheduled for a bail/probable-cause hearing today. The victim was not injured.

12:28 PM: The suspect is still in jail, and we discovered in past court documents that he was already wanted in another case in which he is charged, so we are identifying him: 42-year-old Pascual Ferrer-Gonzalez, whose last known address on one document was in Burien. That other case is an auto theft in which he was charged in October 2021 but had yet to go to trial – there’s a long case history online; we downloaded some of the documents. He was found with the stolen car on I-5 in SeaTac in December 2020, and charged in October 2021. (One document notes that was two months after he was convicted in an assault, domestic violence, and burglary case.) He didn’t appear for arraignment in the auto-theft case, so a warrant was issued, and he was arrested two months later. Judge Veronica Galvan granted his release on personal recognizance. Various case delays ensued; he ended up in jail again for four weeks last November and December, until he was granted release again on personal recognizance, this time by Judge Johanna Bender, on condition he show up for a day-reporting program. A little over a week later, court documents show, he didn’t, so another arrest warrant was issued. He didn’t show up for a hearing this past January, either, so a warrant from that hearing was still in effect when he was arrested yesterday.

7:55 PM: We don’t yet have the documents from this afternoon’s hearing, but the jail docket shows Ferrer-Gonzalez’s bail is now set at $305,000 – that’s $5,000 for the unresolved auto-theft case, $300,000 for this new case.

FOLLOWUP: How did that driver end up in the water off Alki Avenue last weekend? Here are some answers

(Saturday evening photo by Robert Spears – car wasn’t removed until Sunday morning)

Last weekend, that car remained in the water off Duwamish Head, in the 1200 block of Alki Avenue, for 34 hours following a one-car crash we told you about early Saturday. The 22-year-old driver, unhurt, was arrested for DUI, according to police. The question remained: How/why did he drive into the water? We’ve obtained the early version of the collision report. According to the narrative written by police, the driver was headed east/northbound at the time, so he crossed both directions of Alki Avenue before going over the curb and into the water. Here’s what the narrative says:

Multiple witnesses standing on Alki beach pier saw [vehicle] driving EB, struck the WB curb, rolled 2-3 times over the grass/trail, and then plunged into the water. The paths and side mirror and damage to curb correlate witnesses’ statements. … 2 witnesses [in a nearby building] saw car go over curb, rolled/spinned 360, then went into water.

The narrative also summarizes what the driver told police:

[Driver] said he drank two beers, drove down Alki, lost control of his car, hit the curb, and went into the water.

The driver is a Burien resident, according to the report. So far he has not been cited nor charged in this incident (or any others). We asked Seattle Parks earlier this week if the crash did any significant damage to the seawall or beach that would have to be repaired; they said no.

UPDATE: Two incidents happening now, one with helicopter

3:51 PM – First: The Guardian One helicopter is just east of Highland Park because of a reported vehicle theft “in progress” in the 8400 block of 1st Avenue South, at or near the tow yard there, across from the 1st/Cloverdale encampment. The vehicle is described as a green 1997 Nissan pickup. The helicopter was not specifically dispatched for this call – it happened to be up and heard the radio traffic and offered assistance.

Second, for those who have asked: There was a sizable emergency response on the Alki Point end of Admiral Way for a medical call described as a suspected overdose. We don’t have an update on the patient.

4:48 PM: Update on the first incident – the helicopter wasn’t in the area for long, and couldn’t locate the stolen pickup. According to police radio, the owner has spotted his truck in the area again, and requested police assistance.

UPDATE: Suspect arrested after police standoff at Delridge/Thistle

7:49 PM: Police are blocking SW Thistle both ways just east of Delridge because of an incident. We’re still working to find out more about the original callout – but they’re calling in negotiators and setting up a command post. Avoid the area.

8:05 PM: We’ve talked at the scene both with police and with a woman who says her boyfriend is the person police are after – this is described as a domestic-violence situation. The suspect is believed to be barricaded in an apartment in a building on the southeast side of the intersection.

9:12 PM: We’re continuing to monitor this; it’s not resolved yet.

(Traffic-camera framegrab showing closed streets north of response scene)

9:45 PM: Police just told dispatch they’re shutting down Delridge, too, and they’re calling for help directing traffic. Meantime, SWAT has arrived on scene. Radio exchanges indicate the suspect is wanted for two incidents involving guns.

