West Seattle, Washington
17 Monday
First Sealth TD by of course #8 Dontae McMillan. Now Sealth 7, Roosevelt 0, 8:13 left in 1st qtr. pic.twitter.com/1m71vgyo6a
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) October 20, 2018
FRIDAY NIGHT: “What a game, what a night!” exclaimed the announcer after tonight’s Chief Sealth International High School football victory over Roosevelt, 42-37, at Southwest Athletic Complex. It was, for many reasons, including the Seahawks’ finish atop their division. We’ll add details and photos, including the postgame Senior Night honors, later.
ADDED SATURDAY MORNING: This was Sealth’s sixth-consecutive win, wrapping the regular season 6-2 after two season-opening losses that they proved were anomalies.
The Seahawks erupted with enthusiasm even before the game, players shouting as they bounded from their sidelines post-anthem.
After that first TD by #8 Dontae McMillan (video above) – capping a drive that had Sealth in a second-and-22 situation at one point – Roosevelt didn’t get on the board until a field goal with 3:42 to go in the first quarter.
Second TD came two minutes later, by #6 Jalanie McMillan, who had the next one too, just a minute into the second quarter. And another about three minutes later by #22 Jessie Brown:
At halftime, the Seahawks were up 35-17. Their scoring wrapped up with one more TD mid-third quarter, and then it was all a matter of holding off Roosevelt, second in the same division, and that they did, with – after two final minutes that seemed to take forever – the 42-37 win. The game was followed by Senior Night honors for players and band members who will graduate next year (no seniors on the cheer squad, we were told), including the McMillan twins, whose entourage was led by grandmother Vera Jimerson:
(If you haven’t already, read Seattle Times reporter Jayda Evans‘ story about the McMillan brothers here.) Other Senior Night scenes:
P.S. Last night’s beneficiary of the $100 donation from Wyatt’s Jewelers (WSB sponsor) in nearby Westwood Village: Sealth’s Native education program Šǝqačib:
Now it’s on to the postseason – we’ll update when we find out where/who/when.
Thanks for the photos from above the fog! Top pic is by Eugene Lee, looking west from Gatewood, near Myrtle Reservoir Park. Below, by Susanna Moore, looking northeast toward downtown:
And from Twitter:
Haven't seen this in our three years here. @westseattleblog @KSeattleWeather pic.twitter.com/iXfXpFPwFa
— Ethan Owens (@Twixted1) October 20, 2018
That fog today 🦄 pic.twitter.com/dvqk3w0Gbc
— Dené Miles (@DeneMiles) October 20, 2018
And one more sunset view e-mailed to us, from Gatewood, by Stephen Sills:
Forecast says we might have “areas of fog” tomorrow morning too.
As promised, we procured the police report about the Thursday street robbery that led to a search through south Morgan Junction and three arrests in west Gatewood.
The report says it all started on board a bus headed northbound on Fauntleroy Way. The victim – 18 or 19, not a juvenile as first reported – said he got on board at the ferry dock. He said he was confronted on the bus and asked where to buy “weed.” The victim said he didn’t know but that the people who asked him continued staring at him. He felt uncomfortable so he got off the bus at Fauntleroy and Myrtle. They followed him. He crossed the street and they kept following him. Two of them demanded he give them his stuff and swung at him with closed fists. He tried to get away from them by going into nearby retirement center The Kenney but its doors were locked. So he ran north and wound up in the yard of a nearby house. Witnesses told police they saw the victim being beaten and kicked in the yard. The victim said they tried to steal his backpack and eventually got away with his iPhone and Gucci belt. The robbers/attackers then ran eastbound and by then police had been called. Three suspects were spotted at the Morgan Junction McDonald’s. When police arrived there, the three took off running eastbound. Patrol and K9 officers tracked them into the west Gatewood neighborhood where three juveniles were arrested near 41st SW/Heights Place SW [map]. The report says all three were booked into the juvenile-detention center. The victim, meantime, got his phone and belt back; police say he was curled up on the ground in “great pain” when they found him and that SFD medics recommended that he go to a hospital but he declined. We’ll follow up next week to see whether charges will be filed.
Just in from the West Seattle Water Taxi:
This coming Saturday, Oct. 20 and Sunday, Oct. 21, construction will take place on the south side of Pier 52 between the Water Taxi’s temporary facility and the Colman Dock Terminal. A large construction barge, a.k.a., the “Pacific Lifter,” will be driving new piles into the ground. Riders who are in this vicinity may experience high levels of noise as a result of the work. For Water Taxi riders who need hearing protection while waiting for the West Seattle boat during these periods, our terminal agents can provide ear plugs upon request.
Side note: This is the second-to-last weekend before the Water Taxi goes weekdays-only until spring; that schedule starts Monday, October 29th.
