Search Result for : lincoln park south play area

FOLLOWUP: After 2,577 days, Lincoln Park South Play Area is a few more days away from reopening, Parks says

Last estimate from Seattle Parks on the completion of Lincoln Park South Play Area construction, seven years after safety concerns closed the old play structure, was a reiteration of “July.” July is now over, so we went to the park this morning, and noted that fencing is still up and the play area appears to have a few finishing touches left (our photos were taken looking over the fence):

So we then pinged Parks. Their update: “Final inspections took place Wednesday 7/31 and the contractor is addressing items that need to be corrected through the end of this week. The fence will be removed by this weekend.” You can browse our past coverage of the project here. The marine theme for the new play area was chosen with community participation in 2018.

FRIDAY EVENING UPDATE: As noted below in comments, the fencing really is down and the play area is open; we just went over for pics and will write a separate update later.

FOLLOWUP: Checking back on Lincoln Park South Play Area

That’s one of the photos Tom Trulin sent last week, showing significant progress on the years-overdue rebuild of the Lincoln Park South Play Area. When we published an update last week, Seattle Parks told us they hoped to have more information “early (this) week” on when the playground would open. So we asked for an update, and received this reply: “The play area is still anticipated to be completed by the end of the month – no set date for opening.” (The month ends one week from today.) It’s been closed for seven years.

FOLLOWUP: Progress at Lincoln Park South Play Area

11:56 AM: Thanks to Tom Trulin for the photos taken today as the years-overdue Lincoln Park South Play Area replacement enters the home stretch. Seattle Parks most recently told us it would be complete this month. Tom’s photos show some of the marine-theme features in the design created with community input six years ago.

This past Friday marked seven years since the old south play area’s shutdown because of safety concerns from wood damage.

At the time in July 2017, Parks said it might take a year to fix or replace the damaged structure. We’re checking to see if they have an official projected opening date yet, now that this appears to be down to the final stages of construction.

4:56 PM: Parks spokesperson Karen O’Connor replies, “We are working through some final construction items. We should have a better idea early next week on an opening date.”

FOLLOWUP: Lincoln Park South Play Area completion timeline extended

When last we asked Seattle Parks about the Lincoln Park South Play Area timeline – with construction finally under way, seven years after it was closed for wood damage – they told us it was expected to be complete this month. We went over the other day for a look, and noticed that despite June having less than two weeks left, the play area did not appear anywhere near complete. As the top photo shows, the new play structure is in place, but otherwise, the site still looks fairly raw:

The project webpage hadn’t been updated since January when we looked on Monday before sending Parks’ media team an inquiry. They have yet to reply, but we noticed that our inquiry has led to a small update on the website, where the anticipated completion date has changed from June to July.

FOLLOWUP: Work continues at Lincoln Park South Play Area

Thanks to Mike Munson for the photos. In case you’ve been wondering, work continues on the Lincoln Park South Play Area project, almost seven years after the previous play structure was closed for safety concerns. Contractor L.W. Sundstrom recently concluded work on the Westcrest Park Play Area – bundled with this one for bidding – and Seattle Parks said they would then move on to focus on this.

When last we asked Parks about Lincoln Park South, spokesperson Karen O’Connor said, “We anticipate Lincoln will be completed in June.” The new play area is supposed to have a marine theme, as chosen in community meetings six years ago.

FOLLOWUP: Work begins at Lincoln Park South Play Area

Thanks to Tom Trulin for the photos. A week and a half after Seattle Parks confirmed that the long-awaited Lincoln Park South Play Area replacement was about to begin, crews from contractor LW Sundstrom are there today.

We’re still awaiting the promised update from Parks on the expected schedule for this project and the Westcrest Park play area that was bundled with it for bidding (Sundstrom’s winning bid was just under $1.2 million). Parks had previously said March is the expected shipping timeframe for the new play equipment, which – as designed with community input six years ago – is supposed to have a marine theme. The Lincoln Park play area has been out of commission since July 2017; Westcrest, since May 2021 – both because, Parks said, wooden components had become damaged and unsafe (termites were blamed).

