West Seattle Art Walk 365 results

TRIPLE BILL: Three mini-concerts for The Art of Music during October’s West Seattle Art Walk

October 9, 2023 5:16 pm
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Thursday night brings the first West Seattle Art Walk of fall, and with it, three mini-concerts celebrating The Art of Music. Coordinator John Redenbaugh tells us who’s performing this time:

The next free admission Art of Music performances presented by the West Seattle Junction Association are coming up on Second Thursday Art Walk evening October 12 at three locations — Lana Sparks in the Alaska Junction at Verity Credit Union (4505 California SW):

Cyd Smith in Morgan Junction at Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW):

And Swing 3PO in the Admiral District at Antico Soprano’s Pizza & Pasta Restaurant (2348 California SW).

Musicians will perform from 6 pm to 7:45 pm (with one 15-minute break at the midpoint). 

We have two Supporting Sponsors for this year’s Art of Music performances: the Admiral Neighborhood Association and the Morgan Community Association. Also: Funding provided by the Neighborhood Matching Fund from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.

And thanks to all that, you can watch/listen to Art of Music mini-concerts for free! The Art Walk itself will be happening that night “5 pm until late” as always – watch for that preview soon. (WSB is a longtime WSAW community co-sponsor.)

Scenes from West Seattle Art Walk, September edition

Beautiful night to go out and enjoy art, food, and drinks! The West Seattle Art Walk is on – venues, artists, and food and drink specials are all listed here. Our first stop:

Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor) is hosting the work of artist Jenna Brechbeil, “showcasing a new collection of modern watercolor paintings on wood panel.” Viscon Cellars also offers a wine special for Art Walk night – tasting fees waived.

ADDED 6:12 PM: We just stopped at Doll Parts Collective (4832 California SW) and met 14-year-old crocheter Violet McKernan.

Here’s some of her work:

Violet, a Chief Sealth International High School student, just started crocheting around Thanksgiving last year and discovered she was good at it and loved doing it. If you don’t get to Doll Parts tonight, Violet’s work will be on sale there all month!

ADDED 6:33 PM: We went to The Admiral District to visit West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor), where artist Jan Brown is showing her work tonight:

She told us she has paintings in multiple genres – including work inspired during the pandemic, when people asked her for paintings they could use as backdrops during Zoom meetings! West Seattle Realty has snacks, too, if you stop by tonight.

7:04 PM: Tonight’s two Art of Music performances are still under way – we went to CAPERS (4525 California SW), where you’ll find Guitar Gil:

He’s there, and Trevor Ras is at Welcome Road Winery (California/Charlestown), until 7:45 pm.

7:44 PM: Our last stop, Verity Credit Union, where the passing of the Art Walk leadership torch continues:

Last night when we introduced you to new Art Walk director Mia Manzulli (above left), we noted that she and outgoing longtime Art Walk leader Reeve Washburn (above right)would be hanging out tonight to talk with any and all community members who came by. And many did!

Meet new West Seattle Art Walk director Mia Manzulli

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Back in May, the call went out for a new West Seattle Art Walk director, to transform the year-round, peninsula-wide event – from a volunteer-powered WS Junction Association side project into a standalone nonprofit.

Now, the new director is in place: Mia Manzulli. And you can meet her during the September Art Walk tomorrow night. In advance of that, we sat down with her to talk about what’s ahead.

The West Seattle Art Walk dates back at least 17 years – we found a mention of “revived” art walks organized by Junction businesses in fall 2006. The basic current premise is simple – businesses stay open late on the second Thursday evening each month, hosting an art display, often with the artist there to talk with visitors. The Art Walk is enhanced by participating food/beverage venues offering specials that night. Participating venues sign up quarterly.

The longtime West Seattle Art Walk coordinator is Reeve Washburn, who will join Mia at Thursday night’s meet-and-greet. They’re working together until September 30th, and then Mia goes solo.

She’s an East Coast native who’s lived in West Seattle for a year, moving here with her husband because of his job. They have family on the West Coast and have settled in comfortably. “It feels like we’re finally home!”

Her background is in teaching, writing, and editing, but she has art chops, working as an art coordinator at schools, working with visual-arts programs. Having enjoyed that kind of work, she thought the Art Walk role “looked really interesting.” It’s an opportunity to not only make that transition into a nonprofit organization happen, but also potentially to fold in other events under the same umbrella, for example, the West Seattle Art Hop.

