West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
Midway through the weekend after Christmas, here are the local pandemic toplines:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: First, the cumulative totals from Public Health‘s daily-summary dashboard – keep in mind that testing availability’s been low the past few days because of the holiday:
*60,000 people have tested positive, 169 more than yesterday’s total
*1,043 people have died, unchanged from yesterday’s total
*4,019 people have been hospitalized, 36 more than yesterday’s total
*730,769 people have been tested, 4,025 more than yesterday’s total
One week ago, those totals were 57,129/993/3,825/711,497.
WEST SEATTLE TREND: Here’s our weekly check of this stat, with numbers shown in two-week increments via the “geography over time” tab on the daily-summary dashboard, combining the totals from the West Seattle and Delridge “health reporting areas.” For the past two weeks, 253 positive test results; 426 in the 2 weeks before that; 382 in the two weeks before that.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 80.3 million people have tested positive, and more than 1,757,000 million people have died; U.S. deaths have passed 331,000. Most cases: U.S., India, Brazil, Russia, France (fourth week with no change). See the breakdown, nation by nation, here.
CHILD-CARE ASSISTANCE: Need it? The city might be able to help., as explained here.
GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? westseattleblog@gmail.com or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!
Commenter Emcat8 asked if the nightly lights features could continue through New Year’s. We were out of tips after last night and thinking we’d have to stop there – then more came in tonight, including Pauline W‘s photo above from 42nd/Manning [map]: “Mine aren’t quite Christmas lights but they are still holiday lights. Can’t wait for the New Year!” Us too.
Keeping your lights up this week? We have room to showcase a few more – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you! (Everything we’ve shpwn so far is archived here and listed in our West Seattle Holiday Guide.)
8:20 PM: Avoid California/Admiral for a while. Police are on the scene of a collision between a semi-truck and car; thanks to Andy for texting the photo. Radio exchanges indicate no injuries; eastbound Admiral is blocked right now, though.
8:46 PM: SDOT says the intersection is clear.
SDOT says its contractor will return full crews to the Delridge Way repaving/utilities project next week, after holiday and COVID-safety breaks. They plan to work Monday through Thursday, taking New Year’s Day off. Here are the key points:
Continued demolition and paving on Delridge Way SW (east side)
The remaining paving in Zone A has been scheduled to the week of December 28 in the following areas:
Puget Blvd SW and SW Brandon St
SW Brandon St to SW Findlay St
SW Brandon St intersectionDemolition between SW Croft Pl and SW Myrtle St to begin as early as December 28
Paving is scheduled to begin the week of January 4Demolition beginning on the east side of Delridge Way SW between SW Trenton St and SW Henderson St now scheduled to begin the week of December 28
Paving to begin as early as January 11Sidewalk demolition on the west side of Delridge Way SW between SW Cloverdale St and SW Trenton St beginning as early as December 30
We will begin demolishing the sidewalks in this area to install and upgrade electrical utilities on the east side of Delridge Way SW
This work will last for at least two weeks and will include intermittent driveway impacts
The full preview for next week is here.
Don’t go looking for the West Seattle farmers’ Market in The Junction tomorrow – you won’t find it. Market managers and vendors decided to take a weekend off to recharge for the new year, and they’ll be back the following Sunday (January 3rd), 10 am-2 pm as usual.
2:56 PM: Seattle Fire has a water-rescue response headed to Lincoln Park. According to the dispatch, there’s a report of a possible boarder in trouble off Colman Pool. Updates to come.
3:01 PM: Looks like this might be a false alarm; most units are being dismissed
Two weeks after launching a crowdfunding campaign, Save The Stone Cottage is almost halfway to its fundraising goal. The group of local preservation advocates and volunteers is aiming to raise $110,000 to move the stone-studded beach bungalow off its site at 1123 Harbor SW before a redevelopment project starts construction. As of today, the campaign has passed $47,000. Save The Stone Cottage is working with building-moving experts Nickel Bros to move the century-old structure to a temporary site next month – likely storage at a Port of Seattle site nearby – until a new permanent site is found. More backstory is in our previous coverage here and here; donations are welcome here.
11:41 AM: This was small enough and deep enough that it may have gone entirely unfelt, but a friend pointed this tweet out to Verne, who emailed us, so for the record: An earthquake of 1.4 magnitude – what’s considered a microquake – happened at 9:48 pm Christmas night, 17 miles beneath the West Duwamish Greenbelt, east of where SW Thistle ends. Here’s the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network page for it; here’s its US Geological Survey page (which includes a link for sending a report if you felt it); here’s a map. The quake was originally estimated at 2.0, but that was revised to 1.4 once it got an official review this morning.
2:11 PM: The microquake’s been reviewed again and now the epicenter has been shifted south to White Center, 14th SW just south of Roxbury.
Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes this morning:
Honda CR-V 1999 Forest Green stolen at 5:00 am from 8th SW and SW Kenyon.
Front Bug Deflector (stick-on)
Window Visors (front and rear)
Different Lettered CR-V Spare Tire Cover
License plate BQJ2482
$500 reward – 206-679-3182
STOLEN MOUNTAIN BIKE RECOVERED: On Christmas Eve, we published Theresa‘s report of a mountain bike stolen two days earlier. Last night she emailed to say, “Officer Ross found my stolen bike and returned it to us on Christmas Night!! Unbelievable!!!!!” That’s another reminder that filing a theft report is important – police do find stolen items (like this bike and the packages turned up in that Christmas Eve crash) and if there’s no report on file, a recovered item may be unreturnable.
ABANDONED PINK HUFFY BIKE: Anybody missing this?
Christine found it abandoned in Puget Park and hopes to find its owner. If you recognize it, email us and we’ll connect you.
Spend local! Doors reopen today at most of your favorite local independent businesses. Thunder Road Guitars (WSB sponsor) sends this update:
Saturday the 26th [today], 10 am – 6 pm, will be our last day open before our Winter Break. Our Seattle storefront will be closed December 28th – January 4th and will resume normal hours Tuesday, January 5th.
TRG is at 6400 California SW, co-housed with The Bass Shop (also a WSB sponsor).