West Seattle, Washington
05 Wednesday
Sent late tonight by the King County Wastewater Treatment District:
Seattle & King County approved re-opening of a small area of Lincoln Park just north of the Fauntleroy Ferry terminal in West Seattle yesterday following two consecutive days of water quality sampling results that tested below the state threshold.
On Aug. 3, the Department of Natural Resources and Parks reported an overflow at a relief value that spilled between 200-400 gallons, most of which was cleaned up by a vactor (vacuum) truck that night.
Here’s our original report from last Saturday.
That new mural on Alki Point is on private property, but publicly visible, and today we got to meet the artist. We found out about Elise Waelder‘s project from her uncle, Danny McMillin (who has shared some wonderful bird photos with WSB over the years). She’s painting it on the west-facing side of his garage in memory of her mom, Danny’s sister Mitzi McMillin, who had been planning to move from San Diego to Seattle before cancer took her life.
While you can see most of the mural if you’re biking, walking, skating, driving eastbound on Alki Avenue in the 3100 block, you won’t see the part above, which wraps around the garage’s southwest corner into a small private courtyard. Elise is an accomplished artist but this is the biggest mural she’s done, and she’s been visiting from California the past week-plus to paint it:
She’s on deadline to finish the mural – Saturday she heads back to San Diego, and not long after that, she’s moving cross-country to Long Island to pursue an art career full-time. You can see more of her work on Instagram.
P.S. Her mom had deep West Seattle roots, as does Danny, who tells us Mitzi was a 1974 West Seattle High School graduate “who almost singlehandedly led the WSHS girls’ Track and Field team to a state championship” that year, and later won a national pentathlon championship while studying at the University of Southern California.
(WSB photos/video unless otherwise credited)
Cloudy and a bit cool last night, but that didn’t keep the audience away from this week’s Summer Concerts at Hiawatha show, with Ranger and the Re-arrangers.
As usual, there was dancing:
Here’s a sample of the music:
And a longer clip, courtesy of Mark Jaroslaw:
Another highlight of the night – a guest appearance by Katy Walum. She founded the Admiral Neighborhood Association-presented series a decade ago:
WSB is proud to have been a community co-sponsor of the series since the start! Two more shows left on this summer’s lineup – The Highsteppers, next Thursday (August 15th) and Caspar Babypants the week after that (August 22nd), both shows at 6:30 pm, free, on the east lawn of Hiawatha Community Center (along Walnut south of Lander).
Just in case you were wondering, we checked. King County Transportation spokesperson Travis Shofner reassures us that everything’s on track for West Seattle and Vashon Water Taxi service to resume Monday morning, using the new terminal at Pier 50 downtown. Since the smaller Spirit of Kingston was on the West Seattle run before the service suspension, we also sought confirmation that the regular vessel Doc Maynard will be back. Shofner says yes, that’s on track too, with Doc Maynard expected o be “back out of dry dock and back in the water
The last ballot count of the week is out, and it includes a milestone for Seattle City Council District 1 incumbent Lisa Herbold: She now has passed 50 percent of the vote, gaining almost three full points from the Tuesday night count:
Lisa Herbold – 13,243 – 50.61%
Phil Tavel – 8,439 – 32.25%
Brendan Kolding – 4,379 – 16.73%
Turnout in District 1 is now up to 39.94% (10 percent higher than the 2015 primary), with 27,199 ballots counted (out of 68,101 registered voters). With 27,893 ballots received, fewer than 700 remain to be counted (plus whatever trickles in via postal mail).
Herbold is the only one of the three City Council incumbents running for re-election who has hit that milestone; District 3’s Kshama Sawant now has 36.65% of the vote in a 6-candidate race; District 5’s Debora Juarez, who also has 5 challengers, leads that race with 44.98%.
13 years in the making – albeit on and off and on and off and on – but now Whole Foods Market may be just two months away from finally opening in West Seattle. Our most recent request for an official update has gone unanswered so far, but we note that the company’s job listing posted in the WSB West Seattle Jobs Offered section declares that the store in The Whittaker at 4755 Fauntleroy Way SW is “opening in October.” That’s an update from the “fall” timeline announced via window wrapping last year. We took a walk around the periphery today; an open door gave a peek into the ongoing buildout activity, but nothing revelatory. More telling – the online permit files, where a recent revision included the toplines “Deleted express checkouts, deleted tap room bar and keg cooler, added self-checkouts …” along with some equipment moves for the bakery and coffee/juice bar. Other features shown in sketches include salad, soup, hot-food, and pizza bars. The store’s liquor-license application was filed three weeks ago, according to the state Liquor and Cannabis Board notice.
