West Seattle protests 90 results

VIDEO: ‘The U.S. Mail is not for sale,’ declare protesters at Westwood Village Post Office

1:21 PM: As previewed in our daily list, the National Association of Letter Carriers (postal workers’ union) called for rallies across the country today to oppose any attempts to dismantle or privatize the U.S. Postal Service, and the regional gathering for Seattle is at the Westwood Village Post Office. We’re there and so are more than 100 protesters.

1:43 PM: The speeches are concluding – along with chants such as “The US Mail is not for sale’ – and they’re planning a march around the Post Office building.

1:54 PM: They’re actually marching around the Westwood Village perimeter, on the sidewalk. Video when we’re back at HQ.

2:58 PM: First, here’s that video, as the march left the Post Office vicinity:

The marchers walked east along Trenton, then south on 25th, turning west on Barton, and that’s when we had to move on. Earlier, speakers ranged from a Westwood Village postal worker to regional labor leaders, plus union-solidarity songs from the Seattle Labor Chorus:

(We panned the crowd toward the start of that video, as they ringed the Post Office’s customer lot.) As for what to do next, speakers suggested focusing on members of Congress as those with the power to “save the Postal Service.” The message was a mix of saving the Postal Service and also reminding people that USPS employees have been working without a contract.

VIDEO: West Seattle ‘Walk-In’ school rallies at WSHS, Denny IMS, Genesee Hill ES, supporting public-school funding

8:45 AM: Our video shows the scene just outside Denny International Middle School earlier this morning, as community advocates joined educators and students for one of at least three local “Walk-In” rallies to show support for public-school funding. (We had photographers at West Seattle High School and Genesee Hill Elementary as well and will add those photos later.) This was a nationwide initiative; in our state, participants were not only trying to send a message to the federal government regarding Department of Education cuts, but also to the State Legislature, which has big decisions to make about school funding – and other budget matters – before this session ends.

9:01 AM: Above and below are photos by WSB’s Hayden Yu Andersen, who covered the rally at Genesee Hill Elementary:

School-funding cuts would result in a “lack of people, lack of support and lack of safety in schools,” according to Alison Aylesworth, the organizer of this walk-in and a teacher at Genesee Hill.

“Dismantling the department of education would put a huge burden on our special education students” Said Kristen Marklund, a special education assistant. “Our School is very passionate about our community, and this rally is to support them.” After gathering, the crowd walked around the side of the school, carrying signs and chanting things like “read, write, rise!”

11:48 AM: Below are photos by Oliver Hamlin for WSB at West Seattle High School’s Walk-In:

Above, that’s art teacher Michelle Sloan waving to passing cars. Sloan, who has been teaching at the school for 10 years, said she participated to protest cuts to the Department of Education and to protect special education and after school-care funding. Below, WSHS student Jonah Shah holds a “Don’t Mourn, Organize” sign:

Below, Finn White, a WSHS student and member of the Social Justice Club, thanked educators and urged people to vote in local elections:

About 45 people were gathered while we were there.

WEEK AHEAD: West Seattle schools plan ‘Walk-Ins’ on Wednesday

We’ve heard so far from educators at two three local schools organizing “Walk-Ins” before classes Wednesday morning (March 19) as part of a nationwide demonstration against education cuts. Organizers are inviting community members to join staff and students. Here’s the invitation for West Seattle High School‘s Walk-In:

Staff, students, and community members of West Seattle High School (including community businesses and supportive neighbors) will be participating in a WALK-IN to celebrate our school, and to stand against cuts to ANY of the programs that serve our precious students.

School WALK-INs are happening across the country this Wednesday, March 19, for the same reasons; to stand as communities, for our children. The format is simple. 30 minutes to an hour prior to the start of the school day, staff members, students, parents, and supportive community members (including people from local businesses that serve our schools) gather in front of the schools to show support. Signs, musical instruments, carafes of coffee or tea and snacks to share are welcome. Then, about 20 to 30 minutes prior to the school day, we march as a body into the school.

