West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
What we’ve seen … and received:
“Welcome to Nightfall Orphanage” is the scary display at 2130 Alki SW this year.
Tawd‘s show – a followup to last year’s “haunted pumpkin patch,” which he created after realizing Alki needed more Halloween spirit – will be open again this Friday and Saturday (November 2nd and 3rd), 7:30-10:30 pm.
Next, texted video of a decorated house in North Admiral, at 45th/Seattle:
So many elaborate displays tonight! One street in especially spooky spirit(s) was Walnut, south of West Seattle High School. Including Aaron‘s house:
Speaking of costumes – a couple reader-contributed photos from earlier – including these two seen during Admiral trick-or-treating:
Melodee at Daystar sent this photo of “Miss Butterfly”:
And earlier in the day, this texted photo wishing all “Feliz Día de los Muertos from West Seattle High School”:
Thanks as always for the photos, video, tips, calendar listings, etc. – now on to the winter holidays!
It’s the yard that draws a crowd every Halloween, going back to 2006 – the southwest corner of 36th and Hanford becomes the stage for Skeleton Theatre. It’s a labor-intensive animatronic production, and some years have recycled all or part of previous years, but this year ST is presenting an all-new show, “The Toppers of Redbridge.” We stopped by for photos and video about midway through tonight’s continuous three-hour run.
Skeleton Theatre isn’t spooky unless you find skeletons scary in any context; it is clever and humorous. (Think bone-related jokes.)
If you missed it tonight, check it out tomorrow (Thursday, November 1st), 20-minute shows scheduled to run pretty much continuously 6-9 pm. Read more on the ST website, where you also can donate to help the creators cover the costs of this Halloween spectacular they’ve been presenting all these years.
Judi Yazzolino from the West Seattle Food Bank sent that photo of just part of the scene outside the Meeds Manor Haunted House – before dark … just imagine the spookiness that awaits you now! Until 9:30 pm at 5415 49th SW, you’re invited to stop by for a scare – admission is by nonperishable-food donation for the WSFB, which Judi says has as a result in the past had a Halloween haul around a half-ton or so! Of course it’s part of our Halloween Etc. Guide, which you’ll want to check for spooky shows and more.
Not too much competition for candy so far in the Admiral District, where business trick-or-treating is on until 6 pm as this West Seattle Halloween revs up into high gear! Participating businesses are happy to see all their costumed visitors – and don’t miss the side streets – West Seattle Realty (WSB sponsor), for example, is on 42nd SW, east side of the Admiral Safeway complex, and has Tracey and Kevin standing by with candy:
Costume themes this year range all the way back into prehistoric times:
(added) Our nominee for best accessories:
For best treat pairing (A Kids Place Dentistry for Children [WSB sponsor] offered toothbrushes AND candy):
Spiciest costume, at Mission Cantina (WSB sponsor):
Still a few more photos to come. And more Halloween coverage! See what else is up tonight by checking our Halloween Etc. Guide.
(2015 photo by Jason Enevoldsen)
By Alice Enevoldsen
Special to West Seattle Blog
It’s Halloween! Time for candy, chocolate, costumes, cultural celebrations … and allergic reactions? I’m a little late writing about the Teal Pumpkin Project this year, but you can still participate! Even if you can’t, having a little empathy tonight will go a long way with your neighbors.
As adults, we are almost always able to deal appropriately with the feeling of being left out. Good for us. Celebrating Halloween with food allergies means being left out over and over again, which is particularly difficult for children.
Enter the Teal Pumpkin Project! It’s simple:
1. (optional) Sign up at http://tealpumpkinproject.org
2. Display a teal pumpkin at your door, or a picture of one, to show that you’re participating. Locally, Target is selling Teal Pumpkin Project merchandise that you can use to display your participation.
3. Give trick-or-treaters a non-food treat either instead of candy or in addition to candy. Try to keep the candy in a separate bowl from the non-candy.
The Teal Pumpkin Project is not an attempt to eliminate candy from Halloween. The Teal Pumpkin Project was started to promote the inclusion, safety and respect for people with food allergies. As a happy circumstance, this also promotes the inclusion, safety and respect for people who also cannot have candy for reasons besides food allergies such as diabetes, family rules, simple preference, etc.
I don’t have food allergies, why would I participate?
Empathy and inclusion.
