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Getting the word out: New flyer for The Kenney project meeting

November 30, 2008 7:50 pm
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That’s the top of the flyer that volunteers have been distributing around Fauntleroy and Morgan Junction to continue getting the word out about this Thursday night’s community meeting to discuss The Kenney‘s $150 million redevelopment proposal (all WSB coverage, going back to our first in-depth report in August, is archived here). Click the image (or click here) to see the entire flyer – if you live in the area, Morgan Community Association and Fauntleroy Community Association volunteers request that you print it out and be sure your neighbors have seen it (or share it by e-mail – right-click the headline of this post to get the direct link, or right-click the image for the direct link to the flyer) – they’ve already distributed more than 100 copies in just a few hours today, before running out of daylight and flyers; this is a big chance to get answers about the project and find out what happens next in the process. 7 pm Thursday, Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor) Fellowship Hall. (If you missed it last week, here’s a link to the project FAQ just published by The Kenney.)

Reader report: Seagull’s sad fate – anyone see it sooner?

Bradley5 sent photos of an upside-down dead seagull in a Lincoln Park tree, noting he debated whether to share it, but is curious about what happened earlier – did anyone see it, tangled, before it died? What would you do in a case like this? Click ahead to see his photo (not particularly gross but we don’t want to put it right on the main page) and read what he has to say:Read More

Sharing the bounty: Free Thanksgiving dinners this afternoon

You probably don’t have to cook for a crowd the size of the one that Don is preparing for. We caught him with huge pots of gravy (etc.) in the kitchen at The Hall at Fauntleroy, where Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering is again serving up the annual free Thanksgiving dinner, noon-3 pm (map). The tables are waiting, as sun dapples through the huge south-facing windows:

Those who come also will be able to take something home – donated clothing and other items are laid out:

Also offering a free Thanksgiving dinner in West Seattle today: Freedom Church (35th/Roxbury), 3-6 pm. Many people are spending part of their holiday volunteering to make these events possible – we are thankful to live in a community with so many who give so much.

Next steps in The Kenney’s project: FAQ out; meeting finalized


Two updates tonight in the proposal for a $150 million redevelopment of The Kenney, the retirement-care complex in Fauntleroy: First, the time and place are finalized for the community meeting (first reported here) that’s being organized by Morgan Community Association and Fauntleroy Community Association: 7 pm Thursday, December 4th, fellowship hall at Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor). The groups want to bring together everyone who is interested in the project, to get a briefing on next steps in the process from a city planner, and to discuss points such as “what are your concerns?” “what do we wish would happen?” and “what would it take to make this work in our community?” (per the MoCA bulletin) Also, The Kenney has finalized a Frequently Asked Questions document regarding the project and sent it to us (and others) to share with the community — you can see it here. If you have questions that aren’t answered by the FAQ – please post comments here and bring them to the December 4th meeting.

Gas-pipe road-work update: Puget Sound Energy explains

When we brought you some SDOT information earlier this week about the project that’s been tearing up roads in Fauntleroy (primarily Barton toward 35th) and now has moved east of 35th, we mentioned that we hadn’t heard back from Puget Sound Energy, whose gas line is at the heart of the work. We subsequently got a call from a PSE media person who couldn’t find our phone message but did read the WSB post – so she in turn connected us to another PSE person who had more details on the project. We have lots of new details now about what turns out to be work to replace almost two miles of old metal gas piping with plastic (as shown above) – read on for more about what’s happening, where, why, when (and how come there was no general announcement sent to news sources like us, to share with you):Read More

The other “triangle”: Fauntleroy ferry route, dock plans change

Gary Dawson with the Fauntleroy Community Association, who is the group’s lead on ferry-related issues, reports big changes in the Washington State Ferries plan for the future of not only the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth “triangle” route, but of the Fauntleroy terminal itself. He writes:

Monday, the 17th, the Washington State Legislature Joint Transportation Committee met in Seattle in the Puget Sound Regional Council conference room.

The entire agenda was dedicated to Washington State Ferries Long Range Plan, Legislative bill ESB5328, Ferry Finance Study, Customer Survey report, and other items related to WSF.

Of note to West Seattle was the portion of the LRP related to the Vashon/Southworth/Fauntleroy route, known as the triangle.