Of course, we cannot have people who are not staff or students enter parts of the building that are not right up front, directly by the exits, because we need to maintain security, and begin our school day, but we can share context, contacts, ideas, and fellowship prior to our work days beginning. If anyone from West Seattle — parents, alumni, and Beloved Community members see this, and want to join us Wednesday morning, we will be gathering at 7:45 AM in front of the school, on California Avenue.

We’ve also heard from organizers at Denny International Middle School, who asked us to share this:

This Wednesday, March 19, please join staff, students, and family/community members at Denny International Middle School at 7:15 AM (prior to school starting) in a Walk-In protest of potential cuts in funding to our public schools due to the dismantling of the US Department of Education. This will culminate at 7:35 AM with staff and students walking in to school in solidarity. Prior to the Walk-In, there will be chanting and conversations. School appropriate signs geared toward these cuts are welcome.

Denny is at 2601 SW Kenyon; WSHS is at 3000 California SW. Meantime, we’ll add to the list if we hear from any other schools.

ADDED MONDAY: We’ve also heard from Genesee Hill Elementary, which is planning “a walk-in event for March 19, starting at 7 AM. Staff, families, and students are all welcome to meet at the front of the school to rally for public schools. We are gathering to support our students and families. The rally will last about 25 minutes. We will walk around the school and into the playground.” GHES is at 5013 SW Dakota.

VIDEO: Another Alki pro-immigrant march

(Added: Photo by Bucky Hayes-McQueen)

3:26 PM: More than 100 people are marching along the Alki Trail again today in support of immigrants’ rights. We didn’t hear about it until it was just starting but caught up with the group as it headed east/southbound; they were detouring onto Luna/Anchor Park. Photos/video to come.

(Added: WSB video)

4:09 PM: Above is our roadside video as the group passed just before turning into Luna/Anchor Park. We continued heading south/west and didn’t see any other groups. Listening to police radio, we’re hearing the demonstration is now along Alki Avenue in the 1300 block – one officer had told dispatch a few minutes ago that someone had been assaulted and they were arresting a suspect, though there was no word of whether it involved demonstrator(s) or other(s).

8:38 PM: Here’s what police tell WSB about that:

Two arrests were made at the protest on Alki. One protester was arrested for assaulting another protester in front of officers. The adult was arrested and booked into King County Jail on investigation of assault. The second arrest was of a juvenile that was arrested for obstruction. The juvenile stood in front of a patrol vehicle that had lights activated to prevent it from moving, and was arrested and I & R’d (Identified and Released) to a parent. No injuries or reportable use of force.

VIDEO: Pro-immigrant march in West Seattle

(WSB photos/video unless otherwise credited)

2:36 PM: Hundreds of protesters are marching along the Alki Trail right now, demonstrating against the ongoing ICE raids around the country. Word of a Sunday afternoon Alki protest circulated on social media, a reader told us, but we couldn’t confirm until this sighting.

They’re marching east/northbound in one large group (which we pulled over to photograph) and a few smaller groups, all on the trail, none in traffic lanes.

One police car was on the other side, apparently monitoring; we had heard an FYI broadcast on SPD radio, at the time described as “about a dozen.”

(Added: Photo sent by Kris)

Some demonstrators are in cars, hoisting Mexican and American flags, and signs – one just went by with a sign, NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL ON STOLEN LAND.

(Added: Video sent by Stewart L.)
3:12 PM: Just caught up with demonstrators’ rally at the north/west end of Don Armeni. The message was pro-immigrant; signs included SEEKING SAFETY IS NOT A CRIME. Now some of the protesters are marching back, on the trail, to the beach. Thanks to those who’ve sent photos and video; we’re headed back to HQ to add more.

(Added: Photo by David Hutchinson, near marchers’ starting point at Alki Beach)

3:20 PM: Pulled over at Harbor Ave 7-11 to report that an even larger group is now marching back west/north along Harbor. Some are in the parking lane. Signs include IMMIGRANTS BUILT AMERICA.

