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WSB FYI: How to use our Lost & Found pages – pets and non-pets

With so many new readers finding WSB this past year – readership was up almost 50 percent in 2020 over a recordsetting 2019 – we’re thinking we should re-introduce some of the site’s features now and then. So here’s the first installment: Lost + Found, pets and non-pets, and how to use the two features … plus an added option.

LOST & FOUND PETS: This page has been a WSB staple since 2008, the only peninsula-wide place to post a lost or found pet. The page is here. If you lose or find a pet in West Seattle (we’ll include White Center or South Park on request), please email us at westseattleblog@gmail.com with description, contact info (phone number is best), photo if available, and we will post it. When you tell us there’s been a reunion, we’ll update to mark the listing “reunited.”

LOST & FOUND, NON-PETS: We added this section a few years ago at readers’ request. Lose or find keys, jewelry, a sweater, or … ? You can see the posts by going here. This is a self-post section in the WSB Community Forums, so it requires a login – if you don’t have one, you can get one by using the box on the right sidebar if you’re on desktop/laptop/tablet, and by going here if you’re on a phone. (You can also use your WSB Forums login for posting in the other sections, such as posting a free job listing, but no login is required for reading.)

LOST/FOUND ITEM THAT WAS PROBABLY STOLEN AND DUMPED: If you find something that is unlikely to have been simply lost/misplaced – purse, bicycle, etc. – we usually include those in West Seattle Crime Watch, so please email us the info (and photo if available) although you are welcome to post on the Lost & Found page too.

Thanks to everybody who’s used these features over the years! We’re planning on a couple more WSB FYIs this holiday weekend.

HOMETOWN HOLIDAYS: Shop tonight, illuminate Saturday

December 17, 2020 2:16 pm
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Two West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays updates:

ONLINE GIFT-GUIDE SHOPPING TONIGHT: In place of Shop Late Thursdays, West Seattle Junction merchants are online again tonight with the season’s second and final live “gift guide” – a chance to spend local, from home, 5-8 pm tonight:

Gather your friends (online) for a fun shopping experience with your favorite merchants. The Junction video crew will be visiting local boutiques and shops to showcase some of the best gift ideas brought to you by the owners of the stores. It can’t get more personal or hometown West Seattle than that! You’ll be able to purchase the items that evening too. Your purchases will be wrapped and ready for either curbside-pick up or free delivery to your local West Seattle door. You’ll also have a chance to win gift cards to each of the businesses! Tune in to see how on Instagram LIVE and Facebook LIVE.

5 PM to 5:30 PM bin41
5:30 PM to 6 PM Wild Rose’s
Pop-in at Carmilia’s
6 PM to 6:30 PM Darby Winery
6:30 PM to 7 PM Fleurt
Pop-in at Carmilia’s
7 PM to 7:30 PM Mystery Made
7:30 PM to 8 PM CAPERS

If you miss this, remember that we have a list of dozens of local independent businesses offering online shopping in our West Seattle Holiday Guide.

‘SPIRIT OF WEST SEATTLE’ LUMINARIAS SATURDAY: As promised, the Junction Association has a list of businesses where you can pick up a free luminaria on Saturday to light at 7 pm that night (as explained here):

City Mouse – 10 AM – 4 PM
CAPERS – 10 AM – 6 PM
Fleurt – 10 AM – 5 PM
Carmilia’s – 11 AM – 6 PM
Curious Kidstuff 10 AM – 6 PM

Light your luminaria at 7 pm Saturday and share photos with the #spiritofwestseattle hashtag.

LAST CALL: This year’s Fauntleroy Community Survey is about to close

December 13, 2020 10:48 am
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Our area’s only neighborhood group with a regular community survey has a last call for participation:

If you live or work in Fauntleroy, the Fauntleroy Community Association would like to hear from you through their every-other-year community survey. First announced last month, the window is closing to participate with the deadline set for today (December 13). This year’s survey includes questions about transportation, traffic, car prowls and break-ins, police funding, and historic preservation. Survey responses help the FCA to establish priorities for action and most of all, to hear about what is important to community members. If you haven’t already participated, start the survey here.

