BIZNOTE: Westwood Village hosting first festival since ownership change

(WSB photo, June 2018 Westwood Village ‘street fair’)

Westwood Village used to have an annual “street fair,” but – under relatively new ownership – haven’t brought back any events; the last one in our archives was in 2018. Suddenly an announcement landed in the WSB inbox today, sent by a PR agency on behalf of Westwood Village:

Westwood Village, a landmark open-air shopping destination on the south end of West Seattle, invites the community to celebrate the end of the summer season with an “End of Summer Bash” on Sunday, August 25th, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Westwood Village courtyard near Big 5 Sporting Goods and FITNESS 19. Visitors will be able to enjoy music and fun activities, including balloon twisting, face painting, giveaways and more. The Westwood Village End of Summer Bash is free and open to the public; no pre-registration is required. Activities and giveaways are first come, first served.

In the announcement, the PR agency also offers a new description of WWV as a shopping center where “Seattle sensibility and cool Pacific Coast vibes merge” and touts its history as having “served the neighborhoods of West Seattle, White Center, and Burien since 1966.”

22 Replies to "BIZNOTE: Westwood Village hosting first festival since ownership change"

  • Josh August 1, 2024 (3:27 pm)

    Thanks WSB for always keeping us informed.This is really cool!!!

  • Seattlite August 1, 2024 (3:55 pm)

    I hope they clean up the RV and car mess parked on SW Trenton.  Chemical/weed smells emanate from these RVs/cars and waft into Westwood Village…sick.  There are toddlers around that area who play in the little park south of the post office which in my opinion is not a good idea.

    • WSB August 1, 2024 (4:45 pm)

      That’s not a “little park”; it’s part of the West Seattle YMCA early-education facility (which has its classrooms nearby, in the building that’s also home to Davita Dialysis).

      • Seattlite August 1, 2024 (8:31 pm)

        WSB…Thank you for the clarification.

    • Bbron August 1, 2024 (8:44 pm)

      live directly across from WWV and walk this stretch of Trenton everyday. I’ve occasionally even walked past next to the RVs. never have smelled chemicals or weed emanating from them when I walk past let alone from within WWV itself. so this is just untrue. I get much more frustrated that the kids in that play area are directly at tailpipe level only feet away from numerous cars and SUVs while they play. the car pollution will be what harms those kids’ health.

      • K August 1, 2024 (9:17 pm)


      • Nolan August 1, 2024 (10:54 pm)

        Seconded on every count. I walk to Westwood Village for groceries on a weekly basis, and I can’t overstate the degree to which “Seattlite” is invoking stereotypes to demonize unhoused people.

        I’ve never had problems with the folks housed in RVs, but I have routinely had problems due to drivers with noisy engines, oil leaks, and/or no concept of stop signs. I would never want my kid to be stuck in a “playground” surrounded by cars on three sides.

      • Seattlite August 2, 2024 (2:08 am)

        I don’t like being called a liar.  I was at SW Trenton last Monday between 10am and 11 am of this week and the smell of weed came through the opened window of my car.  And, yes, there have been days when I have driven past the RVs/cars that another odd chemical like smell is in the air.  It is odd that you would assume that my experience is not true but your experience is true.

        • Wes C. Addle August 2, 2024 (8:38 am)

          I mean if you open your window in Mercer Island or any other neighborhood it smells like weed and/or chemicals too.

        • Derp August 2, 2024 (9:56 am)

          Weed is legal in this state. I don’t doubt that you smelled whatever.  But the way you put it out there and blaming the homeless is out of line. 

          • John August 6, 2024 (7:24 pm)

            It’s only legal in the same way alcohol is legal. You can not smoke pot out in public anymore than you can drink in public. You can not smoke pot in your car and drive anymore than you can with alcohol. You can not have open containers of pot in your car. It must be sealed like an unopened container of alcohol. Just to say, marijuana is legal, is misleading. 

        • Bbron August 2, 2024 (10:43 am)

          you said that smells waft into WWV, but your only stated experience is smelling it while driving past? i feel like that shows you were intentionally being hyperbolic in the first post. if you don’t like being labeled a liar, I’d avoid hyperbole when trying to make a point. unlike someone driving thru on occasion, I walk by them daily (have even said “hello” to some folks living in ’em); so yeah I think I’d trust my experience more.

        • DC August 2, 2024 (10:44 am)

          I was walking around North Admiral surrounded by $1mil houses and there was the awful chemical smell of a gas/oil powered weed wackers AND the smell of weed emanating from the area. Really hope they clean that area up. Its not safe for toddlers. 

        • BHJ August 2, 2024 (11:45 am)

          wow you smelled weed in legal Seattle chemical smell: you know there are air shows, military boats, and jet fuel burn off from landing planes and off gasing of smog from wild fires like weird to jump the unhoused over the normal reality we live in

      • Also K August 2, 2024 (7:08 am)

        Same, Bbron.  Never had an issue with that.  

    • Upset mom August 3, 2024 (10:17 pm)

      I agree. I’ve recently seen lines out side of the RV. I noticed someone in a backpack walk up and knock and they did and exchange of something and walked off. I see this happen several times a day / week. It makes me really mad because my kids go to the YMCA there and what if some junky tosses a bag over into the playground? Or hurts a child as they’re walking to that playground from daycare… I’m angered that the city continues to allow this! They’re even peeing and defecating in the bushes that abut the USPS.  

  • David August 1, 2024 (7:13 pm)

    In the late 60’s they used to have a carnival for several days each year

    • Funtastic August 1, 2024 (7:41 pm)

      That carnival was part of funtastic traveling carnivals and continued well past the 60’’s at Westwood Village, White Center Stadium now Steve Cox park and Burien. Bring back the carnival 

    • Rick August 2, 2024 (8:56 am)

      I used to work it as a teen. Of course, it was a bit more innocent time.

  • Jort August 2, 2024 (7:52 am)

    Will there be parking?

  • Karlos August 6, 2024 (11:29 am)

    I loved the carnivals! The funway’s games (some pretty fixed), the fun rides – even though sometimes there were bolts and cotter pins missing, and the carnies with dirty t-shirts, greasy hands and a Pall Mall hanging off one lip running the rides. Always a treat when the trucks would arrive and start setting up!

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