month : 05/2020 346 results

VIDEO: See the entire ‘West Seattle Virtual Town Hall’

Last night, we reported on the major West Seattle-specific topic from Thursday’s city-presented “Virtual Town Hall,” the bridge closure. The rest of the 2-hour-long event featured lots of information about city services and other aspects of the COVID-19 response, from utility bills to small-business support to artist assistance; you can see it in its entirety above (via, whose recording is cleaner than the one we made as a backup). It was hosted/moderated by Andrés Mantilla, director of the Department of Neighborhoods and West Seattle resident. Mayor Jenny Durkan and Councilmember Lisa Herbold spoke and answered questions for the first 45 minutes, and then the event continued with city department heads presenting a “webinar.” (Among them, SDOT director Sam Zimbabwe, whose 10-minute presentation about the West Seattle Bridge was featured in our story last night.) The city’s resources are all linked here.

ONLINE TONIGHT: Westside School auction

Another school fundraiser has gone virtual. Westside School (WSB sponsor) has a silent auction online, plus a virtual live auction tonight. The announcement:

Due to COVID-19, Westside School’s annual fundraiser has gone virtual! The Wolves Stick Together Spring Fundraising Campaign (through tonight) features a virtual silent auction with many great items to bid on and the chance to support Westside School. Need some retail therapy? Check out Westside’s virtual silent auction here!

TONIGHT – 7:00-7:30 p.m.

The Wolves Stick Together Campaign will conclude with a virtual live auction, hosted by Fred Northup Jr., which will feature some great “live” items to bid on, and a chance to raise your paddle for Tuition Assistance! Grab a cocktail and join us at 7:00 p.m. Check out the event on YouTube.

Tuition Assistance Program

Westside’s Tuition Assistance Program is the biggest fundraising priority of the year and your support impacts the quality of education for every student at Westside School. This year, one in seven Westside families received tuition assistance. NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools) projects that the request for tuition assistance will increase 20% over the next three years. With uncertain times ahead, supporting the Tuition Assistance program is more important than ever to Westside’s educational program and to Westside families.

YOU CAN HELP: Little Free Pantries expanding westward

(Also published on our partner site White Center Now)

That’s a Little Free Pantry. In the spirit of Little Free Libraries, LFPs are a new neighborhood-based way to help address hunger – which has long existed in all neighborhoods, but is now worsened by the virus-crisis economic crunch. The project started in southeast Seattle and founder Molly Harmon says they are expanding west, looking for hosts:

A small movement has taken hold in SE Seattle and we are spreading the energy to West Seattle, White Center, and Burien – the building and installing of Little Free Pantries (LFP).

This project began with a micro-grant & six Little Free Pantries, and within a month we’ve raised over $3,000 and distributed nearly 44 Little Free Pantries. Little Free Pantries help neighbors feed neighbors. They aren’t intended to replace food security agencies nor eliminate the need to support them; rather they work alongside each other to draw awareness to food insecurity issues and create community through collective action in a neighborhood. We’ve begun working alongside Northwest Harvest & will work to reach out to area food banks, finding ways to utilize each other’s efforts in addressing food security.

The intention is to inform people on food insecurity and bring an issue, which hides in our society, to the surface. Millions of housed Americans are facing food insecurity on a daily basis and with our unemployment rate soaring due to COVID-19, food banks are struggling to access enough food to support those in need. It is imperative to educate the public on this growing need for food and LFPs bring this issue front and center to our neighborhoods, but in a supportive and caring way. Micro-communities form around this pillar (Little Free Pantry) and in turn, connect neighbors who otherwise would not have met. By neighbors stocking their neighborhood Little Free Pantry with non-perishable foods, it keeps the pantry full and helps those needing a meal. Whether a need for food or a need to give, Little Free Pantries help neighbors feed neighbors, nourishing neighborhoods.

We have hit our recent goal of $1150, which will enable us to build 18 pantries. We will distribute these pantries for free throughout Southwest Seattle. This is a grassroots, crowd-sourced solution to address immediate and local needs as a viable way to build community and support those facing food insecurity.

