day : 10/02/2007 3 results

What every pet owner should know

This sad tale of what happened to a West Seattle man’s dog — despite it having a license and microchip — while he was on vacation, is a must-read if you have a pet.

From the waterfront

Rhonda had been blogging about her business for a while (linked from our Other WS Blogs page), then wrote about 3 weeks ago to tell us she’d started up a Beach Drive blog. We’ve been watching daily and think BDB is definitely worth sharing, especially this post about Bob the Beach Drive seal. Keep up the good work, Rhonda!

Two questions in search of answers

As they used to say in the print heyday, “from the mailbag” … in this case, e-mailbag: Two people have written with questions to throw out to the WSB world — one about a restaurant, one about a “mysterious light.” They’re kind of LONG questions, so we’ll excerpt both e-mails “after the jump” … and if you have any answers, please leave them as comments …
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