month : 01/2019 292 results

PM COMMUTE: First post-Viaduct afternoon/evening


(SDOT MAP with travel times / WS-relevant traffic cams / Water Taxi schedule, other helpful info HERE)

3:30 PM: Good afternoon! We’re back to watch the journey home. For starters, Dale sends word that the 4000 block of SW Oregon should be avoided – police are there handling a crash.

3:57 PM: All clear. Incident Response Team truck was just leaving.

4:17 PM: From SDOT: “We’re seeing light traffic on major roads downtown, but traffic is picking up on Mercer St EB, I-5 SB into downtown, and on the West Seattle Bridge EB toward I-5.”

4:35 PM: If you’re choosing your route home, 1st Avenue on the south side of downtown looks good, per updates from a texter.

5:20 PM: As pointed out in comments, the TV helicopters are back over the bridge … South of downtown, a crash is reported at 1st and Holgate. On the northbound side, but still – FYI.

5:31 PM: The Water Taxi sends an official announcement of the adjustment reported earlier in a comment by SeattleNewbie: “During this first evening commute of #Realign99, crews are testing a new boarding procedure at Pier 52. Riders can pretap ORCA cards to prepay in order to expedite boarding during this period of high demand.” … Meantime, our Amazon-bus commuter tipster says it was a half-hour ride home just now, southbound I-5 to the West Seattle Bridge.

METRO, WATER TAXI: First post-Viaduct commute went ‘fairly smoothly,’ county says

January 14, 2019 3:31 pm
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 |   Alaskan Way Viaduct | Highway 99 tunnel | Transportation | West Seattle news

3:31 PM: Toplines from this afternoon’s briefing at Metro‘s Transit Operations Center east of the stadiums, led by King County Executive Dow Constantine and Metro deputy general manager Terry White: Things this morning went “fairly smoothly.” They addressed both county transit services, Metro buses and the King County Water Taxi. And the increase in ridership for the latter was described as even more than we’d heard at the pier this morning: 1,350 passengers this morning, 350 passengers on a typical morning this time of year.

They can handle twice that, and there’s still room at the temporary Pier 2 parking lot, so try the WT if you can. As for the various routing changes readers reported in comment discussion – they didn’t know yet if any would be formalized for tomorrow and beyond. As for the extra buses held at the ready in case more capacity was needed, they transported more than 300 people, mostly on the 120 and E Line. More to come, including video of the briefing.

4:43 PM: Here’s the video:

We also got a quick look inside the center, first time we had visited since the C Line’s launch inaugurated major West Seattle changes more than six years ago:

The center is where Metro is in constant communication with its drivers – one corner also hosts the customer call center, too. We asked about the changes-on-the-fly reported by some commenters this morning; Metro hadn’t yet had the afternoon meeting at which they planned to discuss how that went, with an eye toward tomorrow morning.

WSDOT says #Realign99 work is going well so far

On this third day of Highway 99-less-ness, the #Realign99 work itself is going well, according to WSDOT‘s project deputy administrator Dave Sowers. That’s what he told reporters on a late-morning conference call. One bit of the ramp-building/tunnel-connecting work is even a bit ahead of schedule, Sowers said. But he also said there’s zero chance the tunnel will open early – they’re sticking to their plan for a February 2-3 celebration weekend, and then (assuming all goes well) the tunnel opening in time for the Monday, February 4th, morning commute. We’re on our way now to a Metro/Water Taxi-specific briefing in SODO; more to come.

‘Rescue extrication’ response on Harbor Island, quickly downsized

January 14, 2019 12:41 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS breaking news

If you see Seattle Fire units headed from West Seattle and SODO to Harbor Island, here’s what’s going on – a “rescue extrication” dispatch for what’s described on the scanner as a “industrial accident.” They’re headed to Vigor Industrial to help a man who so far is described as in stable condition, possibly with a leg injury. The first crew on scene has just reported that the patient is “not trapped” so the response is being downsized.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen blue Focus; mail theft

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch, and a reminder:

STOLEN CAR: The 2012 Ford Focus, license BFH4131, in the photo above “was stolen from 38th Ave between Hanford and Stevens some time between Wednesday evening 1/9 and Friday afternoon 1/11.” If you see it, call 911.

