Pets 653 results

A tail of lost love

Is it really the dog they’re looking for, or perhaps its owner? Check it out at BDB.

Thousands if by land, two if by sea

Lots of energy about to be put into two good causes:

-You have till noon tomorrow to sign up online for the Race for the Cure on The Viaduct this Saturday morning. (And even if you’re not going to join us and thousands of other runners/walkers, keep in mind The Viaduct will be closed for a few hours that morning because of this.)

-One week from Sunday, sometime between 3 and 4 pm, two Eastside men will arrive on the beach at Lincoln Park after swimming 3 1/2 miles from Vashon Island. It’s their 8th annual “Paddle for PAWS” to raise money for that animal-assistance group. They’re hoping to raise $10,000, and they’re accepting donations online right now.

The other new WS pet-food store

Hot on the heels (tails?) of discovering that All The Best is Alki-bound, we think we can match a name to the pending pet-stuff store at Westwood Village: Pet Pros is advertising jobs at its “new West Seattle store.”

Two more from the Sunday paper

-Buried near the end of this article about wi-fi on state ferries is the note that it’s expected on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run by mid-July.

-We’ve talked before about the city’s crackdown on unlicensed pets; here’s a case where it appears to have gone way too far. HERE’S A LINK YOU SHOULD CHECK TO SEE IF ANYTHING IS PENDING AGAINST YOU. (Mentions your past history, too.)

Pet store coming to Alki

Just discovered that All the Best Pet Care has rented part of the former Alki Market space next to Cactus, and the locally based folks who own the chain confirm it. They say they’re hoping to open by mid-July, depending on how the permit process goes; owner/founder Susan Moss adds, “We are SOOO excited  because West Seattle is such a vibrant community and the beach location we snagged is so lovely!” — and she says she has hired an Alki resident to manage the store. One more thing — Moss is looking for input on what would be ideal hours for the Alki store to be open; she says they were thinking 10 am-7 pm but wondering if the Alki-area lifestyle might be conducive to something different –leave comments on this post and we’ll make sure she  sees them!

From fluff ‘n’ fold, to Fluffy’s food?

The city permit files say a pet-food store is in the works for Westwood Village. We can’t find a center blueprint to match WV “suite numbers” to specific stores, so we can’t tell if that’s what’s going into the laundromat space (below) that just emptied out north of QFC, but crews are certainly working fast and furious to convert it into something. Also, the permit files mention progress on the WV in-the-works Taco Del Mar.



Stolen from Petco in The Junction, according to this.

Another difference between dog and cat owners

catcarpet.jpgJust after Christmas, we posted about the city’s plan for a crackdown on unlicensed pets. Tonight the P-I checks in on how it’s going; apparently dog owners are obeying, cat owners generally aren’t.

Particularly plaintive pet plea

We don’t really have an official policy on lost pet notices – but found this particularly plaintive one on Craigslist shortly after seeing a new flyer for the same missing dog on a neighborhood pole. Keep an eye out.

HAPPENING RIGHT NOW: Buy plants for pets

May 6, 2007 12:59 pm
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 |   Gardening | Pets

Sorry we didn’t hear about this any sooner. Through 5 pm today, the Furry Faces Foundation animal-rescue group is selling hanging plant baskets – or the components to make your own – in the courtyard next to Hotwire.

A tale of Good Samaritanism, and Bad Driverism

Just received a note about something traumatic that happened on Admiral earlier today, with a request to let everyone know about those who did a very good deed as a result. We’re putting it up exactly as we received it, and it’s a bit long, so if you’re seeing this on the home page, click ahead to read:

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The BIG WEEKEND arrives

The Water Taxi and Farmers’ Market, both returning on Sunday … Easy Street’s new “afterhours” shows continuing tonight … your chance to help shape a West Seattle landmark’s future … all part of the weekend preview roundup, a click away:

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The question that will go unanswered …

… unless you can answer it for us: What IS a “Snooty Walk”? We thought we’d get the answer if we showed up for the last half-hour of the Pet Rodeo & Snooty Walk, but the party was already breaking up. Did spot Hizzoner, however, probably there to cheer on his wife in her role as Head Judge.