HOLIDAYS: Yes, Virginia, there will be ‘Wonderful Life’ and ‘Miracle on 34th’ this year

December 10, 2020 3:33 pm
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In case you haven’t seen these in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide – two holiday movies-turned-radio-plays will be presented live online by local groups in the next week and a half!

‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE’: Tomorrow (Friday) night at 7:30 pm, Seattle Lutheran High School presents the radio-play version of this classic:

Seattle Lutheran Drama is proud to present a rare holiday-themed performance! It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play by Joe Landry is an adaptation of the classic film interpreted as a 1940’s-style radio drama. Clarence, an Angel 2nd Class, is given the daunting task of teaching George Bailey about all the good he has put into the world in order to prevent George from taking his own life. George sees his hometown and the changes that would have occurred if he had never been born. Our talented actors will each perform from their homes, assisted by live practical sound effects. Filled with all your favorite characters and lines, this heart-felt Christmas classic is sure to please! Streaming ONE NIGHT ONLY! Friday, December 11th = Tickets: $15 per device: Purchase tickets here.

‘MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET’: Twelfth Night Productions will perform this radio-play “version of the classic 1947 film ‘Miracle on 34th Street’ … based on the holiday movie favorite of the same name and presented as a live 1940s radio broadcast. ‘Miracle on 34th Street’ tells the timeless story of an old man who calls himself Kris Kringle and is hired as the Macy’s department store Santa. His claim to be the real Santa Claus becomes a court case and a young child’s belief could make all the difference.” It’ll be live online at 7:30 pm Saturday, December 19th, and 3 pm Sunday, December 20th; your pay-what-you-can ticket (donate here) will allow you to watch either or both, and/or to view it later.

SURVEY: Questions for you about local youth drug/alcohol use

If you have a few minutes to answer some questions, a community group would appreciate your assistance. Here’s the announcement:

The SW Seattle Youth Alliance, a school and community coalition formed to address the high rates of youth substance use in Southwest Seattle, would like your help in learning more about community concerns related to drugs and alcohol. The coalition will use these surveys to guide their work in selecting effective prevention programs and services for youth and the community. Please take a few minutes to complete this anonymous survey.

The survey is online in English y en Español.

ONLINE TONIGHT: Is your family ‘Coping with Uncertainty’? Here’s help

December 7, 2020 1:46 pm
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One item for tonight on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar that we want to remind you about – it’s free, and all are welcome: The Westside School Parent Association is presenting “Coping with Uncertainty,” so parents/guardians can learn “how to manage stress and anxiety for you and your child” in these deeply uncertain times. It’s a live online presentation followed by Q&A, with featured guest Sivie Suckerman, LMHC, who the WSPA says “has worked with youth and families for nearly 15 years in community mental health, crisis outreach, school-based mental health, private practice, as well as residential treatment.” Adults and students of all ages are invited to attend. Contact Dorothy Lemoult at dorothy.lemoult at gmail dot com ASAP for the Zoom link and questions.

WEST SEATTLE HOLIDAYS: Two tree lightings to watch this week

December 2, 2020 11:38 am
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This year, West Seattle’s two big tree lightings will be viewable from your own cozy home.

OLG VIRTUAL LIGHT UP THE NIGHT, FRIDAY: At 7 pm Friday, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish & School will be lighting West Seattle’s highest-elevation community Christmas tree (which is at 35th and Myrtle), “with song and joy.” The event will be streamed; viewing info is here.

WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION VIRTUAL TREE LIGHTING, SATURDAY: At 7 pm Saturday, this too will be streamed – as part of West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays (with community co-sponsors including WSB):

Join together online for a jolly good time, all from the comfort of your living room. Starting at
7 PM, tune into the Junction’s Facebook page as we light up the holidays with a West Seattle tradition – the lighting of the West Seattle Christmas tree!

Listen to the sweet voices of the Endolyne Children’s Choir. The children will bring you some holiday classics the entire family can sing along to, plus some new favorites from the archives.

