OUTAGE: Brace Point loses power again

4:05 PM: Thanks for the tips. Brace Point is without electricity again, for the second time in three days – 329 customers lost power last Saturday night/Sunday, and that’s the size of this afternoon’s outage. As updated Monday, the weekend outage was blamed on a failed fuse and transformer; this one also is attributed to “equipment failure” – we’re checking with Seattle City Light on specifics (and still awaiting a requested update on the long-planned project to improve the area’s underground system).

4:18 PM: SCL spokesperson Jenn Strang says they don’t know yet what caused this: “We have dispatched an underground crew to the area to investigate.” The cable-replacement project, meantime, is still a ways off: “City Light continues to work with SDOT and other agencies to complete the permitting process before it can open the bidding process later this summer.” The last in-depth update on the project website was two years ago and details a pandemic-related permitting snafu.

9:18 PM: We weren’t able to check back in the last several hours but resident Nathan tells us the power was restored around 5:45 pm. We’ll follow up again tomorrow to see what went wrong this time.

1 Reply to "OUTAGE: Brace Point loses power again"

  • Al King April 16, 2024 (5:22 pm)

    WSB has said this many times. All estimates of power back on are simply numbers meant to keep a whole lot of people from clogging the phone lines asking when they’ll get power.  City light is NOT trying to lead you on but out in the real world there are so many variables that are in play that until crews are on site investigating what the problem(s) are and what repair(s) are required there’s no way of knowing. 

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