West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
38 to 20 over Enumclaw. Full report later. ADDED 11:02 PM: They’ll play Ferndale next weekend, up in Whatcom County according to what we were told at the game, since Ferndale beat Bonney Lake 56-6.
(video no longer available due to blip.tv shutdown)
That’s part of our quick chat this afternoon with Otis Austin of OK Corral, which just opened a few days ago (as we reported here) at 4417 Fauntleroy (between Aikido of West Seattle and Tervo’s; here’s a map; don’t let the old Teriyaki/Burger sign on the storefront, which hasn’t been removed yet, fool you). He says those first few days have gone so well, he’s suffered from what we might call the Zippy’s Syndrome here at WSB (after the hot Highland Park burger joint that was so mobbed the first few days after its opening six months ago, it sold out repeatedly) – and as you can hear him say in our video clip, so much for the naysayers who say that’s a lousy location. In fact, he also told us, “I think West Seattle’s going to work out even better than the North End.” (His first OK Corral is in Greenwood.) He hasn’t printed up takeout menus yet but is working on it; by the way, Otis told us he will probably be closed tomorrow (Sunday) to regroup for the week ahead, though otherwise he intends to be open 7 days a week.
The West Seattle High School-Enumclaw game’s about to start at Memorial Stadium downtown (7:45), and WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand is there to cover it the same way he covered a couple of the big games toward season’s end – not only will he write up a full report later, but he’ll be posting short, frequent game updates via Twitter. If you use Twitter, just follow wsbbizdev – or you can check the updates on the Web at twitter.com/wsbbizdev – or here on the WSB home page, look for the red Twitter box in the sidebar, over the usual blue one – the red one will show his newest update any time you refresh this page (you can use the little arrow in the lower right corner of the box to click back through previous ones).
Three weeks ago, we brought you first word of the plan to preserve images and mementos from November 13, 2008, for the time capsule to be buried next year at the new Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza. (November 13 is the day the Denny Party landed at Alki — 157th anniversary this year, and the time capsule will be opened in a half-century, 11/13/2058.) As Andrea Mercado of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society/Log House Museum told us at the time, they’ll be collecting items from all over the city, so the openers will get an idea of what life was like on 11/13/2008. Now that the big day is just six days away, we checked back for the latest on requirements/deadlines for submitting what you collect/create that day. Read on for the info:Read More
We reported last month that The Bohemian was going to launch Jazz Sunday Brunch as of tomorrow. Just got a note from proprietor/chef Jason Todd Rice that the plan’s on the back burner now: “I would like to extend my apology for our decision to cancel our plans for Sunday brunch service. I feel very strongly that we are not ready to do it and do it right. Our original plan was to start with coffee & pastries during the day and the bar & supper service at night. We would then expand as we were able … After six weeks of our current operations, we have been SO pleasantly surprised at the enthusiasm of our guests and the community; and the volume of business has been incredible! As we are not a big corporate business, with extensive resources in personnel and budget, we are doing our best to ‘walk before we run…’ As soon as we feel that we have our current operation running at maximum efficiency and providing our guests with the best service and product possible, we will be evolving our concept and operation to the next level.”
Those are two of the foster cats available for adoption now through 3 pm at Southwest Community Center (here’s a map). It’s happening in the community-room area on the lower level – go in through the back (south) entrance.
We got one of our cats at an event like this six years ago and she of course is a joy. The foster parents, like these two, are all volunteers, whose work helps Seattle Animal Shelter house more animals while permanent homes are sought:
Again, the adopt-a-thon’s happening till 3 pm. Parking is a little crunchy down there right now because of a football game at neighboring Southwest Athletic Complex, but it’s not impossible to find – remember there’s that big lot immediately to the south.
A recent note asked whether we knew why work crews like that one appeared to be drilling around Roxhill Elementary School. We took the question to Seattle Public Schools‘ communications team what they could tell us, and they finally got to the bottom of it, so to speak: The crews are checking whether any gasoline from tanks at the recently reopened “Ruxbury” gas station across the street seeped into the water table. David Tucker from the school district says they’re only working on weekends, and whatever they find, it’s no danger to the school or its students/staff because water used there doesn’t come from the site. We’ll be checking further on the extent of the investigation. Meantime, at another gas station a couple miles north, a new price milestone:
Gas prices are truly falling, in more ways than one, at Delridge Arco, first West Seattle spot where we’ve sighted a price in the $2.20s. Will we see sub-$2 gas? Any bets? Tomorrow night, by the way, we’ll be making the rounds for our usual Sunday night price survey of all West Seattle gas stations (here’s last week’s – Arco has dropped 20 cents since then).
The Seattle Lutheran HS girls’ soccer team plays Life Christian at 2 pm today (at Sammamish), for the district championship. SLHS’s volleyball team is playing Rainier Christian this morning and a win would send them to the state tournament. In football, 7:45 tonight at Memorial Stadium downtown, the West Seattle High Wildcats face Enumclaw in a playoff game (WSB will be there to cover it, including live Twitter updates at twitter.com/wsbbizdev). Last night at SWAC, Chief Sealth lost to Lakeside, 20-7.
That’s West Seattle milliner Izzie Lewis, showing and selling “women’s and men’s hats, expertly blocked and finished” at the Fauntleroy Art Show, which continues 10 am-4 pm today in the fellowship hall of Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor), as part of the church’s centennial celebration. More than 20 area artists working in a variety of media are participating, including “tribute artists” – they’ve left this plane of existence, but their work lives on, and was loaned for the show. They include carver/sculptor Frank Evans:
Other tribute artists at the Fauntleroy Art Show include Moses “Moe” Beerman, best known for the Murals of West Seattle (read about them in this West Seattle 101 on WSB feature), but celebrated here for his caricatures. Meantime, fabric art also is part of the show – including Ruth Leonard‘s batik designs:
Admission is free if you just want to browse:
Fauntleroy Church is across from the old schoolhouse, about half a mile uphill from the ferry dock, at 9140 California SW; here’s a map and directions.