Parent Education Talk at Hope Lutheran School

January 16, 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
4456 42nd SW
West Seattle

Parent Ed Talk January 16, 2024 7-8:30 pm

We welcome our speakers Cynthia Tobias and Sue Acuña. Sue is a master Middle School teacher and expert in Learning Styles. She and Cynthia have worked together in seminars and with Focus on the Family many times as well as writing the Middle School book together . Their presentation will be a fun evening of encouragement and insight about: The Strong-Willed Child of all ages and Understanding Middle Schoolers. Cynthia and Sue will share quick, practical ideas and strategies from the hearts and minds of strong-willed kids of all ages—this presentation can be a game changer for anyone who has to deal with a strong-willed child.

They will also address why the middle school season of parenting is challenging and how parents can adapt to the changes in an effective way. Emphasis is made of the importance of keeping communication open through listening, observing and understanding. We are blessed to have these two outstanding women of faith and education knowledge lead our Parent Ed Talk.

Location: 4456 42nd Ave SW. Questions? Call the school office: 206-935-8500

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