Crime 6760 results

What kind of heartless lowlife would steal a tricycle?

A WSB reader just e-mailed to say someone stole their 5-year-old’s tricycle from their yard in Westwood, his first and only bike, and they’d like you to be on the lookout, since it has sentimental as well as monetary value. Full text of their e-mail below the photo:


Stolen from our Westwood Village yard, probably by some joker who got tired of riding it a block away. So just in case it shows up let us know, we don’t have the funds right now to buy a bike for our 5 year old and it was a special 2nd birthday present. It was red, rusty, monster front tire, ladybug bell on front. Attaches to a red wagon but they were too busy to steal that, too, hence why we think it was a lark.

If you see it, their contact info is in this post on Craigslist.

Burglars heading north?

The burglars who repeatedly hit neighborhoods in Gatewood (where neighborhood leaders say no fewer than six city/police officials showed up for a meeting the other night, wow!) may be heading north, according to e-mail we just received from somebody on the north part of the peninsula. Click ahead to read it:Read More

Gas-siphoning spree

June 5, 2007 4:38 pm
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A WSB reader wrote with this alert for everybody else out there — gas-siphoners were at work sometime overnight in the 46th/Brandon vicinity. Even with prices dropping, guess it’s still a temptation … if you don’t have a garage, a lock-equipped gas cap might not be a bad investment.

Just here to represent

June 1, 2007 8:22 pm
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Hadn’t heard much about the case against the mayor’s son (who reportedly had been living at the family home here in WS) since it was announced last week, till the Daily Weekly unearthed this tidbit about the lawyers hired to defend him.

More on Westwood neighbors’ vandalism fight

Two updates on the violent vandalism mentioned here a week ago — first, neighbors are working to revive the Westwood Neighborhood Council, which apparently had gone dormant; second, the vandalism story was featured on tv last night.

Gatewood neighbors besieged by burglars

Gatewood neighbors have just met to plot strategy to fight burglars who have struck repeatedly in the past two weeks. One of them just sent us a full report with details, plans, even a plea to Mayor Nickels — read it all, one click away:Read More

Suspect nabbed in U.S. Bank robbery

May 24, 2007 12:22 pm
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Remember all the commotion from that Junction bank robbery and ensuing manhunt last week? The guy they think did it is now under arrest.

Violent vandals

Streets on the north side of Westwood Village (off the stretch of Trenton shown below) are having trouble with a group of at least half a dozen teenage boys running around wreaking havoc — with violent vandalism that includes throwing rocks at people, through house windows, and through car windows. Neighbors are banding together and working to put more pressure on police to catch these culprits, which they note has been tough because it’s not considered an “emergency” and gets lower-priority response. However, our tipster does say three police cars were in hot pursuit of the group tonight; here’s hoping they are caught soon, and just as important, appropriately prosecuted.



Stolen from Petco in The Junction, according to this.

Malicious road-work mischief

As the Cali paving work enters a new phase (the blacktop’s all done up to just north of Charlestown; now the focus is on the stretch up to Admiral), we’ve received a reader’s troubling tale of late-night hijinks that could threaten safety. We’re passing along because at the very least, if you live in that area, you can help watch for this; if you drive in that area, be very careful. Full e-mail after the click:Read More

It’s a steal

May 18, 2007 12:55 am
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news | Westwood

That phrase apparently applies to the Westwood Village vicinity for a non-shopping reason.

Search is over, says FBI

New update on the P-I site — officers looking for the U.S. Bank robber are no longer searching neighborhood-by-neighborhood.

Pictures of police search

UPDATE: West Seattle Mag has some on-the-ground shots of the police search. KING5 has video on their web site showing the K-9 unit’s part in the chase and KIRO-TV has added some new shots to the slideshow mentioned here.
KIRO TV has a slide show of the police search here. Reportedly the robber is now believed to have gotten away.

Persistent patrollers

This article finally explains the wild sight some saw on WS streets at midday last Saturday. The officers’ persistence reminds us of the bank robber/signholder caper.

Safer than road rage

Too bad we didn’t get this note before a van almost broadsided us coming off a side street onto a south-WS arterial this morning: A reader notes that if you see a driver doing something heinous, you can post the plate at, which is celebrating its first anniversary today. The reader writes, “Having nearly been hit in the croswalk (with stroller) up at Admiral and 41st, being constantly subjected to delirious speeders up Admiral, and having neighbors who have been hit while legally crossing at crosswalks, I’ve had it. There’s only so much that posted signs and occasional enforcement can do.”


From the Southwest Precinct Public Safety Newsletter sent out this week. Ever wonder about whether to give a buck to one of those people holding cardboard signs along offramps? Check out the saga of one of them, quoted verbatim from the newsletter (after the click since it’s a bit long). Way to go, Officer Wilson!Read More

Husky player suspected in Alki hit-and-run

Hadn’t heard anything about this weekend collision till today’s Times article.

If you see them, call 911

May 4, 2007 12:35 pm
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 |   Crime | Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway

Several readers have written to suggest that the Amber Alert issued in Kitsap County be posted here. Since WS has a direct link to Kitsap via the ferry dock, it makes sense — apparently this mother and baby could be anywhere. Full details at the Washington Amber Alert site. Photos below are the baby, the mother (who isn’t supposed to have custody), and a truck similar to the one they are believed to be in. Call 911 if you even THINK you have seen them. SATURDAY NIGHT UPDATE: They’ve been found; the baby is safe.

We’d be thrilled to see them in our neighborhood too

Times says the police department has a new aggressive-driving team that’s already been on the move here in WS (Highland Park Way). The article includes pix of their distinctive new cars and a map suggesting this team will be in action on Alki, Admiral, and The Bridge. (Hey, don’t forget the many disregarded arterial stop signs here in South WS!)

47th/Admiral crash suspect’s record

May 2, 2007 11:15 pm
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The Seattle Weekly has continued digging into the background of the 47th/Admiral crash that killed City Council staffer Tatsuo Nakata; the latest edition reports that the driver who hit him has a record.

Flasher alert

Just posted at the P-I site: Flashing incident over the weekend in the 4500 block of 36th SW.

Vandals on the rampage, again

We’ve vented about graffiti/tagging vandalism before, but it’s reaching critical mass again. The latest “last straw” is an ugly tag on one of the charming Luna Park signs near the Avalon business area that’s taken on that historic name. Then there’s the ongoing saga of West Seattle’s once-fabled murals; taggers hit the one at the post office in The Junction (just part of the semi-disrepair the murals have fallen into, as Warren Lawless lamented in this recent‚ column). Finally, an e-mail tip says paint-equipped vandals have hit Lafayette Elementary repeatedly in recent weeks; not only is this kind of attack a needless hassle and expense for cash-strapped schools, but a parent points out, it also frightens the kids. Who is doing this and why can’t they be stopped?