10:10 PM: Police said the suspect told them by phone he would surrender – and they just told dispatch he has, and is now in custody. They’re checking inside the apartment just to be sure it’s now empty (others who were inside were reported earlier to be out), so the response won’t start winding down until after that.

10:34 PM: Thistle is still closed “until SWAT clears out.” … Per dispatch, the suspect has a warrant related to what was described as a “drive-by shooting” incident as well as the domestic-violence incident to which they initially responded.

10:53 PM: Thistle is reopening too.

If you see what looks like a motorcade …

… it’s training, according to a notification given to dispatchers and heard on police radio a short time ago. They were planning to head into West Seattle from the southeast, toward Lincoln Park.

City councilmembers briefed on what SPD is doing to try to hire more officers

“If rock bottom was ever a thing, we’re probably there.” That’s how District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka described the first statistic presented during this morning’s Public Safety Committee briefing about Seattle Police hiring and recruiting.

The briefing (full slide deck here) was focused more on recruiting/hiring processes than on specifics of where staffing stands now – aside from that one overall stat – so we don’t have, for example, a precinct-by-precinct breakdown of current staffing – other updates are given on that periodically. But the council did hear a lot about how recruiting and hiring works, and doesn’t work, right now.

The briefing was presented by a team led by Deputy Mayor Tim Burgess (a former police officer and city councilmember). One long-running factor, the contract negotiations with the officers’ union, is “very close” to agreement, Burgess said toward the briefing’s end, without elaborating. But many other factors affecting recruiting and hiring were discussed. “The problem of recruitment is not just a Seattle problem,” he and others at the table – including SPD Chief Adrian Diaz – stressed.

This group followed a briefing earlier in the meeting that included some revelations about what Councilmember Cathy Moore observed was a “clunky” process of moving candidates along through various stages of screening and testing – the length of time it takes to provide SPD with lists of qualified candidates, for example. “I don’t get a sense of urgency,” Moore said.

The process moves faster than it used to, councilmembers were told, but still could move faster. But the SPD and mayor’s-office team listed other factors – like starting salary, in which they said Seattle ranks 15th on a list of jurisdictions with which it competes for officers:

There was some discussion of incentives offered by other jurisdictions, such as take-home vehicles and housing subsidies (none of which are being currently offered or proposed by Seattle), Meantime, among the applicants SPD is getting, the ethnic diversity outstrips the city as a whole, but the gender diversity still lags far behind:

Councilmember Moore called out the low percentage of female applicants, noting that women said child care was a factor in their decisions, and saying she’d like to see “a plan” for addressing that. Scheduling challenges too. She also voiced concerns about problems such as sexual harassment that were raised in the recent “30 by 30” report – addressing SPD’s efforts in a nationwide initiative toward 30 percent female officers in sworn law enforcement. Chief Diaz said there’s a “women’s workgroup” and also noted that two-thirds of the SPD civilian staff is female.

Much time in the briefing was spent on the million-dollar-plus marketing/advertising plan for which SPD hired an outside agency; Burgess said its debut was followed by an “immediate uptick in applications.” Saka suggested later, though, that “we’re not going to market our way out of this,” but also offered that in addition to featuring the mayor and others, the marketing campaign should call attention to the changed council as well.

Besides spending money on advertising, SPD reps said they’re also strategizing with recruiters from private-sector companies and have meetings scheduled next month with firms including Microsoft, T-Mobile, and Nordstrom; they also talked about software programs they’re using to communicate more responsively with candidates. And they thanked councilmembers for their shows of support, such as attending roll calls at precincts. But they acknowledged that overall, the department lost more officers than it hired last year, so there is more work to do if they’re going to build back the numbers. (We’ll add video of today’s meeting when it’s available on the Seattle Channel website later.)

ADDED: Here’s the meeting video – this discussion starts 1 hour, 12 minutes in.