For the last few years WSF has proposed that to accommodate population and ferry user growth in south Kitsap County, the Southworth to Fauntleroy service would be rerouted to downtown Seattle at Colman Dock sometime in the next few years. A rebuild of Colman Dock including an additional ferry slip for the Southworth operation was to be part of that plan.

Yesterday it was revealed WSF no longer plans to enhance Colman Dock for additional growth, but to continue the triangle route as is. At some time later WSF will dedicate one of their ferries to operate between Southworth and Fauntleroy only, and two vessels between Vashon and Fauntleroy.

In addition the plan calls for expanding the Fauntleroy dock holding to accommodate the equivalent of one vessel’s amount of vehicles. Also, it is planned to erect a passenger overhead walkway on the dock as well to all walk-on passengers to proceed directly to the passenger deck on the ferry.

Rerouting Southworth traffic directly to downtown would eliminate about 40% of the current ferry traffic on West Seattle streets, not including future growth that is predicted to double in 20 years. The newly proposed WSF plan forces that traffic to continually be a part of the West Seattle commute.

The plan in its entirety can be found on the WSF website, www.wsdot.wa.gov/ferries/ click on Ferry Financing Legislation under Planning, and under Nov. 17, 2008, Preliminary Draft ESB2358. Pages 17 and 26 highlight the triangle route plan. [Editor’s note: direct link to the document is here]

The Fauntleroy Community Association will be challenging this plan, and anyone interested in finding out more or providing FCA support can contact the FCA at Fauntleroy.net or:

Gary Dawson
Chair, Fauntleroy Ferry Advisory Committee

This is also notable given that the Fauntleroy paving proposal we’ve been discussing – including a major stretch traveled by ferry commuters – is in jeopardy because of city budget changes (we should find out more about its status tomorrow morning, when the mayor officially announces next year’s paving plan at a media event). According to the WSF info page Gary points us to, public hearings on the system’s long-range plan are set for next month, before a proposal is finalized “going into the 2009 legislative session.”

About that road work on Barton west of 35th …

This has come up in comments on other items (like this thread), and in the WSB Forums – what’s up with all the work on Barton, which is a busy thoroughfare for folks traveling to Fauntleroy Church and Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsors) and the businesses in the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, as well as heading east from the ferry dock and Endolyne businesses? One neighbor pointed out it was gas-line work. We called the Puget Sound Energy media department. Two business days, no callback. So next we tried SDOT, knowing they would at least have had to have issued a permit, and they responded within a few hours. Here’s the information we got back from SDOT communications boss Rick Sheridan:

This work is a major replacement by PSE of part of their infrastructure and is a permitted right-of-way activity. The work will replace more than 8000 feet of pipe and will run through a number of streets in West Seattle. PSE has an approved traffic control plan and we expect them to
be finished by December 6, 2008, though this work can sometime run long.

Our permit requires them to notify everyone who may be affected at least 72 hours before the work in the right-of-way begins. This is a standard period of time required for this type of effort.

We will contact PSE to remind them of this obligation and will also send a Street Use inspector to examine the site.

Given how well-used that stretch of road is, you’d expect notifying “everyone who may be affected” would have involved notices to local media, but it didn’t, so far as we can tell. SDOT itself is good about advance notice of road work in the case of most projects of this scale.

West Seattle weekend scenes: Salmon; sunset

The fish “flag” is flying at the Fauntleroy Creek overlook – because the first coho spawner has arrived! The notice posted at the overlook is the same one you can read on this page of fauntleroy.net. It says: “Our first coho spawner (dubbed “Hillary” as a kind of consolation prize!) came in on Saturday, Nov. 8, and as of Monday is still awaiting a mate. Congratulations to watchers Ann Samenfink and Cathy Follis for making the first sighting.” So, “Hillary” arrived less than two weeks after the gathering to “call the salmon home” (WSB video coverage here); the fish ladder is marking its 10th anniversary this fall. Shortly after visiting the creek, we headed north to catch tonight’s glorious sunset from just south of Alki Point:

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Fauntleroy suspect charged

gavel.jpgAnother followup to the Fauntleroy arrest early Sunday, following one break-in, another attempt, and a helicopter search: Court documents obtained from the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office list the charges now filed against 41-year-old Richard Lovejoy, the convicted rapist caught after that search. Read on for details of the charges, including more information about the evidence prosecutors say they have against him:Read More

