Fauntleroy 1217 results

Happening now: Cove Park, Delridge volunteer cleanups

April 25, 2009 11:19 am
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The little park north of the Fauntleroy ferry dock sometimes seems like one of West Seattle’s best-kept secrets, but today the sign you’ll see when you click the video is catching some attention – the Fauntleroy Community Association has volunteers out at Cove Park for the spring cleanup. We talked with FCA’s Gary Dawson, who explained the cleanup’s a little more intense than usual because the winter cold and snow killed more of the shrubbery. They’ll be out till noon if you want to go jump in; they’re also adding new wood chips donated by Stonehedge Tree Experts (WSB sponsor) owner Mark Harman, who along with his dad is volunteering today too. Meantime, eastward to Delridge, the quarterly Adopt-A-Street cleanup is under way today, with the North Delridge Neighborhood Council starting at Delridge Community Center and Chief Sealth High School volunteers starting at the school (Boren campus) – we caught up with a Sealth PTSA trio:

(From left: Janet Hillier, Liann Sundquist, Vanessa Hodges)
Sealth is one of the schools where you’ll find big sales on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day two weeks from today (registration ends at 11:59 pm tonight) – and the PTSA is looking for donations and volunteers; here’s their announcement:

Funds raised will help benefit the Chief Sealth Students participating in a Summer 2009 Study Abroad trip to Japan and the many programs of the Chief Sealth PTSA.

We are joining in with the 5th Annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale sponsored by the West Seattle Blog!

We Want Your Stuff!
Clean out your garage, closets and basement by donating items in good condition. All unsold items will be donated to Northwest Center; therefore we are following their donation guidelines.

Love to Bake?
Please consider donating baked goods we can sell to hungry shoppers. Not time to bake? We would also appreciate your donations of juice boxes and bottled water to be sold to thirsty shoppers. After all shopping at such a great sale is hard work!

Due to extremely limited storage space at the school, we can only accept donations of your items and bake sale goodies the day before the sale or the morning of the sale.

Please bring donations to the school Friday, May 8th from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm or Saturday May 9th from 7:00 am to 9:00 am

We need your help – Just 1 or 2 hours of your time on Friday, May 8th or Saturday, May 9th will make a BIG difference! We have a variety of jobs and time slots.

Contact us at garagesale@chiefsealthptsa.org or leave a message at 206-252-0444 voice mail box 98550. A PTSA member will return your call!

Fauntleroy schoolhouse purchase plan update: FCSA-FCA meeting

April 22, 2009 11:56 pm
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Where does the Fauntleroy Community Service Agency‘s plan to buy the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse stand now, and where is it going? That’s the gist of what was discussed during last night’s joint meeting of FCSA and Fauntleroy Community Association leaders. The meeting was facilitated by John Howell of the Cedar River Group, which has been working with FCSA on the building acquisition over the past year. The most recent development reported here has been a lawsuit against Seattle Public Schools seeking to stop the schoolhouse-site sale, and that was a big part of last night’s discussion – read on for more:Read More

Fauntleroy Community Assoc.: Schoolhouse-deal meeting set

schoolhouse.jpgFrom tonight’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting: FCA board members will meet next week with counterparts from the Fauntleroy Community Services Agency to talk about where FCSA’s plan to buy the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse stands, and where the process goes next. As we reported two weeks ago, a legal challenge to Seattle Public Schools‘ sale of the building could throw a wrinkle in the deal. We’ll find out more about its status when the two groups meet at 6 pm next Tuesday in the schoolhouse building.

ONE MORE NOTE FROM TONIGHT’S FCA MEETING: Two weeks from tonight, Tuesday 4/28, Endolyne Joe’s will donate a portion of the night’s proceeds to benefit the Fauntleroy Fall Festival.

Just days left to get your ticket to be an “Instrument of Change”

April 10, 2009 11:40 pm
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It’s just one night — but its ripple effects will make a difference in thousands of lives over the ensuing year. The West Seattle Food Bank‘s “Instruments of Change” fundraiser is coming up, and this Thursday is the deadline to RSVP for tickets. The event May 1st at The Hall at Fauntleroy not only features KIRO Radio’s Gregg Hersholt as emcee, but also includes former mayor Norm Rice as a special guest speaker, plus live music and a Dessert Dash. Go here for full details, including how to get tickets.

