West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
Now, our mid-weekend pandemic update:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here are the cumulative totals from Public Health‘s daily-summary dashboard:
*82,941 people have tested positive, 123 more than yesterday’s total
*1,415 people have died, 3 more than yesterday’s total
*5,137 people have been hospitalized, 12 more than yesterday’s total
*914,177 people have been tested, 373 more than yesterday’s total
ONE WEEK AGO: Last Saturday, those numbers were 82,092/1,393/5,091/901,122.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 116.5 million people have tested positive, and more than 2,587,000 people have died; U.S. deaths exceed 524,000. Most cases: U.S., India, Brazil, Russia, UK. See the breakdown, nation by nation, here.
STIMULUS BILL – WHAT DO YOU GET? You’ve probably heard by now that the next stimulus bill got a key approval in Congress today. Assuming this bill is finalized, you might wonder what’s in it for you. Here’s a breakdown.
NO NEW VACCINE NEWS: Nothing to report tonight.
GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? westseattleblog@gmail.com or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!
9:52 PM: Thanks for the texted tips. Police are searching for a suspect in Upper Morgan. We’re still trying to confirm exactly how this started – it broke out while we were out on the Shorewood crash. The suspect is described in part as male, 5’11”, short dark hair, a face mask, gray sweatshirt and sweat pants, “missing at least one shoe” according to archived radio traffic. K-9 is part of the search. We’ve been to the scene once but a sergeant had just arrived and hadn’t been briefed yet, so we’re going back for an update.
10:06 PM: The search is over; the suspect is in custody. Police tell us it was a domestic violence and burglary incident – he was wanted for breaking into his ex-partner’s residence and stealing some items.
Avoid 26th/106th for a while – deputies have the intersection blocked off until they clear a crash involving two vehicles, one on its side. No serious injuries.
(WSB photo: Crows watching over a newly mulched raised bed)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Two weeks until spring. Daffodils are blooming. Tulips are on the way. Thinking about gardening this year? The most-recent meeting of HPAC – community council for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge – was for you. Here’s what happened:
GARDENING: The spotlight presentation was all about growing food. Chris Hoffer, community-education manager from Tilth Alliance, was the featured speaker, with lots of ideas and inspiration.
8:17 PM: Thanks for the texted tip: Avoid California SW north of Fauntleroy Way for a while – two vehicles have collided. Only minor injuries, according to dispatch, and SFD has already closed out its involvement without sending a medic unit. We’re headed down the hill to check out the scene.
8:34 PM: The scene was already clearing as we arrived. Police confirmed no serious injuries. Traffic’s back to flowing through the area.
That sign, which informed us we were speeding on northbound West Marginal Way SW this evening, is one of several that SDOT has added to West Seattle streets since the high bridge closed almost a year ago. More are on the way in the weeks ahead – here’s the list provided by SDOT’s Ethan Bergerson:
New speed radar sign locations:
1 on Dumar Way SW (northbound)
2 on Avalon Way (between SW Spokane St and SW Yancy/SW Andover)
4 on Fauntleroy (1 on each side of the road near the Ferry terminal parking lots; 1 northbound side at Fauntleroy/Raymond; 1 southbound side at Fauntleroy/Brandon)
2 on SW Barton St (1 on northbound side at Barton/26th; 1 on southbound at Barton/30th)
These are NOT enforcement-camera signs – just signs to tell you how fast (or slow) you’re going. Each of these signs costs $25,000, according to the SDOT website.
That’s Derek Moon, and if you don’t know him already, you will soon, as he embarks on a new adventure to enhance community/cultural life in West Seattle. He’s opening Jet City Labs in the West Seattle Junction space just vacated by 8 Limbs Yoga.
Via email, we asked what he has planned – here’s his reply:
In a nutshell, we fancy ourselves “a creative space for creative people doing creative things”. Jet City Labs is the creative branch of ABCompany (a digital services consultancy). Jet City Labs will offer hourly rentable workspace to creative professionals, artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and the community-at-large. We also provide training, workshops, production & marketing services for anyone looking to expand their digital presence and reach. Once things open back up, we will also host small arts productions featuring local and international artists with the goal of providing opportunities for artistic collaboration, and to bring increased visibility on West Seattle as a cultural destination.
And here’s why you might already know him:
I moved here to Seattle in 2014. I’m the guy DJing during the Sunday farmers market, the West Seattle Beerfest, The Summerfest, at Supreme (and the old Red Cup) — The BLM march this summer, and that spontaneous 2020 Election Day party…that was me DJing too. I’m the host of WW Seattle on Worldwide FM (one of the largest online radio stations in the world). Most recently I served as the community manager & web guy at Easy Street Records. I’ve been working in technology, arts & music for over 20 years in places like Chicago, Atlanta, West Africa, and Washington D.C. I’m passionate about building the connections between the arts and small business, and firmly believe in the importance of a community having spaces to nurture and participate with the arts. Looking forward to getting to work!
He’s hoping to get Jet City Labs off the runway in April.
The first day of spring – March 20th – is also the next big recycling/shredding event in West Seattle. This was announced a month ago; we’re reminding you about it now that it’s just two weeks away. The location has changed this year, to the north parking lot of South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) – look for the sign in the photo at right. Here’s what the event, with sponsors including the West Seattle Junction Association and WS Chamber of Commerce, will and won’t take:
Household batteries
Fluorescent tubes and bulbs
Small electronics
Paper for shredding (limit 4 boxes) – you CAN bring confidential documentsNOT-ACCEPTED ITEMS INCLUDE:
Automotive waste
Broken household goods
Construction waste
Latex paint
Large appliances
Garbage or yard waste
Hazardous waste
Car seats
Non-recyclable or non-reusable items
Commercial loads
NO Clothing & linens (NEW in 2021 due to capacity)
NO Household goods (NEW in 2021 due to capacity)
Distancing protocol and other info is all on the WSJA’s preview page. One more thing: Want to volunteer to help the event go smoothly? Sign up here.
