West Seattle, Washington
17 Monday
For a second consecutive night, police are investigating gunfire in Highland Park. They responded to a call from someone who reported seeing someone fire a gun out a car window in the 8100 block of 8th SW around 8:23 pm. The caller then said they found at least one shell casing while police were on the way. No injuries are reported; the only description so far is that the person fired toward a building from the passenger side of an “early model sedan” that was last seen heading west on SW Elmgrove. This is about half a mile south of where last night’s gunfire happened.
New on the city’s bidding website, several earthquake-safety retrofit projects around the city – including the pedestrian overpass at Delridge and Oregon, between the south end of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center and the east side of Delridge Playfield/Community Center. This comes one year after the decision to keep and retrofit the bridge – after community opposition to proposed removal – was announced. Scope of the project is described as follows:
Seismic retrofit project that involves retrofit of superstructure, columns, and footings through section build up and/or use of CFRP wraps, as well as separating ramps from the structure and building up a lightweight fill support for ramps, adding new expansion joints at the ramps, removing and reinstalling handrails, and modifying the ends of handrails at new expansion joints.
In 2021, SDOT estimated the retrofit cost as ~$4 million; the estimate is now up to more than $5 million. It’s already retrofitted the area’s other pedestrian overpass, the SW Andover bridge over the southwest end of the West Seattle Bridge. The deadline for bids on the Delridge/Oregon project is January 17. The work could last up to a year, according to this slide deck from a briefing last year.
If you happen onto an abandoned electric scooter, it might belong to Joel, who emailed to report: “I today had my Nami Burn-E 2 Max electric scooter stolen from the South side bike rack of the Admiral Junction Safeway across from Hiawatha park at approximately 12:40 PM. It is black and weighs about 100 lbs. There is a security code for starting it.”
Two opportunities for holiday giving are concluding shortly, so we’re reminding you one more time:
DAVE NEWMAN STATE FARM INSURANCE AGENCY WARM CLOTHING DRIVE: In conjunction with the West Seattle Food Bank/West Seattle Helpline, the agency (a longtime WSB sponsor) is collecting donations of clothes, coats, and shoes through the end of this week. (For undergarments and socks, please donate only new and unopened packages.) Please drop off your donations at 3435 California Ave SW. The office is open for donations today until 5 pm, tomorrow 9 am-5 pm.
GIVE JOY FOR WESTSIDE BABY: Through month’s end, the West Seattleite-founded, White Center-based organization helping babies and kids still has two ways to participate in their holiday “joy drive”:
*Send warm items our way through our Amazon Wishlist
WestSide Baby is organizing the drive to “ensure that children in our community have the basics they need, like diapers and safety equipment – and also that they have the opportunity to experience extra joy this season.”
1:47 PM: The Mount tells us John has been found, safe, and is back home.
Earlier:Read More
(Photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
Here are the Thursday highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
PRESCHOOLER STORY TIME: 10:30 am at West Seattle (Admiral) Library (2306 42nd SW).
WEST SEATTLE UKULELE PLAYERS: All levels welcome to this weekly 1 pm gathering. Email westseattleukuleleplayerswsup@gmail.com for an update on where they’re playing today.
NORTHWEST WINE ACADEMY: Tasting room/wine bar at South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) open 1 pm-8 pm – stop by if you’re going to the next event, which also is on the campus’s north end!
ASTRA LUMINA: Celestially inspired light show on the grounds of the Seattle Chinese Garden at the north end of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus, starting at 5 pm. Timed tickets and info here.
VISCON CELLARS: Tasting room/wine bar open 5-9 pm (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor) – get a bottle of their first-ever sparkling wine for your holiday celebration!
RAPIDRIDE ROAD-WORK QUESTIONS? The H Line construction team will be available for an hour one last time at 5 pm tonight, online or by phone, for Q/A. Our preview explains how to participate.
WESTIES RUN CLUB: Meet at Future Primitive Beer Bar (2536 Alki SW) at 6:30 pm for a 3-mile run – more in our calendar listing.
BLUES NIGHT: 6:30-9 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way), every Thursday you can listen to the blues.
YOGA, BREATH WORK, GONG BATH, MORE: 7 pm at Move2Center (3618 SW Alaska), $35.
Planning something that should be on our calendar and in daily preview lists like this? Email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
7:02 AM: Good morning. It’s Thursday, December 28. We’re publishing the daily transportation notes later than usual today because of breaking-news coverage earlier.
Mostly cloudy, chance of showers, high in the mid-50s. Today’s sunrise will be at 7:57 am, and the sun will set at 4:24 pm.
(Wednesday photo by Curry Gibson)
Holiday previews – Here’s the announcement about most transit services going fare-free on New Year’s Eve (until 3 am New Year’s Day) … On NY Day, Metro buses will be on a Sunday schedule; the Water Taxis will be out of service.
