West Seattle, Washington
17 Monday
6:38 PM: Police and fire are arriving at Alki for a report of a man shot in the chest. The location has changed a few times on the SFD log – somewhere between 57th and 60th. They’re still looking for the victim but officers have told dispatch they’ve found a car, with blood in it, at Lander and Marine. Updates to come.
6:45 PM: They’ve found the victim and describe him as an “approximately 25-year-old man with a gunshot wound to the chest.” There’s reportedly a second injured person at a different scene.
6:49 PM: It’s very chaotic but responders have said they’ve only found one victim. That man is getting CPR and is with medics near 56th/Alki. Police are closing Alki Avenue from 56th to 57th “for a while.” No one is reported to be in custody so far.
6:58 PM: Added a reader photo. The victim is being taken to Harborview.
7:13 PM: We have a crew in the area. Alki is still taped off in the area.
To the east of this, police are going to block off traffic at Bonair, since they’re noting it’s difficult to turn drivers around at 55th.
7:43 PM: Commenters have noted that this happened in the Whale Tail Park vicinity – police are looking for evidence there:
This SUV nearby has bullet holes:
We’re still waiting to hear from the police PIO at the scene.
7:53 PM: After a tip, police have taken a suspect described as an armed juvenile into custody, but we don’t know yet if he’s believed to be a suspect in the shooting.
8:11 PM: The other vehicle reported to have been involved is being towed to SPD evidence processing:
A police officer is being treated nearby for some kind of minor injury.
8:22 PM: Alki Avenue will be reopened (as soon as TV crews move their cars), police say. The ongoing investigation will focus on the Whale Tail Park scene. We found this apparent bullet damage in a window nearby:
8:39 PM: SFD says the victim was still alive, in critical condition, when transported, and has an age update – “approximately 30.”
8:59 PM: Police say the victim has died. Meantime, Seattle Parks is going to close Alki for the night and police are going to start telling people to leave. (added – David Hutchinson‘s video of police announcing the closure:)
9:28 PM: We’re going to upload and add video of the media briefing with Det. Judinna Gulpan but the only additional detail was that first word of the shooting came from a Parking Enforcement Officer who happened to see it, and that they believe the victim was driven from the shooting scene by Whale Tail to the spot where medics and police found him on Alki Avenue. Otherwise, no comment on arrests, descriptions, circumstances. (added – here’s the video:)
10:09 PM: Police have just told dispatch that Alki is “pretty well cleared out.”
10:26 PM: For context, checking the archives, tonight’s victim is the first person shot at Alki since a shooting that injured two people last Halloween. This is the first deadly shooting at Alki since 22-year-old Tilorae Shepherd was killed in June 2021 (the suspect continues to await trial). However, this was the third deadly shooting in West Seattle in five weeks, after 20-year-old Ka’Don Brown was found dead April 8th on the Chief Sealth IHS campus, and 41-year-old Chad Anderson was found dead on 15th SW between Barton and Cambridge last Monday. No arrests reported in either of those cases. The SPD tipline for information on any of these cases, including tonight’s shooting death, is 206-233-5000.
ADDED 11:11 AM SUNDAY: Alki is open today as is Whale Tail Park, with people at both. The SPD mobile precinct and two KCSO Transit Police cars were parked at the beach.
MONDAY AFTERNOON: SPD says no arrests in this case yet – the juvenile-with-gun arrest mentioned above turned out to be unrelated. … Parks confirms they will close Alki early again throughout the summer, starting Memorial Day weekend – details as soon as later today. (We will have a separate followup with these updates and more.)
ADDED WEDNESDAY: Noting for the record, pending a separate story, that the victim was identified today as 25-year-old Davonte Sanchez.
From Washington State Ferries:
Due to lack of crew, the final sailing for the #2 Cathlamet will be the 5:55 p.m. Fauntleroy to Vashon departure. The #1 Kittitas will remain on the #1 boat schedule for the remainder of the night.