Most social occasions in the United States have an emphasis on food. This is extremely stressful if you have food allergies, like me, and even more stressful if your children have food allergies. It takes a lot of willpower not to eat that tempting chocolate bar—even though I know it might have nuts. I just really wish I could have one too. Children are still learning this skill and need more supervision.
There are already over 60 households signed up on the West Seattle peninsula, including White Center. These houses will be passing out tattoos, stickers, toys, making slime, making glow worms, critters, slap bracelets, bubbles, pencils, fangs, blind bags, squeeze balls, glow sticks and more. You can find a map or list of some of them on the Teal Pumpkin Project website. I know there are more planning to participate as well.
Do kids really like non-food treats?
Yes. Not every kid likes every treat, and that’s true for candy too, but non-food treats can be even more fun, and are less likely to be subject to the “parent tax” (you know the one: the portion of kids’ candy eaten by the parents after bedtime?). I’m sure you can get even more creative, but stickers and glowsticks are usually a hit. Toothbrushes, probably not. I’ll be making slime, but I’m intense about Halloween. Are you down to the wire on time? A dollar store is going to have a variety of things that will work.
If I’m handing out candy and non-food treats, how do I determine which treat to give to each trick-or-treater?
I advocate giving out both to each kid, but the Food Allergy Research and Education organization recommends that “you can either ask trick-or-treaters if they have any food allergies, or give every visitor a choice of which treat they’d like: candy or a non-food item.”
There are answers to more of your questions on the Teal Pumpkin Project FAQ. I’m happy to answer your questions tonight at @AlicesAstroInfo on Twitter, in between making slime with my own trick-or-treaters.
I/My Child Has Food Allergies
Please stay safe on Halloween. Bring your epinephrine and allergy medications while you trick-or-treat and to Halloween parties. Wait until you get home to eat any treats. Check every label and ingredients, fun size candies can have different ingredients than full-size. If you can’t find the ingredients, swap it for something safe. Bring extra safe treats along with you to parties.
FARE: Food Allergy Research and Education
FAACT: Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team
WA-FEAST: Washington Food Allergy, Eczema, and Asthma Support Team—this is our local active support group.
Sea-FAC: Seattle Food Allergy Consortium—local research being done into causes and cures for food allergies.
Today we welcome back a returning sponsor, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate, with West Seattle offices in Jefferson Square. Here’s their message for you:
With 90 Realtors serving West Seattle, no other brand offers more local experts to help our community with all of their real estate needs. If you need a Trusted Adviser to help you through buying or selling your property, you can visit their website to see how much your property is worth or to contact one of their local experts today.
BHHS is also involved in the West Seattle community. BHHS has been working with WestSide Baby‘s ongoing diaper drive. From now through December 3rd, BHHS will be gathering up diapers once again to help families during the holidays. Managing Broker Tay Krull said of this new drive, “There are so many amazing charities doing incredibly selfless work in our West Seattle community, and we were privileged to have the opportunity to work with WestSide Baby today, an organization that is truly making a difference for children in our community. There is a huge need, a need far greater than is being met today and we as a company and as individual Realtors are getting involved and we invite everyone in our community to join us in supporting WestSide Baby.”
Diapers can be dropped off at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate‘s Jefferson Square office at 4700 42nd Ave SW, Suite 600, between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm weekdays. You can also donate quickly and easily online, by going to Amazon and requesting the diapers be sent to that same address for BHHSNW in Jefferson Square. (And here’s how to support WestSide Baby directly.)
We thank Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.
Got plans Saturday? 11 am-2 pm, you can help celebrate local history and support the organization that’s dedicated to it, just by going to the Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s Champagne Gala Brunch! The reminder and preview:
The Southwest Seattle Historical Society is looking forward to seeing our supporters and community members this coming Saturday, November 3, at 11 am at Salty’s on Alki (1936 Harbor SW). Our special guests this year are Paul Dorpat & Jean Sherrard of the Seattle Times “Pacific NW Magazine” column, “Seattle Now & Then,” which, each week, features a historical photo of a building or place in Seattle matched with the modern photo taken by Jean Sherrard from the same vantage point, and coupled with the poetic language and wit that Paul Dorpat has been famous for for over 37 years.