During their transition work together, Mia and Reeve have met with other Art Walk organizers around the city, and she says that was enlightening in an unexpected way – they learned that the West Seattle Art Walk already has more organizational strengths, such as the “library” of artists that businesses can contact as potential exhibitors, rather than constantly launching their own searches. That also results in an array of potential poster art from which to choose each quarter. “Other art walks don’t have that.” And the West Seattle Art Walk doesn’t have to scrounge for participants – businesses often reach out to them, expressing interest in being part of it. “That says a lot about the community here,” Mia observed. “So many artists here, so much potential.”

What’s she going to tackle first, on the path to Art Walk transformation and growth? “Signage and wayfinding – people don’t necessarily know who’s where, or even that the Art Walk is happening.” So consistent signage for participating venues will be a step toward that. Rethinking the Art Walk map will be another step. Right now there are paper maps printed well in advance, not reflecting last-minute changes. “We’ve got to think about the map as an app – get it to be more useful, interactive, tech-savvy.” A bit of website streamlining is likely, too.

Going back to her roots in education, she would like to see more youth involvement in the Art Walk, from student exhibitors to improved connections with schools. She welcomes new volunteers, too – roles include photography and neighborhood coordination. (By the way, as noted when recruiting began, her job is a volunteer position for starters, too.)

And she would love to hear your ideas. Thursday night’s meet-and-greet is one opportunity – you’ll find Mia and Reeve at Verity Credit Union (4505 California SW) 5 pm-8 pm. If you can’t catch up with them then, you can email Mia with your thoughts, volunteering inquiries, etc. – mia@wsartwalk.org.

Most importantly – she hopes you’ll just get out on Art Walk night and explore! The new director says the Art Walk’s value is in supporting artists and getting people into local businesses, “making supporting businesses part of your daily experience.”

THE ART OF MUSIC: 2 free mini-concerts for Thursday’s West Seattle Art Walk

September 12, 2023 1:12 pm
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This month’s West Seattle Art Walk, coming up Thursday (September 14th), again features The Art of Music, this time with two free mini-concerts.

That’s Trevor Ras, who will perform at Welcome Road Winery in South Admiral (California/Charlestown). At CAPERS in The Junction (4525 California SW), you’ll see and hear Guitar Gil:

Both performances are 6 pm to 7:45 pm Thursday, and you can find out more about the musicians by going here. They’re sponsored by neighborhood groups – the Admiral Neighborhood Association and the Morgan Community Association, with funding from the city’s Neighborhood Matching Fund.

P.S. Of course there’s non-musical art on Art Walk night too – all over the peninsula! – find those previews here.

THURSDAY TUNES: Three ‘Art of Music’ performances planned for August’s West Seattle Art Walk

August 8, 2023 3:55 pm
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This Thursday brings the West Seattle Art Walk, accompanied again this month by The Art of Music, free performances at multiple local venues. Three this time — Epiphany of Time in The Junction in front of KeyBank (SW corner of California/Alaska), MoonGirl in the Admiral District at Soprano’s Antico Pizza and Pasta (2348 California SW), and Natalie Paige in Morgan Junction at Whisky West (6451 California SW). The performances are concurrent, all scheduled 6 pm to 7:45 pm. Find out more about the performers and shows by going here!

VIDEO: West Seattle Summer Fest Eve + July 2023 Art Walk

5:31 PM: In the heart of The Junction, the streets are now closed for West Seattle Summer Fest setup:

Until post-festival breakdown/cleanup is over late Sunday/early Monday, California is closed between Genesee and Oregon (main stage through Saturday night, Farmers’ Market on Sunday) and between Oregon and Edmunds, while SW Alaska is closed between 42nd and 44th. (Find bus reroute info here.)

Tonight while setup is under way, it’s Summer Fest Eve, a chance to walk in the street and enjoy bonus features such as street performers, chalk art, and a dance “flash mob” around 7:15 pm. Plus, many businesses are open for the July West Seattle Art Walk – find tonight’s list, and artist previews, here (two special Art of Music performances too!).

Art Walk, of course, stretches beyond The Junction. You’ll also find venues to the north and south, especially in Morgan Junction and Admiral. In the latter, West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW) is featuring art and music tonight – the former with Dan Jacobs (below right), the latter with Michael Pearsall (below left):

Lots more coverage to come!