If that changes, WSF will update here.
3:26 PM: Thanks to Tim for the tip. The offramp from southbound Highway 99/509 to West Marginal Way SW has just reopened after a deadly collision earlier this afternoon. The State Patrol says a Vespa scooter and U-Haul truck collided, and the person on the Vespa was killed.
5:31 PM: The State Patrol says the person who was killed was a 67-year-old Burien man. Its preliminary summary says he lost control and hit both the U-Haul truck and a car as they were exiting to 99. Those vehicles’ drivers were not hurt, WSP says.
ADDED THURSDAY: The man who died is identified as Steven P. Sandoz.
(LINKS: Clickable searchable online map is here … printable list is here)
9:04 AM: If garage/yard sales are your jam, today’s your day. It’s the 17th almost-annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, and the first year that more than 400 sales signed up. (As happens every year, a few have canceled – see the map page for updates on that.) At many stops, you’ll find more than what the sellers mentioned in their listing, like Sale #288 at 4000 54th SW, which sent the photo above – they’ve added a one-day pop-up jam sale! Here’s the online map; here’s the printable list; official sale hours are until 3 pm. … Into baseball? Bobbleheads? Sale #29 at 6313 48th SW is looking for you:
Need wheels? “From baby strider to adult, we got your bikes!” declared Sale #407, 5000 Puget Boulevard SW, with this pic:
Dozens of sales with toys and other kid stuff. At Sale 119, 6741 38th SW, you’ll find “American Girl stuff, power tools, toys, and lots more”:
Sale #220 says “We have shade and lemonade! Come see us at 4845 48th Avenue SW!”
We listed all the sales planning lemonade here.
10 AM: Hour 2 of WSCGSD! Just got word from one seller that a lost dog showed up at their sale. Remember, WSB has had the only all-West Seattle lost/found-pets page for 15+ years – email us if you find or lose a furry friend. Back to the sales … The Solstice P-Patch, Sale #32 at 7400 Fauntleroy Way SW (and a WSCGSD tradition), has a huge variety of plants including this big tree:
The Solstice sale is on our list of benefits/fundraiser sales … Here’s another benefit sale:
That photo is from Sale #89, 5902 41st SW, where proceeds are going to the Kitsap Humane Society … With the weather heating up, Sale #389 at 6517 Delridge Way SW has air conditioners for sale:
Treats abound around the map. BSA Troop 284, at Sale #65 – 6613 Holly Place SW – is raising money with a bake sale:
The Kenney, Sale #81 at 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW, also has a bake sale, and Sale #88 at 6041 California SW, the View On California apartment complex, has coconut-lime pies:
Also in Morgan Junction, what’s likely the biggest of the business sales on WSCGSD, every year, has people lined up outside and inside Thunder Road Guitars (WSB sponsor) at 6400 California SW:
TRG is Sale #22 on the map and offers a variety of one-day-only deals on WSCGSD, many previewed on Instagram. … Speaking of IG, we don’t usually use the “stories” feature but we have some rad helpers on WSCGSD who are posting highlights. … Overall it’s just a great day to be out in the sun, as Sale #181 at 7537 30th SW can attest – their description promised “free golden retriever attention” and here’s the proof:
11 AM: Hour 3! Just took a brief break from the desk and saw a family walking by, apparently out WSCGSDing on foot. One of the kids was asking, “Mommy, HOW MANY garage sales are there?” When we were that age, our grandma “Dee Dee” hauled us around on Saturdays, looking at what she fondly called “rubbish sales,” so we do this every year in her memory. Back to coverage: Another one of today’s benefit sales, #251 at 4006 52nd SW, is for the Rain City Ropeworks jump-ropers:
Go for the jump-rope demos as well as the shopping! As recently reported here, members of Rain City Ropeworks have made the national team. … Another WSCGSD vignette: We went over to get a pic of the Santa gear that Al was planning to sell at Sale #358, 3433 42nd SW, but he told us someone browsing the WSCGSD list had contacted him in advance and bought all his gear already! So we photographed him and granddaughter Izzy:
Sale #253, at California/Genesee, is always big:
This sale also includes Salon 08‘s benefit for the senior dogs helped by Old Dog Haven … Another benefit sale that happens every WSCGSD is the Delta Kappa Gamma fundraiser for women educators, Sale #55 at 8436 Fauntleroy Way SW:
There we found Jill and Nell:
Some areas of West Seattle are less sale-dense than others but you can still find somebody with a sale just about everywhere! In North Delridge, Brittany from Sale #375 reports, “Bikes, bunk beds, craft supplies, games – and shade! 4525 26th Ave SW”:
Official sale hours go till 3 pm so you still have plenty of time, even if just to walk over to the sale(s) nearest you and see what treasures await.