34th District Democrats: Time to celebrate, and to look ahead

November 12, 2008 11:00 pm
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Eight nights after an election in which most of their endorsed candidates/positions emerged victorious, the 34th District Democrats gathered tonight at The Hall at Fauntleroy, in a celebratory mood but not at all ready to rest on their laurels – here’s our report:Read More

Fauntleroy Community Assoc.: Roads, raccoons, redevelopment

November 11, 2008 10:23 pm
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Quick updates from tonight’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting: ROADS — New 12-foot-wide “traffic humps” are on the way to 47th at Roxbury (Google Street View/map above), at two spots, 9600 block and just south of the 9800 block — this is meant to slow speeders who often approach 60 mph heading downhill. RACCOONS — Following up on previous “raccoon latrine” discussions (WSB coverage here), the county Health Department‘s sending out a mailer later this month, with information on how to keep raccoons out of your yard. REDEVELOPMENT — The location is now set for the Dec. 4 joint FCA/Morgan Community Association meeting about the big project proposed by The Kenney; meeting will be at Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor), time not yet finalized. MoCA‘s Cindi Barker was at tonight’s FCA meeting for further planning discussion and how best to utilize the participation of a city planner. ALSO — A review of last month’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival, which Martha Callard says had the biggest turnout ever; the community bus-shelter-painting project during the festival “exceeded expectations,” she added. … Local historian Ron Richardson talked about Thursday’s time-capsule project — which is open to anyone who wants to participate, in West Seattle and all over the city. FCA plans to offer contributions including a copy of the documentary “The Fauntleroy Story: 100 Years of Community.” (For more info on the Fauntleroy Community Association, explore its website at fauntleroy.net.)

“Reinventing” The Kenney: MoCA-FCA community meeting set


It’s been three months since our first report about the “reinvention” plan that would demolish that historic building and most of the other structures at The Kenney, in a $150 million plan that leadership of the retirement complex says is essential to its future success — at the project’s first Design Review Board meeting last month (WSB coverage here), CEO Kevin McFeely said, “… without this, we are not going to be able to survive financially.” At the end of that meeting, we reported that reps from Morgan Community Association and Fauntleroy Community Association were talking about co-sponsoring a community meeting before The Kenney’s next Design Review session. Now the date for that meeting is set: December 4th. Time and place are still being finalized, but MoCA’s Cindi Barker says the city planner assigned to the project, Michael Dorcy, “will be there the first 30-45 minutes to give a recap of all the process steps the Kenney must move through” and provide other information the community needs to know regarding . The date’s being driven in part by the possibility that The Kenney might return for that next DR meeting on December 18th. We expect to get more information at tomorrow night’s FCA meeting (7 pm, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse).

Crime Watch update: 1st hearing for Fauntleroy burglary suspect

During a brief hearing this afternoon in a courtroom at the King County Jail downtown, a judge “found probable cause” to keep 41-year-old Richard L. Lovejoy (left) in jail until a hearing Wednesday on what, if any, bail amount should be set for him. Lovejoy is the convicted rapist arrested early Sunday morning (WSB coverage here, including victim’s story) in Fauntleroy, where he is suspected of breaking into a home shortly after trying to break into the Colman Pool building in Lincoln Park. Thanks to King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office media liaison Dan Donohoe for providing us with the document used at today’s hearing (which we attended, though the suspect himself did not actually appear); it says in part:

Suspect Lovejoy broke out two windows at the Colman Pool in Lincoln Park. The sound woke up the on-site caretaker, who confronted the suspect as he tried to enter via a broken window. The suspect ran off into the park and officers were unable to locate him. A truck registered to suspect Lovejoy was located illegally parked at the entrance to the Lincoln Park beach service road at 7171 Beach Drive SW. Several hours later, a report of an occupied residential burglary came out several blocks away. The suspect (Lovejoy) in that instance was captured.