6:29 PM: That’s the crowd gathered by Walk All Ways for Aurora Ave. Here’s a slice of their performance:

At California/Oregon, for The Art of Music, Hopscotch is performing until 7:45 outside the Alki Arts pop-up on the ground floor of the Senior Center:

And of course, there’s art too. Inside Verity Credit Union (4505 California SW; WSB sponsor), West Seattle artist T. Frick is showing her work tonight:

7:08 PM: A crowd is gathering for the promised DancePowered “flash mob” at Walk All Ways. And steps away, Easy Street Records‘ premiere of Ryan Cory‘s mini-documentary about fabled music photographer Lance Mercer (below) is coming up at 7:30 pm.

(Lance Mercer and daughter Mackenzie, who was assisting with sales)

8:30 PM: Another epic performance – here’s part of it:

Then the dancers invited onlookers to, as the song went, “bust a move”:

Leading it all, Jennifer Cepeda:

Meantime, we made one more art stop – the makers’ market at Jet City Labs:

That’s Lora Radford with her Extra Glorious creations. (Pre-pandemic, when Lora led the West Seattle Junction Association, she would have been running around overseeing pre-festival logistics; tonight, she just got to mingle with shoppers. Stop into JCL – a couple doors up from Easy Street – to see what’s up, all festival long.) Up the street, the stage and beer garden area was starting to take shape north of SW Oregon:

The festival officially begins at 1 pm Friday. Preview everything – vendors, music, food, kid stuff – at westseattlesummerfest.com. We’ll be in the Info Booth at Walk All Ways as in years past – stop by and say hi when you’re at the festival!

COUNTDOWN: One week until West Seattle Summer Fest Eve

July 6, 2023 7:02 pm
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Starting in exactly one week, work will be under way to convert the heart of The Junction into a festival zone for West Seattle Summer Fest!

The festival itself doesn’t officially start until 1 pm Friday (July 14th), but the night before has become Summer Fest Eve, a fun night to come to The Junction and walk in the closed-to-motorized-vehicles streets before the weekend wildness begins. Summer Fest Eve also coincides with the monthly West Seattle Art Walk, which is not a Junction-only event but has many Junction participants. You can preview them here – and if you’re up for live music that night, one of two Art of Music performances, 6 pm-7:45 pm, will be in The Junction:

Hopscotch will perform in the pop-up ground-level Senior Center of West Seattle space on the southeast corner of California/Oregon. Also planned for Summer Fest Eve – DancePowered‘s flash mob at the Walk All Ways crossing around 7:15 pm, buskers at KeyBank Plaza, and “tons of colored chalk lying around” for sidewalk/pavement art. See you in The Junction next Thursday! (Festival previews start tomorrow – you can also browse the festival website to preview vendors, activities, and of course the Friday/Saturday music schedules.)

Scenes from West Seattle Art Walk, June edition

6:23 PM: Get out and wander the peninsula tonight – it’s West Seattle Art Walk night!

Our first stop was West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW) in North Admiral, where illustrator Andrew Gregg is showing work tonight. Much of his art is focused on athletes, as you can see in the background of our photo. If you visit WSG before 7:45 pm, you can also catch live music by Taylor John Hardin, one of three Art of Music performances during tonight’s Art Walk.

6:41 PM: Paul Gerard is another of the Art of Music performers; as shown above, he is performing until 7:45 pm at Wildflour (4709 California SW; formerly Flying Apron) in The Junction. The visual artist there tonight is Jenna Brechbiel.

Also in The Junction, Matthew Cory is the featured artist at Compass (4509 California SW):

Some receptions run as late as 9 pm, so you still have time to go out and enjoy some art!

THURSDAY: West Seattle Art Walk, featuring three free Art of Music performances

June 7, 2023 8:10 pm
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Tomorrow night, plan to wander West Seattle and enjoy this month’s Art Walk – with the return of The Art of Music. From organizer John Redenbaugh, here’s who’s performing this time:

The next free admission Art of Music performances presented by the West Seattle Junction Association are coming up on Second Thursday Art Walk Evening June 8 at THREE locations — Paul Gerard in The Junction at Wildflour Gluten-Free Baking Co. (formerly Flying Apron); Taylor John Hardin in the Admiral District at West Seattle Grounds, and Larry Murante in Morgan Junction at Zeeks Pizza.