West Seattle Family YMCA celebrates Partners With Youth success

Congratulations to the West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) volunteers who just celebrated reaching their goal in the Partners With Youth campaign. Shown above, from left, are campaign chair Tish Hesse, board chair Walter Reese, executive director Josh Sutton, Volunteer of the Year Craig Anderson, and associate executive Samantha Bowes, photographed at this week’s YMCA of Greater Seattle annual meeting at Sodo Park (which is run by West Seattle-based Herban Feast). Josh reports:

Thanks to the generosity of over 2,000 individuals and businesses in our community, Tish Hesse announced the successful completion of our West Seattle & Fauntleroy YMCA’s Partners With Youth campaign. This has been a tough year for fundraising, but our volunteers and donors combined to make sure kids, teens and families in West Seattle have access to the programs and services they need. Our 160 volunteers raised $410,370 on a goal of $410,000! All of those funds stay in West Seattle, providing 4 full time YMCA staff in Sealth, West Seattle High & Madison Middle schools to help students achieve, scholarships for over a thousand families in child care and camp programs, and other essential services.

Our Annual Meeting also offered an opportunity to recognize our 2008 Volunteer of the Year, Craig Anderson of NUCOR Seattle. Craig spent hundreds of hours organizing, planning and running NUCOR’s Golf Tournament – a huge event last June with more than 140 golfers. He helped turn what had been a fun tournament for vendors & staff into a fundraiser for the Y, establishing a new $45,000 NUCOR Seattle YMCA Endowment to send low income kids & families from West Seattle to Y Camps for years to come.

Fauntleroy Church “Re-creating Community” series finale tonight

The Wednesday night speaker series at Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor), “Re-creating Community in Our Day,” concludes tonight with Michael Ramos from the Church Council of Greater Seattle discussing “The Promise and Pain of Diversity in Shaping Community.” 7 pm in the church fellowship hall, free, or come early for a simple supper (by donation) at 6 pm. (We had the privilege of being part of this series a few weeks ago; here’s our report from that night.)

West Seattle scenes: Sunset sailing; camp on campus

As Rick R. put it, tonight’s sunset was simply golden — that’s the view from Fauntleroy. (Probably no encore tomorrow — the forecast looks wet and breezy.) A couple miles east, and a few hours earlier, it was Day 2 of Spring Break Camp at Denny Middle School in Westwood:

Denny principal Jeff Clark sent those photos with word that this camp is recordbreaking:

Yesterday and today, we have had 225 kids at school increasing their skills in reading, math, writing, science, and music. Our break camp programs are designed to create learning opportunities for our students beyond the regular school year calendar. The previous attendance record for a break camp at Denny was approximately 100 students, so this week’s daily total of 225 is amazing. I would like to congratulate our outstanding students for their efforts and thank our terrific staff for making this opportunity possible–go, Denny Dolphins!

Got news about your school, group, or ? — please let us know — the various ways to reach us are all listed here.

Court challenge puts wrinkle in Fauntleroy Schoolhouse sale plan


Earlier this month, Seattle Public Schools lawyers noted during a School Board meeting that a hearing was set April 1st on a court challenge to the district’s planned $1.8 million sale of the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (and part of its surrounding property) to the Fauntleroy Community Services Agency. Checking with the district this afternoon, we learned there’s no hearing tomorrow after all, because there’s been a preliminary ruling in the case: The district was told it indeed has the authority to sell the property, according to SPS spokesperson David Tucker, but they expect the case to move on to the Court of Appeals, which means it may not be settled till next year. We checked next with FCSA’s Kevin Wooley, who tells WSB that the group is now trying to decide “how to go forth” — if they close on the deal as planned, they could wind up in the middle of potentially costly litigation; if they don’t close on the deal as planned, some of the money they’ve secured from the city, state, and other sources could be in jeopardy. For now, Wooley says, they are going ahead as planned, and he says there’s no particular date right now by which they need to make a decision, but he says the court situation is “kind of disappointing” and ultimately “could mess up the whole sale.” The group that’s been suing to challenge district sales of property like the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse has contended that the district should keep the property for future school use; Wooley’s contention is that “we’ve been leasing the building for more than 20 years and there’s no way it’s ever going to be used again as a public school.”

Happening in West Seattle tonight: Jim Diers, “Idol,” school talks

At last year’s Sustainable West Seattle Festival (have you signed up for this year yet? 4/4’s the deadline), Jim Diers listed West Seattle – and elsewhere – examples of “Neighbor Power,” and tonight he brings that energy and evangelism to the Fauntleroy Church series about “Re-creating Community in Our Day.” It’s free at 7 pm; if you want to, you can go early and share a “simple supper” for which donations will be accepted, starting at 6 pm. Afterward, if you’re in the mood for music, “Junction Idol” is into the finals at Rocksport — one of the contenders recommended to us is Anders:

See the rest of the contestants on the Junction Idol YouTube page – then show up tonight at 9:30 to watch the finals.

