SCHOOL CLOSURES? Superintendent’s short-list plan not out yet; local board rep sets next community meeting

Today was the date around which Seattle Public Schools superintendent Dr. Brent Jones had said he expected to release his list of up to five school closures. But – no list yet. We checked with SPS’s media team late in the day and they said they weren’t expecting anything today but “We’re hoping for later this week.” Meantime, West Seattle/South Park School Board Director Gina Topp has set her next community-conversation meeting for Sunday (October 27), 11 am-noon in person at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond);

4 Replies to "SCHOOL CLOSURES? Superintendent's short-list plan not out yet; local board rep sets next community meeting"

  • snowskier October 22, 2024 (8:50 am)

    Thanks for the update on whether promises made are being kept.  Limbo isn’t a fun place for parents awaiting notice on what will happen with their child’s school the following year.

  • Admiral Mom October 22, 2024 (2:44 pm)

    While we wait, here is my prediction for WS: Sanislo joins Highland Park. 

  • Melissa Westbrook October 22, 2024 (3:07 pm)

    1) How much longer can SPS leave the district in limbo? They have stretched out this announcement for MONTHS. It’s just ridiculous. I have to wonder if the problem is which elementary in the NE they plan on closing.  Lots of chatter out there about that.2) The link for tonight’s meeting on BEX VI isn’t even available? Wow.3) Good for Director Topp in making the effort to listen to constituents. No other director does this.

  • 3cents October 22, 2024 (3:20 pm)

    Thanks for keeping us updated, WSB. The superintendent and his team are shockingly bad at communicating with district families. Glad Jones got his well earned $20k pay raise. *I’m joking, of course. 

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