Performances are scheduled to begin at 6 pm and run till 7:45 pm to complement and support the West Seattle Art Walk offerings.

As for the art venues – see the list above, including venues with food/beverage specials; find detailed previews here. Art Walk hours are “5 pm until late” but individual participating businesses set their own schedules.

Want to lead the West Seattle Art Walk into a new era? (update: position filled)

The West Seattle Art Walk has long been a volunteer-run monthly event under the wing of the West Seattle Junction Association. In recent years, though, it’s grown beyond The Junction – and it’s time for the organization to reflect that. So a plan has emerged to find leadership for the Art Walk who can in turn transform it into its own nonprofit org. The WSJA is getting the ball rolling by looking for someone to start as a 5-hour-a-week volunteer and grow the gig from there. Here’s the context, from WSJA:

The year-round West Seattle Art Walk provides a framework for businesses to work directly with artists to plan and host exhibits, giving the community a chance to engage with businesses and artists.

The WSAW is currently volunteer-powered, under the wing of the non-profit West Seattle Junction Association. We have four volunteer team leads (marketing, website, social, content); two neighborhood coordinators; a flexible corps of event photographers, and an Arts Council that meets once per quarter. It will be the job of the (Future) Executive Director to oversee this amazing, self-sufficient group of volunteers.

WSAW has grown past its humble roots in the Alaska Junction with only nine merchants. Today it’s a vibrant monthly event in all three Junctions, with 30–35 businesses hosting art shows, and 15–20 bars and restaurants offering specials every Art Walk night. WSAW strengthens the economic health of our businesses and brings our community together to celebrate the arts.

Our goal is to transition WSAW into its own non-profit organization so that it can continue to grow peninsula-wide. The (Future) Executive Director will guide the formation of this non-profit, as well as ensure its ongoing financial health by seeking governmental and arts funding and/or leading community fundraising for operating expenses. Initial assistance for this transition will be offered by the West Seattle Junction Association. It is our intention that the (Future) Executive Director will become the Executive Director of the new non-profit, and will draw a part-time salary.

See the full job listing, including qualifications and how to apply, here.

P.S. History trivia – the first West Seattle Art Walk was in 2006!

JUNE 16 UPDATE: The position’s been filled.

Scenes from May’s almost-summer West Seattle Art Walk

6:33 PM: As previewed here, you can head out tonight to enjoy art and artists all over the peninsula during the West Seattle Art Walk. Our first stop: West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor):

Longtime West Seattle sculptor Warren Pope is at WSR tonight, as is musical guest Aurora Avenue.

You can stop by until 9 pm.

6:49 PM: Next stop, Verity Credit Union (4505 California SW; WSB sponsor), where Heidi Gottshall is showing tonight; she works primarily with color pencils:

7:20 PM: Mason Heckett is showing his mixed-media paintings at Canna West Culture Shop (5435 California SW; WSB sponsor):

If you can’t get out tonight, remember that many venues show art throughout the month, so visit your local businesses and check it out.

West Seattle Art Walk, Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council, OLG musical, more for your Thursday

May 11, 2023 9:55 am
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Tonight, five highlights in our preview list from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar – first, it’s West Seattle Art WalkC night!

That’s the list of who’s participating – where you’ll find art (some venues with the artist present) and/or food and drink specials for Art Walk night. General Art Walk hours are “5 pm until late,” but some venues start earlier or later. For specifics – including artist previews – go here. Participants this month include these WSB sponsors, north to south:

LAKE WASHINGTON PHYSICAL THERAPY (1309 Harbor SW) – “Spring and the 4 Elements” show, 7-8 pm reception

WEST SEATTLE REALTY (2715 California SW) – Warren Pope, reception 5-9 pm

VERITY CREDIT UNION (4505 California SW) – Heidi Gottshall, 5:30- 8 pm reception

QUAIL PARK OF WEST SEATTLE (4515 41st SW) – Virginia B and Doug Peak, reception 4-8 pm

ARTSWEST (4711 California SW) – Rodger Greene, reception 4-7 pm (then go see “Zach” at 7:30 pm in the theater!)

CANNA WEST CULTURE SHOP (5435 California SW) – Mason Heckett, 5-8 pm reception

Many other amazing artists and venues are participating this month – so browse the preview post to see many more!

