West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
Police are investigating a report of drive-by pellet gunfire near Delridge/Thistle. They got a call from someone who was out walking their dog a short time ago when someone in a passing car fired what they believed to be a pellet gun. They weren’t hit, so no injuries. Officers told dispatch that the only description they have so far is a dark blue or black early-2000s Jeep Wrangler with three people inside, It was last seen headed southbound.
One of our area’s most beloved business open houses is back – tomorrow (Sunday, August 28th) West Seattle Nursery throws the gates open for the return of its annual open house. And this one has a pre-funk of sorts – just before the open house begins, Marcia Bruno – the longtime manager who bought WSN almost three years ago but really hasn’t had a chance to celebrate – will be officially introduced as the nursery’s owner, and will offer some words on plans for its future. That’s at 11:30 am, followed by a lunch buffet with food from local businesses, including Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering, Husky Deli, Flying Apron, and Baked. Then noon-3 pm, it’s open house time. That includes two free classes – at 12:30 pm, “How to Plant a Sedum Bowl,” and at 2 pm, “Building a Bouquet from Your Late Summer Garden.” The nursery’s summer clearance sale continues too. Haven’t been to WSN? It’s at 5275 California SW.
ORIGINAL SATURDAY REPORT: Unlike public utilities such as power and water, outages are hard to quantify with private utilities like cable internet/TV, due to the general lack of openly accessible outage maps. In recent days we’ve received several reports of CenturyLink internet trouble in West Seattle, with Chris emailing today, “My fiber Internet connection from CenturyLink has been down since Tuesday in the Alki area” and saying that CL has told him it’s an “area outage” while offering multiple estimates of “next day” restoration that so far haven’t borne out. So we’re wondering how widespread this is. If it’s happened to you too – a comment or email (westseattleblog@gmail.com) would be helpful as we try to sleuth.
TUESDAY UPDATE: After numerous reader comments of note below, we’ve been in contact with CenturyLink/Lumen, which at first claimed there was no outage, but finally just now acknowledged there’s a cut cable:
“We have a damaged fiber in the area affecting some customers. This service disruption is due to challenges in locating and repairing the cut. Our team must access several manholes on the side of the road where cars continue to park. We have displayed no parking signs and may have access to one manhole and then the 2nd is blocked by a car with no way to notify the owner to remove the vehicle.
“New signs have been placed tonight to be able to access the locations and begin repairing the damage. We know how important these services are and our team will work quickly to repair the fiber and restore service once they have access to the fiber in the ground.
“Please thank your readers for their patience and assistance to honor the no parking signs.”
Seated on the rocky shore at Point Williams in Lincoln Park, surrounded by supporters, that’s Amanda Winans, who successfully completed what’s known as the Bert Thomas Swim today – leaving the Old Town Tacoma dock early this morning and swimming up Colvos Passage along the west side of Vashon Island, before crossing Puget Sound to West Seattle. She finished earlier than expected, around 2:30 pm, and is the third known person to complete the swim, including its namesake (in 1959). Her unofficial time: 9:30:23. Three years ago, she did the Amy Hiland Swim, Bremerton to Alki Point. As noted here, the Northwest Open Water Swimming Association has two more members attempting marathon swims tomorrow, both set to finish at Alki Point.
For the first time ever – or at least the first time we can recall – you can wander California Avenue SW north of Admiral Way today, during the first-ever Admiral Junction Funktion, continuing until 9 pm. Local businesses welcome you to come shop, dine, drink, and play!
Face-painting, too:
And did we mention entertainment? Here’s the lineup. (Added) And here’s a short clip of one of the first bands, Princess Pulpit:
Businesses from beyond the immediate area have joined in, too – Alair Gift Shop brought some of its West Seattle-appreciation merch:
And if you live/work/study in Admiral, you’ll want to go meet your Admiral Neighborhood Association reps:
Today’s event also offers at least one chance to give back to your community – in front of Pizzeria 22 (4213 SW College) we found Anna collecting diapers for WestSide Baby:
While you’re there, look for beer gardens at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW), Mission Cantina (margarita garden – 2325 California SW), Arthur’s (2311 California SW), and Yen Wor Village (2300 California SW). Three of those venues – Admiral Pub, Mission, Yen Wor – are planning afterparties tonight too, along with the nearby Benbow Room (4210 SW Admiral Way).
