What’s left of the fall colors might be gone if today’s Wind Advisory bears out; thanks to Jerry Simmons for the photo. A few notes for the day ahead:
GOVERNOR’S MEDIA BRIEFING: 11:30 am, Gov. Inslee announces the new state health secretary. He’ll also have media Q&A, undoubtedly mostly about the COVID-19 response, so if you’re interested, you can watch/listen to the stream here.
COVID-19 TESTING: In addition to the regular 6-days-a-week city testing at Southwest Athletic Complex until 5:30, all are welcome at a special testing event at Greenbridge Plaza (9839 8th SW), noon-4 pm.
SIGN-WAVING: The weekly announcement from organizer Scott:
Black Lives Matter sign-waving
Tuesday Nov 17, 4 to 6 pm, corner of 16th SW and SW Holden
Thursday, Nov 19, 4 to 6 pm, 16th and Holden
Come show support for BLM and ending systemic racism. Hold signs, meet neighbors, and stand for racial justice. Scott at PR Cohousing, endorsed by Hate-Free Delridge. Signs available.
HOPE LUTHERAN SCHOOL VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE: 6 pm online, learn about Hope Lutheran School (WSB sponsor), which serves preK-8th grade students. Go here to register to get the link.
VIRGINIA V & MOSQUITO FLEET HISTORY: 7 pm online, you’re invited to a free presentation about Puget Sound’s small-passenger-vessel history – including the still-sailing Virginia V.
More details in our calendar listing, including how to register to get the viewing link.
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