Four other major highlights:

SOUTHWEST PRECINCT CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: 6 pm at the precinct (Delridge/Webster), it’s your chance to hear from police and ask questions – specific incidents or trends, for example – plus guest speakers, this month from Parking Enforcement. If you can’t get to the precinct in person, you can attend online – that information is in our calendar listing.

WORDS, WRITERS, SOUTHWEST STORIES: Also at 6 pm, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society presents this month’s speaker – paranormal investigator Ross Allison. This renowned “ghost hunter” will speak during an online event; our calendar listing has the registration link.

MATILDA JR. THE MUSICAL: Go support the 8th graders of Our Lady of Guadalupe as they stage a one-night-only performance of “Matilda Jr. the Musical.” Doors at 6:30, show at 7 pm, runs about 40 minutes, at OLG’s Walmesley Center (north side of 35th/Myrtle) – details in our calendar listing.

LGBTQIA+ BUSINESS OWNERS’ MEETUP: First-ever meetup for LGBTQIA+ business owners from West Seattle and White Center, 7 pm at Launchpad (6030 California SW)

There’s even more in our calendar!

VIDEO: Muse Fest weaves music into April’s West Seattle Art Walk

Eleven extra reasons to explore the West Seattle Art Walk tonight – mini-concerts at 11 venues as part of the second Muse Fest: The Power of Women’s Voices music festival. Above is Carly Ann Calbero, who performed at West Seattle Grounds in North Admiral; below is jean mann at Verity Credit Union (WSB sponsor) in The Junction:

Tonight’s venues stretched southward to Morgan Junction, where WSB contributor Jason Grotelueschen photographed the performers – first, Sue Quigley – who co-coordinated Muse Fest – at Beveridge Place Pub:

And almost-next-door at Zeeks Pizza, Katrina Kope:

Co-coordinator John Redenbaugh, who also produces The Art of Music, says those performances will be back on second Thursday Art Walk nights this June through December

WEST SEATTLE ART WALK: Enjoy ‘Muse Fest’ mini-concerts along with art this Thursday

April 10, 2023 7:53 pm
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Thursday brings this month’s West Seattle Art Walk, with a bonus – the second presentation of multiple mini-concerts as part of Muse Fest: The Power of Women’s Voices. From coordinator John Redenbaugh:

Muse Fest is co-presented by The Art of Music and local musician Sue Quigley on behalf of the West Seattle Junction Association.

A total of 11 free admission Muse Fest performances are scheduled to concurrently take place from 6 – 7:45 pm that night (with one 15-minute break at the midpoint) at businesses in the Admiral District, Alaska Junction, and Morgan Junction.

The Muse Fest performers will provide a variety of music to choose from and enjoy; they, and the genres represented, are:

Carly Ann Calbero (Genre: Folk Rock)
Katrina Kope (Genre: Downtempo Electronic 
Megan Krantz Project (Genre : Folk/Pop/Acoustic)
Kim Archer (Genre: Soulful Rock)
jean mann (Genre: Lyric-driven Alt-Folk with an Americana Twist )
Sue Quigley (Genre: Edgy Alt -Folk/Singer Songwriter
K Square (Genre: Rock)
Cami Voss (Genre: Retro Country)
Sheryl Wiser (Genre: Americana)
SAPPHIRE CITY (Genre: Alt pop/RnB)
Caitlin Patterson (Genre: Folk/Soul/Singer-songrwriter)

You can find details about the Muse Fest performers and venues on the West Seattle Art Walk website at: wsartwalk.org/2023/03/09/muse-fest-the-power-of-womens-voices-2.

And this is all in addition to the venues where you can see art, meet artists, and/or enjoy food and drink specials, 5 pm “until late” on Thursday – preview those here.

Scenes from March’s West Seattle Art Walk, brightening waning days of winter

March 9, 2023 5:42 pm
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5:42 PM: It’s on! The monthly West Seattle Art Walk is happening right now at dozens of venues around West Seattle.

That’s artist Leon Lowman, at Verity Credit Union (4405 California SW; WSB sponsor) until 8 tonight. He paints abstract art in acrylics, and has been a painter since his years growing up in Puerto Rico.

