Utilities 1301 results

UPDATE: Multi-state Verizon outage affecting some in West Seattle

12:54 PM: Verizon customers in multiple states have been reporting service interruptions today. At least some are in West Seattle – reader Katie told us via email that she had been out since 7:45 am and others in her neighborhood’s online group reported the same. It’s not universal – our hotline (for which we use Verizon mobile service) is still working – but the outage is believed to be affecting thousands. Verizon says only that they’re working on it; the FCC says it’s aware too.

2:17 PM: Update from Verizon – “Verizon engineers are making progress on our network issue and service has started to be restored.”

UPDATE: Power outage in southwest West Seattle

8:32 PM: Thanks for the tips. Power is out for 106 homes in the south Arbor Heights/Seola area. The City Light map says they’re “investigating”; we’re checking if there’s any obvious cause.

9:10 PM: Outage over, per commenter and SCL map. Likely cause seems to be a tree branch that fell on a power line in the 11600 block of Seola Beach Drive, per archived SFD dispatch audio.

Brown water on Alki

September 16, 2024 11:27 am
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A building in the 3000 block of Alki Avenue SW is experiencing brown water, we’re told by its management. They’ve contacted Seattle Public Utilities – which you always want to do if this happens, 206-386-1800 – and so far they don’t know the cause. (It’s often nearby hydrant testing by Seattle Fire, but it can also be first word of a water break or other problem nearby – unusual activity in a water line stirs up “sediment,” mostly rust, and that leads to the discoloration.)

UPDATE: Power outage in Highland Park

September 6, 2024 5:02 pm
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5:02 PM: More than two dozen homes in Highland Park lost power almost an hour ago. A 911 caller reported hearing a “boom” in the 15th/Holden area about the time it happened. Seattle City Light says crews are working on it.

6:28 PM: Resolved since last time we checked!

NO WATER? City promises new alerts will let you know immediately

September 5, 2024 4:14 pm
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Unlike power outages, water outages can happen without you finding out until an inconvenient moment – you’ve prepped for a shower or bath, or to cook, or to start the washer, or many other scenarios. Seattle Public Utilities has announced it’s launching text alerts for emergency water outages, promising to text you as soon as you lose service. The announcement says all customers have been opted in to these alerts, but if you don’t want them, SPU says you can opt out. Full details are here.

UPDATE: Water break in North Admiral

August 27, 2024 1:39 pm
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1:39 PM: A Seattle Public Utilities crew is wrapping up repairs on what they told us was a “small” water break related to a home-construction site near 48th/Sunset in North Admiral. We heard about it from a texter who lost water service as a result. SPU’s water-outage map wasn’t working so we went to the scene to find out more; sometimes water breaks also result in “brown water” nearby so if you’re experiencing that in the area, this might be the problem (always report it to 206-386-1800 even if you think you know the cause).

3:33 PM: More information from SPU spokesperson Brad Wong:

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) received a call today around 8:40 a.m. about a broken water main at 1925 Sunset Ave. SW in Seattle. SPU crews arrived and learned that a 1.5-inch water service line was damaged. Crews decided to do an emergency service repair, which required shutting down an 8-inch water main at approximately 11:30 a.m. The repair affected 28 customers in the area. As of 2 p.m., SPU crews had completed the repair. Water service is expected to resume this afternoon.

READER REPORT: Tap-water trouble east of The Junction

That photo is from a reader near Fauntleroy and Edmunds, reporting tap water that looks and smells bad, first noticed around 3:45 pm:

(It is) yellow-colored water with a strong bleach smell from the cold water line. It is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. The chemical smell is so strong that it actually smells like bleach, not a faint chlorine smell at all.

If you’re having water trouble, always report it to SPU at 206-386-1800; our tipster has called and is waiting to hear back.

UPDATE: Big power outage in West Seattle

3:59 AM: Thanks for the tip. Another power outage in West Seattle – this one much bigger than the one we mentioned earlier: More than 3,200 homes and businesses.