P.S. The event is scheduled for 9 am to noon.
Thanks to Aaron for the tip. On Genesee Hill, SW Dakota is taped off just east of 55th SW [map] because of that pole. Police at the scene told us it was reported that a truck hit the pole and left the scene.
Though the rest of the election cycle is still months away, there’s one local election happening right now, with online voting. You might even have received a postcard about it. Here’s the announcement:
King Conservation District (KCD) is holding its annual Board Supervisor election in March to fill an open Board of Supervisors seat. The 2021 election has attracted an unprecedented eight candidates for the position. Brittany Bush Bollay, Kali Clark, John Comerford, Wayne Gullstad, Doug Hennick, Natalie Reber, Melissa Tatro, and David Toledo are all vying for the open seat. Candidate statements can be read at kingcd.org/elections.
In 2020, KCD made international headlines by offering electronic ballot access for their Board Supervisor election. Those changes increased the visibility, and accessibility, of the election and doubled voter turnout from the prior year. To increase awareness of the election in 2021, KCD will be mailing out over 800,000 postcards to eligible voter households in the district with information on how to vote in our board election. …
KCD is a natural-resources-assistance agency authorized by Washington State and guided by the Washington State Conservation Commission (WSCC). Its mission is to help people in King County steward their natural resources and offers services to assist people with forestry management, streamside and shoreline restoration, farm conservation planning, and other environmental efforts. KCD promotes conservation through demonstration projects, educational events, technical assistance and, in some cases, providing or pointing the way to funds which may be available for projects. KCD has no regulatory or enforcement authority and only works with those who choose to work with KCD.
An all-volunteer, five-member Board of Supervisors is responsible for overseeing all KCD programs and activities. Three of the members are elected while the other two are appointed by the WSCC, an agency created to assist and guide conservation district activities in Washington State. Supervisors serve a three-year term and oversee the operations of KCD. Board members contribute local perspectives on important natural resource management and conservation issues, seek feedback about conservation programs from district residents, set KCD policy, and direct KCD’s work plan and budget.
KCD’s district includes all eligible voters in King County (but does not include City of Enumclaw, City of Federal Way, City of Milton, City of Pacific, and City of Skykomish that are not within our service area). Voters will have the option of voting through electronic ballot access, print and mail, or picking up a ballot at the KCD Office at 800 SW 39th St Suite #150, Renton, WA 98057.
Ballots are available to eligible voters online and at the KCD Office (800 SW 39th St Suite #150, Renton, WA 98057). Voters may return ballots electronically through the electronic ballot marking system by 5:00 p.m. on March 23, 2021, or print and mail the ballots with a postmark of March 23, 2021. Ballots postmarked March 23, 2021 and mailed to King County Elections, 919 SW Grady Way, Suite 200, Renton WA 98057 will be counted and accepted through March 26, 2021.
Side note – Current KCD supervisors include West Seattleite Chris Porter.
The Duwamish Tribe has a new bid for public support in its far-from-new fight for federal recognition. They’re seeking signatures on an online petition, with this request via email:
We need 150,000 signatures to get the attention of our Washington State legislators and Senators
Please share and send this email to all your friends, family and colleagues.
Our goal is to affect positive results to rectify this injustice once and for all in 2021.
For you the citizens, residents of Washington State, the City of Seattle, King County and the United States that believe a ‘Treaty” Tribe should not have to be put on hold for 45 years to prove that they are the original Duwamish Tribe that signed the Treaty of Point Elliott.
The Duwamish deserve justice now!
Here’s background on the treaty – and the denial of rights that goes back more than a century and a half.
More recently, the Clinton Administration moved to grant recognition in its final days in early 2001; the incoming Bush Administration canceled it. But having a Democratic president now is no guarantee of change – the Obama Administration kept the status quo for its two terms. Six years ago, we were there as Duwamish Tribe chair Cecile Hansen and supporters confronted then-Interior Secretary Sally Jewell outside Jewell’s North Admiral home; two months earlier, Interior had denied federal recognition to the Duwamish, again.
(2015 WSB photo)
Some of what’s at stake was discussed during this 2017 event at the Duwamish Longhouse. Meantime, in addition to the online petition drive, the tribe also is asking for support in a letter-writing campaign – here’s the list.
(Thursday sunrise, photographed by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
Welcome to the first weekend of March!
TRAFFIC ALERT – 1ST AVE. S. BRIDGE: The first overnight closure should be over by now, but again tonight, the southbound 1st Avenue South Bridge is supposed to close 9 pm-6 am. The West Seattle low bridge will be all-access for all those hours.
SCHOOL BOARD RETREAT: The Seattle Public Schools board has a five-hour online “retreat” today to talk about in-person learning, 8:30 am-1:30 pm. The agenda packet has information on how to watch/listen.
ROSS OPENS: Grand-opening day for the new store at Westwood Village, 9 am-11 pm.
COMPOST GIVEAWAY: 9 am-3 pm (while it lasts), compost will be given away for free, up to half a yard per household, bring your own container and shovel, and wear a mask. North lot at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor), 6000 16th SW.
VISCON CELLARS TASTING ROOM: 1-5 pm, stop by the tasting room (5910 California SW) to sip, and/or buy, Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) wine.
HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: No fans allowed, but FYI – Chief Sealth International High School hosts Roosevelt at Southwest Athletic Complex at 4 pm, and West Seattle High School plays Cleveland at Memorial Stadium downtown at 5 pm. You can see the West Seattle-Cleveland game online, as Rainier Avenue Radio plans play-by-play, video and audio – here’s where to watch at gametime.