12:20 PM: We’re well into Hour 4! Speaking of treasures, lots of collectibles out there today. Sale #259 at 4723 SW Hudson is selling “vintage ’90s McDonald’s toys”!
Thirsty? Sale #34 at 9055 39th SW, benefiting the fight against breast cancer via the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, has cold water for a $1 donation, as well as other merchandise:
We have several sales in White Center/North Highline this year too – including Sale #20 at 10009 20th SW:
Also just out of the inbox, Cheryl writes, “Discover an irresistible treasure trove at Sale #111, located at 5046 48th Ave SW. Among our offerings are lightly used U-haul boxes, two lawnmowers, mirrors, a bookcase, high-quality packing blankets, a classic Standard bed frame, and a plethora of stylish dog products, including collars, leashes, and bandanas.” Here are some of those ‘stylish dog products”:
1 PM: Hour 5 is launched! Still catching up with some pics from this morning. Kelsey‘s at Sale #31, 5218 Erskine Way SW (behind the house), and had merchandise including wintry themes you might find cooling as the mercury rises:
We notice nice shady trees in Larry‘s yard at Sale #127, 6738 35th SW:
If you’re getting an error message with the online map, we’ve reported it to the software provider – the PDF list of sales is unaffected and that’s here. … If you haven’t taken a lunch break yet, in addition to West Seattle’s many fabulous restaurants, the Dick’s Drive-In truck is at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way) until 2 pm:
While we were there, we checked on the nearest sale, #393 at 7761 Highland Park Way SW. Lots of stuff has already sold, they told us, but what remains includes this kitchenware:
From Mike at Sale #194, 9206 36th SW, who says, “World’s worst yard sale, but we’re selling stuff. VHS tapes a-plenty. Cuisinart for sale, too! Cheap!”
WSCGSD tends to segue into freebie sightings post-sale, but some are offering them as part of their sales too. Angela at Sale #184, 35th/Dawson, says, “We have a pretty Hickory Chair brand sofa we’d love to rehome. It needs some attention but is a pretty piece for someone who may want to do some refurbishing! FREE. We’ll be leaving it out after the garage sale, too, as long as the weather is nice!”
2:10 PM: Final official hour! Again, if you can’t access the online map, the software provider seems to be having a problem but our linear version of the sale list is just fine. Meantime, a beautiful pic from another WSCGSD tradition – glass art at Sale #200, 3241 47th SW:
We’ll add a list here of who planned to go beyond 3 pm, for shoppers who just don’t want to stop! So far:
#345, 4425 52nd SW, until 4
#236, 4441 53rd SW, until 4
#255, 3237 California SW, until 4
#170, 4755 36th SW, until 4
#58: 6001 California SW, until 4:30
#384, 5213 25th SW, until 5
#364, 7527 19th SW, until 5 (Wanderlust Nursery)
#324 and #325, two sales at 2728 Garlough SW, both open until 5
#205, 2332 50th SW, until 5
#197, 8100 32nd SW, until 5
#164, 4030 32nd SW, until 5
#119, 6741 38th SW, until 5
#71: 5435 49th SW, until “at least” 5
#95: 3935 SW Kenyon, until 5
#213: 4150 39th SW, vegetable starts for sale and some other freebies, “self-serve”
P.S. The online map is working again … Meantime, Sale #250 just sent word that they’re done for the day … just about pack-up time for many! (See comments below for more posts about wrapups and free stuff.)