STOLEN MAIL, FOUND: From DeAnna: “FYI: A pile of mail was found in our yard on the 9400 block of 5th Ave SW on Friday morning – several addresses – some of the envelopes had been opened and contents removed. We reported it to non-emergency police number and were told they’d come check it out when they could. It was still here this morning so I bundled it, put a note on it for USPS, and put it in our outgoing mailbox.”

REMINDER: Got a question/concern for police? Your next chance to ask them face-to-face is Tuesday night, 7 pm, when the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster).

West Seattle Preschool Fair and more calendar highlights for your Monday

January 14, 2019 9:45 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Sunday sailboat on Elliott Bay, photographed by David Hutchinson)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

BLUE ANGELS JET VISITING: As noted here on Sunday, this afternoon the #7 Blue Angels jet is scheduled to land at nearby Boeing Field for the midwinter planning visit.

WEST SEATTLE PRESCHOOL FAIR: 5:30 pm-7:30 pm at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, talk with reps from multiple local preschools! Free, and the whole family’s welcome, but they’d appreciate if you pre-registered here. (3050 California SW)

EVENING BOOK GROUPS: Two at 6:45 pm at local libraries tonight – at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW), this month’s book is “The Last Brother” by Nathacha Appanah; at West Seattle (Admiral) Library (2306 42nd SW), this month’s book is “Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman” by Lindy West.

FINDING STILLNESS WITHIN: 4-week Buddhist-meditation series starts tonight at SoundYoga (WSB sponsor), 7 pm – info in our calendar listing. (5639 California SW)

WEST SEATTLE BOOSTER CLUB: Support student programs! WSBC meets at 7 pm at West Seattle High School. (3000 California SW)

MONDAY QUIZ: 7:30 pm, all-ages quiz, with prizes, at The Skylark. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

SEE WHAT ELSE IS UP … by browsing our complete calendar!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: First post-Viaduct weekday – AM coverage

(SDOT MAP with travel times / WS-relevant traffic cams / Water Taxi schedule, other helpful info HERE)

5:30 AM: Good morning! As promised, we’re on watch early for the first post-Viaduct commute. No outbound trouble reported so far.

5:40 AM: WSDOT reports a collision on NB I-5 downtown: “in the gore point on NB 5 near Seneca; it isn’t blocking anything, but people are seeing it and slowing, so we are seeing a bit heavier traffic in that area.”

6:04 AM: Our crew is now headed to Seacrest to report on the Water Taxi commute for the rest of the morning, in addition to everything else we’re monitoring.

6:28 AM: Solid brake lights on the eastbound bridge. And an interesting report in comments – Route 56 did stop at the light-rail station, something Metro said they wouldn’t do. Please keep us all updated on anomalies (we’ll ask at the media briefings/Q&A sessions later). Also – wherever you see a temporary no-parking sign, TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!

Some of those zones are meant as holding zones for added buses that might be needed. … Meantime, still lots of room on the Water Taxi. The county isn’t providing passenger counts so far but we counted about 80 people boarding the one that’s about to leave.

6:40 AM: Update – 112 on that sailing. Still room (both boats on the WS run have 200+ capacity). Also, the low bridge opened for 11 minutes. Note that the temporary restrictions are in effect 7-10 am and 2-5 pm, and even during that time, it can still open for 5,000-gross-ton-plus vessels.

6:58 AM: 4700 block of West Marginal Way SW (by the Duwamish Longhouse) has a Seattle Fire “rescue extrication” response headed that way for a crash that is reported to be possibly “in a wooded area.” … Update: Car on roof, off road, one person hurt. Response is still likely to be affecting W. Marginal Way flow for a while.

7:12 AM: Water Taxi dock busy but NOT over capacity, still. Most-recent boat left with 110+ people. Here’s the line:

Marination Ma Kai at the dock is opening at 7 am for breakfast.

Meantime: Andy tells us that West Marginal near the Longhouse-vicinity crash scene is slick – temps this morning were close to freezing. We’re also told traffic there IS getting by despite the emergency response. … Thanks to everyone who’s sharing their experience in comments!

7:39 AM: The headline seems to be, everybody left early so backups started earlier. Meantime back at the dock, sailings are now surpassing 200 (getting closer to capacity). King County Executive Dow Constantine, longtime WT champion, is at the dock too (in photo with KC Marine Division’s Paul Brodeur):

7:49 AM: West Seattle-residing Seattle Times transportation reporter Mike Lindblom tweeted that the 7:30 am bike counter on the “low bridge” showed 278. Meantime, most-recent Water Taxi run was just under 100. The Metro supervisor keeping watch on the temporary parking lot at Pier 2 tells us it’s only about a quarter full – free shuttle to the dock – so if you’re still considering how to get off the peninsula, that’s an option.