ADDED 6:06 PM: We also stopped at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor), always open on Art Walk night, where you can meet photographer Doug Early until 8 pm:

And at Canna West Culture Shop (5435 California SW), multimedia artist Rick Klu is showing his work until 7 pm:

See the full list of participating venues – both businesses with art and/or artist receptions, and restaurants/bars with food/drink specials for Art Walk night – by going here. The full preview of artists in tonight’s spotlight is here; we featured four in our preview last night, plus artist Reeve Washburn‘s California/Oregon pop-up here.

PREVIEW: What you’ll find on Thursday night’s West Seattle Art Walk

March 8, 2023 8:55 pm
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Tomorrow night (Thursday, March 9th) brings the last West Seattle Art Walk of winter, with artist receptions and exhibitions around the peninsula, as well as restaurants and bars offering food and drink specials to enhance your evening. Above is the list of participating venues, which is updated quarterly. Here are four of this month’s highlights:

REBECCA WOODHOUSE AT COMPASS: What you see above is painter Rebecca Woodhouse‘s “Subway Walls.” Woodhouse is a West Seattle artist who most often shows up in Friday Harbor, so this is a return to her “Stomping Grounds” – which is the title of her show at Compass (4531 California SW), where you can meet her 5-8 pm Thursday. She explains that the show title also reflects her style of abstract painting: “She places wood panels on the floor and steps all over them instead of hand-pressing her linocuts or using a printing press — both of which are prohibitive at the large sizes she prefers.”

IRENE REX AT AND ARLEN: Ready to start your Art Walk-ing a little early? Irene Rex‘s reception at new Junction shop And Arlen (4130 California SW) starts at 4 pm and continues until 7. She is described as an artist “who uses her sketch-style illustrations painted in watercolor, salt, and hand-drawn in layers of acrylic to design joyful home goods & accessories that encourage reusability and self-reflection.”

RHONDA PORTER AT ZELDA ZONK: Also on the early side, the reception at Zelda Zonk Consignment (2210 California SW) for West Seattle artist Rhonda Porter starts at 4 pm too. Rhonda “paints anything that makes her smile.”

DOUG EARLY AT VISCON CELLARS: Toward the south end of the Art Walk zone, Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor) is hosting photographer Doug Early, 5-8 pm. Stop in for wine and photos that “can take a person on a journey either by showcasing a foreign city’s highlights that piques the individual’s curiosity, an unusual landscape that begs the observer to want to know more or through capturing a flower in bloom that brings a wonderful calmness and serenity for the viewer.”

Those are just a few of the artists whose work you can see Thursday night – many others are previewed on the Art Walk website.

Scenes from almost-Valentine’s Day edition of West Seattle Art Walk

February 9, 2023 6:01 pm
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6:01 PM: Love is in the air, and art is almost everywhere, tonight – the February West Seattle Art Walk is on!

AT WEST SEATTLE REALTY: Our first stop, the expansive new offices of West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor), where you’ll find an art installation – including paintings and fashion – by LA Wiltbank. Music by Harrison B, too!

We’ll be making a few more stops. Preview all the venues – including Art Walk night food/drink specials – and find out how to play HeART Bingo tonight by going here!

(added 6:34 pm) AT WINDERMERE: Another real-estate office with an artist reception is Windermere West Seattle (4526 California SW), where Pat Sanford is showing his paintings:

The artist is an award-winning TV designer/artist/animator and longtime West Seattleite. His work has included portraits of Mariners stars – you might recognize Julio “J-Rod” Rodriguez in the one with which he posed for our photo above.

AT JET CITY LABS: Jet City‘s regular Art Walk pop-up has moved to their new event space at 4547 California SW – tonight the artists include first-time Art Walk participant Lora Radford:

Lora’s creations include hand-cast concrete bowls and candle orbs, plus refill candle kits. Jet City’s event, like the others we’ve featured, is scheduled to continue until 8 pm tonight – still time to go find artsy Valentine gifts!

3 reasons to love the pre-Valentine’s Day West Seattle Art Walk

February 8, 2023 5:30 pm
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That’s the winter venue list for the West Seattle Art Walk, including places you’ll find artist receptions, art displays, and/or food/beverage specials – and tomorrow (Thursday, February 9th) is your next chance to visit them. It’s the pre-Valentine edition of the second-Thursday WSAW, and here are three reasons to fall in love with it:

HEART BINGO: Reason #1 – you can enhance your Art Walk exploration by playing this free game, as explained on the Art Walk website:

The rules are simple: head on down to your favorite participating Art Walk business, and ask for a bingo card on February 9th. Then, visit businesses throughout the walk to find stickers matching your bingo board. Any WS Art Walk guest that collects 5 or more stickers can submit their bingo card to any of the businesses on the back of the bingo card.