Water Taxi today – Regular schedule. Check the real-time map if you’re wondering where the boat is.
Metro today – Regular schedule; check advisories here.
Washington State Ferries today – 2-boat service on the Triangle Route. Check alerts for changes, and use the real-time map to see where your ferry is.
(The state fixed its tech troubles after several hours Wednesday. If you’ve noticed that the video options on SDOT’s camera map don’t work, SDOT tells us they’re working on it, but no ETA for the fix.)
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Orchard), cameras are also at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, and Delridge/Oregon.
High Bridge – the main camera:
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way):
Low Bridge:
1st Ave. S. Bridge – another route across the river:
Highway 99: – northbound side at Lander:
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: See all working traffic cams citywide here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are opening for vessel traffic.
If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/bay, please text or call us (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if applicable). Thank you!
5:40 AM: Thanks for the tip. Seattle Fire is at a house in the 3700 block of SW Austin. The fire is described as under control. Updates to come.
5:52 AM: Firefighters have just declared the fire “tapped” (out). The call log indicates they’ve been on scene since about 5:25 am. We’re on our way over to check on injuries and extent of damage.
6:01 AM: Just as we arrived, firefighters told dispatch that reptile pets mentioned earlier as being in the house have been “extricated.” Meantime, SFD’s investigator has arrived to start looking into the fire’s cause. We’re waiting to speak with an incident commander.
6:16 AM: Firefighters tell us at the scene that no one was hurt, and the rescued pets – snakes – are OK. Since the fire is out, some of the responding units are starting to leave.
11:47 AM: Still missing from the house, Auzzie the cat:
The photo was forwarded by a neighbor who asks that if you find Auzzie, call Jeff (206) 612-9558. (We’re also adding to our Lost/Found Pets page.)
ADDED FRIDAY AFTERNOON: According to SFD spokesperson Kaila Lafferty, “Investigators ruled the fire was accidental, likely caused by an overheated power strip. It’s important to remember to plug high powered appliances such as space heaters and toaster ovens directly into the wall outlet, never into an extension cord or power strip.”
ALSO: Here’s a crowdfunding page set up to help the victims.
1:33 AM: After 911 calls reporting suspected gunfire near 12th/Holden about 15 minutes ago, police have found evidence in an alley. Officers have told dispatch they’ve located at least six casings. … A nearby resident also is reporting two bullet holes in their apartment. No injuries reported so far.
2:10 AM: SPD says “multiple units were damaged.”
10:30 PM: The Guardian One helicopter is over West Seattle to help look for a missing man. He is described as white, 76, 5’9″ to 5’10”, white hair that’s balding on top, beard, last seen in a black coat and green or gray pants. He was last seen about 4:30 pm, in the 4800 block of 35th SW (at or near The Mount). If you see him, call 911. (We don’t have a photo or name – no official alert so far, but police asked for helicopter help since G1 is up tonight.)
10:50 PM: Helicopter crew discussion over radio with police indicates the man is missing from The Mount. The helicopter looked over areas such as the nearby golf course and greenbelt areas but absent any further leads, has told police that there’s not much they can do with surface streets, so they’re moving on. Police said the man is known to walk around the facility grounds or in nearby neighborhoods.
1 AM: No further updates heard, and still no official alert; we’ll follow up first thing in the morning.
9:28 AM: Both police and The Mount confirm that he is still missing; we will have a separate story with photo shortly. (Update: Here it is.)
1:50 PM: Just updated that story too – The Mount says John is back, safe, and well.
10:11 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a “full response” to the 4700 block of California SW – a water heater reported to be on fire in a back storage room at Talarico’s. Updates to come.
10:14 PM: The incident commander just told dispatch the water-heater fire is “mostly out.” They’re reducing the response.
(Added: Photo posted in comments by Matt B)
10:21 PM: Firefighters say everything’s handled, “all utilities secured” too, and they’re closing their response.
When we reported last week on the Washington State Black Legacy Institute, which recently moved to the historic former church at 2656 42nd SW, we noted the first big public event coming up: the Business Festival During Kwanzaa.
WSBLI, which hopes to inspire by surfacing long-lost stories including those of successful Black entrepreneurs a century-plus ago, will host entrepreneurs Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. WSBLI describes the festival as a “vibrant manifestation of unity, self-determination, and cooperative economics” – three of Kwanzaa’s seven principles. Planned events include free workshops with business and financial experts as well as a homebuyer’s workshop and a vendor fair. WSBLI curator Roger Evans is producing promotional videos for the vendors – here’s the first one:
Other vendors, as listed on this flyer, are scheduled to include A Sista Thang Fashions, Clean Greens Farm, Common Scentz, Diana’s Beauty, Kimberly’s Gems, Merle the Art Lady, Nikky’s Niche Designs, and Tea Moss Shop. Business Festival hours will be 2-7 pm Friday (December 29), 11 am-7 pm Saturday (December 30), and 11 am-5 pm Sunday (December 31). The festival and workshops are free, but WSBLI requests RSVP through Eventbrite – here’s the Friday link; here’s the Saturday link; here’s the Sunday link. Each of those links also will show you the workshop lineup for that day.