8:03 AM: A warning from Rebecca: “Please post a warning ASAP about the northern tip of California Ave where the street makes a sharp turn. I just saw two bicyclists and a moped wipe out there!! Very slippery right now.” She sent this photo:

(Rebecca adds that Ferry Avenue is slick too.) Meantime, bus riders say things are going relatively well – including private transit; an Amazon bus rider from The Junction said the 7 am trip only took five minutes longer than last week.

8:23 AM: SDOT reports “So far, light traffic on major roads in Downtown Seattle.”

8:38 AM: The 8:15 am Water Taxi had 139 people on board. KC Marine Division confirms that they are leaving on schedule even if there are people waiting – Heather e-mailed us about this and said about 15 people were affected at one point during the 6 am hour; our crew hasn’t seen a major amount of this happening, but still, be aware – they are loading until one minute before scheduled departure, and then taking off. Also, the free shuttles have been pretty much at capacity.

(That’s the San Juan Clipper, the second boat on the West Seattle run during this extra-service time.)

8:47 PM: And a big-picture stat – through 8:35, just under 1,200 passengers on Water Taxi runs this morning, 66 percent above normal this time of year. Ride2 has had 150 riders (we’re checking on commenters’ reports of app glitches).

9 AM: If you’ve waited to leave – this would seem to be a pretty great time. We added to the array of cameras on our Traffic page so you can see for yourself beyond the four we are showcasing above.

9:27 AM: Another icy-road report, just in via text:

Might be worth noting in your traffic reporting that Snake Hill on the way to Brandon is terribly terribly icy. I just picked up and took home a couple of bicyclists I came upon who had wiped out on their way down. Bumped and bruised and broke a one of the bikes. Another route to Delridge is advised.

9:43 AM: Don’t get complacent, is the reminder … everybody who made a change today DEFINITELY helped. We’ll be watching traffic through the day and will have a PM report too with an ear on getting back this way. We also expect morning post-mortems from the transportation agencies in a conference call in less than 2 hours, and a Metro briefing at 1:30 pm, so stand by for updates! Thanks again for texting/calling 206-293-6302 (our round-the-clock hotline, in its 12th year) when there’s something to report.

FIRST POST-VIADUCT COMMUTE: What you need to know for first Monday of #Realign99

One last round of reminders tonight, after an uneventful weekend post-Alaskan Way Viaduct shutdown, with the first 99-less commute hours away:

(Live webcam showing work by south tunnel entrance. See other construction cameras here)

WHAT’S CLOSED: Highway 99, between the West Seattle Bridge and the south end of the Battery Street Tunnel: The Viaduct is closed forever; the Highway 99 tunnel will be open the morning of February 4th if all goes well. Finishing the pre-tunnel exit ramp for NB 99 traffic to downtown (at Dearborn – here’s the explanatory video) is projected to take at least another week after that.

Metro routing. All the routes that used the Alaskan Way Viaduct are using temporary new “pathways” to get downtown. (Here’s the map.)
-The temporary bus lane painted on the eastbound bridge and 4th Avenue is now officially in effect.
-Maritime openings of the low bridge are supposed to be kept to a minimum during morning peak hours and part of the afternoon (7-10 am and 2-5 pm). (Bridge openings are tweeted here.)

-Two boats on the West Seattle run (Doc Maynard and San Juan Clipper), both with 200+ capacity – here’s the schedule, including Vashon (which is on its regular schedule):

-Doubled free Water Taxi shuttle service (see the schedules here)
-Parking at Pier 2 (Harbor/Florida – here’s a map) with a free shuttle to the dock
-Overnight parking restrictions on Harbor between Fairmount Avenue and Don Armeni Boat Ramp, meant to ensure more street-parking spots for WT riders
-Extra bicycle parking at Seacrest
-Remember the Free Waterfront Shuttle once you get downtown (see the maps here).

-As long as you are traveling either to or from The Junction or Seacrest, and are in the service area, Ride2 might be an option for you. (See the map, times, etc. on the Ride2 website.)

-The city plans to station uniformed police officers at key locations from SODO to downtown – see the list and maps here. (And note that the city says the plan is subject to change at any time.)

