The burglars who repeatedly hit neighborhoods in Gatewood (where neighborhood leaders say no fewer than six city/police officials showed up for a meeting the other night, wow!) may be heading north, according to e-mail we just received from somebody on the north part of the peninsula. Click ahead to read it:
I wanted to let you know that there appears to be a problem with burglaries in our neighborhood, similar and perhaps connected to those in the Gatewood hill area. The suspects’ car was identified, and the police know who one of them is.
The detective on the case … said he thinks these may be the same suspects from other burglaries in West Seattle. Sounds like maybe those in Gatewood. There is a warrant out for the arrest of the driver but they haven’t caught either guy yet and I’m not sure how much they know about the second suspect yet.
Needless to say, our neighborhood is quite shaken by this and we’re keeping a very vigilant eye out. The two were driving a maroon colored van but I think they’ve dumped that since it’s been traced back to them. The driver is 19, white, and the other guy is probably early twenties, mixed race, with kind of loose dreadlocks. Both are about 6 feet tall, 200 pounds.
I don’t know how much of this you can publish but it seems that if the police can’t get these guys at least we can warn our neighbors to be on the lookout for them.