West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
As usual on Mondays, Seattle Public Schools updated its COVID-19 case-numbers dashboard this evening. Districtwide, the cumulative SPS case total for this school year is now 5,682, 1,095 more than a week earlier. Here’s the local school-by-school breakout (as always, these totals also are cumulative):
West Seattle High School – 140, up 87
Chief Sealth International High School – 122, up 20
Madison Middle School – 88, up 15
Denny International Middle School – 77, up 29
West Seattle Elementary – 75, up 23
Arbor Heights Elementary – 74, up 14
Fairmount Park Elementary – 69, up 14
Louisa Boren STEM K-8 – 57, up 9
Highland Park Elementary – 54, up 8
Concord International (Elementary) – 51, up 10
Gatewood Elementary – 49, up 18
Genesee Hill Elementary – 48, up 9
Sanislo Elementary – 47, up 8
Lafayette Elementary – 43, up 12
Roxhill Elementary – 42, up 6
Pathfinder K-8 – 39, up 8
Alki Elementary – 32, up 3
BRIDGES @ Roxhill – 2, unchanged
TESTING & VACCINATION AT SCHOOLS: Denny IMS (2601 SW Kenyon) continues to serve as a regional testing site for SPS students, families, and staff, 4-8 pm weekdays. …
From Brenda: “My 1997 green Honda CR-V was stolen last night. License plate AIZ6066. North Arbor Heights.” Call 911 if you see it.
8:10 PM: Big Seattle Fire response for Terminal 5 – the first crews to arrive are telling dispatch that someone has a head injury and needs to be pulled out from “inbetween cargo containers.”
8:19 PM: The victim is aboard the cargo ship that’s at Terminal 5 right now (that would be MSC Monterey). Radio exchanges indicate the firefighters are facing tricky logistics to get to him.
8:29 PM: They’ve told dispatch the victim is a 51-year-old man hit from above with a heavy object. He’s described as “alert and oriented.” They’re working toward being able to lift him off the ship. (added) The incident commander tells dispatch that may take another 20 minutes or so.
8:43 PM: Dispatch has just been told “patient extracted.” (added) SFD medics are taking the victim to Harborview.
Another West Seattle closure announced by email today (thanks for the forwards!) – Spira Power Yoga is closing its Admiral location after almost 11 years. Online classes will continue, and Spira Power Yoga’s Issaquah studio will remain open, but proprietor Dora Gyarmati is ending her business’s physical presence in West Seattle. In the email announcement, she says that “we did not make this decision lightly. I have been working, literally without a single day off, including weekends for two years now. We also carry a very large financial overhead. Something had to give. Closing West Seattle brick-and-mortar is the right step to provide financial stability and emotional balance for my family life.” And she notes that “it is not so much closure as moving the business online. Since 80% of current West Seattle yogis prefer online classes, truly, it will be business as usual.” She goes into more of the details behind the decision in this essay. Spira Power Yoga opened in the space at 2332 California SW in the summer of 2011. The announcement says the “last class in the brick-and-mortar West Seattle studio will be on February 28th.” (Image from Google Maps’ Street View)
Three incidents in West Seattle Crime Watch, all from SPD summaries:
SOUTH DELRIDGE GUNFIRE: 911 callers reported hearing what sounded like gunfire around Delridge and Trenton at 1:17 am. Moments later, someone called 911 to say bullets had hit his vehicle as he was turning onto Trenton from Delridge. No injuries, but police found evidence, including three bullet holes in the rear of the victim’s vehicle. He thought a “dark-colored vehicle” might have been involved.
ANOTHER 7-11 ROBBERY: For the second time in three days, a West Seattle 7-11 was held up. This time it happened at the 35th/Barton store, just before 5 am Sunday. Before the robbery, the clerk told police, the robber was in the parking lot, handling his handgun. Then he came into the store and said he wanted beer and a hot dog. The clerk said it was too early to sell alcohol. Eventually the man grabbed a hot dog while continuing to display his gun and left the store with it.
STOLEN CAR RECOVERED: Police say this started at 2:42 pm Friday, when “officers observed a suspicious vehicle with subjects loading up copper in the area of 29th SW / SW Brandon.” They determined it was a stolen car, but it left the area before they could take action. Later, the summary says, “Officers located the vehicle at a West Seattle recycle center and detained the driver as he exited the business. The driver denied any knowledge of the vehicle, but then asked to retrieve his cigarettes from inside the stolen vehicle …” Officers identified him as the same person they saw driving it from 29th/Brandon, and arrested him. Since the owner of the stolen car had given consent to search it (something you’re asked when reporting vehicle theft), they searched it and found stolen items inside – including a handgun and construction tools. The suspect was booked into the King County Jail.