5:40 PM: Readers report that some of the marchers went back to Alki, and photos/video show them marching in the street in the business district:

(Video sent by David Hutchinson)

In David Hutchinson’s video, you can hear a car revving loudly – he says that’s what factored into this car fire he photographed at 59th/Alki (we listened back to archived scanner audio, and SFD reported the fire out before they got to it):

The next three photos are from Bucky Hayes-McQueen, who was on Alki Avenue between 3:30 pm and 5:10 pm:

ADDED 9:11 PM: We asked SPD, since they had been monitoring the march/rally, if they had any reports of trouble. Here’s the summary we just received:

At 1341 hours, patrol officers responded to reports of a small demonstration at 59th Avenue Southwest and Alki Avenue Southwest. Officers and a Sergeant responded to the scene to monitor. The demonstration grew to 200-300 people and more than 50+ vehicles. The demonstration was peaceful, and no crimes of violence or property damage occurred. There were just noise nuisances and minor traffic disruption. The on-duty LT responded to the scene and monitored the demonstration.

VIDEO: Pre-inauguration demonstration in The Junction

10:26 AM: That’s a screenshot from a few minutes ago, showing demonstrators in The Junction crossing the Walk-All-Ways intersection at California/Alaska – the live video feed showed one group on the northwest corner and one on the northeast corner, just before the light changed. As noted in the advance announcement, this is meant to be an offshoot of the citywide march happening downtown today – which in turn is part of a nationwide series of protests, in advance of Monday’s change of presidents. We’re headed out for a ground-level view.

11:04 AM: About 100 people are participating now, spread across all four corners, chanting as they cross when the pedestrian light is on:

The chants vary – in addition to what’s in our video (which ends with passing drivers honking, after the demonstrators are back on the corners), we heard “Fight like a girl, change the world.”

11:30 AM: Some attrition in the past hour – down to about a dozen per corner.

We have to move on but since this was announced as potentially continuing until 2 pm, we’ll check back when in The Junction again in an hour or so.

12:43 PM: About a dozen sign-waving demonstrators remain.

WEEKEND PREVIEW: People’s March on Saturday to include demonstration in The Junction

(Gatewood pilot/photographer Long Bach Nguyen‘s aerial view of 1/21/2017 Seattle rally’s start in Central District)

Eight years ago, the Saturday after Inauguration Day brought the Womxn’s March on Seattle. This Saturday, People’s March events are scheduled around the country. This time a spinoff is set for the heart of The Junction. Organizers’ full announcement is in our calendar listing. Here’s how they explain the motivation:

We are out there to protest the return of Trump and fascism. Many of us are seniors who want to stand up for our children or grandchildren (or great-grandchildren)! We’ll be carrying protest signs and crossing the intersections at Alaska Junction. We did this in 2016 too. We all march for different reasons, but we march for the same cause: to defend our rights and our future.

The demonstration is expected to start around 10 am Saturday (January 18) at California/Alaska.

ELECTION 2024: Three notes, with five days to go

checkbox.jpgElection Day is five days away. Three notes tonight:

HOW MANY HAVE AND HAVEN’T VOTED? We’ve been checking in on this stat. As of tonight, 43 percent of King County ballots are in – 56 percent via dropbox, 42 percent via USPS. (The city of Seattle is a little ahead of that, 44.6 percent.) If you go eight pages into the stats, you’ll find out how many ballots have been collected from each dropbox. The box in The Junction has the fourth-highest total – almost 9,000 – behind KC Elections HQ, Ballard, and Redmond.

ELECTION NIGHT PARTIES: So far, we have four on the list – The Skylark, Circa, Alpha Kappa Alpha graduate chapter at Brockey Center, and Pacific NW Black Pride at Youngstown Flats. We’re updating the list in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar. Who else? Email us – westseattleblog@gmail.com – or comment below.

PRE-ELECTION PRAYER VIGIL Pre-election rallies are fairly common. Pre-election prayer vigils, not so much, but Peace Lutheran Church in Gatewood is offering one before Election Day. You’re invited to visit the church (39th/Thistle) between 5 and 7 pm on Sunday (November 3) for a “safe, contemplative space for people to gather in anticipation of Election Day.” This is nonpartisan – the church stresses that “all are welcome.”