4:21 AM: Some just got their power back (thanks for the texts). The map now has the outage down to 2,800+ customers. As for a cause, one possibility – SFD responded to a call logged as a “transformer fire” around 3:25 am at Avalon/Andover, described by the arriving crew as a “pole fire.” … Archived audio for that dispatch includes a firefighter warning that it was “burning through to a high-tension wire” and calling for Avalon to be closed in that area.

4:48 AM: The map shows the outage is now down to 481 customers.

11:11 AM NOTE: Thanks to the texters who sent photos of the City Light crew at work earlier this morning. The outage wsa reported over by about quarter past 9. The photo above is from nearby restaurateur John Bennett, who notes this pole has had at least two previous transformer fires; in this case, lightning is blamed.

UPDATE: Gas leak closes SW Webster west of 35th

11:40 AM: Thanks for the tips and photo! SW Webster in Gatewood is blocked just west of 35th SW [map] because of a gas leak. One texter tells us nearby residents have been evacuated until Puget Sound Energy can get there and shut off the gas.

11:47 AM: Firefighters have just told dispatch that PSE has arrived.

12:16 PM: Texter says neighbors just got the all-clear.

Brown water in South Delridge

Thanks to Iris for the photo and report:

Sharing that our house has brown water running from all faucets in South Delridge. Curious if others have reported the same?

No emergencies on the Seattle Public Utilities water-trouble map, so it could be hydrant testing … nonetheless, discolored water should always be reported to SPU’s 24/7 hotline, 206-386-1800.

UPDATE: Power outage in Lowman Beach area blamed on fallen tree branch

7:49 PM: Thanks for the tip. Power’s out for 248 residences in the Lowman Beach area and a bit beyond. One tipster says they “heard a boom” before the outage started around 7:35 pm.

9:28 PM: We’re getting reports of restoration. … The SCL map shows everyone is back on. We’ll follow up tomorrow regarding the cause.

ADDED TUESDAY: SCL spokesperson Jenn Strang tells WSB, “The cause of the outage was a branch that had fallen across a wire span near Lincoln Park Way SW and 47 Avenue SW.”

UPDATE: Power outage in The Junction

9:29 AM: Thanks for the tips. More than 300 customers are without power in The Junction, and the City Light map shows the outage overlapping much of the West Seattle Summer Fest zone (the festival is scheduled to start at 1 pm). We have a team member in the area now and he’s trying to find out more.

9:43 AM: So far the businesses we’ve found, north of Alaska (working our way south), all have power. And the festival crew tells us the food/drink booths run on generator power, so they will be up and running regardless. Please let us know if you’re in The Junction and ARE affected – thank you!

9:56 AM: As commenter Darren says below, and as we discovered at one business (Elliott Bay), power is reduced but not entirely out (Elliott Bay for example has 110 but not 220). The outage map now attributes this to “bird/animal contact.”

10:22 AM: The number of customers affected has dropped on the map to 143, less than half the original number.

1:14 PM: We’re at Summer Fest now, and so is City Light. Meantime, Junction 47 is still suffering effects of the outage, including – as noted in comments – the Junction Starbucks, which is closed until the power’s back.

7:23 PM: The map shows the outage resolved sometime since we last checked hours ago.

UPDATE: Falling tree limb causes West Seattle power outage for 4,400+ homes and businesses

12:46 PM: Thanks for the tips. 4,400+ homes and businesses are out of power in West Seattle, including High Point and Westwood, (added) parts of Highland Park, Gatewood, and Sunrise Heights too. Part of west South Park is affected too. Updates to come.

12:53 PM: We haven’t heard of any obvious cause yet – no crashes or fires logged, for example. (Let us know if you see City Light crews zeroing in on any particular spot.) … The outage zone covers part of major streets including Delridge, 16th, and 35th, so please remember to treat intersections with non-functioning signals as if they are four-way stops.

1:24 PM: One texter reports a City Light truck near 25th/Myrtle. Meantime, if this is your first power outage, a reminder that the “estimated restoration time” on SCL’s map is entirely useless – the utility told us years ago that those times are basically wild guesses. And they often change – for example, a short time ago, this one was listed as 4 pm, and now it’s changed to 1:22 pm (though that time has already passed [update, at 1:40 pm they went back to a 4 pm estimate]). Could be a lot sooner than the estimate, could be a lot later.