-We’ll be starting by 5:30 am and will see how that goes. We’ll have a crew at the Water Taxi dock monitoring the situation there, as well as at the desk here watching/listening to the traffic/transit situation. We’ll also, as we did during the last weekday Viadoom, have running PM coverage for starters. Something to report to us? (Not while you’re at the wheel, of course!) 206-293-6302, text or voice.
-If you have questions or observations, please share those when you can – we’ll be participating in media briefings between the am and pm commutes.
-In addition to the cameras we will feature during ongoing coverage, our 24/7 traffic-cameras page is here.

Now West Seattle’s only bookstore, Pegasus Book Exchange is thriving

(Pegasus’s Eric Ogriseck thumbs through a rare offering: A 1906 first edition of “Peter Pan”)

Story and photos by Tony Lystra
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Now that the Westwood Village Barnes & Noble has closed its doors, Pegasus Book Exchange is West Seattle’s last surviving bookstore — and, despite a deluge of obituaries for America’s independent bookstores, business is booming at the family-owned store at 4553 California Avenue SW, employees say.

Eric Ogriseck, who has worked at the store for seven years, said 2018 was the best year in Pegasus’ history. The banner year was, no doubt, helped along by last year’s closure of Merryweather Books, just a few storefronts up California Avenue. Still, Ogriseck said, revenues at Pegasus have been jumping roughly 5-10 percent in recent years.

The vast majority of the book store’s shelves are piled with used books, but the store started selling a few new titles more than a decade ago, when customers were clamoring for new copies of the hit teen vampire drama Twilight.

With Barnes & Noble closing, Ogriseck said more books are on their way to Pegasus, which has been owned for nearly four decades by Fred and Lanthe Epps, of Mount Vernon, and managed by their grown daughter Emma Epps.

“We have to kind of stay with the times,” said Ogriseck, who added that the store will likely increase its new book inventory by 10 percent.

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From police to parking @ Fauntleroy Community Association

January 13, 2019 2:24 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

Planning to spend more time on the peninsula because of the looming transportation crunch? You might consider checking out your nearest community group. We cover many of them. Here are toplines from the Fauntleroy Community Association meeting this past week:

POLICE UPDATE: Auto thefts dropped off significantly about two weeks ago, said Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Steve Strand in a quick briefing, possibly thanks to a recent arrest. He also mentioned, as he did at another recent meeting, that Automated License Plate Reader technology is being used aggressively – including some stakeouts.

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VIDEO: From orcas to health insurance, here’s what 34th District state legislators were asked about in West Seattle Q&A

Those are the three people who will be representing you and the rest of the 34th District (including West Seattle, White Center, Vashon/Maury Islands, part of Burien) when the Washington State Legislature starts its new session tomorrow in Olympia. From left are Reps. Eileen Cody and Joe Fitzgibbon, re-elected unopposed in November, which is also when about-to-be-sworn-in Sen. Joe Nguyen was elected. Before the session starts, the trio held an hour-plus Town Hall-style gathering Saturday morning at Delridge Community Center. Each began with a short introduction and summary – along the lines of the conversations we’ve already published (Cody and Fitzgibbon here, Nguyen here). After a few minutes, they opened the floor to comments/questions. We have it all on video, plus part of the introductions:

If you don’t have time to watch, here are our topline notes:

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AIRCRAFT ALERT: Blue Angels jet visiting Monday

While we grapple with Viadoom on the ground tomorrow, there will be a summer-style sighting in the sky … the Blue Angels #7 jet flying a crew in for the annual Seafair midwinter visit. It’s an annual visit to plan the summer festival – no performances but in case you see/hear the jet on its way in to nearby Boeing Field (tentatively expected around 2 pm Monday), now you know. This year’s big Seafair weekend will be August 2nd-4th.

