UPDATE: Water break in North Admiral

August 27, 2024 1:39 pm
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 |   Utilities | West Seattle news

1:39 PM: A Seattle Public Utilities crew is wrapping up repairs on what they told us was a “small” water break related to a home-construction site near 48th/Sunset in North Admiral. We heard about it from a texter who lost water service as a result. SPU’s water-outage map wasn’t working so we went to the scene to find out more; sometimes water breaks also result in “brown water” nearby so if you’re experiencing that in the area, this might be the problem (always report it to 206-386-1800 even if you think you know the cause).

3:33 PM: More information from SPU spokesperson Brad Wong:

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) received a call today around 8:40 a.m. about a broken water main at 1925 Sunset Ave. SW in Seattle. SPU crews arrived and learned that a 1.5-inch water service line was damaged. Crews decided to do an emergency service repair, which required shutting down an 8-inch water main at approximately 11:30 a.m. The repair affected 28 customers in the area. As of 2 p.m., SPU crews had completed the repair. Water service is expected to resume this afternoon.

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