day : 03/03/2022 11 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Late-night gunfire

ORIGINAL THURSDAY NIGHT REPORT: A resident along 16th SW near SW Othello texted us to say they heard “gunshots … about 6 or 10 in a row, super loud” a short time ago. Police are in the area now and have just told dispatch that they’ve located a casing. No word of any injuries so far.

ADDED FRIDAY: SPD’s preliminary incident summary says no witnesses could be found, just “broken glass from a vehicle and evidence of a shooting were recovered from the street in the 7300 block of 16 Ave SW.”

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE: What we learned from the first 9 ‘progress reports’

(SDOT bridge-top camera image, noontime today)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

As part of the West Seattle Bridge repair contract, weekly progress reports are required. In late January, we asked SDOT for those reports; they told us our request had to go through the city’s public-disclosure-request system, which subsequently estimated our request would take a month to fulfill. It did. This week we received minutes from the first nine weekly progress meetings, from November 23rd through January 18th.

The documents show that these meetings are held at 8 am Tuesdays. The reports, usually two to three pages long, are not detailed, and the ones we’ve received don’t reveal anything dramatic, but there are a few points of interest. Most notable is that the concrete-drivers strike first turns up in the January 11th report, with this notation:

Ongoing Teamsters strike against the concrete suppliers locally has shut down many jobsites. While there are no impacts to the project yet, concern for concrete availability once suppliers are allowed to deliver again. Concrete suppliers will address in order of priority based on volume. Given the lower volume of the project, concerns with meeting the schedule deadlines are being monitored and schedule options are being explored to condense the concrete delivery timeframe.

That note appeared four weeks before Mayor Bruce Harrell stood before media crews and warned that the strike would delay the bridge reopening if concrete didn’t become available by February 20th.

Other notes of interest include a COVID outbreak reported among the bridge crew in the January 18th report – three confirmed cases and one suspected case; the report adds that “all were fully vaccinated.” From mid-December to mid-January, there were multiple mentions of logistics for the raising of the bridge work platforms.

(WSB photo, January 29th, just before second half of second platform went up)

They were at one point expected to be hoisted in December, but instead went up in January; progress-meeting minutes indicate that working with the railroad took extra time – “railroad comments” were cited as a reason for a resubmittal of documents related to the hoisting.

The reports are on forms with a preset list of discussion topics, and lists of invitees/attendees, from repair contractor Kraemer North America, SDOT, consultant (and repair designer) WSP, and in addition to SDOT’s in-house communicators, representatives of communications consultant Stepherson and Associates. We have put in public-disclosure requests for the weekly reports filed since the ones we received, and are waiting for estimates on how long that’ll take.

P.S. As for what’s happening now with the bridge, work continues, minus concrete. Last week, SDOT told the West Seattle Transportation Coalition they still hope to be able to reopen the bridge in mid-2022.

On the strike front, the drivers’ union, Teamsters Local 174, says it wants to bargain individually with the concrete suppliers; the suppliers responded with a statement today accusing the drivers of trying to “bully the construction industry.”

READER REPORT: Anti-mask tirade targets autistic student

Many mask mandates are ending. That doesn’t mean mask-wearing is ending for everyone. Some people will still be required to; some will still choose to. Many elected and community leaders have stressed the importance of not hassling those who continue to wear them. We received this report from Gary about an incident today:

Our son is 19 years old and high-functioning autistic. He is part of the Seattle Public Schools BRIDGES program, aimed at helping Special Needs kids integrate into adult life / society.

After getting off the bus [with his teacher] and walking around 26th and Roxbury on the way to class [at the former Roxhill Elementary building], a large truck decided to stop, pull out his phone, start recording them, yelling and swearing how he is brainwashed and doesn’t need to wear a mask outside. Although not “illegal,” I’m sure many parents can understand the emotions that it brings. We now have to pay attention if this has caused additional apprehension about riding Metro, the community, and people in general. All of which are difficult for kids with special needs.

It was handled well by the teacher, and the truck moved on… just truly a shame how selfish and rude people are, unaware of the damage and setbacks something like this could actually cause to somebody.

CRIME WATCH: Another stolen red Nissan

March 3, 2022 7:04 pm
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For the second time today, we’re publishing a report of a stolen red Nissan – this time, a car. Katie‘s red 2007 Nissan Sentra was stolen from the 800 block of South Donovan St in South Park on Tuesday night. License plate BWN3670. If you see it, call 911.