All cards collected will be entered into a drawing for a specially curated Valentine’s Day Basket, with lovely items contributed by our art-walk local businesses.

NEW ARTIST: Reason #2 – at least one first-time participant will be displaying work tomorrow night! She’s new to the Art Walk as a participating artist, but not new to the Art Walk itself, as one of its founders when she was a Junction entrepreneur and then (now former) executive director of the West Seattle Junction Association: Lora Radford. Her announcement for 5-8 pm tomorrow:

Join Lora Radford of Extra Glorious for her very first art show during the February 9 West Seattle Art Walk. She will have a curated selection of hand-cast concrete bowls, the popular crow cast, candle orbs, and refill candle kits.

Each item will be wrapped and lovingly placed in a gift box. If you’re looking for Galentine or Valentine gifts – come to Jet City Labs on California Ave to see Glorious.

Jet City is located at 4547 California Ave (former Lika Love). She can’t wait to show you what she’s been creating.

ART & MUSIC: West Seattle Realty (new HQ at 2715 California SW; WSB sponsor) is hosting an artist and musician. Painter, fashion designer, artist/creator Lennon Wiltbank and musician Harrison B will be there 5-9 pm. WSR is offering refreshments, too. This is more than just a show, WSR’s Kevin Broveleit explains: “She’s building an immersive experience and will be encouraging people to wear her art, take part in a photo shoot and surround themselves with positive energy!” See the full flyer here.

Preview more of tomorrow’s venues and artists on the West Seattle Art Walk website!

Spotlighting students during first West Seattle Art Walk of 2023

January 12, 2023 6:22 pm
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As we write this, it’s only lightly raining … good night to go show some love to local artists! Find your nearest venue(s) on the list/map featured on the West Seattle Art Walk website. We’re just back from one – a student-artist show!

West Seattle High School artists are showing their work tonight at West Seattle Grounds in North Admiral. Above is Amelia; below, Maxi:

And Quinn:

All three are juniors. Tonight’s reception continues at WSG (2141 California SW) until about 7 pm. West Seattle Art Walk happens every month on the second Thursday!

VIDEO: West Seattle Art Walk, with holiday enhancements

6:39 PM: Santa is on the move in The Junction, part of the holiday enhancements for this month’s West Seattle Art Walk. He and The Silver Belles are circulating in The Junction until 8 pm, and that’s just part of what’s happening around the peninsula tonight, as previewed here (follow that link for the list/map and more) – updates to come!

6:59 PM: In north Morgan Junction, Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor) is hosting painter Kevin Ducoing:

As noted in our preview, his recent work focuses on neighborhood trees.

7:30 PM: Another highlighted stop tonight, Canna West Culture Shop (5435 California SW), where you can meet prolific painter Desmond Hansen:

Back in The Junction, we also caught up with the spicy caroling of The Silver Belles:

In The Junction, next Hometown Holidays events are this weekend – Santa is at California/Oregon for DIY photos 10 am-1 pm Saturday, and you can get hot cocoa, donate a coat, and buy mugs and garlands at the Junction Association booth at the Farmers’ Market 10 am-2 pm.

PREVIEW: Santa, carolers, more at West Seattle Art Walk’s holiday edition Thursday

December 7, 2022 8:55 pm
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Tomorrow, music accompanies the West Seattle Art Walk in multiple ways! It’s the holiday edition, so The Silver Belles (WSB file photo above) will be roaming The Junction with their sassy take on Christmas songs. That’s happening 6-8 pm, along with Santa on the move too (available for selfies!). And The Art of Music brings three live performances to the Art Walk this time, 6 pm-7:45 pm – Katrina Kope at Great American Diner and Bar (4752 California SW), Marco de Carvalho at Zeeks Pizza (6459 California SW), and Susan Burke at The Nook (2206 California SW) – read about all three here. For an Art Walk overview, here’s the list/map of fourth-quarter venues, including food/beverage establishments where you’ll find specials if you stop by during the WSAW window (5 pm “till late”):

As for the art, many venues welcome you in to meet the artists – here are four of them!