What’s up for your first Highway 99-less West Seattle Sunday

January 13, 2019 6:07 am
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(Common Goldeneye, photographed at Jack Block Park by Mark Wangerin)

Enjoy a sunny Sunday before we truly see what transportation challenges Monday brings. From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

SURVIVE #REALIGN99 RIDE, THE SEQUEL: Want to join a friendly group to see what the bike commute to downtown is like? Meet West Seattle Bike Connections and Cascade Bicycle Club for the second version of this free ride – gather at 9:15 am at Starbucks in The Junction – ride starts at 9:30 am. (California/Alaska)

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Sunny Sunday shopping, 10 am-2 pm in the heart of The Junction – vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, baked goods, beverages, prepared food, more. (California SW between SW Alaska and SW Oregon)

GREYHOUND MEET-AND-GREET: The dogs would love to meet you. So would the volunteers working with them. 11 am-1 pm at Mud Bay in Admiral. (2611 California SW)

PRESCHOOL OPEN HOUSE @ A CHILD BECOMES: 2 pm-4 pm, come tour A Child Becomes Preschool – details in our calendar listing. Bring your child(ren)! (4320 SW Hill)

SUMMER CAMP FAIR: 3-6 pm, Mode Music Studios and Boom Studios LLC (WSB sponsors) invite you to a summer-camp fair, with fun and discounts, and a chance to secure your space(s) in fun camps! We previewed the fair here. It’s at Mode Music and Performing Arts‘ HQ. (3801 Delridge Way SW)

LADIES’ MUSICAL CLUB: Free concert at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 3 pm:

La Voix Humaine is Poulenc’s one-act operatic monologue first performed in 1959. The opera is subtitled a “Lyric Tragedy†and follows the final conversation of a woman with her lover, who tells her that he’s leaving her for another. Arranged for soprano and piano. Performed by Emily Riesser, soprano, and Joan Lundquist, piano.

(2306 42nd SW)

DAN LUNDIN & FRIENDS: 3-5 pm, easy-listening covers and originals at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) with Dan Lundin & friends. (5612 California SW)

SEE THE FUTURE … by browsing our complete calendar!

Hope Lutheran gathers ‘with laughter and tears’ in memory of Natalie Gulizia

Hundreds of friends and supporters from the Hope Lutheran church and school community gathered on Saturday afternoon to honor the memory of Natalie Gulizia, the 14-year-old former Hope student who passed away tragically last month.

The memorial service included stories and memories shared by teachers, friends, and family.

“This is a brutally hard day that should not be,†said Peter Mueller, pastor at Hope Lutheran, “but we are thankful to gather and celebrate Natalie’s life with laughter and tears.â€

Those sharing memories at the service recalled Natalie as a “bright and shining light†and a “true hero,†and “extremely smart†with a passion for ballet, music, drama and theater, gymnastics, volunteering, and horseback riding.

Memorial gifts in Natalie’s memory may be given to The Service Board and March For Our Lives.

-Jason Grotelueschen for West Seattle Blog

VIADOOM UPDATES: First day of #Realign99

Notes from the first day of the Highway 99 viaduct-to-tunnel-transition closure:

(WSDOT photo)

VIADUCT RAMP DEMOLITION: WSDOT keeps stressing that this is NOT the start of the full demolition – that six-month process won’t launch until next month (with some of the debris to be used in the Battery Street Tunnel decommissioning). But the ramp to the remaining elevated Viaduct is coming down this weekend, to clear the way for the intersection that will be used by (among others) West Seattleites getting off NB 99 to head into downtown.

WSDOT’S UPDATE: That demolition work comprises most of the update posted by WSDOT, which also notes that traffic and transit were “similar to average weekend conditions.”

METRO’S NEW ROUTES: Remember that the closure means new routes for the buses that previously traveled the Viaduct, and that started last night. The maps are here and here (that last one shows the “interim” pathways that buses then will use for up to a year after the tunnel opens).

WATER TAXI’S EXTRA BOAT: As we reported last night, the San Juan Clipper will join the Doc Maynard on the West Seattle Water Taxi run. The Water Taxi is NOT running on weekends (though the county has said the “celebration” weekend February 2-3 will be an exception), but Jennie spotted the SJ Clipper at Seacrest today:

Here again is the which-vessel-on-which-run is planned starting Monday:

And the extra-parking info (among other details for water-taxi riders) is available here.

ANOTHER LOOK AT THE PARTY: In addition to the helicopter video we featured last night, here’s a bit of video of what it was like in the midst of the final cruise, linked in a WSB comment by Mike Russell:

Regional media reports people were walking on the viaduct at sunset tonight. Remember, an official chance to say goodbye is coming up the first weekend of February, just before the tunnel’s expected opening – info here.

TRAFFIC WATCH: Quiet today but we’re continuing to watch the outbound and inbound routes. If you encounter an incident we haven’t reported yet, please alert us at 206-293-6302 when you can do so safely/legally (after calling it in to authorities if they’re not on scene yet). And our collection of SDOT/WSDOT traffic cameras is here.