Ten days after the state launched a website for ordering free COVID-19 rapid-test kits – and quickly ran out – they’re back in stock. Go to sayyescovidhometest.org to order up to 5 free tests. The state’s announcement says, “Recipients will get those tests delivered at no cost, but only while supplies last. When more supplies become available, the state will open the portal again.” They served 340,000 households the first time around and have enough more for about 120,000 this time around, so if you’re interested, hurry.
1:34 PM: Thanks to the many people who emailed and texted about this: West 5, the beloved restaurant/bar in the West Seattle Junction, is closing after 19 years. From the email West 5 sent out at midday today:
Last Call
Closing Saturday, February 12thUntil then: Mon-Sat 11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Fixtures & Auction Preview 2/13 Fruit Cocktail Collectables
Thank you, West Seattle
The uncomplicated story is, we lost our lease and after eighteen years we must say farewell to the old Speedway and Hobby Shop on California Avenue. Covid and omicron brought haste to our closure and sadly took away options for future revival. Thank you West Seattle, and beyond, for your support of this modest venture. It’s been a ride.Looking Back
West 5 Opened as a “Non Smoking Cocktail Lounge”, the first of its kind in Seattle, Feb 8th 2003.Our only televised event was West Seattle Little League’s appearance in the 2018 LL World Series Regionals.
Since opening, we’ve served up (give or take) 24,738 Mai Tais, 31,968 orders of Mac N Cheese and 17,298 BLTs.
Through the years we’ve tried to remain true, through trend and folly, as a “great place to meet,” a quaint conceit, badly bruised by two years of unpredictability.
Thank you for gathering under our crown to create and provide memories.
Great Neighbors and Partners
We are thankful for our deep community partnerships: WS Senior Center, WS Food Bank & Helpline, Chamber, Historical Society, ArtsWest, our local schools and many others. Thank you for continuing to make WS special.And to our five-star peers in the WS indie restaurant community – you know who you are – thank you. Keep serving it up and signing those checks. The end to perpetual pivot is right around the corner.
The email goes on to thank current and past employees, and then continues:
We have some fun old and new school stuff to sell off. Much of it will be available via Online Order as well as in-store starting 1/31. You will see a few blasts from the past, get ‘em while they last.Grab a tee shirt or two when you’re in for that final Mai Tai or picking up a To Go order of Mac N Cheese. We could really use the revenue (hint, all tips go to employees).
Memories, Tall Tales, Lost & Found
Got something to say? We’ll do it old-school. Here’s a place to drop a memory, share a story or settle a score. We may or may not reply, connect you to that “I Saw You” crush from 2005, or find a way to stitch together a storybook. But not a podcast, we promise. Never a podcast.WEST 5 Memory Hotline
(recorded messages only)
West 5 was founded by West Seattle natives Dave Montoure and Dean Overton. We featured some of the backstory in this 2011 report about the establishment’s 8th anniversary.
5:56 PM: Commenters asked about the lease situation and the space’s future. The building is owned by Tom Henry, former proprietor of JF Henry & Co. retail store (which was at 4445 California SW). Reached by email, he told us:
(We) heard about this the same time everyone else did. His current lease option is actually up in August and since he chose not to renew, we were not surprised about his announcement. West 5 has been an incredible tenant and a long-time loved business. We firmly believe that vacancies are not good for the business community, so we have plans for a great new tenant coming this year.
West Seattle Junction notes from above:
YEAR-ROUND LIGHTS: No, the workers in the trees along California SW in The Junction today are not trimming them – they’re installing year-round lights, West Seattle Junction Association executive director Chris Mackay tells us.
NEW BANNERS; Someday soon you’ll see another set of workers aloft in The Junction, putting up new banners to replace the faded ones that have been up for several years.
FLOWER BASKETS: Adopted one yet? Some of The Junction’s flower baskets are still awaiting adoption for this year. Individuals, businesses, organizations all welcome. Here’s how to sign up.
11:46 AM: Midday whale-watching opportunity: Kersti Muul says a “small group of orcas” is milling off the north end of Vashon Island. No travel direction known yet. Let us know if you see them!
11:54 AM: Kersti says the whales are now headed north, slowly.
4:41 PM: They’ve stayed in central Puget Sound most of the day. Kersti just texted to say they’re now southbound off Emma Schmitz Overlook/Me-Kwa-Mooks (4500 block Beach Drive SW).