SATURDAY, 2:04 PM: The cars are of course a big draw at the 2nd annual Lowrider Block Party, happening until 6 pm on 17th SW between Delridge and Roxbury – we spotted a two-wheeler too:
Art is a centerpiece as well, creating it as well as admiring it:
The custom cars are works of art in their own way:
Nearby Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery is presenting the Lowrider Block Party again this year.
Along with cars and art, vendors and entertainment are part of the party too.
ADDED SUNDAY NIGHT: Thanks to Yma for sharing these photos with some of the cars’ intricate details:
A partner in the Lowrider Block Party was Eazy Duz It Car Club, seen on Alki last weekend.
(WSB photo – Joyas Mestizas at Seattle Folklorico Festival)
Dance and music isn’t all you’ll see at the Seattle Folklorico Festival, happening at Westcrest Park (9000 8th SW) until 4 pm.
As noted in our calendar listing, you can shop and snack too.
Local organizations are there too – from the Highland Park Improvement Club to the Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs, whose booth offers this info for the youngest members of the family too:
The Seattle Folklorico Festival is coordinated and presented by the youth folkloric-dance group Joyas Mestizas (who are scheduled to perform again at 2:30 pm). Performances are for and by all ages!
12:10 PM SATURDAY: Challenging conditions out on Puget Sound this morning, but some hardy people showed up for Sound Rowers and Paddlers‘ annual Great Cross-Sound Race from/to Alki. Top photo shows the first ones in, #16. (Full results will be here when finalized.) The race is a decades-old tradition, on the current course to Blakely Rock and back since 1994.
12:51 PM SUNDAY: Results are now up, here. The first finishers, in #16, were Juraj Osusky & Peter Turcan, in 1:01:13. Three seconds behind was Egor Klevak, #21.
SFD and SPD responded to what was described as a rollover crash in the 5400 block of West Marginal Way SW just after 2 am. SFD says that after rolling onto the railroad tracks, the car caught fire, but firefighters and police got all five people out safely. SFD tells us that only one was taken to the hospital, a 22-year-old woman, in stable condition when transported, Three others reported no injuries and a 22-year-old man was evaluated but declined to be transported.
(California Scrub-jay, photographed by Jerry Simmons)
So many options for today, all around the peninsula! From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, and other previews, here’s what’s happening on your Saturday:
TRAFFIC ALERTS: Here’s what SDOT has announced for today:
Expect minor traffic impacts on Harbor Island at the SW Manning St and SW Klickitat Way intersection. While we remove the work platforms on the eastern span of the high bridge, people accessing Terminal 102 will be rerouted as a safety measure to avoid the work area. These traffic impacts will occur during the day on Saturday and Sunday. Those traveling east and westbound on SW Spokane St will not be impacted. Detour signs will be in place for those travell=ing to and from Terminal 102.
As part of the Reconnect West Seattle project, we will be completing several projects this weekend:
-We’ll be paving California Ave SW between SW Walker St and SW Hill St. This work is anticipated to begin as early as 7 AM and conclude by 4 PM. There will be minor traffic impacts; however, please anticipate delays
-We’ll be paving 35th Ave SW from SW Edmunds to SW Alaska St. Both directions of traffic will be maintained, but drivers can expect delays in the area. Work is anticipated to begin at 7 AM and conclude by 4 PM
-To improve visibility, our landscaping crews will be working on SW Roxbury St between 9th Ave SW and 14th Ave SW to clear vegetation. Work will begin as early as 7 AM and conclude by 3 PM. There will be minor traffic impacts.Weather permitting, we will be installing intersection markings on two intersections through this morning at 7 AM. The intersections we will be marking are:
-1st Ave S and East Marginal Way S
-2nd Ave SW and Highland Park Way SWTraffic lanes will be closed as needed and they will be restored after the intersection markings have been painted.
As part of necessary maintenance work, we will also be replacing concrete panels on 16th Ave SW and SW Webster St. This work is anticipated to begin as early as 7 AM and conclude by 4 PM. Traffic in all directions will be maintained, but drivers can expect delays in the area.
