West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce has launched what its CEO Lynn Dennis called “a year of opportunities.”
At the Chamber’s annual meeting on Thursday, she issued a challenge to members: “When you see an opportunity for your business or other businesses, reach out to (me) or board members, and let’s work together. … Think how much we can get done.”
Members in turn presented challenges and requests, talking in table-based groups to help chart the organization’s course for 2018.
Given the meeting’s fresh-start theme, the location was auspicious – The Sanctuary at Admiral, the city-landmark event venue that had just the night before celebrated its relaunch under new management – the team from Duos, including Benjamin Jury:
The new look inside the old ex-church begins in its foyer:
Speaking of new, Dennis introduced Pete Spalding as the Chamber’s board chair for this year:
10:15 PM: Thanks to Kerry for the photo and report from 35th and Hudson [map]: “Once again, a left-turner has been rear-ended at this corner. Three lanes closed. Drivers look to be OK.” SFD has sent one engine, no medic unit, which indeed indicates no serious injuries.
10:31 PM: SFD has cleared the scene. Kerry reports seeing a stretcher used for one person.
(Fauntleroy Boulevard ‘final design’ – click here to see full-size image on city website)
You might recall that the Fauntleroy Boulevard project was long described as likely to start in “early 2018,” according to SDOT. Early 2018 is here, and not only is construction not imminent, some key project points haven’t even been announced yet – such as, whether Fauntleroy Way will be one-way or two ways during construction. But new information might be days away – for the first time in eight months, SDOT is scheduled to present a public update next Wednesday (January 31st). It’s on the agenda for the next Junction Neighborhood Organization meeting.
Also planned for the 6:30 pm meeting at the Senior Center/Sisson Building, updates on the Avalon Substation site, HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability upzoning, what’s next for Sound Transit light-rail planning (including the speculative renderings first shown here earlier this month), and volunteering opportunities. The meeting is open to anyone and everyone who’s interested.
(2015 photo of Terminal 5, by Long Bach Nguyen)
Still no new tenant for West Seattle’s Terminal 5, but another permit has been granted for its potential expansion/redevelopment. The Port of Seattle sent word today that it’s received the “shoreline substantial development permit” for the project – you can see the permit document here.
As for what’s happening currently at T-5 – which continues to see some activity, three and a half years after its official closure as a cargo terminal – the port confirms that Foss Maritime continues to lease space. You’ve probably noticed the heavy-lift ship Ocean Jazz there in recent weeks; port spokesperson Peter McGraw tells us it’s been there awaiting its next assignment, and is expected to head back to sea soon. It’s part of the Military Sealift Command, as are other vessels that have berthed there.
(Seattle Parks’ Pamela Alspaugh with two young meeting-goers)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
If you’re going to design a playground, you might as well get young potential users involved.
That’s why Seattle Parks made a point of encouraging families to come to the design meetings for the new Lincoln Park South Play Area – a project accelerated by the termite damage that led to the sudden closure and removal of play equipment there last summer.
The second and final meeting, last night at The Kenney, resulted in some clear favorites – an orca climbing structure, for example, as part of the marine theme that resulted from an attendee’s suggestion at the first meeting (WSB coverage here).
But even if you weren’t there, you still have time to offer your opinions too:
1:49 PM: That photo tweeted by SFD shows a truck crash that has closed the southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct from the Battery Street Tunnel southward. No injuries, and the driver got out OK, but the SB lanes of The Viaduct will be closed until this is cleared.
Buses are being rerouted too, according to an alert just in from Metro. Updates to come.
2:32 PM: A tow truck is on scene.
3:23 PM: No time estimate yet on SB Viaduct reopening. But there’s some bad news if more people head to the West Seattle Water Taxi to get around the 99 problem – King County just sent an alert that the smaller Spirit of Kingston is on the WS route tonight. Meantime, most SB surface routes are backed up, according to info including the SDOT Travelers’ Map (look for the red).
3:32 PM: The southbound Viaduct has just reopened. The left lane is closed for repairs, though.
6:35 PM: The repair closure isn’t over yet, according to SDOT.
6:57 PM: All lanes are open again. (See comments below for some examples of this afternoon/evening’s nightmarish traffic.)
12:42 PM: A big Seattle Fire callout is in the 8400 block of 5th SW [map], near Westcrest Park, where SFD says what started as a vehicle fire has “extended to a structure.”
12:48 PM: According to radio communications, the fire has not extended to the residence at that address. Many of the responding units have been dismissed. Adding an SFD photo from before the vehicle fire was extinguished.
1:08 PM: Our crew at the scene confirms that the fire is out. How it started remains under investigation; we’re told no one was home at the time, and there are no injuries.