CHIEF SEALTH MEETING: One other note – the Chief Sealth High School PTSA encourages Sealth parents to attend a meeting tonight, 7 pm, in the school library, to hear from principal John Boyd about how district budget challenges will affect the school.

(added 12:59 pm) PATHFINDER K-8 PTSA MEETING: Also just got word (thanks, Lashanna!) that Pathfinder K-8 has a meeting tonight too, for an update on the changes that are under way (as it prepares to move to a new location this fall) – 6:45 pm, school cafeteria.

Fauntleroy Community Association’s once-a-year event

March 24, 2009 8:46 pm
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The Fauntleroy Community Association‘s annual meeting and membership drive is famous for treats from local food businesses – and tonight was no different. The 100-plus attendees got the chance to sample food from Endolyne Joe’s shredded beef to The Original Bakery‘s carrot cake. Some political heavyweights in the crowd, too, including City Council President Richard Conlin. Also at tonight’s event, FCA officers were re-elected, including president Bruce Butterfield, who talked about one of the group’s most recent achievements:

Some smaller changes may yet be in store for the dock, such as a covered passenger walkway, but the Legislature has not yet signed off on a plan for the ferry system’s future; while WSF has proposed Plans A and B, a citizens’ group based in Kitsap County has been advocating for a “Plan C” (read about it here).

Happening tonight: Fauntleroy’s annual meeting; World TB Day

March 24, 2009 8:14 am
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Two of tonight’s highlights from the WSB West Seattle-wide Events calendar: Live in the Fauntleroy area? The Fauntleroy Community Association would love to see you tonight for the annual meeting and membership drive. 6 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy (in the old schoolhouse). Also tonight: It’s happening downtown, but it could help save ANYONE’S life – and high-school students from West Seattle and vicinity have been working hard to make it happen — the World TB Day event at Town Hall (map), 6:30 pm.

A signature quilt, and a memorable evening

That one-of-a-kind quilt is hanging near the door of the Fellowship Hall at Fauntleroy Church – but it’s in the market for a new owner. Your WSB co-publishers got the story behind it Wednesday night while talking to Little Pilgrim School director Lorrie Cook after our guest appearance in the church’s “Re-creating Community in Our Day” series:

Thanks to Kevin McClintic for the photo, and thanks to everybody who came out to share in the chat, and to Rev. David Kratz and his church for inviting us; next Wednesday at 7 pm, Diane Shiner speaks on “The Interplay of Environment and Community.” Now back to that quilt: School parent Krista Withers designed and crafted it, and it has a square for each student in Little Pilgrim School, designed in consultation with the students – each one met with her to choose fabric, designate an animal, and apply their “signature.” It’s in the tradition of signature/friendship quilts dating as far back as the Civil War, created as raffle items to raise money for soldiers — now, it’s being raffled to raise money for the school, and the raffle happens May 3rd at the Little Pilgrim Spring Parent Workshop. Tickets are just $1 each, six for $5, and if you don’t have friends/family at the school from whom you can buy ’em, contact Lorrie Cook at lorrie@fauntleroyucc.org or 932-5600.

34th District Democrats endorse Constantine, bridge name

From Wednesday night’s 34th District Democrats meeting, Bill Schrier sent that photo with word that West Seattle’s largest political organization “overwhelmingly endorsed” King County Council Chair Dow Constantine in his run for King County Executive (which is now officially a nonpartisan position), and contributed $3,434.34 to his campaign. Earlier in his political career, Constantine served as 34th District State Senator and Representative. We interviewed him the day he announced his Executive candidacy (see the story here); we have since interviewed his major opponent (so far), County Councilmember Larry Phillips, and plan to publish that story later today. P.S. from tonight’s 34th DDs’ meeting: They also heard from two other West Seattleites who you’ll see on the ballot this fall, City Council candidates David Ginsberg and Dorsol Plants. And the group endorsed a resolution to rename the West Seattle Bridge in honor of former City Councilmember Jeanette Williams (we first told you about the naming campaign back in January).