(WSB photo from 2017 Delridge Day)
If you have elementary-, middle-, and/or high-school students in your family and they need backpacks for school, you’ll want to visit tomorrow’s Delridge Day festival. While supplies last, at Delridge Community Center (4501 Delridge Way SW), Eastridge Church will be on site giving away 500 backpacks filled with school supplies as part of Delridge Day. No pre-registration or proof of need required; it’s the eighth year the church – also known for its pre-Thanksgiving turkey giveaway – has done this. The festival’s happening in and around the center 11 am-3 pm tomorrow; see this preview for more about what’s planned.
(Display from July 10th ceremonial groundbreaking at T-5)
The Port of Seattle/Northwest Seaport Alliance is reminding neighbors today that the window for pile-driving on the Terminal 5 modernization project is about to open. From the letter they’re circulating:
In-water work, including in-water pile driving, is limited to the period between August 15 and February 15 in order to minimize effects on migratory fish. Upland pile driving can and will occur outside the time frame for in-water pile driving.
The Terminal 5 permit conditions restrict pile driving to the following times:
• 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays
• 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays
• 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays and legal holidays for vibratory pile driving only
• No impact pile driving is allowed on Sundays or federal holidays (except for two Sundays within each August 15 to February 15 period, restricted to 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
For comments and questions, the port offers these contact methods:
• Terminal 5 community phone line: 206-787-6886
• Email: Terminal5_Outreach@portseattle.org
It’s been a month since the project’s ceremonial groundbreaking (WSB coverage here). The first phase of the project is expected to be complete in 2021, and that’s when T-5 will resume handling international cargo.
(Wilson’s Warbler, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Weekend’s almost here! But first …
POKEMON-ECON: Got a Pokémon fan in the family? South Park Hall is hosting this event now until 2 pm as a fundraiser. (1253 S. Cloverdale)
WADING POOLS AND SPRAYPARK OPEN: Lincoln Park wading pool (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) is open until 8 pm, Hiawatha wading pool (Walnut/Lander) is open noon-6:30 pm, and the Highland Park Spraypark (1100 SW Cloverdale) is open until 8 pm.
BINGO! 11 am-2:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle. (4217 SW Oregon)
LEMONADE STAND TO HELP REFUGEES/IMMIGRANTS: 3:30-5:30 pm at Fauntleroy ferry dock, as previewed last night, kids from Taproot School will be selling lemonade to help immigrant/refugee families. (4829 SW Barton)
FREE TACOS: Visit Ounces between 5 and 9 pm for free tacos from the Qt food truck. (3809 Delridge Way SW)
CONCERTS AT THE MOUNT: 5:30 pm, dinner’s available for purchase; 6 pm, music begins. The Loose Heels‘ country covers continue the series tonight. Free, bring your own chair/blanket. South side of Providence Mount St. Vincent campus. (4831 35th SW)
SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK: GreenStage presents “Taming of the Shrew” at 7 pm in Lincoln Park. Free! (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
ART LOUNGE: Highland Park Improvement Club‘s monthly open night for artists starts at 7 pm. Bar’s open! (1116 SW Holden)
‘9 TO 5, THE MUSICAL’: New Twelfth Night Productions show debuts tonight at the West Seattle High School Theater, 7:30 pm. Ticketing info and more here. (3000 California SW)
DEAL, A JERRY GARCIA CELEBRATION: 9 pm at Parliament Tavern, $8 cover, 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
LOTS MORE! See it all on our complete calendar.
Can’t wait till next year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day but don’t want to have your own sale? Solution: Highland Park Improvement Club‘s big annual sale is coming up and tables are available! From Donna at HPIC:
Saturday, September 7, 9 am-3 pm
Come join us for a great day!
Rent a table and space now!
Indoor and outdoor tables/spaces still available.
This yard sale draws a huge crowd. We sell food and have a bar open all day. It’s a good time at HPIC! Come join the fun and make some cash!
Email hpic1919@gmail.com to reserve your table now!
$20/non-members (memberships start at $20!!!)Tables are going fast! Seller keeps all profits.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)
6:57 AM: Good morning!
NO WATER TAXI SERVICE: Another day without the West Seattle and Vashon Water Taxi routes, because of the downtown dock move. Route 773 and Route 775 shuttles are still running. We’ll be checking this morning for confirmation of whether service is still on track to resume Monday.
STADIUM ZONE: Mariners home game tonight, 7 pm vs. Tampa.
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