FOLLOWUP: After 6+ years, Lincoln Park South Play Area replacement work about to start

(Photo sent by Mike Dey)

Thanks for the tips and photos! That fence is a sign that work is about to start on Lincoln Park‘s South Play Area, 6 1/2 years after the original play structure was closed and removed for safety issues. Seattle Parks spokesperson Karen O’Connor tells WSB, “We anticipate issuing the Notice to Proceed to the contractor next week, so it seems the contractor put up the fencing ahead of this notice.” We reported last September that a contractor had been chosen but wouldn’t be able to start work until early this year. The contractor is LW Sundstrom, whose winning bid was just under $1.2 million for this project and similar work at Westcrest Park (closed 2 1/2 years). Parks promises more information on the construction schedule next week.

FOLLOWUP: Lincoln Park south play area project delayed again

(WSB photo, July 2017)

It’s been two and a half years since Lincoln Park‘s south play area was closed for safety concerns – and the rebuild has been delayed again. We noticed that a new update on the project website says the project won’t be going out to bid until early next year:

This project has experienced some unforeseen delays. We anticipate the bid will be advertised in early 2020, with construction beginning in spring 2020.

We asked Seattle Parks for details on those delays, given that it’s already been almost two years since community design input for the project. Spokesperson Karen O’Connor replies, “Currently, Planning and Development has over six play area renovations going on across the city, and we’ve had to make some adjustments in our scheduling to ensure that all these projects can keep making progress.”

Marine theme wins for new Lincoln Park South Play Area – and you still have time to have a say

January 25, 2018 4:01 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

(Seattle Parks’ Pamela Alspaugh with two young meeting-goers)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

If you’re going to design a playground, you might as well get young potential users involved.

That’s why Seattle Parks made a point of encouraging families to come to the design meetings for the new Lincoln Park South Play Area – a project accelerated by the termite damage that led to the sudden closure and removal of play equipment there last summer.

The second and final meeting, last night at The Kenney, resulted in some clear favorites – an orca climbing structure, for example, as part of the marine theme that resulted from an attendee’s suggestion at the first meeting (WSB coverage here).

But even if you weren’t there, you still have time to offer your opinions too:

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West Seattle Wednesday: Highland Park Action Committee, Lincoln Park South Play Area, and more…

(Harlequin ducks, photographed at Lincoln Park by Katy Dixon)

Education, entertainment, community involvement … all on tap for the rest of your Wednesday. From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

STORY TIME WITH LOCAL AUTHOR KERRI KOKIAS: 10:30 am at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, local author Kerri Kokias reads from her new children’s book “Snow Sisters.” (2306 42nd SW)

REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR., PERSPECTIVES THEN & NOW: All welcome at this noon presentation by Dr. Eric Michael Dyson in the Brockey Center at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) – details in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)

LINCOLN PARK SOUTH PLAY AREA DESIGN: Final community meeting about the plan to overhaul the south play area at Lincoln Park, where the play equipment had to be removed last year. 6-7:30 pm, see the design and give your feedback to Seattle Parks‘ project manager and landscape architect. Bring the kids for their feedback too. Lower-level meeting room at The Kenney. (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)

HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE: Big agenda for the year’s first meeting of the Highland Park Action Committee, 7 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club – see it here. You’ll find out about crime/safety trends, the city’s sharps-collection program, natural-drainage systems, the Southwest Indoor Tennis proposal, and much more. Bring community concerns and questions. (1116 SW Holden)

LEARN TO DANCE! New series of classes continues tonight at the Senior Center of West Seattle – West Coast Swing at 7 pm, Viennese Foxtrot at 8:15 pm, take one or both. Info in our calendar listing. (4217 SW Oregon)

TRIANGULAR JAZZTET: 7 pm at Whisky West in Morgan Junction. No cover. 21+. (6451 California SW)

BASKETBALL: Senior Night for the Chief Sealth International High School girls-varsity team, playing Seattle Prep at 7:30 pm (2600 SW Thistle) … The West Seattle High School girls are home too, hosting Roosevelt at 7:30 pm (3000 California SW)

MORE! See other listings for today, tonight, and beyond, on our complete-calendar page.