More information can be found at Additionally, if you feel a Little Free Pantry would work well in your neighborhood, please apply through the website.

Food insecurity is prevalent, whether you have seen it firsthand or not. And COVID-19 is intensifying the food insecurity that many of our neighbors are vulnerable to. With schools closed and layoffs rampant, many in our community are potentially going to bed hungry A quote from an owner of anewly installed Little Free Pantry in the Seward Park neighborhood, “Since it went up a little over two weeks ago, our LFP (located on Seward Park Ave, between Willow and Brighton) has been used daily, confirming that hunger is often hiding in plain sight, even in neighborhoods you might not think it would exist in.”

Questions? Ask here.

VIDEO: Fairmount Park Elementary staff’s community message

Nine weeks have now passed since schools closed. These past two weeks, we’ve been featuring videos and events that have reconnected schools’ staff with their students and community members. This one is from Fairmount Park Elementary; Althea sent the link, explaining “here is the video message from FP staff to our school community … including any Falcons who have already flown from ‘the nest’! (Former students, families, and staff members!)”

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday watch, 8th week of West Seattle Bridge closure

5;58 AM: Good morning – the 53rd morning without the high-rise West Seattle Bridge. Headed out? Here are the cameras for the 5-way intersection and the restricted-access low bridge (where SPD enforcement continues):

Since the main detour route across the Duwamish River is the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map), that’s the next camera view, along with the Michigan exit that takes you through Georgetown to I-5:

The other major bridge across the river is the South Park Bridge (map) – this camera shows the approach:

Both bridges open for marine traffic; check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed for info about openings.

NEW CAMERAS: SDOT has added 6 more cameras, along 35th and Roxbury. Here are two:



You can see all local traffic cams, including the new ones in West Seattle, here.


Metro – Reduced schedule; reduced capacity; check here for next departure

Water TaxiReduced schedule continues

During the stay-home order, we’re not live-monitoring morning traffic, so please let us know what you’re seeing – comment or text (but not if you’re drivingl!) 206-293-6302.

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE CLOSURE: What SDOT director, mayor, councilmember said during ‘town hall’

Though the announced-at-the-last-minute “West Seattle Town Hall” a few hours ago was not primarily about the bridge, that was a major topic, unsurprisingly. No new information, but SDOT director Sam Zimbabwe‘s part of the program offered some new framing of where things stand. We recorded video of the entire event, which we’ll publish in a separate report; here’s a clip with just his 10-minute segment:

We screengrabbed key slides to summarize his update. First, project priorities:

Then he went through a quick recap of the heart of the emergency plan whose key points were unveiled last week (WSB coverage here):

This next slide was the first time we’ve seen SDOT try to give a visual explanation of the dramatic loss in street capacity to and from West Seattle:

Then, what seemed tailored to those who are worried nothing’s being done:

This one, for those wondering why the bridge isn’t already being repaired or demolished:

And here’s another promise that they’re working on traffic management, with the stay-home order potentially lifting in less than three weeks:

Another slide along the way recapped how many meetings they’ve spoken at:

Earlier in the event, both Mayor Jenny Durkan and Councilmember Lisa Herbold included the bridge in their opening remarks. Durkan described the bridge as “a vital, vital piece of infrastructure … for our entire region.” She says she’s been discussing the situation with all levels of government – federal, state, county, regional. She also reaffirmed her support for current restrictions on the low bridge, saying it has its limit. But she promised the city will “do everything” it can “to increase mobility” (for West Seattle).

As she has before, Herbold declared the bridge closure a “crisis.” In counterpoint to the mayor, she said she will continue advocating for some changes in low-bridge restrictions, such as opening it to personal-car drivers during late-night/early-morning hours. (In subsequent Q&A, the mayor seemed to soften a bit on that, saying “all requests” would be considered.) Herbold also summarized recent developments such as the SFD announcement that another medic unit and ladder truck would be added to this side of the Duwamish River.

Again, we’ll recap the rest of the two-hour event – which featured more than half a dozen other city department heads – in a separate story.