Two reader reports:
STOLEN BACKPACK: If you find one, it might be the one to which Brian referred in this note: “I want to report a stolen backpack with valuables taken from my friend’s car on Beach Drive north of Me Kwa Mooks as she was moving a recycle bin from the driveway.. If found, call 206 992-7219 … This happened yesterday, December 26, at about 3:45 pm and was reported to Seattle Police already.” (We’re awaiting descriptive information.)
APPARENTLY ABANDONED BICYCLE: John says this bike was left against a North Admiral utility pole:
Let us know if it’s yours.
After Bakery Nouveau posted on social media that it’s closed in West Seattle until January 3rd, we got a couple questions about why, so we went to The Junction in hopes of finding someone there to ask. The sign on the door attributes the closure to “oven issues,” and that’s what an employee on site told us, saying the holiday posed a bit of difficulty in getting parts.
(November photo by Gill Loring – new turn signal at 26th/Roxbury)
Questions about road work related to the RapidRide H Line, which has continued months after the bus line launched last spring? King County’s project team has held periodic online “office hours” to answer questions, and tomorrow will bring the last one: 5 pm-6 pm Thursday (December 28), via this link (meeting ID: 228 271 1759), also accessible by phone (253-215-8782). The announcement – which was in their final project newsletter – notes that “we are continuing some paving and punch list work.” If you can’t “drop in” during that hour, you can ask a question any time at rapidride@kingcounty.gov.
10:44 AM: Seattle Fire has sent a “rescue extrication” response to the 5600 block of California SW [map]. It’s reported to be a crash involving at least one flipped vehicle. Updates to come.
10:49 AM: Arriving crews report that the vehicle is on its side with the driver trapped. California will be fully blocked in the area.
(Added: Photo posted by commenter Corprew)
10:58 AM: SFD reports they’ve gotten the driver out safely.
11:08 AM: Police just told dispatch they’re going to get traffic going again by reopening the southbound and center lanes.
2:42 PM: We followed up with SFD; the driver was not hurt and did not require treatment or transport.
ADDED THURSDAY MORNING: SPD tells us today that the driver was arrested for investigation of DUI.
(Photo by Rosalie Miller – no, not a low-tide scene – Purple Jellydisc fungus in Schmitz Park)
Notes for the hours ahead, mostly from our West Seattle Event Calendar:
TODDLER READING TIME: 10:30 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).
CRAFTERNOON FOR TEENS/TWEENS: 2 pm to 3:30 pm at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW), “Drop in to make duct tape crafts, hangout, play games, and eat snacks!” Free; ages 11-18.
FIX-IT WORKSHOP: Not happening tonight – the West Seattle Tool Library is closed this week.
FREE GROUP RUN: Meet at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) for the weekly free group run.
TRIVIA x 7: Seven places to play tonight. At 6 pm, Locust Cider (2820 Alki SW) offers trivia … there’s 7 pm trivia at West Seattle Brewing (4415 Fauntleroy Way SW) … 7 pm trivia at Burger Planet (9614 14th SW, White Center) … 7:30 and 8:30 pm Sporcle Pub Quiz at The Lodge (4209 SW Alaska) … Trivia starts at 8 pm at Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW) … Larry’s Tavern (3405 California SW) hosts Wednesday-night trivia starting at 8 pm … and at 8:30 pm, trivia with Phil T at Talarico’s (4718 California SW).
LIVE MUSIC AT THE LOCOL: 6:30 pm. 21+. Rotating performer slate. (7902 35th SW)
MUSIC BINGO: Play weekly at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7 pm.
SKYLARK OPEN MIC: 7:30 pm signups @ West Seattle’s longest-running open mic – no cover to watch. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
If you’re planning a presentation, meeting, performance, reading, tour, fundraiser, sale, discussion, etc., and it’s open to the community, please send us info for West Seattle’s only comprehensive event calendar! westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
9:30 AM: We are currently outbound on the bridge – near the 4th Avenue S. exit, traffic is briefly funneled to one eastbound lane because of pothole work.
8:45 AM: As a commenter notes, WSDOT’s cameras and webpages are down – via X (formerly Twitter), WSDOT says it’s working on the problem.
6:03 AM: Good morning. It’s Wednesday, December 27, midway through the between-holidays week.