VIDEO: West Seattle High School students join statewide pro-Palestinian walkout

11:08 AM: That was the scene a short time ago outside the north side of West Seattle High School as more than 50 students gathered for what social-media announcements declared as a statewide student walkout supporting Palestinians affected by the Hamas-Israel war, now in its seventh month. They headed out to California SW shortly thereafter, walking south. We have not heard of any other schools in West Seattle participating.

11:32 AM: Walking off campus, the group crossed California and passed the McDonald’s across the street, chanting an accusation that the company supports genocide, a disputed allegation that has circulated on social media. (Video added above.) Our photographer has moved on but we just heard an FYI on police radio that the group is continuing southbound toward The Junction.

VIDEO: Teen shooting victim’s family and schoolmates protest again. Next stop, City Hall

For the second time this week, relatives and schoolmates of 15-year-old Mobarak Adam gathered outside Chief Sealth International High School and marched to nearby Southwest Teen Life Center/Pool, where he died 10 days ago in a shooting that has been classified as a homicide. Police have not disclosed what they have learned so far about the circumstances of the shooting in a restroom at the center. Whatever happened, the protesters say, Mobarak is another young life lost to gun violence that needs to stop. Like Monday’s rally, this one had short, often emotional speeches. Mobarak’s brother remembered him as “the best brother anyone could have”:

Some of Mobarak’s friends spoke too:

Adults spoke as well, including a family representative:

Some like Chief Sealth assistant principal Hope Perry and Denny International Middle School principal Mary Ingraham reminded the students that they have a role in keeping each other safe:

Government reps were there too – including School Board member Gina Topp, who did not speak. From County Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda‘s office, Chris Lampkin vowed to be “a partner” in the family and schoolmates’ quest for justice:

And Mobarak’s sister Leyla said they’re taking their demands and concerns directly to City Hall next.

She told the crowd about plans for a protest/rally at City Hall for next Friday (February 9th) – no time set yet. While City Councilmember Rob Saka was at Monday’s protest, he was not in view today, but he wrote about the situation in his weekly newsletter, sent this afternoon. He said of Monday’s rally, “Students presented some demands which I strongly support.” Specific to one of them, the lack of working cameras at Southwest Center, Saka wrote that he spoke with Parks Superintendent AP Diaz: “I was informed that the department is assessing the appropriate next steps for the cameras, which may include a replacement of or potential new system. It is very important to me that this be addressed with due haste.” And he wrote, “We all know well that there must be some more stringent laws to prevent gun violence.”

FOLLOWUP: Shooting victim’s sister announces another protest outside Chief Sealth IHS on Friday

(WSB photo, Monday)

Three days after a protest outside Chief Sealth International High School and Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center, where 15-year-old Sealth student Mobarak Adam died of a gunshot wound, another one has been announced. The victim’s sister Leyla, who spoke at Monday’s rally and march, sent this flyer, announcing the gathering for 2 pm Friday (February 2), a “protest against gun violence and finding justice for Mobarak Adam.” This past Tuesday, the King County Medical Examiner’s Office announced that the teen’s death one week earlier was ruled a homicide. No further word yet from Seattle Police about the status of the investigation. Seattle Parks, meantime, told us Tuesday they will replace the long-broken Teen Life Center/Pool camera.

REPORT #2: ‘Something has to be done eventually’: Hundreds rally and march in memory of 15-year-old killed by gunfire

That’s an old family photo of Mobarak Adam, shared by his sister after a rally and march in his memory this afternoon. He was photographed before entering Denny International Middle School, some of whose students joined today’s gathering along with hundreds of his schoolmates from Chief Sealth International HS, six days after Mobarak’s death at age 15 at Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center.

After the rally and march, his sister told reporters that the family has not heard anything from police about what they’ve learned regarding the circumstances of the gunfire that killed him.