Then settle in after the tree lighting as Santa reads children’s stories via Facebook and Instagram live, along with answering questions and reading aloud what you would like for Christmas.

These of course are also both listed in our West Seattle Holiday Guide for later reference.

SCHOOLS: West Seattle HS 8th-grade open house online Thursday

Though the rest of this school year isn’t settled yet, planning for 2021-2022 has to carry on too. If you have an 8th grader planning to go to, or considering, West Seattle High School, this invitation is for you:

West Seattle High School will be hosting our 8th Grade Open House virtually this year on December 3rd. Traditionally we would’ve invited 8th grade families to visit our school campus, meet their potential teachers, and ask any questions they had about us. This year, your 8th Grade families can access our virtual resources to learn more about the opportunities offered to students at WSHS.

We would like families to visit our 8th Grade Open House website. Teachers have made videos to share about some of the classes we offer to freshmen. We also included other resources that are available to all WSHS students and families. Lastly, we will be hosting a Virtual Open House Night on December 3rd from 6:30-7:30 pm via Live Teams Meeting, where key staff and a Student Panel will share important information and opportunities about WSHS. There will be some time at the end for Q&A.

If you have questions, please reach out to Ms. Erica Nguyen at etnguyen@seattleschools.org or Ms. Mallory Neuman at mlneuman@seattleschools.org.

MENTAL HEALTH 101: Invitation for you

You’re welcome to be part of a “Mental Health 101” workshop the next two Wednesday nights, online. Here’s the invitation:

Recognizing that the rainy season, pandemic restrictions, and holiday stresses can be hard for people prone to depression or other mental-health issues, Fauntleroy Church, UCC, will host a free two-part workshop, “Mental Health 101,” on Dec. 2 and Dec. 9.

Experienced facilitators with the National Alliance on Mental Illness will lead the 6:30 – 8:00 pm Zoom sessions with a focus on how to support caregivers and those struggling with mental-health issues, along with tips on self care.

“Mental health topics can be scary and carry a stigma that often makes them a taboo topic of discussion,” said Molly Seaverns, a member of the church’s Christian-education ministry. “We’ll provide a safe place to explore any misconceptions about mental health and learn practical skills for caring for ourselves and walking beside those who need support, especially now.”

All are welcome to register with the church office (jackie@fauntleroyucc.org) to receive the Zoom link. Find details at fauntleroyucc.org/congregator-posts/mental-health-101-dec-2-and-dec-9-2020-630-800-pm.

Dreading dark December? Seattle Parks programs might help

The darkest month of the year is almost here, with the earliest sunsets and shortest days, and – this year – COVID-canceled festivities. But Seattle Parks & Recreation has a plan to brighten some of those days.

It’s out with a brochure for virtual programs in December – from a free “family fun night” to classes and workouts (here are a few examples). You can browse the brochure here. The registration portal is here.

The department also has view-any-time videos on YouTube – cooking, books, sports skills to name a few. (And if you’re looking for info on Parks facilities, the ongoing open-and-closed list is here.)

Live or work in Admiral? Talk about the neighborhood Monday

November 22, 2020 11:03 am
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Many neighborhood groups have continued going strong online during the pandemic, including the Admiral Neighborhood Association, which just sent this invitation to share with you:

Admiral Neighborhood Association General Meeting
Monday, Nov. 23rd from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Featured Topics

-A conversation with Councilmember Lisa Herbold
-A proposed bylaw amendment* to allow longer terms for board members (proposed language below)
-2021 Board member nominations and elections

Please email info@admiralneighborhood.org for zoom login info.

Interested in an ANA leadership position?

A number of ANA Board positions are opening up at the end of this year. If you’re wondering whether this might be the time to step up, the answer is yes. Admiral is ready and waiting for you, your ideas, and your energy. Drop us a line if you’ve got questions (info@admiralneighborhood.org).

*ANA bylaws Article VII states officers are limited to no more than three (3) consecutive terms in the same office. It has been proposed to add the following language that allows an exception to the term limit rule: “An officer may serve one or more additional consecutive terms upon unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, if no other candidate comes forward for the position.”