Rain returning, high in the low 50s, breezy tonight. Today’s sunrise will be at 7:57 am, and the sun will set at 4:23 pm.
(Monday moonrise, photographed from Duwamish Head by Mike Burns)
Holiday preview – Here’s the announcement about most transit services going fare-free on New Year’s Eve (until 3 am New Year’s Day).
Water Taxi – Regular schedule today. Check the real-time map if you’re wondering where the boat is.
Metro – Regular schedule today; check advisories here.
Washington State Ferries – 2-boat service on the Triangle Route today. Check alerts for changes, and use the real-time map to see where your ferry is.
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Orchard), cameras are also at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, and Delridge/Oregon.
High Bridge – the main camera:
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way):
Low Bridge:
1st Ave. S. Bridge – another route across the river:
Highway 99: – northbound side at Lander:
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: See all working traffic cams citywide here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are opening for vessel traffic.
If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/bay, please text or call us (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if applicable). Thank you!
Jessica sent the photo and report tonight:
Upon coming out the front door on 46th Ave SW between Findlay and Juneau around 9:30 pm, I heard a noise and stopped. It went silent. I made my way to the car and once inside saw a coyote on the west side of the sidewalk. It followed my car up the street and then crossed the road, pausing for a photo. Then it ran across Juneau toward 47th.
Our standard reminder – we publish coyote sightings for awareness, not alarm. Here’s how to peacefully coexist!
The photos were sent to us tonight by Brittany Noelle of PNW Orca Pod Squad Photography, who reports:
As you may know, J-pod has now spent 5 days in inland Puget Sound. Today while traveling southbound from Kingston the whales made an usually close pass at Jefferson Beach and then Fay Bainbridge [map], where photographs were taken by myself, Brittany Noelle, with PNW ORCA Pod Squad Photography and Salish Wildlife Watch, of a new J-pod calf (mother unknown at this time).
If you look closely at the top photo, you’ll see the telltale pinkish hue of a baby orca – explained here. This sighting was a ways north of us, but J-Pod was seen off West Seattle just three days ago.
6:57 PM: Seattle Fire has a full response out at 3618 SW Alaska, which is the address for the Westside Neighbors Shelter and West Seattle Veteran Center as well as American Legion Post 16 and Move2Center. Not a big fire – they’ve just reported it’s “knocked down” – but we’re on our way to find out more.
7:01 PM: Response is being downsized to a few units. But westbound SW Alaska is still blocked in the area.
7:15 PM: Our crew at the scene reports it was an exterior fire on the east side of the building and that everyone should be able to get back into the building shortly. Here’s the damage:
We hope to talk to building manager Keith Hughes shortly to verify that this won’t affect operations.
7:25 PM: SFD is turning the building back over to Keith. The fire is under investigation but believed to have been accidental. We asked Keith if he needs anything as a result of this – not so far, he said, but he had to go get busy putting up plywood.
7:42 PM: SW Alaska is fully open again.
Reader report from W:
Just want to report mail theft at 4866 Beach Dr SW – doors completely ripped off and mail gone :/ I’m reporting it to USPS.
If this happens to you – you can file reports online with the US Postal Inspection Service.
New Year’s Eve will be fare-free on most transit services again this year. Here’s the info from an announcement sent by King County:
King County Metro: Buses will operate on their regular Sunday schedule and be fare-free from 3 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 31, through 3 a.m. Monday, Jan. 1. Other Metro services operating fare-free include DART, Metro Flex, Community Van, and Access service.
King County Water Taxi: The water taxi will operate fare-free on Dec. 31 but will be out of service on Jan. 1.
Sound Transit: Link light rail and Sound Transit Express buses are fare-free from 5 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 31, to 3 a.m. Monday., Jan. 1. The Sounder Game Train will be available for the Seahawks game and will be fare-free. Sound Transit will operate extended 1 Line rail service on New Year’s Eve, with 15-minute, late-night service. The last southbound trip will leave Northgate Station for Angle Lake Station at 1:57 a.m. The last northbound train will leave Angle Lake Station for Northgate Station at 1:40 a.m. For New Year’s Eve, the T Line will run extended service every 20 minutes until the last train departure.
Seattle Streetcar: Both streetcar lines will operate fare-free on regular Sunday service hours. The South Lake Union Streetcar will operate on New Year’s Eve until 12:30 a.m. to accommodate fireworks viewing downtown.
Seattle Monorail: The monorail will collect regular fares and will operate from Westlake to the Seattle Center until 11 p.m. on New Year’s Eve. After the evening’s events at Seattle Center, service to Westlake will run from 12:30 a.m. to 1 a.m.
For the fare-free-on-New-Year’s-Eve services, fares start up again at 3 am New Year’s Day (Monday, January 1).