Fauntleroy ferry riders: Spring schedule officially announced

March 10, 2009 11:52 am
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It kicks in Sunday, March 29, and will include the addition of three-boat weekend service on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route. Full Washington State Ferries announcement here; see the schedule online here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Not just mail theft – mailbox theft

We usually don’t publish exact addresses of crime victims, but in this case, the address matters because it’s part of what was stolen: At 8424 46th SW near Lincoln Park, someone made off with the address sign you see at left AND the mailbox. Chris e-mailed the photo along with the report that the theft happened sometime between noon Saturday and 9 am today, and is most concerned about getting back the mail. The sign is lettered in stainless steel and matches a nearby trellis.

“Recreating Community in Our Day”: Series starts this week

February 22, 2009 10:03 am
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This Wednesday night is the first of six in a row with Fauntleroy Church inviting you to come share conversations about community – and what it really means in this much-changed day and age. The series starts with a showing of the well-received “The Fauntleroy Story” documentary (first covered here last July) and continues with a lineup of featured speakers that even includes your WSB co-publishers, as well as more-notable souls such as “Neighbor Power” guru Jim Diers and Church Council of Greater Seattle executive director Michael Ramos. As you can see on the flyer above, each evening will begin with “simple supper” (by donation) at 6 pm, followed by the forum at 7. Read on for the full text of the official news release about the series:Read More

West Seattle scenes: Body talk with “Siren”; cuisine; kayaks

If you don’t believe your body has much to do with the way you communicate, check out that video clip to see the way Valerie Waugaman (right) – “Siren” from TV’s “American Gladiators” and a motivational entrepreneur – explained it this afternoon at West Seattle’s Anytime Fitness (WSB sponsor) in Charlestown Center. She offered those in attendance some entertaining, and practical, advice you can put into action almost instantly, even if your quest for fitness isn’t very far along.

Now, to our second set of West Seattle scenes:

It’s of course easier to move well if you’re well-nourished:

Those hors d’oeuvres — Mediterranean Skewers of Cucumber, Tomato, Feta, and Kalamata Olives — were among the culinary creations dished up at the Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering open house this past Thursday night at The Hall at Fauntleroy, in the old schoolhouse, which is also home base to the T and TS team, including executive chef Michael Chase:

Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes has been in business more than 20 years. They cater events not only at The Hall at Fauntleroy, but also other venues (including these).

And one more West Seattle scene:

Thanks to Jim Clark for sharing that beautiful conclusion to a sunny Saturday.

The path to walkability: Fauntleroy wayfinding moves forward

The map in the background of that photo from a recent meeting in West Seattle may show the world, but the gathered group was there to focus on one little corner of it: Fauntleroy. As part of the ongoing West Seattle Trails Alliance/Feet First project (notice the distinctive green maps, published last year, in front of participants), three wayfinding kiosks will be placed in Fauntleroy (with other neighborhoods slated to get them as well), and project leaders are meeting with neighbors to get direct local input on where those kiosks should go, what they should point to, and what kind of art they should showcase – read on for more:Read More

Fauntleroy neighborhood meeting: Message – “organize”

That long scroll of paper was a prop for SDOT reps to explain the forthcoming Fauntleroy Way “rechannelization” (approved last month) to anyone with questions at last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association-presented “neighborhood meeting” last night at Fauntleroy Church. SDOT was just there for questions – no formal presentation – but updates were presented on three other topics, and the theme for two could be described as “organize” – read on:Read More

Happening today/tonight: Education, transportation, more

February 18, 2009 6:07 am
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 |   Delridge | Delridge District Council | Fauntleroy | West Seattle politics | West Seattle schools

From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

TALK TO YOUR SCHOOL BOARD REP: For the first time since the Seattle School Board approved major changes and closures, West Seattle’s board rep Steve Sundquist will hold one of his regular coffee hours, to talk with, and listen to, anyone interested in education issues (and there are lots more on the horizon, like the start-time changes we mentioned last weekend). 9 am, Coffee to a Tea in The Junction.

HEAR FROM YOUR CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Richard Conlin is one of the guests scheduled for tonight’s meeting of the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council, 7 pm, Youngstown Arts Center. The latest on the Alaskan Way Viaduct/Tunnel project also is on the agenda.

FAUNTLEROY NEIGHBORS UNITE: 6:30 pm at the Fauntleroy Church Fellowship Hall, it’s the all-neighborhood meeting organized by the Fauntleroy Community Association to share updates on issues including Washington State Ferries‘ future and the in-progress purchase of the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse.