First look at possibilities for Lincoln Park South Play Area, and how you can help shape its future

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Seattle Parks and Recreation hadn’t been planning an overhaul of Lincoln Park‘s South Play Area so soon after revamping the park’s North Play Area.

Termites forced their hand.

That’s what was revealed last night as the cause of the damage that led Parks to suddenly shut down the south play structure, and to remove it shortly thereafter. In addition, the discovery led to an inspection of other similar structures citywide – and accelerated plans to replace some, including one in West Seattle; more on that later. First – what last night’s meeting was all about: Gathering opinions on what the new play area should include.

The meeting at The Kenney was sparsely attended, but the team from Parks was excited to already have received 250 responses to this online survey, which you can reply to if you haven’t already. (Here’s how responses are going so far.)

Parks manager Susanne Rockwell and landscape architect Pamela Alspaugh led last night’s meeting (with the project construction manager observing), which revealed some basics about the project’s scope and timeline as well as options for what could be installed.

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West Seattle Wednesday: Lincoln Park South Play Area meeting; anti-bias educator; The Billy Joe Show; more!

November 29, 2017 10:54 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Photo by Kersti Muul, originally shared here – orca K33 seen from West Seattle Tuesday afternoon)

No whales so far today, sorry, but we do have six highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Holiday Guide:

BABY STORY TIME: 11:30 am at High Point Library, for babies up to 12 months old. (3411 SW Raymond)

WEST SEATTLE LIGHTS: The holiday spirit shines bright with these music-synched lights, 5-9 tonight; bring nonperishable food for the West Seattle Food Bank. (3908 SW Charlestown)

LINCOLN PARK SOUTH PLAY AREA MEETING: 6-7:30 pm, everyone interested in the renovation of the Lincoln Park South Play Area, where safety concerns led to the removal of the play structure last summer, is invited to come find out about the project and offer design ideas. Lower meeting rooms at The Kenney. (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)

‘ANTI-BIAS EDUCATION IN CHALLENGING TIMES’: As previewed here, this free parent-education with Debbie LeeKeenan is intended to “provide families with a framework and practical tips on how to respond to children’s comments and questions about differences and how to have courageous conversations about potentially challenging topics.” 7 pm at Alki UCC, presented by West Seattle Cooperative Preschools. (6115 SW Hinds)

BASKETBALL: Home opener for the West Seattle High School girls-varsity team, 7:30 pm vs. Bothell HS. (3000 California SW)

THE BILLY JOE SHOW: 8-11 pm at Parliament Tavern. No cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

AND THERE’S MORE … on our complete calendar!

Second meeting for Lincoln Park South Play Area

From the project page:

We need your input! Seattle Parks and Recreation is installing new play equipment and improving the accessibility at the Lincoln Park South Play Area. Please join Seattle Parks and Recreation’s Planner, Project Manager and Sr. Landscape Architect at The Kenney to discuss ideas about the design and provide input on new play equipment.

We are hosting two meetings to inform you about the project and gather your input. The first meeting will be an opportunity to learn about the project and provide input on play equipment and the overall design for the play area. The second meeting will be an opportunity to review the preferred design and provide input on any final changes that may be desired.

Meeting 2
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
6 – 7:30 p.m.
The Kenney
7125 Fauntleroy Way SW

Lincoln Park South Play Area meeting

Seattle Parks invites everyone – including kids – to the first design meeting for the Lincoln Park South Play Area project. More details on the meeting are here.