(Rendering from 8415 Delridge design packet)
Almost three years ago, we reported on an Early Outreach for Design Review meeting about a 14-unit rowhouse project at 8415 Delridge Way SW [map]. The project is now reactivating, with a formal land-use application to the city. That opens a new comment period. The project is described on the city website as two 3-story, 7-unit townhouse buildings, with 14 offstreet-parking spaces. (See the most-recent design packet here.) Comment deadline is February 14th; today’s notice explains how.
Here’s what’s happening in the hours ahead:
VOTER-REGISTRATION DEADLINE: If you want to vote in the February 8th Seattle Public Schools levy election, today’s the deadline for registering online. (You can register up until Election Day in person.)
CITY COUNCIL’S WEEKLY BRIEFING: 2 pm, councilmembers brief each other and the public on what they’re up to and what’s coming up this week. They’ll also get a State Legislature briefing from staffers. Watch live at seattlechannel.org.
TRIVIA X 3: Here are tonight’s three options – 7 pm at Best of Hands (35th/Webster), 7 pm at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7:30 pm at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW)
DOCUMENTARY PREMIERE: Though it’s not set in West Seattle, “Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black and White” has citywide relevance, supporters say in extending an invitation for you to watch the documentary’s premiere online tonight at 7, followed by a panel discussion. Attendance info is in our calendar listing.
Another shopping event ahead, with Valentine’s Day approaching – this one’s on Friday (February 4th), 4:30 pm, at longtime WSB sponsor Wyatt’s Jewelers:
Wyatt’s Jewelers in Westwood Village is hosting a private event! Bring a friend, sip some bubbles & check out our baubles! It’s time to create a wishlist of your favorite jewelry for future occasions! Does your partner struggle to find you the perfect gift? Whether it be an anniversary, birthday, holiday or just because … we will create and store your new personal wishlist for your friends and mates to shop from! Enjoy delicious charcuterie from Heritage Restaurant, some special bubbly or wine, and check out our large selection of both modern & vintage jewelry. Limited to 15 guests! RSVP today by emailing socialmedia@wyattsjewelers.com or by calling us at 206-937-9200. Proof of vaccination or negative Covid test required for entry.
6:02 AM Good morning!
Today’s forecast is cloudy and breezy, potentially showery, with a high in the 40s.
Metro is on the regular weekday schedule. Watch @kcmetrobus for word of trip cancellations.
West Seattle and Vashon Water Taxi routes are on regular schedules.
Ferries: WSF continues a two-boat schedule on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run. Check here for alerts/updates.
678th morning without the West Seattle Bridge.
Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras are still in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)
The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):
South Park Bridge:
West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:
Highland Park Way/Holden:
The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):
Are movable bridges opening for vessels? The @SDOTBridges Twitter feed can tell you; 1st Ave. S. Bridge openings are also tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.
See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also on this WSB page
Trouble on the roads/paths/water? Text or call us (when you can do so safely) – 206-293-6302.
60 years ago, in West Seattle, Carol-Ann Thornton made history in her childhood. It’s history from which many lessons remain to be learned. She is returning to the Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s speaker series in a week and a half to share her insights. Here’s the announcement:
‘Words, Writers, & Southwest Stories,’ a speaker series of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, is excited to announce that it is hosting Carol-Ann Thornton for a live Zoom presentation on Thursday, February 10 at 6:00 PM. Carol-Ann will deliver a presentation titled “Privilege and Entitlement Versus Healing and Restoration?: Exploring a Slice of West Seattle History and Beyond.” Free registration is required. Visit our website to register.
Carol-Ann is returning for her second presentation with Words, Writers, and Southwest Stories. This time, she will explore themes of acknowledging barriers and challenges past and present within the history of the West Seattle community and beyond and exploring tools and options that facilitate forgiveness, healing, restoration, acceptance, and love of one another.
Carol-Ann Sharp Thornton is the first child of color in 1962 to enter the Seattle Public Schools’ newly implemented Volunteer Transfer Program from an inner-city school to integrate a segregated school in the Alki, Admiral, and Beach Drive communities of West Seattle. She has been honored with invitations to share her life experiences as a child raised through the civil-rights era with various groups and organizations.
Carol-Ann continues to embrace her career of 29 years as a counselor and legal advocate supporting those suffering from abuse and victimization through domestic violence and sexual abuse. As a nationally licensed Evangelist Missionary, she has been able to carry her passion for education, empowerment and outreach into the faith communities regarding abuse issues. As an educator, Carol-Ann conducts frequent trainings on domestic violence and victimization to community agencies and organizations, Carol-Ann has earned a Bachelor of Arts in Human and Social Services and a Master of Christian Counseling, as well as national certifications as a Domestic Violence Counselor, Criminal Justice Specialist, Christian Counselor and a Tribal Court Legal Advocate/Attorney. She is currently pursuing her Juris Doctorate Executive Track as a first-year Law School student. Carol-Ann is a member of the Criminal Justice Advisory Board at Pierce College, and an Advisory Council member of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society.
