Fauntleroy Fine Art & Holiday Gift Show, online this year – right now!

October 10, 2020 1:38 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news | West Seattle online | WS culture/arts

Another way to support local arts/crafts creators, who also have been hard-hit by the pandemic, while doing early holiday shopping – Judy Pickens sends word that what would usually be an in-person event is happening online this year, and it’s already begun!

COVID has edited but not deleted the Fauntleroy Fine Art & Holiday Gift Show from the calendar of community activities at Fauntleroy Church, United Church of Christ. The show that has been an annual fall event for more than a decade is happening online this year, through November 30.

Visit the church website to see samples and details from each of the 13 participants, including SML Design (handcrafted home-decor products), Tom Costantini (below – watercolors), Johanna Lindsay (above – woven earrings/pendants), and Angel Luna (skincare products).

Entries include websites to see more and contact information to purchase directly from the artist or crafter.

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