West Seattle, Washington
17 Monday
All those sticky notes, and dozens more, represent the latest progress toward figuring out what will happen at the Denny Middle School site after the new school opens on the Chief Sealth campus. Even though that’s more than two years away, Seattle Public Schools managers want a final design in place within the next few months, and that’s why Design Team meetings are under way. Last time, we reported on a meeting for which few showed up; tonight, a better turnout, and as SPS manager Don Gillmore put it, this was the end of the “abstract” part of the process — read on for more on what happened and what’s next:Read More
Earlier, we showed you a nonpartisan exhortation to vote, and a Republican signwaving stronghold. Now, a couple signs from the D side — the one atop this post is from Jason in Fauntleroy; the next one is from Highland Park‘s Dina Johnson, who says this banner will be in her yard on Election Day next to a “big flag”:
Another sign of the times is the drink-special roster at Hotwire Coffee (which by the way became WSB’s first-ever sponsor as of exactly one year ago this Wednesday):
(Click to see the full-size flyer)
Hotwire is one of many places we expect to visit as we roam West Seattle tomorrow chronicling Election Day (and Night) ’08 — we’ll have one more round of voting-info links up in the early morning, then our coverage starts with the opening of polling places at 7 am — we’ll be at a couple places when the doors open, but we also would love to get pix from you, cameraphone or whatever, of your polling place or anything else election-related — editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!
As reported here after a King County Superior Court jury exonerated an Alki 18-year-old on Friday in the 10/13/07 deadly shooting inside a car at 59th/Admiral, the trial had one more phase: Since the teen’s legal team had filed a request, as allowed under state law, for compensation for what he’s gone through if it was found that this was justifiable homicide — the jury cleared him on the grounds of self-defense — the jury needed to convene again to consider that part of the case. That took all day today, after which both jurors and the teen’s mother had something to say — read on for our courtroom correspondent’s report:Read More
That’s the West Duwamish Greenbelt trailhead at 14th SW/SW Holly (map), where toddlers, preschoolers, and the grownups caring for them are invited to meet at 10 am Wednesday for a child-friendly tree-planting event. Lisa Corbin from the Nature Consortium elaborates:
Join us for a toddler and preschool age-friendly tree planting in the West Duwamish Greenbelt, Seattle’s largest remaining forest. We will plant (and name!) tree saplings in an area recently cleared of invasive blackberries, discover other hidden treasures of this amazing natural wonder, and hear about the history and the future of the forest from Mark (buphalo) Tomkiewicz, Forest Restoration Director for Nature Consortium. We provide tools (for adults) and will be accommodating of the little ones! Feel free to bring kid-sized shovels. Dress for the weather, and wear appropriate footwear (some parts of the trail are muddy) Extreme rain cancels. Be ready for inspiration! Call 206/923-0853 or e-mail Lisa@naturec.org to reserve your spot. RSVP today!
Lisa says the tree-planting should run from 10 am-noon.
Coming back from downtown, we were a few cars back at the Fauntleroy/35th stoplight when those sign-wavers outside the strip mall caught our eye – and we managed to fish out the video camera in time to snag that short clip. What you don’t see are the Obama signwavers just offscreen to the left; light turned green, and the steer-with-left-hand, shoot-with-right-hand maneuver doesn’t work so well in the rain. Remember – send us your Election Day pix/clips, all day and night tomorrow – Election Eve stuff welcome tonight too, we’ll post more later. (Election side note – we have mentioned a couple of these here already, but the fabulous Monica @ the P-I’s Big Blog has compiled the “7 Election Day Freebies” list.) ADDED 6:40 PM: Went back to 35th/Fauntleroy so we could get out of the car for a better shot (and audio, given all the hooting and hollering of the Obama signwavers) of the scene. Discovered the biggest Republican sign had been swapped out while we were away – the one with the hammer and sickle wasn’t there when we passed by earlier:
If you’re wondering about the Beren sign – he’s the Republican challenging Seattle’s incumbent Congressman Jim McDermott. More Election Eve coverage to come!
Ordering pizza tonight after a rough Monday? Tomorrow, as part of an Election Night event? You might find some info to savor in The 1st WSB West Seattle Pizza Taste Test, organized by WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli, with volunteer help. They didn’t hit every pizza place in West Seattle, but a good sampling – read on to learn more about this beloved food and to see which of the ones they tried came out on top(ping)!Read More
We’re at the County Courthouse downtown (again), where the King County Ferry District public hearing drew … zero testimony from West Seattle. Spectators in the gallery, but nobody who wanted to speak. (Not exactly a convenient time, we know.) King County Councilmember Dow Constantine‘s office does report more than 30 e-mails have come in, supporting the Elliott Bay Water Taxi and the Ferry District (which runs the EBWT and the Vashon passenger ferry), and you still have time to send yours, before a vote expected later this month on whether to reauthorize the Ferry District — not a slam-dunk deal — send e-mail to info@kingcountyferries.org.