To see Carol-Ann Thornton’s previous Words, Writers, and Southwest Stories presentation “Culture Shock: The Awakening of Alki and West Seattle in 1962 and Beyond,” watch this video:
Free registration is required for the February 10th presentation. Registered participants will be emailed a link to the presentation the week of the event.
With February almost here, a new round of community meetings is about to begin. On Wednesday night (February 2nd), neighborhood advocates and organization reps from West Seattle and South Park gather online at 7 pm for the February meeting of the District 1 Community Network. The agenda is still being finalized but one centerpiece topic is public safety – particularly the status of alternative programs. All are welcome to attend; video and call-in info is in our calendar listing. (Here’s our report on last month’s D1CN meeting.)
Two weeks from today, West Seattle High School softball players will spend part of the day mentoring younger players. If someone in your family would be interested, here’s the announcement:
West Seattle High School’s softball team is putting on a one-day 3-hour clinic from 12 pm-3 pm on Sunday, February 13th for girls ages 7-13 at SWAC upper field, for $30. Each age group will be split into groups of 5, according to their age. The clinic will cover beginner to intermediate skills in the infield, outfield, and hitting. No pitching and catching instruction. Proceedings from this fundraiser will go toward new uniforms and equipment for the WSHS Softball team. Please come with a signed waiver (link to be sent out in an email) and payment if you are paying in cash or check.
The steps we’re taking to minimize COVID:
*Masks will be required between taking sips and bites
*Each group will have their own bucket of balls to use
*Each high-school player will have hand sanitizer for the girls to be able to use
*There will not be a lunch break; snack and water breaks are given and a snack will be providedIf you cannot make it but would like to make a donation, scan the separate QR code to make a contribution size of your choice. Thank you so much! Here are direct links to sign up and to the donation page as well:
Need a little color after this gray day? Mark Bouma from Lake Washington Physical Therapy‘s West Seattle clinic (WSB sponsor) shares that video of a new display on their walls, “Sky.” It’s work by seven artists, interpreting the title subject; see the list and descriptions here. You can admire the art at the clinic (1309 Harbor Avenue SW) until April, including during the West Seattle Art Walk (next one is February 10th). Also note that all the art is for sale!
2:27 PM: A large “fire in building” response is arriving at 36th/Lander [map]. Updates to come.
2:31 PM: Firefighters just told dispatch the fire, in a residence, is under control.
2:34 PM: Some kind of “paper or plastic on the kitchen counter” is what was believed to be burning, firefighters reported. They’re downsizing the response. We’re en route to try to find out more in person.
2:56 PM: The incident commander told us at the scene that “malfunctioning equipment” in the kitchen is what caught fire. No one was home at the time, so no injuries. Damage was described as “minor.”
The road-rebuilding is done; station installation has begun. But much of the newest update from the RapidRide H Line project team is about trees.
MORE TREES: Beyond what’s already in some of the medians, the project team has a lot more tree planting to do:
We have a policy to plant 2 new trees for 1 tree that was removed. The project will plant about 150 trees along the project area once landscaping is completed.
Our Urban Forestry team has been working with the project’s landscaping contractor to identify and finalize the locations for new trees located on and near Delridge Way SW. These locations have been marked with stakes in the median and planting strips throughout the corridor. We expect to plant these trees and restore the corridor with grass this upcoming spring.
If you would like to provide feedback on the proposed locations of these trees, please contact the Urban Forestry team at seattle.trees@seattle.gov.
SHELTER-SITE TRIMMING: The project team also notes, “If you live near a bus shelter installed by King County Metro, please be aware that pruning to a greater height of 11-12 feet of vertical clearance is necessary for bus shelter installation. If trees near your property need to be trimmed, you will receive additional notification of the schedule for this work from King County Metro. This work will be done by a Registered Tree Service Company under an SDOT Urban Forestry Permit to provide an 11 to 12’ clearance for shelter installation.” They’re expecting to schedule this work in February.
REMINDER FOR PROPERTY OWNERS: The update also includes a reminder that property owners need to keep trees and shrubs trimmed to eight feet of clearance above sidewalks. Further details about that are in the full update.
I just wanted to give a heads up of another vehicle theft in the neighborhood.
My blue 2005 Dodge Dakota was stolen from Brandon, near 41st Ave SW, last night or early this morning (Sunday 1/30). It has black racks and the bed was currently super full of construction debris for the dump. Washington license plate C99823V. Police incident #22-024965.