ROAD-WORK ALERT: 5-way intersection changes, West Marginal Way repaving this weekend

Here’s your advance alert about road work this weekend – here’s the announcements from SDOT:

5-WAY WORK ON SUNDAY: One week ago, at the West Seattle Transportation Coalition meeting, SDOT mentioned the 5-way just west of the low bridge was being evaluated for changes. Here’s what SDOT is going to do on Sunday:

We’ll be working to close the northbound lane at the Chelan 5-way intersection for people turning into Terminals 5 and 7. This change is being made to help the West Seattle Bridge detour route run more smoothly. At this intersection, delays and traffic congestion from train activity have become more frequent and have ranged from just a minute or two, up to 90 minutes. Since this route is a vital pathway for people traveling into and out of West Seattle during the bridge closure, it is important that we keep traffic moving efficiently and safely for everyone using the roadways.

To make these changes, we’ll need to update the striping on the street, add and remove signs, and make some traffic signal updates. During this work, we’ll need to turn off the signal for a period of time. We’ll have a uniformed police officer directing traffic at the intersection to make sure traffic is moving efficiently during this work. We’ll start as early as 4 AM on Sunday morning and expect to be done by 1:30 PM that afternoon.

These changes will mostly impact freight trucks and employees traveling to Terminal 5 and 7. We will be prohibiting the following movements:

Eastbound left turns from Chelan Ave SW
Northbound straight-through from Delridge Way SW
Northbound straight through from SW Spokane St (from the low bridge)
Westbound right turn from West Marginal Way SW

What other ways can freight and employees get to Terminal 5 and 7?

Freight and employees will be rerouted to an alternate route using the Terminal 5 access bridge. This bridge has a designated right-turn lane to Terminal 7 for people driving to that terminal. To access the Terminal 5 bridge, turn onto SW Spokane St and turn left, just before the entrance to the Spokane Street Swing Bridge. The Terminal 5 access bridge travels over the Chelan 5-way intersection and directly to the terminals.

Here’s a flyer about the planned work.

WEST MARGINAL WAY REPAVING: This is planned both days this weekend:

We are returning to West Marginal Way to pave the other side of the street we paved in early February. On Saturday and Sunday, we will be repaving West Marginal Way SW between 2nd Ave SW and Highland Park Way SW. We anticipate beginning this work early as 1 AM and concluding by 1 PM on both days. During work hours, we will be limiting the area to southbound traffic only.

People driving northbound will follow a detour route that continues north on 2nd Ave SW to Highland Park Way and connects at the Highland Park Way/West Marginal Way intersection. The road will be fully open outside of work hours, but please anticipate traffic delays and navigate the area with caution.

SIGNAGE ON SUNDAY: Also from SDOT, “We’ll be adding directional signs on westbound SW Spokane St to provide earlier notice of the correct lane to be in for the Admiral Way or Harbor Ave/Avalon Way exits. We’ll also make small updates to the road striping to support these new signs. We plan to start this work in the early morning on Sunday, as early as 4 AM and expect to be done by 6 AM that same day.

UPDATE: Beach Drive reopens after sewer-pipe break

(South of the break, photo by Kersti Muul)

1:56 PM: Thanks for the tips. A water break in the 6700 block of Beach Drive [map] has closed the street to traffic, north of Lowman Beach. SFD is on scene. More shortly.

2:44 PM: Firefighters remain on site and SPU has arrived. They’re not sure whether this is a water line or sewer line but it broke under the street. The closure’s not likely to end any time soon. Residents are using sandbags.

4:22 PM: SPU says “we currently believe that no SPU water or drainage/sewer infrastructure is involved.”

4:32 PM: We’re now trying to find out whose line it was. Meantime, Kersti reports that Beach Drive has reopened.

5:52 PM: Just went back down for a look. Whatever is leaking, it’s coming up through cracks in the street and along the sidewalk even more vigorously than it was when we stopped by four hours ago. A King County truck is there, too.