The report goes on to say that a witness from Colman Pool identified him as the same suspect in that earlier break-in attempt, and later in the document, under the section that asks whether law enforcers would object to the suspect’s release, it says “Do not release. Suspect is a convicted felon and sex offender (and is on active Department of Corrections supervision).” His sex-offender status emerged in the comment thread on our followup report; we found him in the public lookup system, registered to an Arbor Heights address, and that’s where the photo you see at above left comes from. The document from today’s hearing also lists his criminal history as including: Rape, escape, drugs, harassment, domestic violence.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Arrest update; Admiral break-in

handcuffs_2.jpg2 reports tonight: First, SPD Blotter has posted more details on the incident that sparked the helicopter-assisted search and arrest we reported early this morning (previous WSB coverage here). Seems the 41-year-old man eventually arrested for burglarizing a home in the 4300 block of Cloverdale (map) also is suspected of trying to break into another house near Lincoln Park first. Read the details here. ADDED 8:17 PM: Just posted as a comment on our original early-morning report, Kelly tells the story firsthand:

Hi All: I was the victim in this incident. A white male broke into my house in Fauntleroy last night around 12:30. I’m a single mom, home alone with two young kids (5 and 3). The guy tried kicking in my side door and then walked around up front and kicked in my front door. That noise woke me up and I went downstairs to see what was going on… and froze on my landing as I looked down and saw this jack ass standing in my doorway. I backtracked upstairs, had a complete and total moral dilemma about what to do next: cell phone and interior lock were in my bedroom, to the right but to the left were my kids’ rooms. I headed into my bedroom, locked the door, and called 911 from my balcony. The burglar juggled on the bedroom door handle and… I don’t remember much then. The police arrived within probably 5 minutes. They had been in the neighborhood because the same person had tried to break into Colman Pool (earlier) and they were just winding up their search for him in Lincoln Park. I was lucky. The police had already identified the suspect from his truck and apparently was a level one sex offender. The guy ran with a few of my household items and the police found him a few blocks away. I was taken to that scene and identified him. It was awful and scary and shattering considering the fact I thought this neighborhood was so safe. The police were excellent and gave me a lot of good pointers for security on my house. At least next time, if it happens, I’ll be more prepared.

Thanks to Kelly for sharing her story. (continuing with original 7 pm post) Meantime, we’ve just received e-mail about an Admiral break-in this weekend, including a plea for neighbors everywhere to be more watchful — read on:Read More

Helicopter watch: Burglary suspect sought, then arrested

helicopterwatch.pngIt’s pretty much right over our house in Upper Fauntleroy. Nothing on 911 in terms of medic call. Listening to the scanner to see if we can pick up anything about who they’re looking for and why – they’re focused on a house (where, we don’t know) where radio traffic indicates they are following footprints, plus a canine is involved in the search. 8400 block has been mentioned, on or near Tillicum (east of Lincoln Park; map). 12:43 AM UPDATE: Per scanner, it was a burglary, and there is a suspect now in custody. Helicopter has just moved on.

Fauntleroy Art Show: Wearable art as well as viewable art

That’s West Seattle milliner Izzie Lewis, showing and selling “women’s and men’s hats, expertly blocked and finished” at the Fauntleroy Art Show, which continues 10 am-4 pm today in the fellowship hall of Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor), as part of the church’s centennial celebration. More than 20 area artists working in a variety of media are participating, including “tribute artists” – they’ve left this plane of existence, but their work lives on, and was loaned for the show. They include carver/sculptor Frank Evans:

Other tribute artists at the Fauntleroy Art Show include Moses “Moe” Beerman, best known for the Murals of West Seattle (read about them in this West Seattle 101 on WSB feature), but celebrated here for his caricatures. Meantime, fabric art also is part of the show – including Ruth Leonard‘s batik designs:

Admission is free if you just want to browse:

Fauntleroy Church is across from the old schoolhouse, about half a mile uphill from the ferry dock, at 9140 California SW; here’s a map and directions.

Election Eve ’08: More signs, plus “candidate coffee”

Earlier, we showed you a nonpartisan exhortation to vote, and a Republican signwaving stronghold. Now, a couple signs from the D side — the one atop this post is from Jason in Fauntleroy; the next one is from Highland Park‘s Dina Johnson, who says this banner will be in her yard on Election Day next to a “big flag”:

Another sign of the times is the drink-special roster at Hotwire Coffee (which by the way became WSB’s first-ever sponsor as of exactly one year ago this Wednesday):

(Click to see the full-size flyer)
Hotwire is one of many places we expect to visit as we roam West Seattle tomorrow chronicling Election Day (and Night) ’08 — we’ll have one more round of voting-info links up in the early morning, then our coverage starts with the opening of polling places at 7 am — we’ll be at a couple places when the doors open, but we also would love to get pix from you, cameraphone or whatever, of your polling place or anything else election-related — editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!