5 notes for your West Seattle Tuesday

November 17, 2020 10:08 am
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What’s left of the fall colors might be gone if today’s Wind Advisory bears out; thanks to Jerry Simmons for the photo. A few notes for the day ahead:

GOVERNOR’S MEDIA BRIEFING: 11:30 am, Gov. Inslee announces the new state health secretary. He’ll also have media Q&A, undoubtedly mostly about the COVID-19 response, so if you’re interested, you can watch/listen to the stream here.

COVID-19 TESTING: In addition to the regular 6-days-a-week city testing at Southwest Athletic Complex until 5:30, all are welcome at a special testing event at Greenbridge Plaza (9839 8th SW), noon-4 pm.

SIGN-WAVING: The weekly announcement from organizer Scott:

Black Lives Matter sign-waving

Tuesday Nov 17, 4 to 6 pm, corner of 16th SW and SW Holden

Thursday, Nov 19, 4 to 6 pm, 16th and Holden

Come show support for BLM and ending systemic racism. Hold signs, meet neighbors, and stand for racial justice. Scott at PR Cohousing, endorsed by Hate-Free Delridge. Signs available.

HOPE LUTHERAN SCHOOL VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE: 6 pm online, learn about Hope Lutheran School (WSB sponsor), which serves preK-8th grade students. Go here to register to get the link.

VIRGINIA V & MOSQUITO FLEET HISTORY: 7 pm online, you’re invited to a free presentation about Puget Sound’s small-passenger-vessel history – including the still-sailing Virginia V.

More details in our calendar listing, including how to register to get the viewing link.

TONIGHT: Busy Thursday – governor’s COVID-19 address, school-project meetings, West Seattle Art Walk, more

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli)

Very busy Thursday evening ahead, starting just before sunset:

DEMONSTRATION: Scott‘s twice-weekly sign-waving for racial justice, endorsed by Hate-Free Delridge, 4-6 pm at 16th/Holden.

WEST SEATTLE ART WALK: 5 pm, some participants are online, some in-person, and there’s also some art you can enjoy right now simply by scrolling through the images featured on the official WSAW website – it’s all here.

GOVERNOR’S ADDRESS: Two days after state and health officials’ dire warnings about the pandemic, Governor Jay Inslee and wife Trudi Inslee will speak to the state live at 5:30 pm. The announcement we received described it as an update on the pandemic but did not hint at whether any new restrictions will be announced. The stream will be here (and we’ll feature it here on WSB once it begins, too).

WEST SEATTLE ELEMENTARY ADDITION MEETING 6 pm tonight online, an update/Q&A meeting is planned for community members; attendance info is in our preview.

MADISON MS ADDITION MEETING: This project also has a community-update meeting tonight, 6 pm online – our preview includes attendance info.

POLICE-BUDGET TOWN HALL: “Police defunding” advocates are having town halls with City Councilmembers regarding the status of the SPD budget. Tonight’s guest is West Seattle/South Park Councilmember Lisa Herbold, who chairs the council’s Public Safety Committee – 6 pm online. You can go here to register to attend.

TRANSPORTATION HISTORY: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s monthly Words, Writers, SouthWest Stories series rolls into “Washington on Wheels: Odd and Innovative Transportation Ideas from the Pacific Northwest” tonight at 6 pm, with broadcaster Harriet Baskas, live online. Our preview includes attendance info.

‘Washington on Wheels’ @ next Words, Writers, & SouthWest Stories

November 9, 2020 9:03 pm
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We talk so much about transportation, you might be getting bored of bridges, tired of tunnels, weary of water taxis … So on Thursday, travel a different road by watching the live presentation “Washington on Wheels: Odd and Innovative Transportation Ideas from the Pacific Northwest” – and participating! Here’s the announcement from the Southwest Seattle Historical Society:

‘Words, Writers, & SouthWest Stories,’ a historically based speaker series, is excited to announce that it is hosting Harriet Baskas for a live Zoom presentation on Thursday, November 12 at 6:00 PM. Baskas will deliver a presentation titled “Washington on Wheels: Odd and Innovative Transportation Ideas from the Pacific Northwest.”