Part of the uncertainty is complicated by the fact a camera in the center was not working. Seattle Parks confirmed that today when we asked: “There is a camera at SWTLC/Pool but unfortunately it was not working at the time. We are taking down that camera and working to get an operational camera up as soon as possible.” That’s one thing protesters asked for (last night’s announcement of the protest included others). But regardless of who was responsible for the gunfire that killed Mobarak Adam, the students who spoke decried the easy availability of guns.

They said action must be taken – from students speaking out if they see one of their peers with a gun, to leaders taking action to get guns off the street. “We’re concerned for our safety, our classmates, our neighbors,” said Mobarak’s sister. Speaking after her, City Councilmember Rob Saka promised to help, saying the death was “entirely tragic, unnecessary, and, I think, preventable”:

Another speaker urged the students to seek help for dealing with grief; when he asked for a show of hands by those who knew Mobarak, many went up, and then many went up again in a call for who wants to “end gun violence”:

That call was echoed by one of Mobarak’s brothers:

“No one deserves what happened to my brother – there has to be more regulation of these guns …people in charge, it’s their responsibility to protect us.” After tragedies, he said, “nothing is ever done … something has to be done eventually.”

Other speakers included Aneelah Afzali of the Muslim Association of Puget Sound and Chief Sealth principal Ray Morales.

“We stand with the family … we love you, we want to support you,” he said, leading the crowd in a moment of silence for Mobarak. Morales also noted that there are now memorials to two young shooting victims “within 100 feet of our school.” (The other is for Ka’Don Brown, 20, found shot to death last year on the southwest edge of the CSIHS campus.)

Then a family friend had a message for the students: “Nobody ever wins with a gun. If you want to win, sit around a table.” And a relative built on that message: “It starts with you. When you see somebody who is doing something they should not, when you see someone with a weapon,” speak up. “Our children should be able to thrive – this happens too many times.”

Shortly thereafter, the hundreds of participants marched up SW Thistle to the pool/center:

That’s where a memorial is in place near the entrance:

Nearby, after the rally ended, the sister shared her memories of a younger brother who made her laugh and was “always helpful,” with a good heart. But, she said, the protest was not just about him – but “about them” – the people whose families she hopes will never go through what just happened to hers.

-By Tracy Record and Patrick Sand, West Seattle Blog co-publishers

UPDATE: Chief Sealth IHS student protest, six days after 15-year-old’s shooting death – report #1

12:17 PM: That’s the scene outside Chief Sealth International High School, where a protest is getting under way, as announced last night by the sister of the 15-year-old boy who died last Tuesday of a gunshot wound across the street at Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center. Police have said that others were with him but have yet to say whether they believe the shooting was accidental or intentional.

12:59 PM: Thistle is currently blocked by police as protesters march to and gather outside SW Pool/Teen Life Center.

1:34 PM: It’s over and the street has reopened. Family members and others including City Councilmember Rob Saka spoke. Full report later.

6:33 PM: Find that report here.

UPDATE: Monday protest announced by sister of boy who died at Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center

7:16 PM: We just received this announcement from the sister of the Chief Sealth International High School student who died of a gunshot wound last Tuesday at Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center:

Tomorrow we are planning to hold a protest against gun violence and to get justice for my younger brother.

This past Tuesday my little brother, 15 years old, was shot at the community center (SWAC) and he died shortly afterwards. This happened during his lunch break during school hours and the weapon hasn’t been found yet and the culprits have been released. The protest will be taking place in front of Chief Sealth International High School @12pm noon.

We hope to get as much support as possible in order to pressure the authorities and make a difference. So we would greatly appreciate it if you could share this flyer to spread awareness. For both the safety of our children and community.

Police have yet to say whether they believe this was an accidental or intentional shooting.

8:01 PM: We asked her what action protesters want to see happen. Here’s her reply:

Some changes we need to have implemented are; cameras into the community center (swac). This is a huge safety concern for us, as we were told none of their cameras have been functioning for years. This is concerning as this is place where parents bring their children for recreational activities and a site where students frequently visit.

By having an operating camera, the investigation would have been easier in understanding what truly happened and how people responded.

Another change we must see is more gun regulation. Kids should not have access to firearms under no circumstances. Having metal detectors would insure that students are not carrying weapons on to school campuses. We are also suggesting to have more security presence on campus to ensure safety for all students at CSIHS.

