West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
Three biznotes tonight:
BANH MI AT 35TH/HENDERSON: Thanks to Arlene for the tip! The former Indulge Desserts and Stuffed Cakes storefront at 35th/Henderson, between Goldie Lux and West Seattle Fish House, now has a “coming soon” sign up. The space at 9003 35th SW will soon be home to Banh Mi XO, promising sandwiches and tea. We have a message out to the Renton-based proprietors.
SHUG’S GETTING OH-SO-CLOSE: Three months ago, we reported that Shug’s Soda Fountain was finally close to opening their “mini” location in the California/Charlestown spot they’ve held for five years. Now Shug’s says they’re expecting to open next month! The owners of Shug’s are West Seattleites, and they’ve had plenty of community involvement over that long wait – even pop-ups right outside – but this will be the long-awaited final step.
ADMIRAL VISION: One more quick followup: We told you last month about Dr. Peter Wu‘s new optometry practice at 2715 California SW, in the Admiral Station building, nect to West Seattle Realty (WSB sponsor). Dr. Wu tells us his clinic is now open – you can call or text 206-589-2882 for an appointment
They did it for Taylor Swift … for Beyoncé … and now they’re doing it for Coldplay: Adding later West Seattle Water Taxi trips so people going to the sold-out concert can get back here by water. From Metro‘s announcement for the added trips tomorrow (Wednesday, September 20th):
Heading home to West Seattle after the concert? The King County Water Taxi is scheduled for six trips from Pier 50 at starting at 7:30 p.m. (7:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 11:30 p.m. and 12:15 a.m.)
The water taxi will have five trips from West Seattle starting at 8 p.m. (8 p.m., 9 p.m., 10 p.m., 11:00 p.m. and 12:30 a.m.)
If you’d rather ride the bus, Metro says they’ll add trips on three RapidRide lines, including C and H, which serve West Seattle.
5:35 PM: In the fourth hour of today’s City Council meeting, councilmembers have just approved the bill that brings city law in line with state law, making public drug use potentially prosecutable. As reported last week, the bill co-sponsored by Councilmembers Lisa Herbold and Andrew Lewis states that diversion is preferable to prosecution. Supporters say that’s an improvement on state law. But opponents say this criminalizes a health problem and that the diversion preference is meaningless because the city is not spending the money it wil take to make treatment and services available. The three “no” votes were Councilmembers Teresa Mosqueda, Tammy Morales, and Kshama Sawant.
7:15 PM: If you want to see what city reps are saying about the vote, here are links to the news releases:
–What the mayor says
–What Councilmember Herbold (a yes vote and co-sponsor) says
–What Councilmember Mosqueda (citywide rep, a no vote) says
–What Councilmember Sara Nelson (citywide rep, a yes vote) says
3:24 PM: A trend that police warned about earlier this month has suddenly shown up in West Seattle today. Right now police are investigating two reported carjacking attempts involving the would-be carjackers rear-ending (or otherwise bumping) someone, and then trying to carjack the unsuspected victim. One attempt is reported to have happened at Spokane/Harbor, one at Harbor/California. Both are reported to have involved a white Lexus LS 450 sedan with three or four people inside described only as male and black or Hispanic, at least one with a gun. If you have any tips, call 911.
3:33 PM: The Guardian One helicopter is expected to join the search, so if you see/hear it, that’s why. One victim said the armed would-be carjacker was in a tan sweatsuit and had a light streak in his hair.
5:24 PM: No further incidents reported so far.
Sentencing is scheduled this Friday for Mohamed A. Yusuf, who hit and killed bicyclist Robb Mason on July 15, 2022, just east of the low bridge. We learned today from Mr. Mason’s widow Claudia that Yusuf, who is 21 – one-third the age of the man he killed – pleaded guilty last week to vehicular homicide and felony hit-and-run. We’ve subsequently obtained the court documents. In them, Yusuf admits, “I was speeding twice the posted limit and crossed into oncoming traffic and slammed into a bicyclist who was crossing at an intersection. I killed him and drove away. I never called the police or reported the crash.” Yusuf was charged five and a half months after hitting Mr. Mason while driving his Hyundai Elantra at 52 mph; the victim was riding home to Magnolia from his job as a West Seattle massage therapist. Detectives identified Yusuf through evidence including debris at the scene, video from a Metro bus, and online records indicating he was aware of what he had done and had been reading news reports about it. He has been on electronic home monitoring ever since his arraignment. According to the plea-bargain court document, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is recommending a sentence totaling 41 months – just under 3 1/2 years – which is the low end of the “standard range.” (Yusuf has no criminal history.) King County Superior Court Judge Andrea Darvas will sentence Yusuf at 1:45 pm Friday afternoon (September 22nd). Claudia Mason says anyone who wants to send a message to the judge before the sentencing can do so by the end of today via KCPAO victim advocate Kaili Brown at kaibrown@kingcounty.gov.
12:22 PM: If you’re up for early-afternoon whale-watching, Kersti Muul reports transient orcas are headed this way, southbound, toward the north edge of Elliott Bay at last report. They’re closer to the west side of the Sound, so you’d need binoculars. Let us know if you see them!
