West Seattle, Washington
16 Sunday
Several people e-mailed us to ask if anyone knew why a chopper buzzed part of this side of WS (M-Junction, H-Point, etc.) for a good long while last night. We can’t find any info (though this is jumpstarting us to find a way to get more police scoop); King County is the only local police agency with a chopper, and it does assist others including Seattle PD, Port of Seattle PD, etc., when necessary. (Live Seattle police scanner here, if you have WMV.) Toward the water, if you hear chopper action, it could be the Coast Guard.
A tv news report tonight (video link here) revealed that Beveridge Place Pub lets people bring in their dogs. Certainly they’re not alone; we were startled when we dropped into C & P Coffee for the first time, back during our Post-Windstorm Wi-Fi Fest, and discovered dogs wandering around from patron to patron. Now, we love all God’s creatures and all that, but not enough to have them sniffing our toes (or worse) while we’re out just trying to enjoy a beverage. (People in the tv story were quoted as saying, “Well, it’s better than leaving the dogs out in the cold.” To which we say, “Why not leave them back in your warm cozy home, then? They’re not like kids — they don’t require a babysitter in order for you to go out without them.”) What do you think?
Maybe it’s the prospect of Garlic Jim’s breathing (aromatically) down their necks. Seems Pagliacci might reconsider the issue of expanding its ridiculously small West Seattle delivery area. The lively discussion in comments on this post led at least one WSB reader to e-mail Pagliacci, and they replied by telling her they’re “getting together” to discuss it. (We e-mailed them about the same thing months ago and got a noncommittal e-mail with no followup. Hmph.) So she suggests anybody and everybody who would like to see Pagliacci deliver to more of WS, post comments to that effect. Where are you? Do you, like us, get other pizza instead because Pagliacci won’t deliver to your place? Leave a comment on this post. (No worries, you can be entirely anonymous.)
… is in the Letters to the Editor section: The Charlestown Cafe folks say they may be staying months longer than they thought. (Their letter includes a reminder of tomorrow night’s Design Review Board meeting on the site’s future project, reportedly the relocated Petco.)
A brief item at BoingBoing tipped us to the fact that West Seattle author/radio guy John Moe (who snagged the national spotlight last fall with his book “Conservatize Me”) is moving from KUOW to National Public Radio. (The move is confirmed on John’s blog, which is one of the growing list of links on our Other Blogs in WS page.)