Call 911 if you see it.
(6:05 pm update – JC has the pickup back – see comments.)
1:40 PM: Just got another reader report, this one from Kat:
We wanted to let the community know that at 5:30 am on January 29th my wife woke up to an odd sound, and she went to the window to see that two individuals were stealing our catalytic converter from our 2007 Toyota Prius. She ran out to stop them but they quickly fled in a gray sedan with very dark tinted windows and a small shark fin on top of the car. This happened at 41st and Raymond. A police report was filed.
(Saturday’s sunrise, photographed from Don Armeni by Marc Milrod)
Here’s what’s happening on January’s last Sunday:
TRAFFIC ALERT – LOW-BRIDGE CLOSURES: Today is the final Sunday during which SDOT plans to close the low bridge three times, up to half an hour each time, for tasks needed to prepare for repair work, as explained here. The closures are expected around 9 am, 1 pm, and 5 pm.
CHURCHES: Many West Seattle churches are back to online-only services because of the recent COVID surge – here’s our weekly update on 20+ churches.
OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE SCHOOL ONLINE OPEN HOUSE: Interested in Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School? You’re invited to a 10 am online open house today. Our calendar listing has info on how to attend.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, find fresh food at the weekly WSFM (WSB sponsor). (California SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)
VACCINATION CLINIC: 8:30 am-noon, Pliable is hosting a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at Neighborhood House High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW), all eligible ages, first/second shots and boosters, walk-ins welcome.
‘MONSTERS OF THE AMERICAN CINEMA’: The new world-premiere play at ArtsWest Playhouse and Gallery (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) continues its run with a 3 pm matinee today. Read more about it here; buy your tickets here.
NEED FOOD? White Center Community Dinner Church serves a free meal (take-away available) at 5 pm Sundays at the Salvation Army Center (9050 16th SW).
SUNDAY NIGHT KARAOKE: 8 pm to 1 am at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.
Got an event to list in our calendar and previews? Email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
With the regular season almost over for high-school basketball, this weekend’s games had each local high school facing a crosstown competitor:
(Chief Sealth #10, Delaney Sipila)
CHIEF SEALTH IHS @ WEST SEATTLE HS: Friday night, the Seahawks visited the Wildcats. West Seattle’s varsity teams won both games. The WSHS girls, coached by Darnell Taylor, are 9-3 after the 59-24 win. The CSIHS girls, coached by Mario Martinez, are 5-8.
(West Seattle #10, Kaydinse Piersol)
The West Seattle boys, coached by Dan Kriley, are 9-3 after their 72-39 victory over the Chief Sealth boys, coached by Colin Slingsby, who are 4-9.
(WSHS #23, Max Holliman, & CSIHS #1, Messiah Alefaio)
Both schools have home games on Wednesday – West Seattle teams host Garfield, Chief Sealth teams host Franklin.
SEATTLE LUTHERAN VS. SUMMIT ATLAS: The other crosstown-competitor basketball battle happened this afternoon, as Seattle Lutheran High School‘s boys team (no girls team this year) hosted Summit Atlas.
(Summit Atlas #3 Rafael Vazquez & Seattle Lutheran #20 Julian Nevan-Mazetti)
The Summit Atlas Orcas went home to Arbor Heights with the win, 41-38 over the SeaLu Saints.
Top scorer was SLHS #5, Khalil Joseph-Taylor (above), with 23 points – followed by SAHS #14, Yahya Ahmed, with 19.
Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:
STORE THIEF: The Beer Junction reports a costly one-item shoplift:
We wanted to put the word out that we had an incident here at the Beer Junction on January 26th. This past Wednesday afternoon, a man came into our store wearing a backward ballcap, red and black pajama pants, a bright orange rain jacket, dark patterned button-up shirt and green wired headphones.
He spent a long time looking through our coolers, asking our staff a lot of questions about the products. He left the store and returned within the hour before taking a bottle worth $350 from our cellared beer collection. He grabbed the bottle and walked out without paying. We have filed a police report with the Seattle Police Department, Case # 2022-902113. If anyone can identify this man, we ask that they let us know or give the information to the police. We appreciate the support of our West Seattle community!
CATALYTIC-CONVERTER THEFT THWARTED: Another interrupted under-the-car theft, reported by Gary:
About 6 a.m. at corner of 45th and Juneau: Catalytic converter attempted to be stolen from my car. I heard a noise that woke me up and yelled at him out the window and they sped off.
Went out and saw he had cut through a pipe, but I caught him before it was taken. Gray newer extended cab pickup truck. Young person. A police report was filed.