12:13 AM: King County Wastewater Treatment Division has finally confirmed it was their pipe, in a late-night news release. It says, “Flows from the leaking pipe were diverted to a second pipe … The leak overflowed into storm drains and through an outfall near Lowman Beach Park, … Crews worked through the evening to clean the streets. … County staff posted caution signs along the water near the outfall, and water quality testing will begin at first light on Friday morning. King County reported the overflow to health and regulatory agencies.”

(Added: Photo from a Beach Drive neighbor)

We’ll be following up further later Friday.

BIZNOTES: Sign of West Seattle Just Poké progress

12:25 PM: Just Poké has long had West Seattle in its sights – more than four years – but for the first time, there’s a sign of progress. Hope tipped us today that the banner was up in the window of Just Poké’s future location, the former Wallflower Custom Framing space in Mural (4735 42nd SW) across from Jefferson Square. That’s the space that Just Poké’s founder Norman Wu mentioned to us one year ago, though the company’s website shows a different WS address (the space since taken by West Seattle Liquor & Wine [WSB sponsor]). We have an inquiry out seeking an update on their timeline.

3:34 PM: Wu tells WSB they’re expecting to open in June.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Red Nissan pickup stolen again (UPDATE: found)

11:08 AM: Back in October, we reported on the theft of this 1997 red Nissan pickup. Now it’s been stolen again:

The theft of the pickup with door signage for Harold’s Fitness (WSB sponsor) was just reported by Deborah, who says not only is it a repeat theft for this vehicle, it’s the third auto theft by Murray Wet Weather Facility and Lowman Beach Park in two weeks – the area’s even been hit during the daytime. The pickup now has the license plate C11469Y. If you see it – last time it turned up in southeast West Seattle – call 911.

9:04 PM: Deborah reports that a WSB reader found the truck – not far from home – and notified Harold, so they have it back.

Pizza fundraiser, 16th SW reconfiguration @ NHUAC, more for your Thursday

(Cooper’s Hawk, photographed in February by Mark Dale)

Here’s what’s up in the hours ahead:

SCHOOL DINE-OUT FUNDRAISER: Dine in at, or get delivery/takeout from, Proletariat Pizza (9622 16th SW, White Center) 4-9 pm today and tell them you’re supporting Roxhill Elementary, so part of the proceeds will go to Friends of Roxhill, as our calendar listing explains.

SUMMIT ATLAS OPEN HOUSE: West Seattle charter middle/high school Summit Atlas (35th/Roxbury) invites prospective families to an open house 5:30-7:30 pm – RSVP here.

LINE-DANCING CLASSES: You can drop in and dance at 6:15 pm, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW) with Silver Sweet Soul – more info in our calendar listing.

BOARD GAME NIGHT: Come try something new at Meeples Games (3727 California SW), 6:30-10 pm.

WHITE CENTER’S COMMUNITY COUNCIL: If you live in unincorporated North Highline just south of West Seattle, your community council – the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council – meets tonight, 7 pm online, with major topics including a full presentation about the proposed rechannelization of part of 16th SW – our preview on White Center Now explains how to participate.

FIRST THURSDAY FUNK: Battlestar Kalakala at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), 8 pm doors.

BIZNOTE: Tasting time at West Seattle Liquor and Wine

Most Fridays, West Seattle Liquor and Wine (4714 42nd SW; WSB sponsor) invites you to visit for tastings, 4-6 pm. This Friday (March 4th), they’re having a special tasting for wine lovers – Cabernet Sauvignon. Along with wine from our state, WSLW is also planning to feature Cabernets from California, Italy, Spain, and France this Friday. If you haven’t been to the shop yet, it’s on the outer west side of Jefferson Square, next to Nikko Teriyaki.


6:04 AM: Good morning! It’s Thursday, March 3rd.


Clouds and possible rain are in the forecast, with a high near 50.


Metro is on its regular weekday schedule. Watch @kcmetrobus for word of reroutes/cancellations.

Water Taxi‘s on its regular schedule.

Ferries: WSF continues the two-boat schedule for Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth. Check here for alerts/updates.


709th morning without the West Seattle Bridge.

Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)

1st Avenue South Bridge:

South Park Bridge:

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

Are movable bridges opening for vessels? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed; 1st Ave. S. Bridge openings are also tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.

All city traffic cams can be seen here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are also on this WSB page

Trouble on the roads/paths/water? Text or call us (when you can do so safely) – 206-293-6302.