CORONAVIRUS: Thursday 5/14 roundup

No new COVID-19 deaths reported in today’s King County update – that leads our nightly roundup:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the Public Health “daily summary” dashboard:

*7,307 people have tested positive, up 86 from yesterday

*514 people have died, no change from yesterday

One week ago, those totals were 6,863 and 480.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them, county by county, on the state Department of Health page,.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: More than 4.4 million cases – almost a third of them in the U.S. See the global outbreak breakout, nation by nation, here.

ANOTHER DASHBOARD: The county now has four of them – besides the daily summary, there’s also the long-term-care-facility dashboard, the race/ethnicity dashboard, and the syndromic-surveillance dashboard. Two charts on that last one show that emergency-room visits and hospitalizations for C-19 (or similar) peaked in late March.

GOVERNOR’S BUSINESS-FOCUSED BRIEFING: Gov. Inslee‘s media briefing this afternoon featured three reps from trade associations, talking about the rules for reopening. Our coverage includes video.

RECREATION CLARIFICATION: Today the governor’s office also ssued a memo with Phase 1 clarification for some forms of recreation, plus Phase 2 rules:

This memorandum applies to:

 Staffed outdoor tennis facilities, public and private;
 Guided ATV, paddle sports, horseback riding, and fishing;
 Go-cart tracks, ORV/motocross facilities, and participant-only motorsports; and
 All other activities substantially similar in operation and equally able to meet the requirements mandated by this memorandum.

HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS-WASTE DROPOFF RESUMING: These dropoff sites closed in March but are now reopening. The one closest to us will be open Fridays and Saturdays starting tomorrow.

NEIGHBORHOOD SIGHTING: Thanks to Noodle for the photo:

GOT INFO? Email us at or phone us, text or voice, at 206-293-6302 – thank you!

First, pickup parking for restaurants; now, for retail stores too

May 14, 2020 7:59 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

With more retail stores allowed to start offering curbside pickup, the city has announced it’ll set up special parking for that, as was done for restaurants. From the announcement:

To support access to the Seattle businesses opening up for curbside delivery, we are rolling out new curbside priority pick-up zones.

The State of Washington’s phased approach to re-opening now allows retail stores to re-open for curbside pick-up. To support these businesses, we are installing temporary 15-minute loading zones to facilitate reliable customer access for pick-ups.

The 15-minute time limit gives people a chance to quickly and safely pick up purchases, while ensuring frequent parking turnover so the locations remain reliably available for use. …

… Interested in having a Curbside Priority Pick-Up Zone near your business? Here’s what you need to know:

*Businesses can call or email 206-684-ROAD to request a Curbside Priority Pick-Up Zone. They should provide business name, address and contact information.

*Staff will review requested locations to make sure a new zone will fit within the nearby curb regulations.

*Generally, we will install one new zone per block, so it may need to be located where it can serve several stores on the block.

*Curbside Priority Pick-Up Zone signs are not assigned to specific businesses, and can be used among several businesses along the block

Approved signs should be installed within a few days of a request. If a new zone cannot be installed, SDOT staff will follow up with businesses to consider alternatives.

SDOT says it’s “installed over 700 3-minute temporary Food Priority Pick-Up Zones at over 400 restaurants” since mid-March.

FOLLOWUP: Roxbury repaving expected before month’s end

As reported here last Friday, Councilmember Lisa Herbold announced SDOT planned to repave two blocks of SW Roxbury, the badly rutted section between 16th SW and 18th SW. We subsequently asked SDOT about the timeline, and today the department confirmed the work will be done before the end of the month, and once it starts, will last up to a week. They also sent this flyer that will be mailed to nearby homes and businesses this week:

(You can also see it here in PDF.)

UPDATE: Governor, trade-association reps talk about business-reopening rules

3:36 PM: All week, the governor has been releasing new business rules, mostly for industries that will be allowed to resume some in-person service in Phase 2 (our area is in Phase 1). Reps of trade associations for hospitality and retail are joining him for this afternoon’s media briefing. We’ll add notes as it goes.