1:16 PM: Firefighters on the scene also confirm that damage is limited to the vehicle and garage. (Photo of the other side of the house, added above)
6:08 PM: SFD tells us they have not yet determined how the fire started, “pending further investigation.” Damage estimate: “$20,000 loss to structure and $20,000 loss vehicle.”
11:44 AM: Just published on our partner site White Center Now: The King County Sheriff’s Office is looking for 26-year-old Merle “Chucky” Buchanan, suspected in the January 6th double murder in downtown White Center, and shared these photos, saying he is “known to frequent” Seattle, Burien, and Renton:
Buchanan is described as 5’9” and 195 pounds. He is also being sought in connection with violating a domestic-violence-related court order. If you see him, call 911.
1:11 PM: We checked with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, and they tell us Buchanan is not yet formally charged in the murders.
That’s Manuel‘s red 1993 Honda del Sol, personalized plates 1CARAJO, and it was stolen overnight from 47th SW and SW Othello. WSB readers have done a great job of finding stolen cars shown here recently, so keep watch for this one too, and call 911 if you see it.
(Steller’s Jay, photographed by Jeremiah Holt)
Some of what’s ahead for your Thursday, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (where you’ll find even more):
WEST SEATTLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL MEETING: 11:30 am lunch meeting at The Sanctuary at Admiral, as West Seattle’s biggest business organization looks at 2018 goals and leadership. Preregistration is closed but check to see if there’s room – call 206.932.5685. (42nd/Lander)
THINKING ABOUT SOLAR? 6-7:30 pm, Sunergy presents its free workshop “Solar U” at the Senior Center/Sisson Building. Preregistration suggested but not required. Details in our calendar listing. (4217 SW Oregon)
WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION COALITION: 6:30 pm at Neighborhood House High Point, featuring a guest from Washington State Ferries:
Senior Planning Manager Ray Deardorf will be there to talk about the ferry system’s future plans. What changes might WSF make at the Fauntleroy terminal? Would WSF ever move some service from Fauntleroy to downtown? Does WSF have any plans for mitigating landside impacts of the Fauntleroy terminal? Please bring your ferry questions and join us for what promises to be a very informative evening.
WSTC also plans board elections. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
MADISON MIDDLE SCHOOL TOUR: Incoming sixth graders and their families are invited to tour Madison Middle School tonight, 6:30-8 pm. (3429 45th SW)
HIGH-SCHOOL SCIENCE: Seattle Public Schools hosts a regional meeting to talk with families about new requirements for more science studies and testing in high school. Chief Sealth International High School library, 7-8:30 pm. (2600 SW Thistle)
SEATTLE LUTHERAN HS OPEN HOUSE: 7-8:30 pm, families interested in Seattle Lutheran High School are invited to visit. (4100 SW Genesee)
‘PEERLESS’: We just checked, and tickets are available for tonight’s performance of ArtsWest‘s current production, 7:30 pm curtain. (4711 California SW)
GHENES: Headlining at The Skylark tonight, Ghenes performs what they describe as “Rock Alternativo / Post-Hardcore en Español.” 8 pm. $8 cover. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
Continuing our series of announcements for youth-sports signups – we’ve also heard from West Seattle Girls Softball:
West Seattle Girls Softball is a local nonprofit organization and is fueled by its dedicated volunteers. WSGS goals are to ensure that its players have the best possible experience playing recreational league fast-pitch softball. We hope to build both team sportsmanship and individual sportsmanship, all while having fun. We teach the basics and build skills as players continue with the program. WSGS looks forward to giving all girls ages 6-15 who are interested in learning the game a chance to build self esteem and learn about sportsmanship. We try to place players onto teams that will be most beneficial to their needs. No previous softball experience necessary.
WSGS registration runs through February. Practices begin in late March with games starting in late April. The season wraps up in early June.
The registration link is atop the WSGS home page.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
6:43 AM: So far, no trouble reported on the outbound routes in/from West Seattle.
Last scheduled home game of the season last night for the Chief Sealth International High School girls-varsity basketball team, and that meant it was Senior Night.
The visiting Seattle Prep girls went away with the win, 71-47. But smiles were bright before the game as the seniors were honored – including #11 Aundra Tuchscherer:
And #2 Jasmine Smith:
While the Seahawks are on the road for their final three regular-season games, they’re not far away for the February 2nd finale, 7 pm at West Seattle HS.
The West Seattle High School girls-varsity basketball team remains undefeated in conference play after another win last night – 59-50 over visiting Roosevelt.
Head coach Darnell Taylor and his team have three more regular-season games – Friday night at Rainier Beach, then back home next Wednesday against Cleveland and February 2nd against Sealth.