We are also requesting to have 9th graders to have separate lunches from the upperclassman, by having this ensures that underclassmen are not leaving campus unsupervised.

Also if anyone has any information on the situation please contact this number (206) 625-5011 or email justiceformobarak@gmail.com

That phone number is the SPD non-emergency number; SPD’s suggestion is its violent-crimes tip line at 206-233-5000.

UPDATE: Here’s who wants to be your next citywide Seattle City Councilmember

12:15 PM: The City Council has just gone public with the list of 72 “qualified applicants” for the citywide position vacated by Teresa Mosqueda‘s move to the King County Council. See it here, along with their application materials. The council meets tomorrow to choose finalists; the person they choose later this month will serve until someone is elected this fall to serve what will then be the final year of Mosqueda’s term. We’re still reading through the 642-page document, but an initial search for West Seattle references brought up some familiar names: Three-time City Council candidate Phil Tavel, West Seattle VFW commander (and Seattle Police Captain) Steve Strand, and former King Conservation District supervisor Chris Porter. Also identifying themselves as West Seattle residents – Cheyenne Baron, Chris Cody, and Nick Duda. We’ll add any other local names we find.

1:54 PM: Just finished scrolling through the entire document. Another former District 1 candidate from last year, Preston Anderson, is also among the applicants. And as mentioned in this story last night, Mark Solomon, another former candidate (not in D-1) who is currently handling SPD Crime Prevention Coordinator duties in the Southwest Precinct as well as South, has applied. Other former candidates from around the city are also among the applicants, as is a current Seattle School Board member, Vivian Song.

4:22 PM: The list is now online in short form, with links to each applicant’s background info.

9:33 PM: A reader tells us applicant Wesley Andersen is also a West Seattle resident.

UPDATE: Demonstration on westbound West Seattle Bridge

4:27 PM: Thanks for the tips. Flag-waving demonstrators are blocking the westbound lanes of the West Seattle Bridge at the crest. The only image we have so far is from a distance but it appears to be the Palestinian flag:

4:37 PM: It may have been a short-lived demonstration – 911 dispatch reports traffic is moving again. We can’t independently verify via traffic cameras as the video feeds remain broken (SDOT has no ETA on a repair). One reader says the demonstrators were in cars, not on foot.

(Added: Photo texted by Aaron)

4:42 PM: We’ve verified from the Fauntleroy end of the bridge that traffic is moving again, no further sign of the flag-wavers.

DEVELOPMENT: Tree advocates plan demonstration at Delridge project site

(WSB photo from March)

The proposal for 11 residences at 6504 24th SW [map] continues to make its way through the permit process. Tree advocates plan a demonstration there Saturday afternoon to renew attention to the plan for tree removal, with concerns including its proximity to Longfellow Creek. We last wrote about the project back in March, when the city convened a community-requested public meeting for comments (WSB coverage here), most of which were focused on the trees. As we reported at the time, an arborist’s report showed more than 50 “exceptional” trees on the site, and noted more than 30 could be removed. (Here’s the current plan set.) Permit files also show the developers seeking an exemption for part of an “environmentally critical area” on the site. Tree Action Seattle notes that – as discussed in our March report – housing could be built on the site with far fewer tree removals. It plans to gather and “ask for change” at 1 pm Saturday. (Thanks to reader Julia for the tip on this.)

PROTEST: Pathfinder K-8 students walk out to oppose Willow oil-drilling project

If you traveled through the Delridge/Oregon intersection in the past hour, you would have seen that protest on the foot/bike overpass. The protesters are middle-schoolers from Pathfinder K-8 on Pigeon Point. One organizer emailed us to explain:

We are protesting against The Willow Project. The Willow Project is a massive oil-drilling project that will cause 239 million metric tons of carbon emissions to be added to our Earth’s atmosphere in the next 30 years. It is endangering our future and we are protesting to stop it. Please make it known to the public that this is not okay and we need to save our future.