First, the governor says, “There is no economic recovery without a recovery of our health in the long term.”

The Washington Retail Association‘s president Renee Sunde speaks first, noting that “curbside retall” opened in Phase 1, in time for Mother’s Day. “Retailers have risen to the challenge of the COVID-19 crisis to serve customers across the state.” As announced earlier this week, Phase 2 will allow some in-store retail. She says retailers big and small are ready to “safely serve” customers.

Next speaker is the president of the Washington Auto Dealers Association, Jennifer Moran. She’s followed by Anthony Anton of the Washington Hospitality Association. “We’re really confident in our ability to open safely,” he says. He talks about some of the new requirements – distance between tables, between waiting guests, Plexiglas between booths, and more. “We’re all in this together … we’re ready to serve.”

Asked by the governor if the new rules are “slowing down” retailers, Sunde acknowledges there’s been a learning curve, but they have to be sure customers are confident they’ll be safe. Answering a similar question, Anton says some menu items developed in the takeout/delivery-only phase – family-style meals, for example – may be keepers. He adds there’s been a lot of learning about things not previously imaginable, such as the right way to wear masks.

Moran also says some of the changes necessitated by new health rules – more online car-buying – will likely remain because they’re going over well with customers.

And Anton says customers can “help save our small businesses” by “being safe in the next few weeks.” The governor notes that June 1 isn’t a sure thing for Phase 2 in many areas but echoes that the state’s residents can help bring reopening sooner rather than later through behaving safely. (He reiterated that later in Q&A, too.)

4 PM: The governor moves to Q&A. First is about the criteria or ongoing reopening. “I think there’s a misperception about the status of the virus in our state.” (At this point, we lost the feed for a few minutes.) He says there’s some cause for optimism but also some causes for concern. Avoiding unnecessary contact with others is a “kind of heroism,” he says, where you’re saving someone but you may never know who.

Next question is about jobs coming back. He says he’s hopeful some are returning now but we’re still a long way – “longer than we would like” – before getting back to normal.

Are hospitals and dentists still “on target” for resuming service next week? he’s asked. No clear answer. Next – he’s asked for an “update on testing.” Inslee replies, “Good news and bad news” – there’s capacity to analyze up to 20,000 tests a day, but “significantly short supply” is still a problem with test-related materials such as swaps and re-agent.

With salons still closed, how does the governor keep his hair short? His wife Trudi Inslee cuts it, he replied.

What about Memorial Day? Inslee says “there’s lots of ways to be outside without breathing on somebody.”

Shortly afterward, the governor wraps with his trademark closing line, “wash your hands,” and is seen on camera re-donning his face covering before the video feed ends.

ALSO ONLINE TONIGHT: 46 artists featured in May’s West Seattle Art Walk

For a second month, the West Seattle Art Walk – a longtime second-Thursday tradition – is happening online tonight. Organizers have just published the lineup of participants, with this introduction:

Our virtual Art Walk was such a success last month, we had to do it again! Check out the full gallery of work [on the website] or click this link to view a curated virtual Art Walk on YouTube!

We again opened Art Walk to all artists who wanted to join, so have a blend of business-coordinated and artist-led exhibits. Marvel at the wide and deep variety of media, formats, subjects and moods of our 46 artists, an Art Walk Record!!

As for any second Thursday, all art is available for sale. If you would like to purchase something from an artist coordinated by a business, please contact the business first. If you would like to purchase something from an artist exhibiting on their own, please reach out directly to them with the contact information listed.

The Art Walk usually begins – when an in-person event – at 5 pm, so the YT playlist isn’t final until then, but you can follow that link to get a preview of some of the art starting now.

4:30 PM TODAY: Mayor’s virtual ‘town hall’ for West Seattle

Just announced:

Today, Mayor Jenny A. Durkan will host her third in a series of virtual town halls, connecting with residents in West Seattle about their specific needs during the COVID- 19 pandemic. Mayor Durkan will be joined by representatives from the Department of Neighborhoods, Department of Transportation, Human Services Department, Office for Civil Rights, Office of Arts and Culture, Office of Economic Development, Office of Housing, Office of Labor Standards, Seattle Public Utilities, and Seattle City Light.