Fauntleroy Creek salmon-calling: Now, it’s up to the fish

October 26, 2008 10:09 pm
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In day’s-end golden sunlight, more than 60 people gathered at the Fauntleroy Creek overlook this evening to drum, sing, and call the salmon home – with many of the songs and chants led by Jamie Shilling (top photo) and many young participants, as seen in the second photo. After the first song, Fauntleroy Creek champion (and neighbor) Judy Pickens explained the native tradition that inspired this annual gathering – and also shared some information on what you might call the “state of the salmon”:

Cub Scout Troop 793 contributed players to a skit telling the tale of how the mischievous Norse god Loki turned into a salmon – here’s the final passage – the “stars” are in the middle of the picture:

And the entire group joined in other songs and chants like this one:

Now, it’s up to the spawners to come home and create the next generation of Fauntleroy-born fish. This past spring, as we reported here, Judy and other creek-watchers were heartened to see some “home hatch,” despite major winter storms that they feared would have washed the eggs out of the creek. Tomorrow, volunteers begin their watch in Fauntleroy, hopeful of seeing spawners swim in and continue the cycle. To find out how to help, go to this page on fauntleroy.net (and if you scroll all the way to the bottom, you’ll see a short clip of a spawner spotted in the creek during a previous season). The fish ladder, by the way, is marking its 10th anniversary this fall.

Later today: Help call the salmon home

October 26, 2008 1:02 pm
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Last reminder — 5 pm today, Fauntleroy Creek overlook (here’s a map; cohosalmon.jpgit’s across from the ferry terminal and up the bank – you can take the 54 bus and get off at the terminal, or park at Lincoln Park‘s south end and walk down – nearby street parking is somewhat spotty), come help drum (makeshift drums welcome too) and sing to summon the spawners. It’s been a tough year for salmon runs up and down the coasts (and those who rely on them, like Puget Sound’s resident orcas) so the fish need all the help and welcoming they can get.

Happening right now: Kenney bazaar/bake sale; Earth Summit

October 24, 2008 2:20 pm
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Fresh pies and Christmas bunny, spotted at The Kenney‘s holiday bazaar/bake sale, which continues till 4 pm today and then again tomorrow, 10 am-4 pm. To the east, across Fauntleroy SW, Gatewood Elementary is awash in greenery today for Earth Summit III, continuing till 3 pm – we popped by a little while ago to have a look at some brand-new trees and the people getting ready to plant them:



Last year during Earth Summit II, kids from Gatewood and other West Seattle schools planted trees with the help of a Nobel laureate (WSB coverage here).

The Kenney’s Design Review debut: “Complicated”


Isn’t there some way to save The Kenney‘s century-old original building, Seaview, as part of the redevelopment project? That was one question heard repeatedly Thursday night from both Southwest Design Review Board members and concerned neighbors, dozens of whom packed the project’s first official SWDRB review. After two hours of presentations, questions, criticisms, concerns, and suggestions, reviewers told The Kenney’s CEO and consultants to try again, ordering a second round of “early design guidance.” Board chair David Foster pronounced the situation more “complicated than any (he’d) seen in (his) 3 1/2 years on the board,” but in the end, the meeting was more constructive than confrontational — read on:Read More

Quick update: Another “early design” meeting for The Kenney

October 23, 2008 10:12 pm
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Detailed report to come. Bottom line, though, after two hours laden with thoughtful public comments and concerns about the major redevelopment project at The Kenney – the Southwest Design Review Board (with only two of its five members in attendance) asked The Kenney to come back for a second round of “early design guidance” — that means at least two more meetings before it passes all the way through Design Review.

See now what The Kenney will show design reviewers Thursday

kenneycupola.jpgWe’ve reported several times in the past two months about The Kenney‘s major redevelopment proposal (here’s our first in-depth report from August; here’s our coverage of last month’s community meeting), which has stirred some concern because one of the buildings is proposed to be six stories high. This Thursday night, it’s one of two projects going before the Southwest Design Review Board for “early design guidance,” and the city has posted the presentation submitted by The Kenney and its consultants. You can see the full 20-page presentation here (including side views of the three proposed alternatives); the third option is the one closest to what was presented at the community meeting, including a re-creation of part of its “park-like” northwestern corner:


The design-review meeting for The Kenney’s proposal is at 8 pm Thursday, in the Madison Middle School library, following reviewers’ 6:30 pm look at 4106 Delridge (5 stories of residential and retail; city project page here; that project’s presentation is not online yet – we’ll let you know when it turns up).