WSDOT also has more “Revive I-5” lane closures on southbound I-5 between I-90 and the West Seattle exit, all weekend.
IF YOU’RE GOING TO LINCOLN PARK … note that a film/video crew is expected to be working in the north parking lot vicinity all day, and there are parking restrictions both in that lot and on the east side of Fauntleroy Way.
THE GREAT CROSS-SOUND RACE: Sound Rowers and Paddlers‘ annual race from Alki to Bainbridge and back is scheduled for this morning, starting around 9 am.
GARAGE/YARD SALES: See (and post) listings in the WSB Community Forums.
SOUTH DELRIDGE FARMERS MARKET: Fresh produce, flowers, prepared food, more at the South Delridge Farmers’ Market (WSB sponsor), 10 am-2 pm in the courtyard of Hope Academy (9421 18th SW) – read about the vendors on the market website.
ELECTRICAL APPRENTICESHIPS: Learn about this career path at an open house on the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) Georgetown campus 10 am-2 pm today – more info in our calendar listing. (6727 Corson Ave. S.)
MORNING MUSIC AT C & P: 10:30 am-noon, Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).
SEATTLE FOLKLORICO FESTIVAL: 11 am-4 pm at Westcrest Park (9000 8th SW), the folkloric dance group Joyas Mestizas hosts this celebration of Mexican culture. See the performance schedule and vendor/resource lists in our calendar listing.
BAGELS AT BARTON P-PATCH: Fresh-baked wood-fired bagels at the community garden, 11 am-1 pm or while they last. (34th/Barton)
ADMIRAL JUNCTION FUNKTION: Street party on California SW north of Admiral Way, noon-9 pm. Entertainment (here’s the schedule), beer gardens, food, booths you can visit to learn about local businesses and organizations.
LOWRIDER BLOCK PARTY: Street party on 17th SW between Delridge and Roxbury, noon-6 pm. Live art, food, entertainment, vendors, and of course, lowriders! Presented by Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery.
WADING POOL/SPRAYPARK: With a cloudy, cooler day expected, the city is not likely to open the wading pools, but you can check at 206-684-7796 after 9 am; if they do open, the pool in central upper Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) would be open noon-7 pm. Regardless of the weather, Highland Park Spraypark (1100 SW Cloverdale) will be open 11 am-8 pm.
COLMAN POOL: Rain or shine, you can swim at the outdoor pool on the Lincoln Park shore today, noon-7 pm.
VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: Open to visitors noon-3 pm, as noted here. (2234 SW Orchard)
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM CLOSED: Due to a staffing shortage, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society museum on Alki will not open today.
FREE CLASS AT WEST SEATTLE NURSERY: 12:30 pm, come learn about preserving! (California/Brandon)
PICKLEBALL CLINIC: Free chance for all ages to learn about this hot sport. At High Point Community Center (6420 California SW)
WINE TIME: The Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) tasting room – selling wine by the glass or bottle – is open 1-6 pm. (5910 California SW)
BIG SWIM: As previewed here, Amanda Winans is tackling the Tacoma-to-West Seattle swim today, expected to finish near Colman Pool after 3 pm – you can watch the tracking beacon here.
PIZZA AT BARTON P-PATCH: Fresh-baked wood-fired pizza at the community garden, 4 pm-7 pm or while it lasts, live music too! (34th/Barton)
WSHS CLASS OF 1970 REUNION: 4-10 pm at Glen Acres Country Club – details in our calendar listing.
EVENING MUSIC AT C & P: Guitar Gil will play 7 pm-9 pm at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor). No cover.
DRAG AT THE SKYLARK: West End Girls perform drag extravaganza, doors at 7 pm, show at 8. All ages. $13 tickets online, $15 tickets at the door. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
MUSIC AT KENYON HALL: 7:30 pm, Rebecca Kilgore and the Ray Skjelbred Trio at historic Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW) – Ray Skjelbred on piano, Jacob Zimmerman on reeds, and Matt Weiner on bass, joined by vocalist Rebecca Kilgore, performing vintage swing jazz. Ticket info in our calendar listing.
Something to add, for today/tonight or beyond? Email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!