A webinar will immediately follow the town hall, providing residents the opportunity to hear directly from City departments about essential services, resources, and other support available to residents and businesses.

In previous weeks Mayor Durkan has virtually visited the Central District and North Seattle. Next week the town hall will move to South Seattle.

WHEN: Today, May 14, from 4:30 – 6:15 PM
WHERE: You can join the meeting from any PC or mobile device browser with this link.

BIZNOTE: After 21 years, ownership change for Admiral Junction Mailing Center

(Image via Google Maps’ Street View)

Thanks to everyone who tipped us about a change at the Admiral Junction Mailing Center (3614 California SW) – its longtime owners Lee and Larry sold it and retired. This was big news for many longtime loyal patrons. We weren’t able to catch up wth Lee and Larry before the change but we asked their successors, via email, to tell their story:

We, Anastasia and Ben, moved to West Seattle in the spring of 2019. At that time we opened a mailbox at the mailing center and have gotten to know Lee and Larry over the course of the last year.

A few months back when Anastasia was checking mail one day Lee asked if she wanted a mailing center. Since Lee enjoys joking with his customers, she wasn’t sure at first whether he was serious or joking. It became clear over the course of the coming days and weeks that he was indeed serious. Lee turns 79 this year and they were both looking to retire but they also felt an obligation to ensure that their customers would be taken care of going forward. They had run the mailing center for 21 years and care very much about their customers. After discussion between ourselves and with Lee and Larry, we all decided to move forward with the plan for us to take on the business so they could start a well-deserved retirement.

Ben works for Alaska Airlines, but as you can imagine things are a bit slow there at the moment, so this ironically turns out to be a good time for him to dedicate time to a new business. Anastasia was planning to return to the workforce when Lee approached her about the business, so that timing was good as well. Anastasia had been spending quite a bit of her time volunteering at school running the book fairs and assisting in running the library. So her brain is basically a library catalog. We also have three children who you may see “helping” from time to time in the store.

It is indeed an interesting time to take on a new business and there have been challenges getting everything attended to since some companies and agencies are backed up or using alternate processes that are slower than normal but we seem to have slogged through them all and managed to get everything done in time to take over on May 1st. The mailing center has been quite busy as many people are working and shopping from home and we provide a location for them to send and receive packages that they might not otherwise have needed during more normal times. There are also many that need access to office equipment that they don’t have in their home like printers, copiers, and faxes or need a notary because they are not able to attend to something in person like they might usually do. We look forward to continuing to serve the needs of West Seattle as we face the challenges presented by the health pandemic and the added challenge of the closure of the West Seattle Bridge.

As an aside, when we took over we thought it would be nice to have coffee, tea and pastries available for sale. We have partnered with two local businesses, Little Prague Bakery and Mio Coffee, to offer their products daily in our store. We invite not just those needing our other service but our neighbors or those walking their dog to stop in and try them. We have treats for the dogs as well so they don’t feel left out.

We have a new website detailing our hours and services at

P.S. If you missed the chance to say goodbye to Lee and Larry, Ben and Anastasia are happy to ensure they get any well-wishing notes or cards you drop off at the Mailing Center.

ONLINE TONIGHT: ‘Once and Future River’ @ Words, Writers, Southwest Stories

May 14, 2020 10:33 am
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 |   West Seattle history | West Seattle news | West Seattle online

Happening tonight! From the Southwest Seattle Historical Society:

‘Words, Writers & SouthWest Stories,’ a historically based speaker series of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, is excited to announce that it is re-releasing a recorded presentation of Tom Reese and Eric Wagner (tonight). The presentation, titled “Once and Future River: Reclaiming the Duwamish,” was originally delivered by Reese and Wagner as part of the ‘Words, Writers & West Seattle’ series on July 8, 2016. The presentation will be made available at and on Facebook at 6:00 PM Thursday, May 14. We hope you’ll join us from the comfort of your home!