Call for action: Seeking support to stop “The Stench”


(2007 WSB photo of Fauntleroy Cove, looking toward Lincoln Park)
Since our report about last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting, there’s one more note from that neighborhood – requesting help ASAP on a hot topic that’s coming up right now in the Legislature – FCA president Bruce Butterfield has sent this from Judy Pickens, who works with Fauntleroy Creek among other local environmental issues:


Rep. Sharon Nelson from our district has introduced, with others, a bill that would provide ongoing funding for research and emergency response to sea-lettuce blooms in Puget Sound (“the stench”). E-mails in support of the bill from Fauntleroy residents could greatly increase its chance of passage.

HB 1231 (“Controlling saltwater algae”) and the Senate version (SB 5412) would assign 25 cents of every dollar that the state now collects from boat registrations for controlling algae in freshwater to doing the same in saltwater. This diversion would result in an estimated $140,000 per year for a grant program that cities and counties could tap for research on sea lettuce and emergency response when public-health concerns warrant haul-out of rotting seaweed. By tapping the existing revenue stream from a related program, the legislation would not require new funding. Read the full text of HB 1231 and analysis at http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?year=2009&bill=1231.

The Washington State Lake Protection Association is opposing these bills on the grounds that sea lettuce is merely a nuisance, not a public-health threat comparable to algae growth in freshwater. I have updated FCA’s “white paper,” to emphasize Fauntleroy’s experience with hydrogen sulfide from rotting sea lettuce and included data from air-quality studies here. While lake advocates understandably don’t want to lose some of their funding, their position is ill-informed.

If you have a personal story to tell about “the stench” at its worst on a hot summer day in Fauntleroy, please send a quick e-mail to the committee chairmen:

House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee

Rep. Brian Blake, chairman

Senate Environment, Water, and Energy Committee

Sen. Phil Rockefeller, chairman

Send a copy of your e-mail to Rep. Nelson at
apps.leg.wa.gov/memberemail/MailForm.aspx?Chamber=H&District=34&Position=2 (corrected from original publication)

For more information, please e-mail Judy_Pickens@msn.com

ADDED 1:53 PM: Since there seems to be an intense amount of interest in this, we’ve also uploaded the “white paper” mentioned above, which explains that this goes beyond what you might assume is a smelly natural phenomenon. Read it here.

Fauntleroy Community Association: Final countdown to big event

February 11, 2009 2:07 am
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From tonight’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting: FCA leaders are ready for next week’s big neighborhood meeting, with three key items highlighting the agenda — the latest on the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse purchase, emergency-preparedness information from SNAP (Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare), and the status of the Washington State Ferries Long-Range Plan (which no longer calls for a Fauntleroy dock expansion, as we first reported Jan. 31st, but still calls for Southworth traffic to continue through Fauntleroy TFN). Information also will be available on the Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement proposal’s status, The Kenney‘s redevelopment project, and the Fauntleroy Way “rechannelization” plan, among other community issues; the community gathering starts at 6:30 pm Wednesday 2/18 in the Fauntleroy Church Fellowship Hall, with presentations scheduled to start just after 7 pm. More toplines from tonight’s meeting, ahead:Read More

From Fauntleroy: New newsletter; community conversations

February 6, 2009 10:40 am
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The latest quarterly newsletter from the Fauntleroy Community Association is now available online (via PDF, here). Some of the issues covered are ones that we’ve kept you up to date on as well, including the latest on the Washington State Ferries Long-Range Plan (newest updates here and here; our Fauntleroy coverage is all archived here). But there’s also news you may not have heard, including the latest on a traffic-calming effort along 47th between Brace Point and SW 98th, seen here in Google Street View:

View Larger Map

And the newsletter announces a series of conversations and events at Fauntleroy Church on a subject that’s so near and dear to us, we’re honored to have been asked to be part of it: “Re-creating Community in Our Day.” For six successive Wednesday nights starting February 25th, this topic will be tackled in a variety of ways, from the 2/25 kickoff screening of the acclaimed “Fauntleroy Story” documentary, to author/former city Department of Neighborhoods leader Jim Diers speaking on 3/25. (Your WSB co-publishers will be the speakers on 3/11, for the topic “the impact of media on our sense of belonging to a community.” Full list of events is on the Fauntleroy Church home page; other Fauntleroy community events are on the FCA website, including a reminder of the all-community, multi-topic meeting coming up February 18th, which will include an SDOT rep discussing the recently announced “rechannelization” of Fauntleroy Way between California and Edmunds.