FERRY/TRAFFIC ALERT: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth down to 2 boats

4:05 PM: Friday afternoon outbound ferry-rider traffic from Fauntleroy is usually backed up even in the best of times, but we’re getting word it’s worse than usual today, and that the run is down to two boats. The M/V Cathlamet is out of service. Here’s the latest word from Washington State Ferries:

The M/V Cathlamet is out of service for the remainder of the day due to the issues with the ship’s service generator. While technicians continue to troubleshoot and assess for repairs, the Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth will being following the weekday two-boat schedule beginning with the Fauntleroy 4:05 pm sailing to Vashon, the Vashon 4:30 pm to Fauntleroy, and the Southworth 5:25 pm to Vashon and Fauntleroy.

4:23 PM: Here’s the Fauntleroy-Vashon 2-boat schedule; here it is for Fauntleroy-Southworth. WSF says the wait is now 2 hours at Fauntleroy.

10:21 PM: Still 2 boats and as of last WSF update, a one-hour wait at Fauntleroy.

6 Replies to "FERRY/TRAFFIC ALERT: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth down to 2 boats"

  • Ferry watcher October 19, 2018 (4:25 pm)

    WSP needs to direct traffic on Fauntleroy. It’s a mess. Traffic can’t get through!

  • HelperMonkey October 19, 2018 (5:19 pm)

    it’s affecting traffic all the way up California Ave past Morgan junction. happy friday.

  • Dwight Gaut October 19, 2018 (5:27 pm)

    Even before 4pm, the line to the ferry was backed up to Morgan. It is not possible to travel south-bound on Fauntleroy except by using the left turn lane.

  • Debra T. October 19, 2018 (7:58 pm)

    For the commuters-please respect driveway access!

  • T October 19, 2018 (11:38 pm)

    Glad I don’t have to ride the ferry or drive on Fauntleroy. I saw the mess when the downtown ferry dock was closed for a bomb scare a few months ago. Or maybe Friday is just always bad. Something needs to be done. Vehicles should not be able to block a lane of travel. Line cutting is pretty bad too. Both illegal. I hope some changes are coming. More reliable boats or a better way to queue vehicles..

    Did WSP or SPD ever attempt to direct traffic or anything?

  • Sassy October 20, 2018 (10:06 am)

    All ferries are back in service! I’m on one now!
    And yes, living near Lincoln Park/Morgan Junction is no fun when ferry traffic is backed up and residents can’t get in driveways and even our streets! Dirty looks for just trying to go home!

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