Tom Reese is an independent photographer, editor and teacher in Seattle. He presents his work in print, at public events, in galleries, and teaches workshops on subjects including photojournalism, ethics, and environmental journalism. He was a career photojournalist at The Seattle Times. In addition to his book, Once and Future River: Reclaiming the Duwamish, recent books and projects focus on the complex relationship between humans and the rest of the natural world. Tom is currently at work on a documentary project involving Longfellow Creek, called “Our Liquid Mirror.” It explores global issues of clean water though the stories of this urban creek: Environment, culture, history, landscape and science, and its connections between humans and other living things.

Eric Wagner, journalist, is also from Seattle. He has a Ph.D. in biology from the University of Washington for work he did on Magellanic Penguins in Argentina. His essays and journalism have also appeared in Audubon, Smithsonian, and Earth Island Journal, among other places. His most recent book is entitled, After the Blast: The Ecological Recovery of Mount St. Helens and he is scheduled to present it for ‘Words, Writers & SouthWest Stories’ later this year.

‘Words, Writers & SouthWest Stories’ presentations are scheduled regularly for the Second Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Southwest Branch of the Seattle Public Library. The presentation for next month (scheduled for June 11th) will be announced at a later date, depending on our community’s ongoing efforts to curtail the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remembering Jacob Warbis, 1981-2020

Family and friends are remembering Jacob R. Warbis, gone at 38, and sharing this remembrance with the community:

In Memory of Jacob Richard Warbis, son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, and best friend
June 22, 1981-May 3, 2020

Jacob was born and raised in Coos Bay, Oregon, where he loved working on fast cars, playing musical instruments, and his pets.

After graduating from Marshfield High School in 1999, he continued his passion with cars, and later apprenticed to be a heavy equipment operator and truck driver for the family business, Warbis Excavating. Known by all as a “gentle giant,” Jake was beloved by many. An incredible storyteller, karaoke singer, athlete, master of a chainsaw, dirtbike, and mechanic. He was always willing to help any friend in need, an incredible listener, and could make friends laugh until they cried! He was a hard worker, and loyal to the core. He loved deeply and gave of himself entirely. He was hard to not notice with his 6’4” body covered in tribal tattoos, and a shaved head – but his sparkling blue eyes and beaming smile couldn’t hide his kind soul.

He moved up from Oregon nearly two years ago with his beloved dog, Max. Jake continued to pursue a career in trucking until the opportunity to train to be a chef arose via Fare Start in Seattle. He excelled and finished the three-month program at the top of his class. He worked many extra hours at the homeless shelter downtown and felt giving back helped him heal. He was given the nickname “Jacoby” so it stood out on the line when his teammates were shouting orders. He was hired to work as a line cook at two local West Seattle restaurants and was quickly rising up the ranks. The family will forever remember him hosting 12 people for Thanksgiving this year, where he planned every single dish – and was filled with love and pride for his new path.

He is gone much too soon. His heart was simply too big for this world. He is survived by his mother, Sannie Warbis (Seattle); father, Jerry Warbis (Coos Bay, OR); sister, Nicole Klein (Seattle); and nephews Jason and Andrew Klein (Seattle). In lieu of flowers, Jake would have loved for his memory to be attached to helping the homeless. Either by donating directly to the Fare Start program, or your own time or donation to your local food bank or shelter. There are no words for how much he will be missed. Please share your favorite memories about him on this site, and what made him special and unforgettable, so we all can someday heal.

Arrangements entrusted to Emmick Family Funeral Services – West Seattle

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Thursday watch, 8th week of West Seattle Bridge closure

6:03 AM: Good morning – the 52nd morning without the high-rise West Seattle Bridge. If you are heading out – here are the cameras for the 5-way intersection and the restricted-access low bridge (where SPD enforcement continues):

Since the main detour route across the Duwamish River is the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map), we check it next, including the Michigan exit that takes you through Georgetown to I-5:

The other major bridge across the river is the South Park Bridge (map) – this camera shows you the approach:

Both bridges open for marine traffic; check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed for info about openings.