Leading the list of what’s happening as your weekend begins – West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2023 is here!
Some started early, like Gladys at Sale #73, where they’re raising money for The Mount. This is the first year that more than 400 sales registered to be on the map, which you’ll find here, along with links to the printable list and mini-lists we’ve published this week – benefit sales, big sales, business sales, plant sales, pet-item sales, and sales expecting to offer lemonade stands (and what a day for them). Also check that page for announcements and last-minute cancellations. Whether you’re selling or shopping, if you have a fun photo, email or text it (please include the sale #). Updates all day!
Also on the list for today/tonight, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
STAMP OUT HUNGER: Before you head out for the day, get your bag of nonperishable food donations out by your mailbox or wherever you get your mail, so your letter carrier can pick it up for this one-day nationwide door-to-door food drive.
FREE FIT4BABY CLASS: 9 am at Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza (61st/Alki)
SOUTH SEATTLE COLLEGE GARDEN CENTER: 9:30 am-3 pm, the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) Garden Center will be open, selling a vast variety of student-grown plants. (6000 16th SW, north end of campus)
(Photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
SEATTLE CHINESE GARDEN PEONY FESTIVAL: 10 am-4 pm, celebrate peony blossoms with cultural activities at the garden. More info here. Continues Sunday. (5640 16th SW)
FAMILY STORY TIME: 10:15-10:45 am at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond).
MORNING MUSIC: 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform. Find out about Marco’s music here.
FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am in West Seattle, registration required – see full details in our calendar listing.
DICK’S DRIVE-IN TRUCK: The famous Dick’s truck brings burgers and shakes to Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW) 11 am-2 pm.
FAMILY READING TIME: Every Saturday at 11 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).
VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: The center is open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here. (2234 SW Orchard)
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: You’re invited to visit the home of West Seattle’s history noon-4 pm Saturdays. (3003 61st SW)
VISCON CELLARS: 1-6 pm, visit the tasting room at Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) – selling wine by the glass or bottle. Learn about their wines here! (5910 California SW)
HERON’S NEST MUSIC FESTIVAL: 1-9 pm, enjoy music and more while supporting this cool green haven uphill from the Duwamish River. (4818 Puget Way SW)
NORTHWEST WINE ACADEMY: Taste, sip, buy student-produced wine at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor; 6000 16th SW), 1-6 pm.
CHOIR CONCERT: 3 pm at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW), the Boeing Employees Choir invites you to a free concert.
LIVE AT EASY STREET: 6 pm, Babes in Canyon, live at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW), free, all ages.
BASEBALL: 7 pm at Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd), West Seattle HS plays Lincoln for the Metro League title.
THE MAMA-LOGUES: The “comedy show about motherhood” is back, 7 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW).
SILENT DISCO: Dance up a storm with music only you can hear, 7-9:30 pm at Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza (61st/Alki).
THEATER: Second weekend for “Zach” by Christian St. Croix, directed by Sara Porkalob, at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor), 7:30 pm. Tickets here.
AT THE SKYLARK: Doors 7 pm, show 8 pm, for live music with Bad With Birds, Pent Up!, Hillwood, $10 cover, 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
AT TIM’S TAVERN: 7:30 pm show at the new Tim’s Tavern in White Center (16th/98th) – Planets in the Ocean, Guest Directors, Tiny Jackets. All ages. More info here.
OUT AT THE BOX: Drag show at Box Bar (5401 California SW), 9:30 pm. 21+.
If you have a show, sale, event, meeting, seminar, reading, field trip, fundraiser, class, game, or ? for our calendar … please email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!