Lincoln Park South Play Area: Survey’s online now; meeting set for November 29

(WSB photo, July 12th)

Four months after safety concerns shut down the play structure at Lincoln Park‘s South Play Area, the rebuilding project is getting into gear. Today, Seattle Parks sent word of an online survey – it’s for all park users, not just families whose kids use the play area – and details on the November 29th meeting (mentioned in our Morgan Community Association coverage last month): 6 pm at The Kenney (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW). That meeting will be “to learn about the project and provide input on play equipment and the overall design for the play area”; a followup meeting to see the resulting design is set for January 24th.

OPEN! After seven years, Lincoln Park has a South Play Area again

In July 2017, the Lincoln Park South Play Area was closed for safety concerns, later described as wood damage from termites. At the time they warned repairs or replacement might take until the following year. Instead, it took seven years. Most of the fencing finally came down this afternoon, and the play area was open when we went to the park this evening to confirm.

Besides the spyhopping orca, the marine features requested by community members in 2017-2018 include this:

Set into the concrete are footprints telling a story:

Fresh bark chips surround all the features.

You’ll still find a few spots of fencing, including mesh around areas that either have been or will be seeded:

Work on the $600,000 project was started in January but shelved for a while when the contractor redirected efforts to finish the Westcrest Park play area first.

FOLLOWUP: One more step toward Lincoln Park South, Westcrest Park play-area replacements

(Westcrest Park, reader photo by Jon from May 2021)

Two long-delayed West Seattle play-area projects are another step closer to finally happening. As we reported back in June, the Lincoln Park South and Westcrest Park play-area projects, bundled together, went out to bid. Bidding closed in mid-June with three bids received, but for weeks, the next step – awarding a contract – hadn’t been taken. Finally, the city bidding site shows, last week notice was given that the city intends to award the contract to the low bidder, LW Sundstrom, which bid $1,192,820. Seattle Parks spokesperson Karen O’Connor told us that “Our best estimate at this time is that construction may start late summer. Means & methods are to be determined by the contractor, so we do not know at this time which play area will be first.” Lincoln Park South has been awaiting replacement play equipment for six years; the closed structure at Westcrest has been awaiting a replacement for two years. Our archives show LW Sundstrom’s previous projects include the High Point Play Area renovation in 2018.

FOLLOWUP: New timeline for Lincoln Park’s long-closed South Play Area

(WSB photo, July 2017)

Next month will mark five years since Lincoln Park‘s south play structure was closed for safety concerns after deterioration was found in its wooden components. Over those ensuing years, Seattle Parks has repeatedly revised the timeline for replacing it. And now there’s a brand-new update: Parks is bundling this project with the play-equipment replacement at Westcrest Park, and says, “Both projects will be bid together for construction by the same contractor. We anticipate the bid advertisement in summer 2022, with construction starting in fall 2022.” (That’s a delay for the Westcrest Park project too, previously expected to happen this summer – it was closed a year ago.)

FOLLOWUP: Parks looking at ‘rebuild’ for Lincoln Park’s closed south play area

Looks like the south play area at Lincoln Park will NOT be reopening any time soon. Two weeks ago, we reported on its closure, with Seattle Parks citing safety reasons, but saying at the time that it would have to decide between repairs and rebuilding – which is what the signs still up at the site say:

We asked Parks spokesperson Rachel Schulkin for an update, and she told WSB today: “Planning staff are meeting soon to create a timeline for a rebuild.”

While the play equipment remains fenced off, the swing set to its north remains open, as does the recently rebuilt play area in the north area of the park, by the wading pool. We’ll continue to follow up.

UPDATE: Lincoln Park’s south play area closed for safety concerns

(WSB photo, added 1:55 pm)

11:40 AM: Just found out from Seattle Parks that it has closed Lincoln Park‘s south play area because of safety concerns. Parks says the closure followed a regular inspection. Now they’re trying to determine if repairs are possible, or if it will have to stay closed pending replacement. The south play area already lost its zipline, removed for safety and maintenance concerns after one was installed at the north play area during its renovation last year. And so if you’re looking for a playground at Lincoln Park, the north play area is where you’ll have to go, TFN.