NEW CAMERAS: SDOT has added 6 more cameras, along 35th and Roxbury. Here are two of them:



You can see any and all local traffic cams, including the new ones in West Seattle, here.


Metro – Reduced schedule; reduced capacity; check here for next departure

Water TaxiReduced schedule continues

During the stay-home order, we’re not live-monitoring traffic, so please let us know what you’re seeing – comment or text (but not if you’re drivingl!) 206-293-6302.

VIDEO: Fauntleroy Community Association’s annual meeting + West Seattle Bridge letter

As previewed here Monday, the Fauntleroy Community Association held its annual meeting online last night; it ran less than half an hour, as shown in the archived video above. Big change from last year, when 200 people attended the annual meeting (aka Fauntleroy Food Fest) at The Hall at Fauntleroy, but they expressed hope they’ll be able to return to that format next year. Tuesday night, they started by recapping the organization’s 2019 priorities and accomplishments, from events like the Fauntleroy Fall Festival to environmental achievements like the beach creosote cleanup.

Elected as officers – Mike Dey, President; Alexis Zolner, Treasurer; Frank Immel, Secretary; Kimberly Terry, Membership Secretary; Bill Wellington; Marty Westerman; Nils von Veh; Alan Grainger; Catherine Bailey; Susan Lantz-Dey; Sydney Hammerquist; Kris Ilgenfritz; David Haggerty; and Bruce Butterfield.

Mentioned along the way: The Endolyne Triangle planter project welcomes volunteers –

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE LETTER: One of the many issues mentioned briefly as a priority for FCA – as it is for just about every organization on the peninsula – was the West Seattle Bridge closure. Fauntleroy has a unique view, as the community through which traffic to/from Vashon Island and the Kitsap Peninsula flows via Washington State Ferries. FCA sent this letter to City Councilmember Lisa Herbold:

The FCA board has monthly business meetings, usually at 7 pm on second Tuesdays, so the next one will be June 9th. Watch for updates.

CORONAVIRUS: Wednesday 5/13 roundup

Time for our nightly roundup of local toplines in the coronavirus crisis:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the daily-summary data dashboard:

*7,221 people have tested positive, up 42 since yesterday

*514 people have died, up 3 since yesterday

One week ago, those numbers were 6,770 and 474.

ANOTHER LOCAL DEATH: The dashboard also shows a new death in 98146, which now has lost 6 people to COVID-19.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them, county by county, on the state Department of Health page,.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them, nation by nation, here.

NEED TO GET TESTED? A drive-thru testing event at not-far T-Mobile Park continues tomorrow

2 MORE HYGIENE STATIONS IN WEST SEATTLE: The Junction and South Delridge are the newest installation locations.

NEARBY QUARANTINE/ISOLATION CENTER STILL NOT NEEDED: We monitored the county’s weekly update call for White Center, started after the uproar that followed the announcement and establishment of a quarantine/isolation center in nearby Top Hat. County reps recently said the center won’t open unless those already open elsewhere in the county max out, and they’re a long way from that – today’s update noted 40 people total in the open centers (Kent, Issaquah, Shoreline, North Seattle), more than 100 below capacity. (And since that mid-afternoon call, there’s a new, lower total – 35.)

PHASE 2 RULES FOR SALONS, SPAS, OTHER PERSONAL-CARE BUSINESSES: The governor’s office has released the rules under which these types of businesses will be allowed to operate when reopening reaches Phase 2. See them here.

NEED FOOD? Food Lifeline has announced more distribution events – everyone’s welcome to drive up and get a 20+-pound box of food, no proof of need required. Here are the two closest to West Seattle:

Food Lifeline SODO Warehouse – 1440 East Marginal Way South
Friday, May 15th, at 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Food Lifeline (Main Location)– 815 South 96th Street (South Park)
Friday, May 15th, at 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

8 PM SALUTE: Washington State Ferries says its under-way vessels will blow their whistles at 8 pm nightly in honor of front-line workers. (Walking within earshot of the Fauntleroy dock at 8 tonight, we didn’t hear anything, but we did hear nearby residents “making a joyful noise” with bells and noisemakers!)