While Highland Park continues fighting to get the city to build a roundabout at Highland Park Way and Holden, the city has repeatedly mentioned that it can make other, smaller changes to improve safety at the intersection in the meantime. Today, SDOT announced that those changes will be made in the next few weeks. The following letter has been sent to nearby residents, after notification to the Highland Park Action Committee, whose chair Charlie Omana forwarded it to us:
Subject: Highland Park Way and Holden Intersection Improvements
Dear Highland Park residents,
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will be making some enhancements to the
intersection of Highland Park Way SW & SW Holden St (see below and graphic). The purpose of these
enhancements is to increase safety and make the intersection more predictable.The work that SDOT will be doing includes:
• Enlarging the painted triangles in the northwest and southwest quadrants of the intersection
(gore areas)
• Extending the southbound right-turning lane and installing advance lane configuration signs and
• Installing yield signs and markings
• Repainting the northbound left-turn arrow markings
• Installing a barrier to prevent eastbound left-turning vehicles from turning into the outside curb
lane of northbound Highland Park Way SW
• Converting SW Austin St to right turn in and right turn out onlyWe expect to make these changes within the next few weeks, when the weather is dry enough for us to apply paint to the road.
Please note, this work will not preclude a potential future roundabout at this intersection. SDOT has
applied for the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) 2018 City Safety Grant for funding the full design and construction of the roundabout. We expect a decision about the grant in
January 2019.
If that grant is not received, Mayor Jenny Durkan promised HPAC last month that the city would come up with a “Plan B” for funding the roundabout.
In case you missed the mention in today’s highlight list – at halftime of tonight’s Chief Sealth-Roosevelt football game, a tribute is planned to longtime Southwest Athletic Complex groundskeeper Nino Cantu, who died suddenly a week ago. We’re told that family and friends will gather on the field, and the tribute will end with a request for a standing ovation rather than a moment of silence – as his longtime friend Doree Fazio-Young (who provided the photo) says, “Nino is not a moment of silence.” The game starts at 7 pm and is the final scheduled home game of the season for Sealth; SWAC is at 2801 SW Thistle, across from the school.
4:05 PM: Friday afternoon outbound ferry-rider traffic from Fauntleroy is usually backed up even in the best of times, but we’re getting word it’s worse than usual today, and that the run is down to two boats. The M/V Cathlamet is out of service. Here’s the latest word from Washington State Ferries:
The M/V Cathlamet is out of service for the remainder of the day due to the issues with the ship’s service generator. While technicians continue to troubleshoot and assess for repairs, the Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth will being following the weekday two-boat schedule beginning with the Fauntleroy 4:05 pm sailing to Vashon, the Vashon 4:30 pm to Fauntleroy, and the Southworth 5:25 pm to Vashon and Fauntleroy.
4:23 PM: Here’s the Fauntleroy-Vashon 2-boat schedule; here it is for Fauntleroy-Southworth. WSF says the wait is now 2 hours at Fauntleroy.
10:21 PM: Still 2 boats and as of last WSF update, a one-hour wait at Fauntleroy.
Illusions Hair Design (5619 California SW; WSB sponsor) is collecting books for local kids and families through November 15th! Here’s the announcement:
We’re having a BOOK DRIVE
The West Seattle Helpline
The West Seattle Food Bank Library*NEW BOOKS* for kids of all ages… Along with simple recipe Cookbooks! (Easy, family meals such as: soups or casseroles, or fun kids’ recipes are what they’re looking for.) Drop off your donations here at the salon in our great big BLUE barrel!
*(They do prefer NEW books, but gently used/barely read are ok too! They just want to make sure that they are clean, and free of moisture & debris. NEW books are often gifted to kids in need through the Helpline, whereas the gently used are used to fill the Food Bank library shelves.)
Illusions is open until 6 tonight, closed weekends, but open until 8:30 pm three weeknights, so you have plenty of options for dropoff. (Hours are on the Illusions website.)
Three notes this afternoon:
SMASHED WINDOWS: That’s one of two cars we spotted with broken windows in the Alki area after a tip this morning. Haven’t heard directly from any victims so we don’t know whether these were break-ins or vandalism.
FOUND ITEMS: William found items behind his apartment building in the 3900 block of California SW, dumped and likely stolen, and would like to get them back to their owner(s):
While walking my pooch this morning I found several items that look like they were stolen from someone’s car.
There are two bins, and one fairly nice bag. I am sure that the owner of these items probably wants them returned. Maybe the owner can email me at dempsey.w (at) hotmail (dot) com and describe the items?
JUNCTION BUSINESS BLOCK WATCH: While passing through The Junction on Thursday, we spotted police on foot patrol and tweeted the photo:
Today, SPD Blotter has just published the news that The Junction has become the first business district in the city to launch a Business Block Watch.
(WSB photo taken this afternoon, substituted for file photo originally published with this report)
As we reported here in August, another Alki house is set to be moved. This one is at 1254 Alki SW, part of the future ~40-condo project at 1250 Alki, next to the site where a house was removed and moved back in January. And now the date is set. A project spokesperson tells us the move is scheduled for one week from tonight, Friday night/Saturday morning (technically the window opens at 12:01 am Saturday, October 27th). Like the last one, this house will be trucked to nearby Don Armeni Boat Ramp and placed on a barge for the rest of the move.