1:55 PM: Just got a chance to go look at the play area. The main play equipment is fenced off, but the swings to the north are still open. Since we couldn’t tell from looking through the fence exactly what the safety problem is, we called Parks spokesperson Rachel Schulkin. She explains that the wooden sections of the play equipment’s platform/bridge/etc. are a major concern – the inspection showed gaps and other deterioration. Signage should be up soon to explain to people what’s going on; the fix or replacement, however, according to Schulkin, might not happen before next year.

CITY BUDGET APPROVED: From turns to turf, here’s how our area’s Councilmember Rob Saka changed it

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The City Council, sitting as the Select Budget Committee, voted this afternoon to pass a budget for the next two years. They’ve made dozens of changes since Mayor Bruce Harrell first sent them a budget proposal back in September. If you want to see how, this is the key document to read. Reading through it, we note that District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka‘s sponsored or co-sponsored changes include:

(WSB file photo)

*$2 million for what he’s calling the Delridge Safety Project, including likely removal of a divider that keeps drivers from turning left at Delridge/Holly (the budget item spells out, “for improvements to Delridge Way SW near the SW Holly St right-of-way to allow for left-turn ingress and egress from adjoining properties, including the Refugee and Immigrant Family Center Bilingual Preschool”)

*$1.5 million for turf at Fairmount Playfield

*$200,000 for neighborhood business districts

*$175,000 to eliminate angled parking at Duwamish Head, a longtime request of nearby residents concerned about street disorder and gatherings (the budget item spells out “to convert angled on-street parking on Harbor Ave SW at Duwamish Head to parallel-only parking, and to restore parallel-only parking to Alki Ave SW adjacent to this location”)

*$1 million for transit security, plus a report on implementing it

*SPD reports including officer recruitment/retention and sound-enforcing technology

*$50,000 for cleaning RV sites, plus a report on RV strategy

*A report on the pothole-repair program

*A report on attracting food retailers to food deserts

The Delridge project has been the subject of much discussion; it’s something that Saka pursued even before he was a council candidate. He defends it in the newsletter he sent out after the budget vote, including:

… I became aware that certain members of the organized opposition to this project is driven by fringe ideological framing and a purist “proxy war” of sorts that seeks to pit cars against cyclists, transit riders, or pedestrians. I wholeheartedly reject this divisive narrative. The Delridge Safety Project prioritizes inclusive safety improvements for ALL road users, not one mode of transportation choice over another. …

Saka’s newsletter also explains why the field at Fairmount Park was singled out for turf conversion, saying it traces back to the survey he circulated earlier in the year after “an extensive consultation process with five local youth recreational softball/baseball leagues,” and lists these results:

The voting results data for each of the eight candidate projects are as follows:

Fairmount Park Playfield: 137 votes, earning 31% of the total vote.

Riverview Playfield: 107 votes, earning 24.2% of the total vote.

Lincoln Park South Playfield: 46 votes, earning 10.4% of the total vote.

Hiawatha Playfield: 45 votes, earning 10.2% of the total vote.

EC Hughes Playfield: 38 votes, earning 8.6% of the total vote.

Highland Park Playfield: 27 votes, earning 6.1% of the total vote.

Bar-S Playfield: 24 votes, earning 5.4% of the total vote.

Walt Hundley Playfield: 19 votes, earning 4.3% of the total vote.

Saka’s newsletter lists other points that he considers key in the final budget.

P.S. One West Seattle budget point we noted early on, disbanding the Highland Park-based Mounted Police Unit as part of the SPD budget, never came up for reversal, so it appears that unit’s end is near.

VIDEO: 2024 Monster Dash 5k and kids’ run at Lincoln Park

Story and photos by Jason Grotelueschen
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Festive participants of all ages gathered Saturday morning for the 13th-annual Monster Dash fundraiser at Lincoln Park to benefit South Seattle College Cooperative Preschools.

The event featured a 5k run/walk around the park, a 250-meter dash for kids, and a 100-meter dash for pre-K and under. There was also a family fun area with activities, sponsor booths, games and prizes. Although there were some sprinkles throughout the morning, the weather generally cooperated. Organizer Dawn Franklin said there were about 225 registrants for the 5k race, and at least 200 kids participating in the shorter races.