MEET DESMOND HANSEN: West Seattle’s prolific muralist will be at Canna West Culture Shop (5435 California SW) 5-8 pm.

WONDROUS WHALES: 5-8 pm at West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW) in North Admiral, meet Brittany Noelle, founding/principal artist of PNW Orca Pod Squad Photography, showing her wildlife photos. (And if you’re moved to buy any of her work, she’s donating 5% this year to West Seattle-based educational nonprofit Killer Whale Tales!)

SEE TREES: 5-8 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor), the featured artist is Kevin Ducoing, who says: “Lately, my work has been focusing on the trees in our neighborhood, and how trees –even a single tree– transforms a neighborhood into something quite different.”

CHOCOLATE AT CAPERS: Starting at 5 pm, meet artists Magdalena Cooney and Ricardo Duque – and taste chocolate – at CAPERS (4511 California SW).

The full preview is on the Art Walk website.

Scenes from tonight’s West Seattle Art Walk, including Desmond Hansen’s guest appearance

Every time we’ve seen West Seattle artist Desmond Hansen, he’s been out along a street, in protective gear, painting a signal box. Tonight, a different setting, and some of his other work:

As previewed here earlier this week, Hansen is the featured artist tonight for the West Seattle Art Walk debut of the new West Seattle Realty (WSB sponsor) office at 2715 California SW. He painted a Seacrest Pier mural on the office’s north interior wall, and other creations of his are on display tonight and throughout the month – including these:

Around the corner from West Seattle Realty, we found Carla Dreams Nitkey at Good Society (2701 California SW), showing her abstract/expressionist work inspired by feng shui principles:

Three Art of Music performances enhanced tonight’s Art Walk, too – we caught part of Sarah Brunner‘s set at West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW):

Next month’s Art Walk is an ectra-festive holiday edition, Thursday, December 8th.

West Seattle Art Walk with music, HPIC town hall, Thriftway Taste, theater at WSHS, more for your Thursday

Tonight’s marquee event – this month’s West Seattle Art Walk! Here’s the list/map:

Artists and venues are spotlighted in this month’s preview – which features food and drink specials as well as art-hosting venues. Highlights include three Art of Music performancesSarah Brunner at West Seattle Grounds in North Admiral (2141 California SW), Kristen Marlo at John L. Scott Real Estate in The Junction (4445 California SW), and Joshua Dennis at Beveridge Place Pub in Morgan Junction (6413 California SW). The Art Walk starts at 5 pm; the musical performances run concurrently, 6 pm-7:45 pm, at all three venues.

Another highlight, as featured here Wednesday – the grand opening of West Seattle Realty‘s new office, featuring a reception for West Seattle muralist Desmond Hansen and a chance to see his new mural inside the WSR space, as well as some of his other work.

Now, here’s what else is happening today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

WREATH ORDER DEADLINE: Last day to order a wreath in The Bridge School‘s fundraiser.

HAVE PIZZA, HELP A SCHOOL: Louisa Boren STEM K-8 benefits from a dine-out fundraiser 10:30 am-11 pm at MOD Pizza in Westwood Village (2800 SW Barton).

WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY HOLIDAY TASTE: With two weeks to go until Thanksgiving, you can visit West Seattle Thriftway (California/Fauntleroy; WSB sponsor) 4 pm-7 pm tonight for the return of its annual sampling event.

WORDS, WRITERS, & SOUTHWEST STORIES: 6 pm online, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society presents longtime broadcaster Ross Reynolds, talking about “How Audio Technology Changed the World.” Our preview includes the registration link you can use to sign up for attendance info.

BOARD GAME NIGHT: Go play at Meeples Games (3727 California SW), starting at 6:30 pm.

HPIC TOWN HALL/REBUILD UPDATE: 7 pm, find out the latest on Highland Park Improvement Club‘s post-fire rebuilding plans during an online Town Hall. Connecting/call-in info is on the HPIC website.

BINGO AT ADMIRAL PUB: “Sassiest bingo party in town,” starting at 7 pm. (2306 California SW)

‘THE CURIOUS MRS. SAVAGE’: Opening night for the West Seattle High School production, 7:30 pm in the school theater (3000 California SW). Our calendar listing has the synopsis and ticket link (note that this production offers a streaming option too).

Have something to add to our calendar? Email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!