(59th/Alki Halloween tree. WSB photo)
From the WSB calendar and inbox:
MEDICARE CHOICES INFO: Free presentations at 1 pm at West Seattle (Admiral) Library (2306 42nd SW) and 3 pm at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond):
These informative 45-minute presentations will cover Medicare choices & options while not being focused on any one insurance company or product. Attendees will learn about important updates & changes to Medicare coming in 2019 and following will receive a FREE pie! (choice of Apple, Dutch Apple, Marionberry or Cherry) To guarantee your gift, please RSVP @ 844.314.0799
WEST SEATTLE SKI SWAP DROPOFF: 3-7 pm at the West Seattle VFW, drop off your items for this weekend’s Ski Swap. Not registered as a seller but interested? Go here. (3601 SW Alaska)
GIRLS’ NIGHT AT CLICK! Annual shopping/sampling/giveaways event in the Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) loft in The Junction, 5-8 pm – here’s the plan! (4540 California SW)
MEET JORDAN MORRIS: The Sounders FC player will be at West Seattle Brewing Company in The Triangle, 6-7 pm, to meet fans. (4415 Fauntleroy Way SW)
(added) HIGHLAND PARK ELEMENTARY SQUARE DANCE: Everyone welcome! 6-9 pm (with dinner at 6): “It’s time again for Highland Park Elementary‘s 5th Annual Square Dance. Come on down and enjoy some delicious food at this fun, free family event. Swing your partner to the live band and dance caller, vote for your favorite in the pumpkin decorating contest between our classrooms, and sashay by the caramel apple bar. Yee Haw!” (1012 SW Trenton)
HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Senior night for division-leading Chief Sealth International High School, vs. Roosevelt, 7 pm at Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle), with a halftime tribute to Nino Cantu, the SWAC groundskeeper who died recently. West Seattle High School plays on the road at Bainbridge HS, 7 pm (9330 NE High School Rd.). At West Seattle Stadium (4432 35th SW) at 7 pm tonight, it’s Seattle Prep vs. Rainier Beach.
GARY BENSON: Songs old and new at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
THE SLAGS: They’re playing Poggie Tavern at 9 tonight. No cover. 21+.
PREVIEW THE WEEKEND! Halloween/fall-festival-type fun is in our seasonal guide; full list of events is on our complete calendar.
If you have even a suggestion for WestSide Baby about this, executive director Nancy Woodland would love to hear from you ASAP:
Together, WestSide Baby and Childhaven are looking for space to rent for one month to fill holiday wish-lists for children as well as to extend the holiday giving spirit to help children all year long. We hope to solidify this location by October 25th.
These two organizations are partnering to execute the collection and distribution of a “giving tree” program that will benefit children served by Childhaven for the holidays and then will also benefit children served through WestSide Baby’s 114 other partner agencies helping children year-round.
Time frame needed: December 1st – December 31st (including set up and break down)
Ideal location areas: SODO, Georgetown, White Center, West Seattle or Central area Central/South Seattle areas
Space: Minimum of 3000-4000 sq ft of “open” space with parking for 3-4 cars and easy access to double wide or roll-up doors accessible without stairs (rolling carts)
Price: Up to $2000 considered (and holiday giving spirit encouraged too!)
For approximately 2 weeks, (roughly Dec 5 – Dec 20th), the space would be used for:
The drop off of and storage of new items donated through Childhaven “giving tree” collection drives. Drop off generally by private vehicles.
Volunteer and staff activity (most days 3-4 people and occasionally “group” days with 10-15 people sorting donations and filling specific wish lists for children
Items would then be picked up by staff and volunteers to fill “wishes” with the excess inventory being packed up and returned to WestSide Baby for distribution over time.
You can reach Nancy with offers or even suggestions at at nancy@westsidebaby.org or 206-686-3228.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7:03 AM: Good morning! No transit alerts or outbound traffic incidents reported so far.
HIGHWAY 99 CLOSURE REMINDER: The weekend closure is in 2 phases – SB starting 9 tonight and lasting all weekend, NB starting at 6 am Saturday and end by 5 pm that day.
9:50 AM: Sorry to be late catching onto this. A gas leak has caused closures downtown in the 1st/Columbia/Cherry vicinity. Some of this seems to be easing, according to what we’re hearing on police radio, at least for pedestrians in the area.
9:59 AM: There’s also a gas-leak call at Holden/Highland Park Way. Apparently not major as two of the three dispatched units have been dismissed, but please let us know if you are seeing otherwise.
10:20 AM: A downtown update from police radio – while sidewalks in the area are being opened, 1st will remain closed to traffic between Columbia and Yesler. 2nd is being reopened.
10:50 AM: 1st also has reopened between Yesler and Marion, per SDOT.