ELECTION 2024: Three notes, with five days to go

checkbox.jpgElection Day is five days away. Three notes tonight:

HOW MANY HAVE AND HAVEN’T VOTED? We’ve been checking in on this stat. As of tonight, 43 percent of King County ballots are in – 56 percent via dropbox, 42 percent via USPS. (The city of Seattle is a little ahead of that, 44.6 percent.) If you go eight pages into the stats, you’ll find out how many ballots have been collected from each dropbox. The box in The Junction has the fourth-highest total – almost 9,000 – behind KC Elections HQ, Ballard, and Redmond.

ELECTION NIGHT PARTIES: So far, we have four on the list – The Skylark, Circa, Alpha Kappa Alpha graduate chapter at Brockey Center, and Pacific NW Black Pride at Youngstown Flats. We’re updating the list in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar. Who else? Email us – westseattleblog@gmail.com – or comment below.

PRE-ELECTION PRAYER VIGIL Pre-election rallies are fairly common. Pre-election prayer vigils, not so much, but Peace Lutheran Church in Gatewood is offering one before Election Day. You’re invited to visit the church (39th/Thistle) between 5 and 7 pm on Sunday (November 3) for a “safe, contemplative space for people to gather in anticipation of Election Day.” This is nonpartisan – the church stresses that “all are welcome.”

9 Replies to "ELECTION 2024: Three notes, with five days to go"

  • CC October 31, 2024 (7:54 pm)

    If anyone is reading this and angry/panicking, I’m a college instructor who’s been just so damn tired this week and needs to finish reading the initiative stuff in the booklet but WILL vote this weekend. There are informed people who are just procrastinators, I promise!

    • Profs unite October 31, 2024 (11:32 pm)


    • RickB November 1, 2024 (8:57 am)

      CC, I’ll save you some time. Vote No on all the initiatives, and straight D for the partisan offices. 

  • onion October 31, 2024 (9:20 pm)

    I’m not sure which is more appropriate, a prayer vigil or a drinking party — perhaps a combination!

    • Amy T November 1, 2024 (8:49 am)

      I like your style !!!

  • Kt November 1, 2024 (4:47 am)

    Sadly nationwide the young voter turnout is pretty low…if you have people in your life under the age of 30, encourage them to vote.  It boggles my mind that these voters, who will be living for a long time with the consequences of this election, will mostly sit this one out.

  • Frank November 1, 2024 (6:43 am)

    I’m forty seven years old and have never voted in any election whether it be local, state or federal and never will and you’ll never hear me complain either.

    I’m of the mind that until money is removed from politics (it never will be) I won’t ever cast a ballot in this lifetime and I’m more than content with that as my personal choice.

    • Derek November 1, 2024 (11:41 am)

      I respect this…honestly it is insane people think voting is more useful than protests. Muslim ban airport sit in and George Floyd protests are about the most useful things that have effected change in eight years. The cat hat libs who marched against Trump while obeying traffic signals got exactly ZERO done. Voting didn’t change anything. Trump still elected despite popular vote. And he appointed three far right justices. But I will still vote due to critically getting Tanya Woo out of any policy setting. And no on awful initiatives that help the wealthy.  Incrementalism I guess.

    • Mr J November 2, 2024 (11:47 am)

      Check your privilege Frank. You can’t get money out until you actually vote. But go off on your false sense of superiority.

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