LAST CALL! Free personal-safety training Wednesday with SPD and Alki Community Council

As announced at last month’s Alki Community Council meeting, the ACC is teaming up with SPD for a free personal-safety training session, this Wednesday (March 13), 3:30 pm at West Seattle Library (2306 42nd SW). ACC president Charlotte Starck tells WSB tonight that they still have room for more people – you can register here right now! The training is summarized as: “Officers will teach you how to be safer in a variety of situations with a specific focus on shopping areas and neighborhoods from Alki to North Admiral and the West Seattle Junction. This is not a self-defense tactical class, but an engaging lecture and run-through of various scenarios, with Q & A following.” It’s for anyone age 14 and up.

State Legislature passes initiative allowing more police chases; West Seattle legislators all vote no

If a statewide initiative gets enough signatures to go to voters, the State Legislature first gets the chance to approve it, which would mean it will become law without going onto the ballot. That’s what just happened with Initiative 2113, which will lift restrictions that legislators placed on police pursuits three years ago (and loosened a bit last year). Unlike legislation, initiatives don’t require the governor’s signature – if both the State House and State Senate pass them, they will become law. Both votes happened today – the House voted in favor of it, 77-20, and the Senate vote was 36-13. According to the roll-call tallies on the Legislature’s website, all three West Seattleites representing the 34th District in the Legislature voted no – Senator Nguyễn and Representatives Emily Alvarado and Joe Fitzgibbon.

Under current state law, pursuits are allowed in six types of circumstances; under 2113, the authority becomes simply “There is reasonable suspicion a person has violated the law.” There are some caveats, such as that “The person poses a threat to the safety of others and the safety risks of failing to apprehend or identify the person are considered to be greater than the safety risks of the vehicular pursuit under the circumstances.” Officers also need to notify a supervisor, who will then oversee the pursuit, and they need to have gone through a particular type of training. You can read the initiative’s full text here. Initiatives passed by legislators become law 90 days after the end of their session, which in this case is Thursday. Departments can have more restrictive policies than state law allows, as has been the case with SPD (here’s their current policy).

Talk with, hear from police and CARE’s chief @ Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council meeting next week

Before we get to today’s event lineup, this has just been announced – the first Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council meeting of 2024, first one since last June. The SWPCPC isn’t a group so much as a banner under which community members can come to the Southwest Precinct to hear from and talk with local police. The meeting is set for Wednesday, March 6, at 6 pm, organized by the precinct’s interim crime-prevention coordinator Mark Solomon, who has booked a guest, too: Amy Smith, interim chief of the Community Assisted Response and Engagement (CARE) department. (Here’s our report following a chat with Chief Smith at the CARE/911 center downtown.) All welcome at the March 6 meeting; the precinct is at 2300 SW Webster.

UPDATE: ‘Scenes of violence’ response in Fairmount Ravine area, unfounded

9:02 AM: Seattle Police and Fire are responding to a “scenes of violence” call on Belvidere in the Fairmount Ravine area. Details to come.

9:09 AM: The address logged for this call is one to which emergency responders have been called multiple times before, including “person in crisis” situations.

(Added: Photo by Christopher Boffoli)

SFD responders were “staging” – waiting – nearby until police arrived, which dispatch has been told has just happened, so soon they should be able to verify what’s happening. “The initial report was that two people may have been stabbed,” is what SPD just told dispatch that they had heard from SFD, and now they’re going in to see whether that’s true.

9:19 AM: One person needs medical treatment, dispatch has just been told, “but no one’s stabbed.” So most of the response is being canceled.

9:25 AM: Our crew has just arrived and confirmed with SFD on scene that this was a false report of stabbings but one person does need treatment for “minor injuries.”

Noisy night on Harbor Avenue

Noting for the record: From more than a few neighborhoods in north West Seattle, people texted us tonight, wondering about what one reader described as “racing cars and loud bangs,” audible all the way up to Admiral. Reviewing police-radio audio, we note the activity was a summer-size crowd of drivers drawn to Don Armeni Boat Ramp. One police officer dispatched in the 7 pm hour reported back, “There’s too many people here for me to do anything.” But others were sent and before 8 pm, one officer reported that they were planning to close the entrance to Don Armeni, where police estimated hundreds of cars/drivers had gathered. There were no confirmed shots-fired incidents; some cars are modified to generate backfire noise similar to gunshots (early in the evening, eastbound on Roxbury, we were right behind one). No injury incidents logged.