1:32 PM: As this approaches hour 2, if you’re looking for a place to cool off, our area’s three fully air-conditioned libraries are all outside the outage zone and open until 6 pm – High Point (3411 SW Raymond), Delridge (5423 Delridge Way SW), Southwest (9010 35th SW). … (added) Meaghan at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW) says they’re open, air-conditioned, with places to sit, purchase not required …

1:52 PM: Many are reporting they’ve got power back. The SCL map hasn’t yet updated so we don’t know if everyone’s back on.

2:04 PM: Map finally updated – 382 are still out.

The map also now describes the cause as “tree/vegetation.”

2:44 PM: Thanks to the texter who sent word that indeed, it was a falling tree limb on 25th:

3 PM: Everybody’s back on now, and SCL spokesperson Jenn Strang confirms that the cause was “a tree that came down onto some wires at 24th Ave SW and 25th Ave SW.”

UPDATE: Power outage in Luna Park/North Delridge

11:05 AM: Thanks for the tips. Seattle City Light‘s outage map shows 139 homes and businesses out of power in the area shown in the screengrab above, east of Luna Park and on the edge of North Delridge. We haven’t yet heard what might have caused it.

1:35 PM: The map shows the outage has since been resolved. We’re checking with SCL on its cause.

5:23 PM: SCL’s Jenn Strang says it was a “brief unplanned outage” that happened during a “pole transfer.”

Brown water in Arbor Heights

Reported by AKM: “My neighbors and I are seeing brown water. We live in Arbor Heights on/near SW 106th and 40th Ave SW. My neighbor reported seeing the fire department at the fire hydrant on 106th, so this is likely fire hydrant testing. I saw no outages on the SPU map. I am running the tap, still seeing brown water. Hopefully, this will dissipate soon, but glad the fire hydrants are being tested.”

If you notice discolored water, it’s not always hydrant testing – it can also be the result of a pipe break or other system problem, reported or unreported, so it’s important to notify Seattle Public Utilities (the 24/7 number is 206-386-1800).

UPDATE: Power outage in The Arroyos/south Arbor Heights

4:35 PM: Thanks for the tip! Power’s out for 147 customers in south Arbor Heights and The Arroyos, per the Seattle City Light map, which attributes the outage to “bird/animal contact.”

6 PM: It’s resolved, per the map, which had described it as starting just before 4:30; our tipster, however, says the power went out around noon.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police investigating vault burglary that cut CenturyLink service

CenturyLink says it has restored service to everyone affected by a multi-day outage blamed on wire vandals/thieves. But the company won’t say much else. We heard about this from customers on Pigeon Point, where the outage apparently hit the hardest. SPD finally released some information on Monday, saying it got word of the situation around 10 pm last Thursday, when a CenturyLink employee called “to report a burglary at one of their vaults under the West Seattle Bridge, located at the 2300 block of SW Spokane Street.” The SPD summary says officers were told that “fiber optics and copper wiring (was) cut,” with damage estimated at up to $200,000, and that the company had received an alarm around 6:30 that night. Though a CenturyLink spokesperson wouldn’t comment to us on how many customers were affected, the SPD summary says, “The fiber optics provide internet and phone service for customers covering parts of West Seattle all the way south to White Center and east to 1st Avenue.” Plus, police say, they were “informed by the technicians that a similar incident occurred in Tacoma about two weeks ago.” We haven’t found information on that but did find this newspaper report about one on the Key Peninsula last summer, and this TV story from two months ago noting that as of early April, CenturyLink (aka Lumen) had almost 70 incidents like this in the region – one-third of what had been reported nationwide.

One Pigeon Point resident we heard from says they and neighbors want to know what the company’s doing to beef up security; the spokesperson wouldn’t comment to us on that either, aside from saying, “In terms of security, CenturyLink has an excellent relationship with local authorities. We pride ourselves on being a good member of the community, and law enforcement has done an excellent job in responding to our concerns about copper theft. We work closely with law enforcement to find and fully prosecute those responsible for these criminal acts. Anyone witnessing a theft in action should call 911.” (If you have any information for police on this incident, the case # is 24-152931.)