Though Boeing is the best-known innovator in travel to have emerged from Washington State, there are many others. From canoe journeys to flying cars (that actually worked!), explore the history and culture of travel in Washington State. Author and broadcaster Harriet Baskas will take the audience on a tour of notable highlights of state transportation history, examining not just how we get around, but why we travel and where we might be going next.

The audience will be invited to share family stories of migration, memories of first flights and unforgettable car trips, and consider a future of autonomous cars and vacations in space.

Harriet Baskas has a MA in communications from the University of Washington, has served as the general manager for three Pacific Northwest radio stations, and has created award-winning radio for NPR. Her books include Hidden Treasures: What Museums Can’t or Won’t Show You. She currently writes about airports, air travel, and museums for outlets that include NBC News, CNBC, and USA Today. Baskas lives in Seattle.

Registration is required; registered participants will be emailed a link to the presentation on the date of the event. You can register here.

ONLINE TONIGHT: Greater West Seattle Middle School Information Night

November 9, 2020 2:39 pm
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Future middle-schooler in the house? This reminder might be of interest:

Greater West Seattle Middle School Information Night Is Tonight!

Looking forward to sharing information about West Seattle’s middle-school options MONDAY, 11/9/20 from 6 pm-7:15 pm:

Check in here to attend the general session from 6:00 pm-6:15 pm. Next: You choose which group’s school session to attend by using the Zoom links provided. There will be three breakout sessions, each 20 minutes long, so you can check out any of the 11 middle schools participating from the independent, private, public, and charter sectors.

SCHOOLS: Madison MS addition updates @ community meeting next week

November 2, 2020 1:14 pm
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Got questions about the planned addition on the north side of Madison Middle Schookl? The district plans a community update meeting next week, 6 pm on Thursday, November 12th, online. The 12,500-square-foot project, scheduled to be built next year, is being funded by a state Distressed Schools Grant. The meeting is scheduled to include a presentation of the project design; you can see a recent update in the design packet that Studio Meng Strazzara prepared for another meeting. The viewing link/info for next week’s meeting is here.

Southwest Seattle Historical Society’s 2020 plan for annual celebration of future and past

November 1, 2020 10:52 am
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(WSB file photo)

In pre-pandemic years, early November is when the Southwest Seattle Historical Society would host its annual Champagne Brunch, celebrating community and raising money for programs including its Log House Museum. This year, a new plan: An online evening event and multi-day auction in early December. Here’s the announcement:

The Southwest Seattle Historical Society is pleased to announce that this year the most important fundraising event of our calendar will be held digitally on Friday, December 4 at 7:00 PM. While we will miss seeing you at our traditional brunch at Salty’s on Alki this year, we hope you will join us online for the perfect opportunity to join together as a community to celebrate the successes of 2020 and support the Historical Society as we work together to build a foundation for a successful future.

This year’s theme is “History Proves We Are Stronger Together.” We are delighted to announce that Lora Radford, Executive Director of the West Seattle Junction Association, will be delivering keynote remarks that highlight the ways in which individual members of our community have come together to rise to meet the challenges of this unprecedented year. Kathy Blackwell, President of the Board of Trustees, Michael King, Executive Director, and others will offer additional remarks and key updates.

Our online auction will open on Tuesday, December 1, and close on Friday, December 4, ahead of our free celebratory program. As usual, the auction will uniquely reflect West Seattle through a range of exciting experiences, items, and gifts on which to bid. Remember, every bid you make helps to support the Historical Society!

Starting tomorrow, you can join in the online “Raise the Paddle” donation drive to kick it all off. Find the info here.

TONIGHT: The Dusty 45s benefit concert, online

October 29, 2020 10:53 am
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One big event for tonight – The Dusty 45s, in concert, online. Leader Billy Joe Huels and two other band members are West Seattleites, and in pre-pandemic times, have played here often, from nightlife venues to events like West Seattle Summer Fest. 7 pm tonight, it’s the annual “Gimme Shelter” benefit concert for housing/services provider DESC – Billy Joe explains in the clip above why it’s personal for him. You can register to see tonight’s concert – free! – by going here.