UPDATE: Police investigation at Hamilton Viewpoint Park

7:36 PM: Police are at Hamilton Viewpoint Park, reportedly closing it off while they investigate an incident. We’re on our way to find out more but we’ve heard via radio communication so far includes that an injured man is getting treatment, and that police are looking for a vehicle last seen heading downhill northbound from the park, possibly a white Dodge SUV. The injured man will be taken to Harborview Medical Center. Just as we published this, the incident was described by the dispatcher as an assault. More when we get it.

8:05 PM: Police haven’t been available to talk with us so far but firefighters tell us the injured person was a man in his 20s who likely had been hit with some sort of blunt object.

ADDED 9:59 PM: The only additional detail we were able to get from police is that the initial report is that someone saw a man down on the ground, being hit by someone. We’ll see if we’re able to get the report on Monday.

VIDEO: Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda starts tour with West Seattle stops

January 12, 2019 6:52 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

That chat with West Seattle Junction Association executive director Lora Radford was one of the stops for City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda on a visit to West Seattle on Friday, as she launched a half-year tour of the seven council districts, starting here in D-1. She is one of two at-large councilmembers, elected to citywide Position 8 a little over a year ago. We asked her for a quick description of the tour’s start:

She has more West Seattle stops planned on Friday, January 25th, including the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse and 2:30-4:30 pm “coffee/office hours” to meet constituents at a TBA location.

About the police search in Alki

Several people have asked about a police search in Alki. They were looking for a missing child who has just been found, safe, minutes ago, according to the scanner.

No, that’s not a marine mammal in distress

Again this week, Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network received reports of what someone thought was a marine mammal in distress – but wasn’t. David Hutchinson as a result shares information we’ve published in the past about “a typical behavior of sea lions that causes concerns each year,” known as “sailing.” He sent the photo, too, to help explain:

Every fall and winter, Seal Sitters’ Hotline receives calls from folks out walking West Seattle beaches who are concerned about marine mammals offshore that they feel are in distress or entangled. These reports typically turn out to be California sea lions who are regulating their body temperatures by raising flippers out of the water, referred to as “thermoregulation.â€

When a single animal does this, it is called “sailing,†while if a group of sea lions is involved, it is called “rafting.†For more details on this behavior, please see the 2010 story in Seal Sitters’ Blubberblog at this link: “Sailing” sea lion sparks concern.

It is also normal behavior for a resting sea lion to just float and drift on the water’s surface without raised flippers, occasionally lifting the head to take a breath. For more information on California sea lions that visit our area during this time of year, see: About California sea lions.

Each year, marine mammals are killed by entanglement in derelict fishing gear. If you see an animal entangled in visible fishing line or net or with obvious injuries, please report this to our Hotline at 206-905-SEAL (7325).

Memorial service January 20 for Patricia Earle-Sylvester, 1933-2019

Family and friends will gather one week from tomorrow to remember Patricia Earle-Sylvester. They’re sharing this remembrance with the community:

Patricia Earle-Sylvester (née Rutherford)

Our mother was born in Miami, Florida, near the Everglades, on 6/15/33. Her Creator gathered her into His arms in the loving presence of her large family in the comfort of her home on 1/5/19. She died from complications caused by H.U.S. (hemolytic uremic syndrome). She was an energetic, talented, loving, and elegant lady, though in her final years she suffered mightily from arthritic pain. Despite this, she always managed a beautiful smile for her children, grand- and great-grandchildren and her many in-laws and friends.

Mom’s life was never easy. She was married at an early age to her first husband David M. Earle, with whom she had six kids in nearly as many states and many moves: Ric, Robin (husband Marc), Randy who died in 2014 (Angela), Andrew (Joanne), Kelly (Gigi), Tony (Jennifer). Despite a very difficult marriage and not very much money to spare (mom often worked nights to plug holes in the budget), those children never lacked for the basics nor for love.

In the late ’60s, David secured a job at Boeing, which brought the family to Seattle where it settled down in West Seattle. As usual, mom worked various jobs (sometimes with the help of her kids) to supplement the family’s income. Unfortunately, the marriage could not be saved and David and mom divorced in the early ’70s.

