Utilities 1301 results

Brown water in Junction, Admiral

Two reports of West Seattle brown water late today – one from The Junction, one from Admiral. The Junction tipster says the city told them it’s definitely hydrant testing; no incidents on the Seattle Public Utilities water-trouble map, so that may well be the cause in Admiral too. But if it happens to you, please report to SPU – 206-386-1800. (What discolors the water is sediment disturbed in the lines by activity such as hydrant use; it’s primarily rust.)

UPDATE: Power outage at Pathfinder K-8

May 10, 2024 11:03 am
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11:03 AM: What’s shown as a one-customer power outage on Seattle City Light‘s map is affecting about 500 people – because that one customer is Pathfinder K-8 on Pigeon Point. No word yet why the school – and apparently ONLY the school – lost power; we’re checking with SCL.

1:49 PM: The outage is over, according to the map; still waiting for SCL’s response on what went wrong.

Brown water in some neighborhoods near West Seattle Junction

Two “brown water” reports so far today – one from Karen near 45th/Edmunds on the south side of The Junction, one from Crystal near California/Genesee in the north. No current emergencies mapped so it might be hydrant activity – SFD did have a short-lived gas-leak situation near 40th/Edmunds this morning, and firefighters usually connect to a hydrant precautionarily. Whatever the suspected cause, always report brown water to Seattle Public Utilities, 206-386-1800.

Brown water in Alki, and hydrant testing elsewhere

May 3, 2024 2:30 pm
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Just got a text reporting brown water in Alki. No Seattle Public Utilities work mapped in West Seattle – either emergency or planned – so it’s likely hydrant testing stirring up sediment (rust) in the lines again. We also have seen SFD doing some of that testing in south Gatewood today, near 35th/Thistle. Even if you’re sure that’s what’s happening with your water, ALWAYS report it to SPU’s 24-hour hotline, 206-386-1800. The discoloration is not toxic but can stain your laundry, so you’ll want to be sure the water runs clear before you wash anything.

Brown water north of Morgan Junction

May 2, 2024 6:17 pm
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Latest brown-water report came in late this afternoon from RB at California/Juneau, just north of Morgan Junction. No incidents so far today on the Seattle Public Utilities water-trouble map, so this too may well have been hydrant testing. As always, we remind you to report water anomalies to SPU 24/7, via 206-386-1800.

FOLLOWUP: Long-delayed mile-long Beach Drive gas-line replacement starting soon

Two years ago, we told you about a natural-gas pipeline replacement project that was at the time scheduled to start soon along a mile-long stretch of Beach Drive and two connecting streets. After what Puget Sound Energy describes as permitting delays, it’s finally about to begin.

Thanks to the area resident who recently told us the project notice was being distributed. We’ve since obtained it from PSE (see it here) – here are the key points:

PSE and InfraSource crews will be replacing portions of the existing underground natural gas main. We’re committed to completing our work safely and efficiently, and our crews will do their best to reduce impacts to you and your neighbors.

Project details

Who: Natural gas crews from PSE and InfraSource
What: Replacing a portion of the underground natural gas main
When: Expected to begin the week of May 13, and last for approximately six months.
Typical work hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Where: Beach Drive Southwest, 48TH Avenue Southwest, and Lincoln Park Way Southwest

What you can expect

 There will likely be noise from trucks and heavy machinery
 Traffic control flaggers and signs will guide vehicles and pedestrians safely through the project area
o Beach Drive Southwest,48th Avenue Southwest,and Lincoln Park Way Southwest will be reduced down to one lane near the work area
o A portion of the sidewalk on Beach Drive Southwest,48th Avenue Southwest,and Lincoln Park Way Southwest will be closed. Detour signs will be posted
 Some street parking will be impacted. “No parking” signs will be placed in the area prior to work beginning
 We will work to maintain access to driveways whenever possible, in coordination with impacted neighbors
 Some customers along the project route may experience a temporary interruption of natural gas. We’ll
notify impacted customers prior to beginning work requiring an interruption in service. For customers who will have their service interrupted, work inside customer homes may be required to re-light appliances after the service interruption. Please call 888-225-5773 for more information
 After the construction is complete, you’ll notice temporary patches in the road and/or sidewalk. These temporary patches will remain until a restoration contractor crew returns to complete the final restoration. The restoration schedule is dependent upon weather, permitting and crew availability

We asked PSE about the work phasing; a spokesperson replied, “Crews will start on the north end and move south. PSE will be replacing an older section of infrastructure in order to continue to provide safe and reliable natural gas service to customers. The project will replace the gas main along Beach DR SW to SW Canada Dr.” Here’s another map sketching out what they’re doing and where. As noted above, the project is expected to last about six months (double the estimate given two years ago).

Brown water in Admiral/Belvidere

Texter reports it’s happening where they are and wonders if anyone else is affected. We keep track of these things because there’s no other publicly viewable record, but be sure to report it to Seattle Public Utilities at 206-386-1800. The cause is usually – but not always – hydrant testing, as SFD recently reiterated here, but sometimes it’s first word of a main break or other problem (nothing on the SPU water-outage map right now, though).

UPDATE: 1,300 customers lose electricity in West Seattle power outage

10:02 AM: Thanks for the tips. There’s a power outage in eastern West Seattle – 1,300 customers as shown on the Seattle City Light outage map. Updates to come.

10:35 AM: No info yet on the cause. If you’re in the outage zone and see City Light crews, let us know!

10:50 AM: Highland Park Elementary is out of power, according to email we’ve just received. Louisa Boren STEM K-8 also appears to be in the outage zone but we haven’t heard from anyone there, so we’re checking with the district. (Added: Commenters confirm STEM affected too.)

11:23 AM: City Light map shows the outage resolved. We’re inquiring as to what/where caused it.

1:07 PM: City Light spokesperson Jenn Strang tells us “a branch on a line” near SW Orchard was to blame.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Pipe-replacement project ahead on SW Holden

April 24, 2024 6:11 pm
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Thanks to Savannah for the heads-up on more than a month of work ahead at 30th/Holden – her neighborhood got notices about it, and she thought others who travel through the area should know too. We subsequently obtained the construction notice from Seattle Public Utilities. They tell us this work will replace a 15-foot section of 10-inch-wide sewer pipe, with some added accessibility features on the sidewalk:

For this work, SPU contractor crews will excavate, remove, and replace the section of pipe. New ADA curb ramps will also be installed in the work area. Crews will then restore the roadway. This work is part of a larger citywide sewer rehabilitation effort that enables SPU to provide reliable sewer service to you and your neighbors.

Work will occur near the intersection of 30th Ave SW and SW Holden St. View the map for approximate work location and equipment staging.

Construction is scheduled to begin as soon as April 29 with work taking up to 5 weeks to complete. Construction activities will occur on weekdays, 7:30-3:30 pm. Please note that the start date, duration, and working hours are subject to change due to permitting, weather, crew availability, and other factors.

Residents and businesses will continue to receive normal sewer services during construction. However, you can also expect:

• Lanes will be reduced on SW Holden St in the work area. Traffic control measures and signage will be in place to direct traffic.
• Construction noise, dirt, dust, and vibrations
• Increased construction traffic and staging of large equipment near the intersection of SW Holden St and 30th Ave SW
• Parking restrictions near the work area. Please abide by all “no parking” signs.
• Crews will coordinate garbage/recycling/compost pick-up, mail delivery, and emergency access, as needed
• Residents and businesses next to the repair may be asked to limit water usage. Crews will provide notification when performing work that will require reduced flow

See the full construction notice here.

The latest West Seattle brown-water reports

We’ve had two reports of brown water today – Barrie in Admiral reported it late this morning, and Katie west of The Junction just emailed to say, “We’ve got brown water at 45th and Alaska.” We also received one report, with a photo, on Tuesday:

Brian in Gatewood/south Morgan Junction sent that, reporting, “This is like the 4th time this year,” in the 4300 block of SW Frontenac.

The Seattle Public Utilities water-trouble map shows an emergency repair last night near 20th/Roxbury, but that’s not close enough to factor into any of the aforementioned reports, so hydrant testing might be the culprit; if it happens to you, always report it to SPU’s hotline, 206-386-1800.

UPDATE: Power outage in Admiral

1:08 PM: Jesse emailed to report, “I heard a loud pop from outside my window at Lander and 42nd ave sw about an hour ago. Since then half of our appliances are dim like at half-power.” That would have been around 11 am; since then, Seattle City Light‘s outage map says, 84 customers north of Hiawatha have lost power. “Equipment failure” is blamed.

7:44 PM: As noted in comments, the outage has been resolved. We’ll be asking SCL about the specific cause of this one tomorrow (as well as about the Saturday outage).

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: 4,700-customer power outage, as wind sweeps through (updated Monday with cause)

3:14 PM: Big wind gusts this past half-hour have brought power outages. According to the Seattle City Light map, the biggest one has taken out more than 4,600 homes and businesses in north West Seattle, from Alki to North Delridge. … The National Weather Service didn’t even have an advisory out, simply forecasting potential “breezy” conditions. On Twitter/X, @WestSeaWX says, “Cold front blasting through right now with gusts exceeding 40+ mph.” … We haven’t heard yet exactly where the failure point is, so let us know if you see City Light crews.

3:25 PM: Just hearing a dispatch for a tree down at Delridge/Genesee and blocking part of the road. Texter says that’s backing up at least a few H Line buses.

3:38 PM: Just an FYI, now there’s an even-bigger outage south of West Seattle, almost 7,000 homes and businesses from Boulevard Park to Burien. …. Remember that traffic signals are out at multiple intersections, and that makes them all-way stops – one texter is seeing multiple close calls among drivers on Fauntleroy.

4:04 PM: The powerless signals include Fauntleroy right up to the bridge, notes another texter. Meantime, Melissa sent this photo of the Delridge downed tree:

The weather has calmed somewhat – NWS says the cold front that came through is a “skinny” front – but SCL still has two big outages to take care of, including ours.

4:08 PM: Some are reporting their power’s back on.

4:13 PM: SCL has updated the map; that leaves just under 2,000 customers (each home, business, etc., is a “customer”) out in our area.

Meantime, Maris sent this photo of a tree down in The Junction, near 42nd/Edmunds:

Nick says in a comment below that the Delridge downed tree is no longer blocking part of the street.

4:34 PM: Also in comments, David D reports that an SCL crew “arrived around 4:15 pm to the where a small branch was sitting on the lines between 48/49, Hanford/Hinds. Likely the source of the flashing/booming.”

5:06 PM: SCL map shows WS outage fully resolved.

ADDED MONDAY: SCL spokesperson Jenn Strang confirms to WSB that aforementioned branch was the cause of the outage: “Saturday’s outage was caused by a tree limb that came down onto wires in the vicinity of 48th Avenue SW and SW Hinds Street.”

Brown water in Alki, Upper Fauntleroy

Thanks for the reports, first from Michael: “We are experiencing brown water from sinks and toilets in the 63rd Ave and Alki (Avenue) area.” Second, from Pete. who sent a photo: “I just started getting water that is not clear from my tap. I live on 37th Ave SW between Henderson and Barton.”

Most-common cause is hydrant testing, which agitates sediment (rust) in the lines, but if and when it happens at your home/business, please always notify Seattle Public Utilities – the 24/7 hotline is 206-386-1800.

UPDATE: Another gas-line break in Fauntleroy

9:18 AM: Another gas-line break in West Seattle – this time at 44th/Kilbourne [map], just south of Fauntleroy’s Endolyne business district. A resident says “workers nicked a line” at the site of an ongoing utility project.

(Added: WSB photo)

9:33 AM: For those in the area who heard what one person described as a “parade of sirens,” this was initially a “natural gas leak/major” callout but has since been downsized, with some responding units dismissed. This by the way is about three-quarters of a mile south of yesterday’s Fauntleroy gas break.

9:48 AM: We talked with SFD spokesperson David Cuerpo at the scene. He says workers reported this, saying they punctured a 2″ gas line. Some nearby houses were evacuated precautionarily. Puget Sound Energy has just arrived to shut down the line.

9:54 AM: And they’ve just done that, firefighters report.

10:15 AM: They’ve now officially demobilized and “turned the scene over to Puget Sound Energy.”

OUTAGE: Brace Point loses power again

4:05 PM: Thanks for the tips. Brace Point is without electricity again, for the second time in three days – 329 customers lost power last Saturday night/Sunday, and that’s the size of this afternoon’s outage. As updated Monday, the weekend outage was blamed on a failed fuse and transformer; this one also is attributed to “equipment failure” – we’re checking with Seattle City Light on specifics (and still awaiting a requested update on the long-planned project to improve the area’s underground system).

4:18 PM: SCL spokesperson Jenn Strang says they don’t know yet what caused this: “We have dispatched an underground crew to the area to investigate.” The cable-replacement project, meantime, is still a ways off: “City Light continues to work with SDOT and other agencies to complete the permitting process before it can open the bidding process later this summer.” The last in-depth update on the project website was two years ago and details a pandemic-related permitting snafu.

9:18 PM: We weren’t able to check back in the last several hours but resident Nathan tells us the power was restored around 5:45 pm. We’ll follow up again tomorrow to see what went wrong this time.

Late-night brown water in Gatewood

A Gatewood resident reports “completely brown water coming out of our tap” as of late tonight. No emergencies (or planned work) on the Seattle Public Utilities map. But if you’re in that area, check yours, especially before doing any laundry; if you have discolored water, there or elsewhere, always report it to SPU at 206-386-1800. 24/7.

POWER OUTAGE: 11,000+ lose electricity from southeast West Seattle south into South Park, White Center, Burien (updated Monday)

2:52 PM: Thanks for the tip. While Seattle City Light continued working on the Brace Point outage (as updated here), they’ve suddenly got a huge outage to deal with – mostly from South Park south into White Center and Burien, but part of southeast West Seattle – at the end of the Roxbury corridor – is affected too. Remember that intersections with nonfunctioning traffic signals become all-ways stop.

4:13 PM: Now down to just under 5,000. The north areas, including the West Seattle pocket and White Center, are among those restored. No word yet on the cause.

5:09 PM: Under 3,000 still out.

8:33 PM: Down to under 500, mostly in the Boulevard Park area. The exact cause hasn’t been disclosed yet – “equipment” problem of some kind, SCL says.

12:29 PM MONDAY: We followed up today with SCL spokesperson Jenn Strang, who says, “The exact cause of (this) outage in still under investigation but there is a possibility that it was caused by a bird. The resulting fault caused two lines to wrap together, resulting in the larger impact of the outage.”

UPDATE: Brace Point power outage (cause added Monday)

9:45 PM: Thanks for the tips. Power’s out for 329 homes in the Brace Point area, according to the Seattle City Light outage map, as of less than half an hour ago. The outage is attributed to “equipment failure”; the area has had multiple outages blamed on underground trouble over the years.

10:51 PM: As noted in a comment below, SCL says the outage is now affecting 169 homes.

2:29 AM: They’re still out.

10:26 AM: This morning 8 customers remain without electricity. We’ll be following up with SCL tomorrow about this outage and the long-planned project to address the area’s chronic problems.

2:27 PM: The outage is back to the original 329 customers, as pointed out below by commenter BP1, who says the SCL crew explained they had to do that for final repairs, which they hope to complete within the next two hours.

5:29 PM: BP1 noted below that the 329 number persisted on the map past when their power was restored; the outage has now entirely vanished from the map, so everyone should be reconnected.

ADDED MONDAY: We asked SCL’s Jenn Strang about the cause: “Due to a failed transformer. The first outage was caused by a fuse but when the area was restored the failed transformer was also found. The subsequent outage was required so that crews could safely access the area to replace the transformer.” We’ll have a separate update when we get the information about the upgrade project’s status.

UPDATE: Gas-line break in Sunrise Heights

2:40 PM: Seattle Fire units have arrived in the 7100 block of 29th SW after a report of a broken half-inch gas line. They’re planning to evacuate two houses while awaiting Puget Sound Energy‘s arrival.

2:44 PM: Police just told dispatch they’re blocking southbound traffic at 29th/Myrtle [map].

2:54 PM: Firefighters have just reported that the “gas line has been secured.”

UPDATE: Brown water southeast of The Junction and in Gatewood

9:36 AM: Via text: “Brown water this morning on 41st SW between Hudson and Dawson.” This is the third report we’ve received this week; though we didn’t get the chance to publish it at the time, a reader notified us about “super brown water” near Gatewood Elementary on Wednesday, and we did publish this report from southeast Admiral on Monday. A leading cause is fire-hydrant testing, but it can also be a clue to system trouble like a pipe break, so always report it to Seattle Public Utilities at 206-386-1800.

4:14 PM: Also just heard from Tricia, reporting: “I have brown water in Gatewood. Southern and California.”

UPDATE: Gas-line break in Brace Point

9:41 AM: Seattle Fire has several units near 50th and 97th in Brace Point [map] after an excavator ruptured a gas line. They’re awaiting Puget Sound Energy to help handle it.

9:48 AM: Responders told dispatch they’ve cleared the affected buildings, but PSE isn’t expected for another 15+ minutes.

10:17 AM: Firefighters just told dispatch that PSE has arrived but is still figuring out the best way to shut off the gas to the broken 1 3/4″-inch line.

10:33 AM: They’ve revised that to a 5/8″-inch line, but they’re “still working on the solution,” firefighters told dispatch.

10:44 AM: SFD says PSE has clamped off the line and stopped the leak.

Water woes in southeast Admiral

The photo is from William on 37th SW between Hanford and Hinds, who reports: “Just to let you know water has been on and off today for the last few hours, and it’s still quite brown at the moment. Many neighbors experiencing the same.” That’s apparently related to a water outage this morning in the area – we got a text about it last hour, but when we checked the SPU water-trouble map moments later, it was listed as an “emergency repair” situation that had been resolved. We’re following up with SPU.

Two brown-water reports so far today in West Seattle

So far today, we’ve had two brown-water reports – from Garrett in Arbor Heights and Melinda in North Delridge. Again today, no Seattle Public Utilities work mapped in West Seattle – either emergency or planned – so it’s likely hydrant testing stirring up sediment (rust) in the lines again, but if it happens to you, ALWAYS report it to SPU’s 24-hour hotline, 206-386-1800. The discoloration is not toxic but can stain your laundry, so you’ll want to be sure the water runs clear before you resume that.