GOT INFO? Email us at or phone us, text or voice, at 206-293-6302 – thank you!

VIDEO: Madison Middle School staff to students – ‘We miss you!’

One more school video to share – thanks to everyone who has been sharing them so the entire community can see them! This one features Madison Middle School staff, telling their students how much they’re missed.

SURVEY: Micro-Community Policing Plan feedback is happening online this year

Pre-pandemic, focus groups were a major means of feedback for SPD’s Micro-Community Policing Plans. This year, it’s happening online. The announcement is from Taylor Lowery, the Seattle University research analyst at the Southwest Precinct:

Seattle University is partnering with the Seattle Police Department to conduct ongoing research related to community crime concerns. Qualitative concerns allow SU researchers to collaborate with SPD leadership to improve the city’s community policing initiative.

As part of the Seattle Police Department’s Micro-Community Policing Plans, Seattle University’s Micro-Community Policing Plans Research Analysts invite those who live and/or work in Seattle to respond to focus group questions citywide in each of the city’s 58 micro-communities regarding community perceptions of crime, safety, and police legitimacy, as well as knowledge of and satisfaction with the MCPP. The focus group questions offer an opportunity to provide feedback to the Seattle Police Department on crime and public safety in Seattle, as a check-in between the administration of the Seattle Public Safety Survey every Fall. The questionnaire is accessible at from May through August 2020.

Information obtained from the focus group will help inform your neighborhood’s MCPP, so please come share your concerns and suggestions! Thank you in advance for taking the time to offer your perspective on crime and public safety in Seattle via the online focus group questions. Please feel free to email me directly any questions that you have regarding the focus group.

She’s at lowerytaylor (at)

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: ATM vandalized; stolen/found car

(WSB photo)

3:44 PM: Thanks to Desiree for the tip: That’s the drive-up Chase ATM in The Junction (44th/Edmunds), out of service after vandals hit it. Since it wasn’t taped up, she checked to make sure the Chase branch a few blocks north was aware; they told her they were, and that no cash was stolen, but that other West Seattle ATMs have been hit. We’re following up on that with police.

4:24 PM: Adding this reader report just received from Nancy:

Last night, my locked 2017 Volvo sedan was stolen from in front of my home (in the 3400 block of) 48th Ave SW. My husband’s 2002 Toyota 4 Runner was also jacked open . Inside it, Police found registrations from at least two other vehicles from nearby streets.

Today, my Volvo located in a hotel parking in Everett . The way it was located was thru Volvo dealer and my car’s “On Call” program which had ability to track my car’s position by GPS built into that.

I still haven’t seen my car because I need to figure out how to get up to Everett. It may not be driveable. But it was found all in one piece.

I had Everett Police have it towed to an Impound Lot. It will cost between $300 -$500 in fees to release it from Impound but what a joy to pay.

But I can tell you all to praise our Police. Pandemic has changed the ways crime occurs and where it occurs. Downtown Seattle is nearly empty so crime is on move.

FERRY ALERT: 1 of 2 Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth boats temporarily downsizing

From Washington State Ferries:

Due to necessary repairs, the 90-car Sealth will replace 124-car Cathlamet as the F/V/SW #2 vessel beginning with the (updated) 4:35 p.m. Fauntleroy to Vashon sailing. This will cancel the 3:55 p.m. Southworth departure

2 more West Seattle ‘hygiene stations’ installed, in The Junction and South Delridge

That’s the newest city-provided “hygiene station,” installed this morning in the northeast corner of Junction Plaza Park – portable toilets with a hand-washing station. We reported in late March on the first round of installations, which included one at Westcrest Park; the second round of installations did not include any West Seattle sites. After getting a tip about this one, we asked the city if any others were being installed in West Seattle; the reply – “A hygiene station was also deployed at Salvation Army White Center, located at 9050 16th Ave SW” (in South Delridge). The original city announcement says these sites “will be accessible 24/7 and serviced daily, with waste removal, needle disposal, and supplemental cleaning.”