(photo added Tuesday morning — Wally said he had a mossed-over roof gutter and we asked for a pic!)
The forecast summaries don’t look too apocalyptic but Wally sent a note pointing us to the forecast “discussion” for Thursday-Friday – the possibility of heavy rain and breezy weather resulted in this note from the National Weather Service:
Bottom line, check those drains again in the next day or two – those colorful leaves are beautiful but once they’re down, they can cause big trouble if they wind up blocking your drains, private and public property.
That sign in a Gatewood apartment window says it all. Still need info – where to go, what to do, who’s on the ballot? County Elections’ online HQ here; WSB Elections page here. If you take pix or video of voting/election-related happenings tomorrow, or have something else to say, please send it – all day and all night, we will be chronicling Election Day ’08 in West Seattle, with words and pictures (and results after 8 pm), as it happens.
From Chief Sealth High School, we get word the student newspaper is available online for the first time; see it here! (West Seattle HS‘s latest paper is online too.) Also, the CSHS daily e-mail update brings word that the Sealth girls’ soccer team is in the playoffs, starting with a game at 8 pm tonight at Memorial Stadium. (Added later: Just got WSHS e-mail, its girls soccer team is in the playoffs, #1 seed, playing 7 pm tonight at Southwest Athletic Complex.) Speaking of playoffs, Bil Hood sends word from Seattle Lutheran High School that the Saints football team has “clinched the Sea-Tac B League title, automatically qualifying them for the state tournament.” The Saints beat Sultan 29-6 at West Seattle Stadium on Friday night and finish the regular season with a game this Thursday at Evergreen Lutheran. Bil also reports:”Saints runners Gordy Mueller and Blake Wulf both qualified for the Washington State High School Cross-Country Championships this coming Saturday in Pasco.” Got school news – sports, academics, volunteering, whatever? Send it to WSB to share with your West Seattle neighbors!
Just got word from Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen that 51-year-old Daniel P. Ward, wanted in the October 17th stabbing of a woman at the Stewart Manor complex in High Point, has been arrested. SWP officers took him into custody last night. According to the King County Jail Register, he was booked just before 9:30 pm, and is being held not only for investigation of assault, but also for “failure to appear” on a previous domestic-violence assault charge.
A week and a half ago, we reported from the courthouse as King County Superior Court Judge Suzanne Barnett announced the latest decision in the fight over what, if anything, will be built on the lawn of the landmark Satterlee House (aka the “Painted Lady” of Beach Drive). She ruled against Satterlee House owner William Conner in his appeal of a decision made last April by the city Hearing Examiner (WSB coverage here). That decision in turn had affirmed a vote last year by the city Landmarks Board, denying Conner permission to build three 3,000-square-foot-average homes — not denying permission to build ANYTHING on the lawn, just rejecting this specific proposal as potentially marring the characteristics that led to the property being designated in the early ’80s as a city landmark. After Judge Barnett’s ruling on October 24th, Conner’s lawyer Richard Hill told WSB they would “digest” the ruling before deciding whether to continue the challenge; we checked back with Hill this morning to see if a decision had been made, and he replied, “Yes, Mr. Conner intends to appeal.” Next stop, the state Court of Appeals; we will continue to cover this, every step of the way.
2 major meetings on the WSB Events calendar: 1:30 pm at the King County Council Chambers, it’s the King County Ferry District public hearing we’ve been telling you about – if you can possibly break away to go voice your support for the Elliott Bay Water Taxi, it could mean a lot to the service’s future; if you can’t be there, send a WT support note to info@kingcountyferries.org … 7 pm tonight @ Denny Middle School, it’s the next session for the Design Team plotting the Denny site’s future, once the school itself moves to a new building on the Chief Sealth campus (here’s our report on the last meeting).
Here are the results of our weekly Sunday night drive-by survey of posted regular and premium prices at West Seattle gas stations; prices are still sliding, but more slowly than the previous week. The biggest price drop of the week was 36 cents/gallon (3 stations), compared to 44 cents last week. Even more notably, only one non-diesel price, at one West Seattle station, remains above $3.00; everything else is 2-something, as you’ll see in the list ahead:Read More
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