UTILITIES: SW 98th street-end parklet to close for up to 10 months during pump-station project

That’s the area where Seattle Public Utilities plans to start work this summer on a pump-station upgrade at the waterfront end of SW 98th [map] that’ll expand the street-end parklet at the site. SPU sent an update about this because they now say the “parklet” will be closed to public use for up to 10 months during the work, which is recapped as follows:

During an evaluation of SPU’s pump stations, we identified that Pump Station 71 needs substantial upgrades to improve worker safety and to keep the system working at its full capacity. SPU is proactively making improvements to this critical sewer infrastructure to ensure we continue providing reliable sewer service to you and your neighbors. As part of this effort, we’ll be making some improvements to the shoreline street end, including removing the guardrail and extending the useable street end 20+ feet to the east, replacing the current bench as well as creating a pad for wheelchair access, and installing beach logs, native plants, and new trees to enhance the natural area in the street end:

This work will be done in the public right-of-way at the western end of SW 98th St. … Most of the work will take place in the pump station, with surface work and construction staging in the street surrounding the pump station.

Some preliminary electrical work will be taking place in early July. Full construction mobilization is expected to begin as early as late August 2024. Once it begins, work is estimated to take about 7-10 months to complete.

This project has been years in the making and is running behind the previously announced schedule; we published this update two years ago, at which time the work was expected to be done in 2023, lasting up to six months. A 2022 project communication included this rendering:

UPDATE: Biggest West Seattle power outage ends after 10+ hours

8:13 AM: Thanks for the tips. 248 homes in the Lowman Beach/Seaview area are without power this windy morning, as shown above in our screengrab from the Seattle City Light outage map. It’s a busy morning for the utility, with 16,000+ others also out on this breezy morning.

2 PM: That outage, which SCL’s map says started around 4:41 am, is not resolved yet. Nor has a 67-customer outage in the Pigeon Point vicinity that started at 5:50 am, 11 customers in Arbor Heights since 8:43 am, and one customer in South Delridge since 10:41 am.

3:21 PM: Thanks to the commenter who reported that the biggest outage, Lowman Beach/Seaview, is over, after more than 10 hours. We’ve had a message out to SCL for a while asking for the cause but haven’t heard back – they’re still dealing with thousands of others out around the city.

UTILITIES: Power outage, brown water in Arbor Heights

Two utility notes, both from readers in Arbor Heights:

ARBOR HEIGHTS POWER OUTAGE: Thanks for the texted tip about a 13-customer outage:

Seattle City Light blames it on “equipment failure.”

ARBOR HEIGHTS BROWN WATER: Thanks to Mark for the report about “brown water near 37th Ave and 97th St” early this afternoon. No emergencies today so likely hydrant testing again, but always report it to Seattle Public Utilities‘ 24/7 hotline, 206-386-1800.

UPDATE: Power outage on Genesee Hill

4:05 PM: Thanks for the tips! 38 homes on Genesee Hill are out of power, and this is the likely cause:

Gary sent that photo and reports, “It was a transformer explosion…..fire truck has the alley south of the 4400 block of Genesee cordoned off. The transformer is still smoldering.” According to the Seattle City Light outage map, this happened around 3:11 pm.

MIDNIGHT: Power’s been restored since our last check of the outage map a few hours ago.

Brown water in Admiral

First “brown water” report of the week – from Scott, who’s a few blocks south of Hiawatha. No emergency responses on the Seattle Public Utilities water-trouble map, so it might well be hydrant testing, but always report it to SPU’s 24-hour line at 206-386-1800. (And hold off on laundry till your water’s clear – the “sediment” in the lines is mostly rust and it will stain light-colored clothing.)

UPDATE: Gas shut off after leak draws big Seattle Fire response southwest of The Junction

12:57 PM: Seattle Fire says the gas has been shut off at the scene of a leak in the 5200 block of 45th SW [vicinity map]. SFD describes it as a residential line and says the home and others nearby have been evacuated as a precaution. Many of the responding units have been cleared to leave.

1:12 PM: More SFD units are leaving, but the scene won’t fully clear until Puget Sound Energy (the gas utility for our area) arrives.

1:26 PM: All SFD units have left.