Willow is a ConocoPhillips oil-drilling plan on Alaska’s North Slope that got the federal go-ahead a week ago. As for logistics of the protest, Pathfinder principal Britney Holmes sent families a note that read in part:

This is not a school or district-sponsored event. Students have a First Amendment right to assemble and express their rights. However, district policy does not allow for an excused absence for participation in a walkout unless prior approval from a student’s family is received.

Holmes’ note also said school administrators had talked with student organizers and that they would follow along to ensure safety.

SUNDAY PREVIEW: Two West Seattle marches

The lineup for tomorrow won’t be anything like the 26-note list for today – but it will feature two West Seattle marches:

DEMONSTRATION FOR REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS: In the wake of the small spontaneous protest at Walk-All-Ways on Friday, abortion-rights supporters are planning to march there Sunday morning, 10 am-11:30 am. Organizers explain here, “We are just two pissed=off moms that want to bring this community together to mourn, find solace, organize and protest the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade. This is a peaceful gathering (be respectful of the local businesses and market) wear green, bring signs, your voice, and water.”

PRIDE MARCH: If you’re not going downtown for the Pride Parade, be part of West Seattle’s own Pride March, 2 pm to 4 pm, sponsored by Youngstown Coffee and HeartBeet Organic Superfood Café. The four-block march will end at those businesses, after starting at 2 at Morgan Junction Park (6413 California SW). Organizers add, “The short march is great for families and pets too! Walk, skate, bike, dance, or stroll the route with your friends and family. Celebrate our LGBTQ community here in West Seattle!” They also add here, “Pride was and still is a protest! Feel free to bring your signs and frustrations with you.”

UPDATE: Abortion-rights demonstration in The Junction

5:58 PM: Protesters upset about today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade are marching in the heart of The Junction right now. Several people asked us throughout the day if a protest was planned in West Seattle; we didn’t get advance word of this but a participant sent word a short time ago so we went over to The Junction to verify. There’s a protest happening downtown right now too.

7:30 PM: Just went back through The Junction a few minutes ago; the demonstrators have dispersed.

ADDED SATURDAY MORNING: Just got word another demonstration is planned for 10 am Sunday at Walk-All-Ways.

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Junction demonstration

On Saturday, as thousands rallied across the country against gun violence, the March For Our Lives events were originally supposed to include a West Seattle Junction demonstration too, but it was canceled earlier in the week. However, Anni and friends showed up anyway. She sent the photo and report today:

Our small group showed up at the WS Junction for a gun-reform rally that we didn’t know had been canceled. From 1-2 PM we crossed during the walk lights, carrying signs and chanting slogans, such as “Keep Our Children Safe”. We had a good response based on friendly thumbs-ups and horn-honking. This felt like a purposeful hour to our group, which included 5 teachers.

VIDEO: Holy Family Bilingual Catholic School students protest gun violence, asking ‘How Many More?’

Students across the country continued demonstrations today to plead for an end to gun violence, three days after the massacre in Uvalde, Texas. Among today’s protests was a walkout this morning organized by the Student Council at Holy Family Bilingual Catholic School. Participating students left their classrooms at 9 am to demonstrate outside the school at 20th and Roxbury.

They began with a prayer, followed by a student-written poem:

Walker Mae read the poem, “How Many More?” (the author wished to be anonymous), after Rianna led the prayer. Then the students stood in silence for 10 minutes.

Rianna is the Student Council president and invited us to cover the demonstration, explaining, “We are demonstrating that we are against school shootings, gun violence, and to show support to all the lives lost due to this tragedy.”

WEST SEATTLE SCENE: Pathfinder K-8 students’ Delridge demonstration

(WSB photos)

Thanks to the parents who let us know about Pathfinder K-8 students’ walkout/demonstration today. Students left the Pigeon Point campus around 11:30 am and walked to the pedestrian/bicycle overpass at Delridge/Oregon for sign-waving.

The banner in the foreground was the work of someone else (we saw it there a few hours earlier) but gun violence is one of the two issues about which the Pathfinder students were demonstrating, along with reproductive rights:

This was one of many walkouts across the country today.