Our Gala marks one of the very first public appearances by the pair with their newly-released book, “Seattle Now & Then: The Historic Hundred.” Connie Thompson of KOMO 4 will provide an insightful interview of the pair, and at the end of the event, Paul & Jean will sell and sign copies of their book.
Our own board member and 4th great-grandson of Chief Sealth, Ken Workman (who happens to be featured in the book as well – see above), will honor us at the beginning of the program by speaking about his ancestral connection to the land and to the trees within our area. We will then have an amazing set of auction items, including art, getaway experiences, and great restaurants and local services in a great segment we call “Fun in the Junction.”
We will also have a fabulous “Golden Ticket” drawing that features a “Choose Your Cruise” opportunity to win a trip to one of four destinations offered by Holland America Line.
We invite our community members to join us at our 2018 Champagne Gala Brunch, hoping to see you there! Tickets are available at galatickets.org — we recommend that you purchase your tickets online or contact Jeff McCord at 206-234-4357 to arrange another form of payment.
(SDOT map of what’s been under consideration, pending January’s official proposal details)
After almost two years of community discussion and more than a year of study, SDOT has decided to officially propose a Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) for some residential areas in the West Seattle Junction. That announcement was made today – but details of the RPZ proposal won’t be out until January. At that time, the announcement says, SDOT “will be asking for feedback on the RPZ proposal via survey, email, phone, and at an RPZ public hearing.” When the details go public, they’ll be sent via postal mail as well as posted here. The RPZ study stemmed from a community request going back almost two years – not the first one, either; a previous study last decade resulted in SDOT deciding not to propose one.
West Seattle currently has just one RPZ area, near the Fauntleroy ferry terminal. As explained here, RPZs are “residential areas around commuter traffic generators – like hospitals or light rail stations – where on-street parking is restricted for those except residents and short-term visitors.” Here’s how they work:
• Signs are installed on the blocks in an RPZ.
• Residents on the blocks within an RPZ can buy a limited number of permits that allow their vehicles to park on street.
• Since curbspace is public, non-permitted vehicles can still park in the area, but must obey the posted time limits.
Current cost of an RPZ permit is $65 for two years, though the city website also notes there’s a $10 hardship price too. There’s more backstory in our July report from when the city launched its most-recent quest for feedback on the RPZ idea. The results of that feedback are in this slide deck now available via the SDOT website:
As clarified in our summer coverage – in case you are wondering – RPZ signs are not installed adjacent to businesses, so this will NOT change business-district parking, and the city has already again ruled out metered parking in The Junction. According to the slide deck, after the proposal details go public in January, the hearing will be in February, and a final decision will be announced in April.
Thanks for the tips! No months-long absence this time for the West Seattle Junction U.S. Post Office‘s drive-up/ride-up mailbox. Three weeks after it was taped up and marked “out of order” (reportedly damaged by a driver) and two weeks after it was taken away, the mailbox returned this morning. We just went to check after multiple tips and were told it’s been back in service for about 15 minutes.
Thanks to Jim Borrow for the photo! It’s that time of year when purse-seine vessels are seen off West Seattle, fishing commercially for salmon. According to this state Fish and Wildlife Department bulletin (PDF), this type of vessel is allowed to fish in this area of Puget Sound 7 am-6 pm today, and must release chinook and coho.
Thanksgiving is just three weeks from tomorrow, so it’s an immediate segue from Halloween into the holiday season again this year, and the first big event is Thursday – West Seattle Thriftway (4201 SW Morgan; WSB sponsor) invites you to the annual Holiday Taste, 4-7 pm Thursday. Dozens of vendors will offer samples to inspire your holiday plans, free as always.
P.S. If your business/organization/school has a holiday event, please let us know ASAP as we’ll also be segueing into work on our annual guide (besides the year-round calendar – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7:11 AM: Good morning. No incidents reported in/from West Seattle so far.
HALLOWEEN: Our guide lists what’s happening where. Be extra careful in the Admiral District, which has business trick-or-treating 3-6 pm.
7:33 AM: Potential problem at the north end of the NB Alaskan Way Viaduct, per scanner – a truck that’s reported to be too tall for the overpass at the Western Ave. exit. Police are en route to see how they can help.
7:37 AM: And another NB 99 problem reported – blocking one lane near Royal Brougham.
7:41 AM: Here’s an SDOT image of the Western problem.
8:04 AM: SDOT says the Western problem has been cleared.