West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
Hard to tell if we’ll get many semi-clear sunsets this week, so here’s a view from tonight:
TUESDAY: One last event in memory/honor/celebration of popular WS waiter John Hartley (photo at right), who died suddenly last month — John Hartley Memorial Karaoke @ Skylark, 9 pm-1 am. Free; donations will be accepted to help his roommate stay in the house they rented together; singers will be encouraged to share stories and memories.
THURSDAY: The next West Seattle Art Walk in The Junction. Go here to see the artist/location lineup as it stands so far (at left – the Art Walk’s new logo), then get yourself down to The Junction 6-9 pm that night (and every second Thursday).
A WEEK FROM NEXT SATURDAY (JUNE 23): Four hours that could save your life — and your family. Neighbors and groups from all over WS will gather at WS High School (theater and commons) 9 am-1 pm to talk and learn about WS Disaster Preparedness — how ready are we, what can you do right now to be as ready as you can be, and more. See the poster with full details here.
Two days after our last sighting of Seattle Fire Department training in WS, we happened onto another round this afternoon — the fireboat Chief Seattle tied up just west of Salty’s, running a hose (and a couple of small support boats) to the shore. We observed for a few minutes, took pix, then came home to find much better photos in our inbox from Christy of On Focus Photo Blog — so we’ll gratefully use hers instead:
-Buried near the end of this article about wi-fi on state ferries is the note that it’s expected on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run by mid-July.
-We’ve talked before about the city’s crackdown on unlicensed pets; here’s a case where it appears to have gone way too far. HERE’S A LINK YOU SHOULD CHECK TO SEE IF ANYTHING IS PENDING AGAINST YOU. (Mentions your past history, too.)
Big article in today’s Times about the West Ridge Park condo-conversion project and Delridge-area housing development in general. Notable infobits in the article include the WRP developers’ expectations that only about a dozen of the 200-plus tenants will buy their units.
As noted in a comment on our last WSGPW post, Admiral/Cali Chev has plunged further, now down to $3.09/regular. And Delridge (by Home Depot) Arco is no longer the second-lowest; it’s still $3.15, but Exxon at Cali/Andover is down to $3.11, and Charlestown/Cali 7-11 has posted $3.12. Note the key word “posted.” A WSB reader e-mailed to say he filled up with one of the higher grades at that 7-11 tonight before noticing the pump price was higher than the sign price. Prices have been changing so fast – check before you pump.
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