4:48 PM: Thanks to Jill Anderson for sending video of the orcas as seen off the Bainbridge ferry earlier!
Two crash-and-grab burglaries to report:
GLOBAL SMOKE & VAPE, AGAIN: The all-too-familiar photo is from Sam, who was first to tip us that Global Smoke & Vape at 35th/Roxbury was broken into again, fourth time in three and a half weeks. It happened around 5:15 am. According to archived police/dispatch audio, the shop owner got an alarm notification and called police while watching the burglary on a video feed. A vehicle was used. Its description wasn’t discussed over the air but we followed up with SPD and they say it appears to likely have been a white SUV. Previous break-ins were on August 26th, September 6th, and September 13th.
MR. O.G. IN WHITE CENTER: Thanks to Zac for the tip and photo.
Zac noticed last night that the cannabis store at 9823 15th SW had the telltale boarded-up front. That’s in King County Sheriff’s Office jurisdiction, so we checked with them this morning. They say a vehicle was used to break into the shop early Monday and the burglars left the vehicle (no description given) behind,
10:24 AM: Reported by Rose:
Sad to say, a neighbor who has dementia is missing.
Jim left Pigeon Point and typically walks to the Senior Center in the Junction. But he did not get there.
He is wearing a blue jacket and jeans.
He is hard of hearing.
Rose says Jim was last seen last night. The report number is 23-271803. (Call 911 and refer to that SPD case number if you see him.)
ADDED 12:38 PM: More info, from SPD: Jim is 86, 5’10”, 124 lbs, gray hair, glasses, blue ski jacket, blue or black jeans. “Last seen on 9-18-23 between 6:30-7:00 p.m. in the 3600 block 22nd Ave SW.”
This Saturday, you’re invited to the second annual Oktoberfest celebration at Alki Masonic Center in The Junction, which just might be the biggest Oktoberfest party in West Seattle. Organizers are sponsoring WSB this week to be sure you’ve heard about it, in case you haven’t already seen it in the WSB Event Calendar. This Oktoberfest party has it all – food options including schnitzel, brats, and German pretzels; beer; live music; and games (Hammerschlagen, Cornhole, Stein challenge). Even a costume contest! Tickets are $40 and the proceeds raise money for youth-scholarship programs. You can get your ticket(s) now online – just go here. The center’s at 40th/Edmunds, and the party’s happening in their lower-level event venue all afternoon on Saturday – noon to 5 pm.
6:03 AM: Good morning! It’s Tuesday, September 19th.
Partly sunny, high in the mid-60s. Sunrise today is at 6:52 am; sunset, 7:13 pm.
Metro – Regular schedule; check advisories here.
Water Taxi – Regular schedule.
Washington State Ferries – 2-boat service on the Triangle Route. Check alerts for changes, and use Vessel Watch to see where your ferry is.
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Henderson), cameras are also at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Orchard, and Delridge/Oregon.
High Bridge – the main camera:
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way):
Low-bridge cam:
1st Ave. S. Bridge – alternate route across the river:
Highway 99: – northbound side at Lander.
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: See all working traffic cams citywide here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges Twitter/X feed shows whether the city’s movable bridges are opening for vessel traffic.
If you see trouble on the bridges/streets/paths/bay, please text or call us (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities). Thank you!
More Crime Watch reports before the night’s out:
THREE MORE ROBBERIES: We don’t have a ton of details on these – the radio transmissions are spottier than usual tonight. Here’s what we have: A street robbery was reported around 8:30 pm in the 4400 block of 44th SW – not certain whether that is where it happened, or that’s what their victim reported it from. This reader photo shows part of the police response:
A white vehicle (not the one in the photo) was reported associated with the robber(s), possibly a RAV-4. Items taken were reported to have included a phone. … Then just before 10 pm, an armed robbery was reported at the 35th/Avalon 7-11. One robber, described as a Black man, 20 to 30 years old, 5’10” to 6 feet, in a blue hoodie and black ski mask, got away on foot. If you have any information, that robbery’s SPD incident # is 23-271572; the 44th case is 23-271510.
Then as we were writing this, around 11:50 pm, word came in of a “purse snatch” in the 4500 block of California, with a “silver car” possibly involved. We’ll add anything more we hear. Meantime, three other reports, all via email:
At 5:45 pm tonight, my husband witnessed three teens, get off the bus on SW Barton, head to the Target parking lot, and steal the ehite Hyundai on the picture below.
He tried to video it, but had trouble due to a truck in the way. The police incident report is 23-271416. The police sent someone to check out the area.
Finally, two package-related notes:
FOUND ON THE STAIRS: Chris found these on the Spokane Street Stairs:
He said they were “all Amazon” and he planned to take them to Alki Mail and Dispatch, so if you’re missing an Amazon package, you might check there tomorrow.
PACKAGE THEFT: A different Chris reports:
We had a package theft on September 11 but just discovered it today. We live in the Endolyne area near the ferry dock. We scanned our security camera and have photos of the gray car and the thief.
This clip shows the entire theft.