Hang on — it’s going to be a wild weekend

As we hinted a few times already, SO MUCH happening in West Seattle this weekend, you might as well not bother going anywhere else. World-class shows (like the members of COTR appearing at Cafe Rozella), free swimming, Earth Day celebrations galore, and … how can you pass up the first-ever Pet Rodeo and Snooty Walk? Full list with links, a click away:

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Warning about NEXT weekend

There is SO much going on in WS next weekend, if you have any plans to be anywhere else (especially Saturday), you might as well cancel them now. We’ve already mentioned one of the most unusual events — the Pet Rodeo & Snooty Walk  sponsored by the WS High School Class of ’09. Our original post brought some questions about where the $ will go; the class prez just posted a reply there but since it’s buried deep in the site, we thought we’d highlight it here:

Everyone, I am the Class President of Class of 2009 and I am very sorry
that We did not mention what the money will go towards. So, Our hope is
to have a $5.00 prom. Proms can be very expensive and our hope is that
every single student who wants to attend has the chance to no matter
what their financial issues are. Hope to see everyone at the WSHS PET
RODEO AND SNOOTY WALK ($15 to enter pet)

It’s gonna be a zoo

Wanted to make sure you’ve all heard about an event that’s still a few weeks away, but likely to be the West Seattle smash of the spring. Posters are up all over town; tickets are on sale; Husky Deli even has a clever little Beanie Baby animal display promoting it. Three weeks from today @ Hiawatha — the first-ever “West Seattle Pet Rodeo and Snooty Walk.” (We plead guilty to not having a clue about what a “snooty walk” is supposed to be.) Besides the critters, WS-dwelling human celebrities are promised too, including Hizzoner’s spouse Sharon Nickels and former “Almost Live!” (love those 1:05 am Saturday night reruns) star Tracey Conway.

Know whose cat this might have been?

A reader sent a (not gory) photo of a dead cat spotted while he was walking his dog, thinking maybe someone out there will know whose cat it was, for closure’s sake at least. The cat’s final resting place was next to a hydrant on Admiral, up from the bridge offramp. It’s an orange/white striped tabby with white chin, hard to tell how old; the reader confessed to not having the “presence of mind to check for tags.” If you think you know whose it is, we can forward the photo (honestly, it looks like the poor thing was just sleeping).

Saturday miscellaneous

-Tough choice but decided to go to the Alki cat adopt-a-thon instead of the SW library grand opening (one-day-only event vs. many chances from now on to see the books’ beautiful new digs). Did not emerge with a new cat. Old cats greatly relieved.

-Looks like Casa Feliz is back from the dead after 2 months away. Tried calling to ask what happened, nobody answered. All info welcome.

-Eagle-eyed reader notes the cameras on light poles by the new Admiral/Olga traffic signal (photo below). Will they be traffic webcams, or “run the light and you’re busted” cams? We’ll see if we can find out.


Save a kitty

Just noticed (thanks to Seattle City Buzz) that the next Seattle Animal Shelter cat adopt-a-thon is next Saturday @ Alki Community Center. Both of our cats are ex-shelter kitties; besides getting joy from having them share our lives, we get to bask in the warm and fuzzy feeling we probably saved theirs.

What every pet owner should know

This sad tale of what happened to a West Seattle man’s dog — despite it having a license and microchip — while he was on vacation, is a must-read if you have a pet.

Second warning for pet owners

We mentioned the city’s first “warning shot” about this just after Christmas. Now, shall we say, they’re barking more loudly: Buy a license for each and every one of your pets, NOW, or else. The “known delinquent pet owners” and “patrolling neighborhoods” rhetoric in the latest press release makes us wonder if Critter Cops might be driving past our house, spotting our all-indoors-all-the-time cat sunning itself on a window ledge, then leaping out of the car to bang on our door and demand proof “Fluffy” (pseudonym) is licensed.

Do mugs and mutts mix?

A tv news report tonight (video link here) revealed that Beveridge Place Pub lets people bring in their dogs. Certainly they’re not alone; we were startled when we dropped into C & P Coffee for the first time, back during our Post-Windstorm Wi-Fi Fest, and discovered dogs wandering around from patron to patron. Now, we love all God’s creatures and all that, but not enough to have them sniffing our toes (or worse) while we’re out just trying to enjoy a beverage. (People in the tv story were quoted as saying, “Well, it’s better than leaving the dogs out in the cold.” To which we say, “Why not leave them back in your warm cozy home, then? They’re not like kids — they don’t require a babysitter in order for you to go out without them.”) What do you think?