Prior to start time, participants got registered and ready to race:

At around 930am, organizers gathered the 5k participants near the starting line:

And they’re off! WSB video here:

Racers doing the 5k (including some pushing strollers) made their way through the park and then finished back at the starting gate. Many participants were sporting costumes — we spotted everything from skeletons and Minions to witches and tacos:

The overall winner of the full 5k race was Juan Gonzalez, with a time of 20:05 (see the official list of participants and their times/results):

The flexible format of the race allowed for participants to opt for a single lap (shorter race) rather than a double lap (longer race), and many of those one-lap racers were among the earlier finishers, including Lilyanna Rosario (first photo below) and Melissa Kochhar-Lindgren:

As the final finishers of the 5k crossed the finish line, organizers began gathering younger kids (divided into groups based on age) for a fun “chase the monster” 100m dash. But first, some pre-race stretching was in order (important for monsters and kids alike):

Here are videos of some of the age groups, racing to the finish line:

Next up was a slightly longer 250m race, for kids. Here’s our video: 

After the races, there were prizes for the proud competitors (gift bags and gift cards):

Throughout the morning, the family fun zone was a hub of activity, with various games and activities and a photo booth:


West Seattle Book Club, Piano Bar, park walk, more for your Thursday

(Black Turnstone visiting Alki, photographed by Rainer Klett)

Mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, here are the highlights for the rest of today/tonight:

NAVIGATING MEDICARE: Presentation at The Center for Active Living (4217 SW Oregon) “to get a clearer understanding of how it all works,” 11 am.

SOUTH SEATTLE COLLEGE GARDEN CENTER: Shop fall plants at the center, open Thursdays-Saturdays 10 am-3 pm, north end of the South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus. Annuals, perennials, sun, shade, natives, edibles, ground covers … wide variety!

WEST SEATTLE UKULELE PLAYERS: All levels welcome to this weekly 1 pm gathering. Email for info on where they’re playing today.

STRONG BODIES, STRONG BONES: 2:30 pm yoga class at the Center for Active Living (4217 SW Oregon).

HPCS FOOD-TRUCK VISIT: Every Thursday, 4-8 pm, Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW) gets a food-truck visit. Tonight it’s Isidro’s Tacos.

VISCON CELLARS: The West Seattle winery’s tasting room/wine bar is open 5-9 pm (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor) for wine by the glass or bottle!

WALKING FOR WELL-BEING: Meet at 6 pm at 47th/Fauntleroy for a group walk in Lincoln Park – details in our calendar listing.

WESTIES RUN CLUB: 6 pm weekly run from The Good Society (California & Lander).

HIGHLAND PARK RUN CLUB: 6:30 pm, meet at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW) for a 3-mile run through the neighborhood. (Walking option, too!)

PIANO BAR: Monthly music/dancing event at The Center for Active Living, 7 pm. $10 at the door. (4217 SW Oregon)

WEST SEATTLE BOOK CLUB: 7-9 pm, first gathering since West Seattle’s biggest book club changed its name! Bring your own book to any of the locations listed here.

VOLLEYBALL: One home match tonight, Chief Sealth IHS (8-1) hosts Rainier Beach, 7 pm. (2600 SW Thistle)

NORTH HIGHLINE UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNCIL: The community coalition for White Center and vicinity meets in person for the first time since pre-pandemic, 7 pm, North Highline Fire District HQ. (1243 SW 112th)

TRIVIA: 7 pm at Burger Planet (9614 14th SW).

‘GUARDS AT THE TAJ’: Final week for the “dark comedy” at ArtsWest (4711 California SW), 7:30 pm.

COMEDY: Jokes in the Junction (Great American Diner)
Local headliner Greg Beachler will be closing out this monthly show at Great American Diner. $10! Tickets at

Planning an event that should be on our calendar and in our daily preview lists? Please email info to – thank you!