Bradley5 sent photos of an upside-down dead seagull in a Lincoln Park tree, noting he debated whether to share it, but is curious about what happened earlier – did anyone see it, tangled, before it died? What would you do in a case like this? Click ahead to see his photo (not particularly gross but we don’t want to put it right on the main page) and read what he has to say:

Bradley5 writes:
Talk about strange! The day before Thanksgiving, when walking my dog at Lincoln Park, scanning the trees & sky for Eagles and such like I always do, I spotted a dead seagull dangling upside down high up in a tree. I wasn’t sure what I was seeing so I zoomed in with my camera to confirm. It appears the poor bird got tangled in string on the branches and ultimately met it’s death there. It was still there when I was at the park yesterday. It’s way high in a tree just south of the eagles nest tree (what’s left of it) near the top of the bluff, and at the top of the east/west trail through the middle of the park that leads you nearest to the eagles nest tree, just look up. I wonder if anyone saw the bird while it was still alive???
We haven’t yet found the hands-down obvious place to call if you see a bird like that in trouble, still alive; the state Fish and Wildlife Department has a hotline for “multiple dead bird” sightings, 1-800-606-8768, according to its weekly wildlife report (latest edition here).