APOLOGY: Tech trouble fixed

Thanks to those who let us know last night about error messages they were getting when trying to access WSB. This started happening yesterday afternoon and worsened into the early-morning hours, but our tech person has fixed the problem and things should be back to normal now. We always appreciate heads-up on problems like that – sometimes they’re obvious to us too (this one was affecting the production side as well) but sometimes they’re not – keep our number handy for calls/texts, 206-293-6302 – thank you!

SEATTLE POLICE: Staffing-level concerns continue, even before council mulls more cuts

(WSB file photo)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Though interim Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz sought to boost SPD’s patrol ranks recently by moving 100 officers out of non-patrol duties, the Southwest Precinct‘s commander has said at community meetings that it didn’t help much, because many of the officers he was scheduled to get had given notice instead.

We hadn’t heard specific numbers in his previous mentions, but last night at the Alki Community Council‘s monthly online meeting, Capt. Kevin Grossman shared the stats – he’d been told to expect 10 patrol officers, but seven retired, so he got three, though even that helped, he said. Attrition is a current citywide problem – he lost three people just this week. The ones who are old enough are retiring, he said, while the ones with 5 to 10 years of experience tend to make “lateral” moves – to another law-enforcement agency – though some are just quitting to start another career.

In addition to Capt. Grossman’s updates, this morning we have new numbers from SPD, released toward the start of what could be another budget battle between the City Council and Mayor. Her office went public with a look at current and projected staffing – a report that West Seattle/South Park City Councilmember Lisa Herbold told WSB she had been requesting for a month, as chair of the Public Safety Committee.

The headline from the mayor’s office, which circulated the information to local business leaders before going public, is that SPD lost more than twice as many officers in September as it’s lost in any single month in department history – 39, including 3 who were in training:

Read More

LAST CALL: Hours left to be counted in the 2020 Census

Just in case you’ve procrastinated … today is your absolute last chance to be counted in the 2020 U.S. Census. You can do it online by going here before 3 am tomorrow (that’s the cutoff because it’s 11:59 pm Hawaii time), by sending a paper form that is postmarked today, or by phone – the list of numbers and hours is here.

Fauntleroy Fine Art & Holiday Gift Show, online this year – right now!

October 10, 2020 1:38 pm
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Another way to support local arts/crafts creators, who also have been hard-hit by the pandemic, while doing early holiday shopping – Judy Pickens sends word that what would usually be an in-person event is happening online this year, and it’s already begun!

COVID has edited but not deleted the Fauntleroy Fine Art & Holiday Gift Show from the calendar of community activities at Fauntleroy Church, United Church of Christ. The show that has been an annual fall event for more than a decade is happening online this year, through November 30.

Visit the church website to see samples and details from each of the 13 participants, including SML Design (handcrafted home-decor products), Tom Costantini (below – watercolors), Johanna Lindsay (above – woven earrings/pendants), and Angel Luna (skincare products).

Entries include websites to see more and contact information to purchase directly from the artist or crafter.

THURSDAY: Councilmember Herbold @ West Seattle Democratic Women

Two days after Tuesday’s override vote, and less than a week before the next budget process begins, West Seattle/South Park City Councilmember Lisa Herbold will be the spotlight guest at a local meeting. Here’s the announcement:

On Thursday, September 24th, West Seattle Democratic Women will complete its last program of a series of three on Racism/Institutional Racism/Police. The meeting begins at 6:00 pm with a short membership meeting. The program begins at 6:30 pm with Seattle City Councilperson Lisa Herbold sharing her thoughts on the City’s proposed budget, how it will relate to any reduction/redirection of the funding of the Seattle Police Department, how any changes could affect the security of our local communities in her district, and any alternative benefits that might occur. A Q&A will follow, ending at approximately 7:45 pm with the meeting itself ending no later than 8:00 pm. We anticipate this to be a most interesting and informative program. There is no cost.

To register & get your zoom codes, have questions to submit to Lisa, or for any questions of WSDW, please email wsdwomen@yahoo.com or call Karen 206.920.2231.