While working at Boeing, mom met and married Vincent Sylvester, who was also a skilled landscaper. When mom was laid off during the massive late-’70s recession, she began working with Vincent, who had left Boeing as well, in their new landscaping business. Together with son Randy and often the other younger kids as well, mom continued the grass-cutting operations for many years, even after she and Vincent divorced in the mid-’90s.

In the final chapter of mom’s life she formed a loving and lasting relationship with partner Mileta Radunivic, who supported her in her darkest hours with love, humility, and compassion. Together they ran an adult home for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients for 20+ years, giving comfort to those most in need.

For our mother, the most important thing in her life was her relationships with those she loved. For these she was generous to a fault. She extended that love and support not only to her immediate family, but also to the families of her in-laws, and certainly to the children and grandchildren of Mileta. She had a special fondness for her many grand- and great grandchildren, and for Mileta’s three children and grandkids. In her final days, grandson Jesse was a particular guardian angel to her and he was rarely absent from her and Mileta’s side.

Besides her children, grand- and great-grandchildren, mom is survived by her siblings Kathy, Anne, Bill, and John.

There will be a non-secular service and celebration at Bonney-Watson Washington Memorial Park & Mortuary, Sunday, January 20, at 1:00.

We would also like to thank the expertise and kindness of the Swedish hospital and staff in mom’s final hours.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to

West Seattle weekend scenes: Fog on the water

January 12, 2019 12:10 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle weather

Did you get to see the fog moving across the water this morning?

James Bratsanos shares the view above; Susanna Moore shares the view below:

Sunny days through Tuesday, says the National Weather Service!

6 for your Highway 99-less West Seattle Saturday

January 12, 2019 8:27 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Male Anna’s Hummingbird, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

You don’t want to leave the peninsula! Not just because of the Highway 99 closure (check cameras here) – but because there’s always plenty to do. The full list is on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar. Here are five highlights:

THEY MAKE THE LAWS: Your 34th District (West Seattle, White Center, Vashon/Maury, part of Burien) state legislators – Reps. Eileen Cody and Joe Fitzgibbon, and Sen.-elect Joe Nguyen – invite you to a “town hall”-style gathering this morning. 10 am at Delridge Community Center. They’re about to get busy in Olympia, but want to hear from you first. (4501 Delridge Way SW)

PRESCHOOL OPEN HOUSES: We have three listed on our calendar, all starting at 10 am – Admiral Co-Op (at Tibbetts United Methodist Church [WSB sponsor], 10-noon, 3940 41st SW); Community School of West Seattle (10 am-noon, 22nd/Roxbury); White Center Co-Op (10 am-noon at Mount View Presbyterian Church, 10806 12th SW).

WETLAND BLOCK PARTY: Perfect day to get outside – and here’s one way to do it – the Delridge Wetland Block Party, 11 am-2 pm. Explore this semi-hidden gem. Music, food, and art! (23rd SW/SW Findlay)

VIABOOM SALE: So you don’t have to cross the bay, Clementines – which moved from West Seattle to Pioneer Square a while back – has teamed up with, and at, Carmilia’s in The Junction for a “Viaboom Sale.” Carmilia’s is open 11 am-6 pm today. (4528 California SW)

LANE NORBERG, LIVE: Acoustic pop/folk with Lane Norberg at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. No cover. (5612 California SW)

RED RIBBON, LIVE IN-STORE: 7 pm, live and all-ages, Easy Street Records invites you to see Seattle band Red Ribbon perform live in-store. (California/Alaska)

MUCH MORE ... on our complete calendar!

‘The viaduct is clear’: Highway 99 closure begins, 2 hours later than planned

(WSDOT photo via Twitter)

12:21 AM: While the Columbia Street onramp closure happened just before 10 pm as planned, the process of fully closing the Alaskan Way Viaduct took two more hours because of an impromptu farewell party. Guardian One recorded this unique view of people driving, dancing, walking, waving, and more:

Though an officially “goodbye, Viaduct/hello, Tunnel” event is planned in three weeks, those people decided to say farewell on their own terms. Finally, just after midnight, WSDOT tweeted that “the viaduct is clear and the #Realign99 closure is officially underway!” So Highway 99 is now closed for ~3 weeks between the West Seattle Bridge and the south end of the Battery Street Tunnel. Much more coverage to come, starting later today.

8 AM: Uneventful night since then. Reminder that our traffic-cam page is here (we’ll be adding and subtracting a few this weekend, but they already have the biggies for West Seattle in/out flow). And here’s a “live” look at the eastbound bridge: