South Park 333 results

CRIME WATCH: Seen this Airstream? (update: found)

4:47 PM SATURDAY: The photo and report are from Jessica:

I’m the manager at Loretta’s in South Park. We are a bar which happens to have a great burger. We had a signature vintage airstream in the back of the bar for years, and had moved it off premises to another location, still in South Park. Last night 2/24 it was stolen from us … we deeply loved her and want her back. She can be recognized by the many stickers she has on her door.

The SPD incident number is 23-053690.

12:42 PM SUNDAY: We heard a brief police-radio mention about a found stolen Airstream, and confirmed with Jessica that this one has been found.

KING TIDES: Calm weather could be good news (updated)

January 22, 2023 2:42 pm
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2:42 PM: Sandbags and concrete blocks are in place in South Park in preparation for the return of “king tides” the next few mornings, but the good news is a calm forecast – no prediction for the kind of stormy weather that added to the predicted high tides last month, when low atmospheric pressure accompanied heavy rain. Tomorrow’s forecast is partly sunny; Tuesday brings a “slight chance of rain”; Thursday is expected to be mostly cloudy. Nonetheless, Seattle Public Utilities says it’s done what it can, just in case, as outlined here. City reps said at a briefing earlier this month that 49 homes and businesses suffered “substantial” damage from flooding in December.

9:49 PM: In an update for media tonight, SPU reiterates that the forecast doesn’t suggest flooding. But its preparations so far total “an estimated 90,000 sandbags and barriers totaling 1.4 miles.” Its update also notes that housing assistance for those affected by last month’s flooding has been extended through February 28th.

FOLLOWUP: Days away from next ‘king tides,’ South Park gets ‘large quantities of sandbags’ from city

January 17, 2023 7:11 pm
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(WSB photo, January 5th)

Three weeks after the weather-enhanced “king tides” that swamped parts of South Park, winter’s final round of extra-high tides is days away. The city says it’s preparing “by placing protective barriers like sandbags and other barriers in low-lying areas of the community and along the Duwamish River (and) offering sandbags to homeowners and businesses to help protect homes and property.” The ties will peak Tuesday and Wednesday morning of next week (January 24-25) but won’t be higher than the December 27th tides unless again complicated by factors including a low-pressure system and heavy rainfall. Nonetheless, Seattle Public Utilities says it’s “sandbagging key locations along the river and in South Park” including a park at 760 S. Portland and an alley off S. Kenyon.

(SPU photo)

SPU’s update today says it’s “also developing community notification systems for potentially impactful high tides.” At a City Council committee briefing last week, city staffers said 49 homes and businesses had suffered “substantial damage” in last month’s flooding. As for non-governmental response, the Duwamish River Community Coalition was first in the zone, and its page – including links to other community groups directly assisting flood victims – is here.

SOUTH PARK FLOODING: What city departments have done since ‘absolutely extraordinary event’

(Reader photo, South Park on December 27)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

With more than four dozen South Park homes and businesses suffering “substantial damage” in flooding two weeks ago, a City Council committee convened a briefing Tuesday morning. They heard city departments recount what they’ve done since what one speaker described as an “absolutely extraordinary event.”

The City Council’s Public Safety and Human Services Committee also wanted to know what’s being planned in case the Duwamish River has another disastrous spillover – particularly, what’s being done to prevent a potential repeat during winter’s final “king tides” in less than two weeks.

Senior Deputy Mayor Monisha Harrell led the multi-department delegation. Here’s the full slide deck that was shown, and you can watch the video starting 1 hour, 6 minutes in:

Key numbers: 49 homes and businesses “have substantial damage.” 14 agencies are involved in the response/recovery operation. In the city response, the Office of Emergency Management is helping with some on-scene work, but Seattle Public Utilities and Human Services are most involved. They’re working with King County to find “funding opportunities,” possibly from the state. But they repeatedly stressed the importance of the community-based organizations that are involved, especially the Duwamish River Community Coalition.

SPU deputy director Keri Burchard-Juarez said SPU had sandbags and an advance contract with Just Health Action. But forecasters did not predict that the river would overtop its banks so “we really weren’t prepared” for that. But it happened, and they worked to provide emergency housing for up to 15 families, as well as setting up a trailer and tents (as we reported last week), plus portable showers, toilets, and laundry facilities.

(WSB photo, last week)

They’ve moved on to focus on cleanup, including inside people’s homes, and the focuses this week also include hazardous-materials mitigation. They had a community meeting with flood victims last weekend and will have another within a few weeks.

Regarding preparing for the next king tide – it’s predicted to be two feet lower than December 27th, but the wild card would be a low-pressure storm system causing a similar situation. SPU will implement an Incident Command Structure, will monitor weather very closely, will have an on-site presence. They’ve also observed several locations along river where it overtopped and will strategically place sandbags there, as well as trying to get a berm installed at one location, an under-construction pump station, 8th, Chicago. “Putting in as many precautions as possible.”

What happened “was absolutely extraordinary” and yet they’ve known something like this was coming, city reps acknowledged. They’ve been working for five years to develop a “resiliency district” for the Duwamish Valley, including South Park and Georgetown. They’ve been looking at property acquisition along the river. They know there will be “future investment needs.” SPU has already been working on a road improvement and drainage project. And they’ve worked with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on a cost-benefit analysis for more potential work.

The Human Services Department talked about assistance for flood victims, including collaboration with the community organizations and check-ins “every 24 to 48 hours” with the affected people, plus ensuring they have housing and food.

When does the housing assistance expire? asked City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, who chairs the committee. HSD told her it’s now been extended until at least the end of the month. The homes are being evaluated for safety – mold, asbestos, etc. She also wanted to know from SPU, how much more studying needed to be done before action is taken: “We don’t always have to do things sequentially, we can do them simultaneously.” SPU general manager Andrew Lee explained that his mention of a “feasibility study” to be done was not redundant with previous work such as the cost-benefit analysis. That analysis, he added, shows a “high benefit” from doing certain flood-control work, so this will evaluate the options more closely. Meantime, the city is meeting with the congressional delegation to talk about potential federal funding.

HOW YOU CAN HELP: This wasn’t part of the discussion, but you can still support the community groups who also are working with the flood victims – find links and info here.

FOLLOWUP: Coordinating South Park’s flood recovery

(WSB photos unless otherwise credited)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

“We’re an environmental organization, not an emergency organization.”

Despite that observation, Duwamish River Community Coalition executive director Paulina López and staffers from her organization have been on the ground – and, at first, in the water – in the South Park flood zone, continuously, since the river overflowed its banks December 27th.

(Reader photo, December 27th)

We talked with her at the Resource Center, the nerve center of recovery efforts in north South Park at midday Wednesday, where South Chicago Street [map] is lined with trailers and tents – temporary office space, hygiene facilities – and storage pods for residents who had to get belongings out of flooded homes.

We went to South Park to find out more about what sort of help is most needed now, and will be needed in the future.

Our first stop was the Duwamish River Community Hub, in the heart of “downtown” South Park at 14th Avenue South/South Cloverdale, the former pizza joint converted into a community space by the Port of Seattle. Right now it’s serving as a dropoff and storage spot for donations, as well as a place flood victims can go get some of those donated items, like food staples. But food is no longer on the “most needed” list as of today’s update.

Back at the Resource Center, both López and DRCC’s Robin Schwartz told us that some of the larger items will be needed later, when families are either able to move back into their homes or into someplace new. Even finding places for flood victims to stay is a challenge – the city has arranged for lodging through at least January 11th, but these are families who in many cases have jobs and students and who want to stay in or near the South Park area.

DRCC is working to transition some of this assistance over to other community/social-service organizations whose missions better synergize with it – such as Villa Comunitaria and Khmer Community of Seattle King County. What DRCC wants to prioritize for its part, López says, is health and safety. They have been pushing for Public Health – Seattle & King County to come out and survey the homes that flooded to assess whether they’re safe enough to be reoccupied. And she has her eye on the big long-term “systemic” needs of which this situation has been a painful reminder.

Even balancing the recovery work with ongoing life in the neighborhood is a challenge. While we were speaking with López, someone from a nearby business came over to say cars – ostensibly belonging to people involved with the recovery work – were blocking their gate, and she had to go try to spread the word about that. We continued the conversation with Schwartz, who not only is a DRCC staffer, but also a resident of one of the flooded neighborhoods, though she said her home only took in inches of water, compared to others whose basements were swamped by feet of it.

As the recovery operation continues, there’s a looming concern about the next “king tides,” less than three weeks away – the basic prediction is slightly higher than December 27th, but the river may stay within its banks in the absence of atmospheric conditions such as those that intensified last week’s tides, Still, the city – and the residents and businesses – have to be ready. (We’re following up with Seattle Public Utilities to find out about their plans.)

For now, here are ways you can help:
-The aforementioned “current needs” list, updated again today, is here
DRCC’s crowdfunding page THURSDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Financial donations are now directed to three community organizations – the two mentioned above and Cultivate South Park – find direct links on this page
-Two families have GoFundMe pages that were posted in this WSB comment thread

And if you’re offering help, patience is a plus too. Community organizations can get overwhelmed in situations like this, especially in the early going, but the needs will stretch on for weeks and even months, so if you reach out with an offer – maybe you have an appliance you could donate to someone who lost theirs in basement flooding – understand that you may not hear back immediately.

HELPING: What else South Park flood victims need

(Photo sent last Tuesday by Devlin Carey)

The cleanup continues in South Park, where dozens of homes and businesses were flooded by last week’s weather-enhanced king tide. The Duwamish River Community Coalition is coordinating support for the flood victims and – in addition to the fundraising we’ve mentioned before – has developed a list of what’s needed. You can see the list here; the requested items include specific clothing, houseware, and cleanup items, as well as bottles of water and bags of rice. That document also includes specifics on who to contact and where to go if you can help. They’ve also been accepting volunteer help – watch here for shifts to sign up for.

SOUTH PARK FLOODING: Here’s how you can help

(Reader photo, South Park on Tuesday)

Our neighbors in South Park are cleaning up flooded homes and businesses along the Duwamish River after Tuesday’s weather-enhanced king tide. Commenters have been discussing how to help and we’re surfacing it here so you can help too. While the city is providing some help, community-based assistance is being coordinated by the Duwamish River Community Coalition, and they have two requests: Money to directly support flood-affected families (you can donate here). DRCC says that so far it’s placed 10 families in hotels and is working with others on specific needs. They’re also asking for volunteer help, too – watch for a link on the DRCC website.

KING TIDE: Duwamish River deluges South Park

3:50 PM: Thanks to Devlin Carey for the photos. While the weather-enhanced king-tide waters were mostly a point of curiosity in West Seattle, they caused more-serious trouble along the Duwamish River in. South Park, flooding streets and neighborhoods.

At the peak of it, emergency responders had to rescue people from what was described as “flooding/possible sinkhole” near 5th South and South Holden.

ADDED 8:14 PM: Speaking of responders, look what one crew faced, in this photo sent by a reader who works in South Park:

Tonight we also have an advisory from SDOT that road closures continue:

Due to flooding, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) closed streets north of S Kenyon Street from 8th Ave S to SR 99 in South Park until further notice. (Read SPU’s statement on today’s flooding in South Park.) SDOT will reopen the roads once crews verify that the area is safe to travel through. SDOT advises travelers to avoid unnecessary travel in this area. If you must travel, please slow down and avoid driving through flooded roads.

WATER: Another big flush ahead, this time for southeast West Seattle and South Park

Back in 2016, after repeated problems with “brown water” in multiple West Seattle neighborhoods, Seattle Public Utilities carried out a major flush of local lines. Now they’re planning one for southeast West Seattle and South Park, in the areas outlined on this map:

That map is included in a letter SPU has just mailed to affected residents and businesses, saying the flush will start soon and continue into next year. Here’s what else the letter says:

SPU is performing this work to help maintain water quality and help reduce the occurrence of discolored water that can sometimes occur. Flushing won’t eliminate discolored water, but it will help decrease it.

What do customers need to do? SPU crews will perform the flushing at night by flowing water from fire hydrants. Residents and businesses do not need to take any action to prepare for this work. Customers will be able to use their water as usual. When crews are flushing nearby, customers may notice a slight reduction in their water pressure. They may also experience temporary discolored water, which should clear quickly once crews are done flushing the water main. Running the cold water for a few minutes can also help clear the discoloration.

Why does discolored water occur? Discolored water can happen when crews operate a fire hydrant, when there is a water main break or leak, or when the water in the pipes is forced to travel in a different direction than normal. When one of these events happens, sediment in the water and rust in the pipes get stirred up, causing the water to look discolored. Flushing the water mains will remove some of the sediment and rust that has been resting in the pipes. This will help reduce the level of discoloration and the time it takes for the water to clear when there’s a disturbance in the pipes.

Is the water safe? Yes. Every single day, SPU takes samples throughout the drinking water system that serves 1.5 million people. The water is tested for contaminants and is regulated by the Washington State Department of Health. Seattle’s water remains safe to drink.

See the full letter here.

About that smoke: Vehicle fire on 99 in South Park

(Texted photo)

5:51 PM: Thanks for all the tips. The big column of black smoke visible a short time ago is from a vehicle fire on Northbound Highway 99 in the 14th Avenue South vicinity in South Park. (Update) All NB lanes of 99 are closed at the scene. Adding a WSDOT camera image:

6:04 PM: WSDOT says (and the camera verifies) that they’ve opened one northbound lane.

6:16 PM: Both lanes are now open again. No injuries reported but we’re doublechecking with SFD.

WEEKEND SCENE: Duwamish River Festival at brand-new park

(WSB photos unless otherwise credited)

1:17 PM: Until 5 pm, you can visit newly dedicated Duwamish River People’s Park and enjoy the Duwamish River Festival. The park is at 8700 Dallas Ave. S. in South Park [map] – we reported on the site when construction began two years ago.

Today’s event includes entertainment, games, educational booths, and food, as shown here. We’ll add more photos when we’re back at HQ.

P.S. If you drive there and can’t find a close parking spot, there is a shuttle from 8438 Dallas.

ADDED 2:59 PM: The festival has more than 55 booths, most from agencies and groups addressing environmental issues in the Duwamish Valley and ways you can help – native plants, for example:

Knowing and respecting the Duwamish River’s fish and wildlife is another topic:

You can find out more about the West Dumamish Wet Weather Storage Facility project featured here earlier this week, to be built in southeast West Seattle in about three years:

Community resilience is a topic too – Cindi Barker from West Seattle is at the booth where you can find out about Neighborhood Emergency Communication Hubs:

And of course the EPA is there to talk about the ongoing Duwamish River cleanup. New regional administrator Casey Sixkiller (last mentioned here when he was running for mayor last year) spoke briefly to festivalgoers – he’s at right in our photo below next to Paulina López, executive director of the Duwamish River Community Coalition – which is presenting today’s festival:

With them from left are Calvin Teraba, Christian Poulsen, and Fatima Hernandez. Sixkiller promised to “continue to work in partnership with this community” toward “a river that’s clean, healthy, open to everyone.”

ADDED: Thanks to Don Brubeck for this photo of some of the festival performers:

Fire at South Park transfer station

June 13, 2022 5:30 pm
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You might have noticed this response on your way to or from the 1st Avenue South Bridge: Seattle Fire was called to the transfer station on South Kenyon for what turned out to be a “smoldering garbage” fire. They put it out quickly, and no one is hurt.

WEEKEND SCENE: Farewell party for longtime local advocate James Rasmussen

(Photo by Tom Reese)

One our area’s most-passionate advocates is retiring and moving away. As noted in our daily event list, a gathering Saturday in South Park was a sendoff for James Rasmussen, who’s spent 20 years with the Duwamish River Community Coalition, most recently as its Superfund Manager. from the DRCC’s announcement of his departure:

Having represented the Duwamish Tribe on the organization’s Advisory Council for 10 years before joining the staff as Executive Director/Coordinator, as a member of the Duwamish Tribal Council for 26 years, and as the founding Director of the Duwamish Tribe’s Longhouse and Cultural Center, James has been a consistent and active voice in environmental, habitat, and community issues along the Duwamish River and in the Seattle region for over 30 years. He played a fundamental role in the Environmental Protection Agency’s formation of the Duwamish Superfund Roundtable, which will inform the next phase of the Cleanup Plan, and is a beloved and legendary figure within the community as well as further afield for his great depth of knowledge of the River, its history, as well as the science of the Superfund cleanup.

James is much sought-after as a public speaker and allyship for his serene yet tireless advocacy for a clean and healthy River and River Valley. He will be missed greatly and we wish him a peaceful and satisfying retirement—as Duwamish Valley community members, we owe him a debt that can never be repaid. He has our deep gratitude for pushing policy-makers and Responsible Parties to work towards a better environment.

Rasmussen is moving to Las Vegas to be with family. With him in the photo above are, at left, DRCC executive director Paulina López and, center, Duwamish Tribe chair Cecile Hansen. One month ago, when the tribe announced its legal action to secure full federal recognition, Rasmussen was among the speakers, declaring, “The recovery of the Duwamish River must include the restoration of the Duwamish Tribe.”

VIDEO: Aerial view as police track down, arrest bank-robbery suspects in South Park, White Center

12:18 AM: Tuesday evening, police arrested four north-end bank-robbery suspects in South Park and White Center. It was a relatively lengthy helicopter-assisted operation, and the Guardian One crew has released video this past hour showing how it unfolded.

11:12 AM: The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office says that the four suspects will have bail hearings on Thursday, since they weren’t booked into jail until early this morning.

BRIDGE ALERT: Lane closures Tuesday on South Park Bridge

April 4, 2022 11:58 am
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(Traffic-camera image, looking east from South Park side)

The eight-year-old South Park Bridge is (corrected) owned by King County, which sent an alert about maintenance work planned all day tomorrow; 8 am-4 pm Tuesday (April 5th), the bridge “will intermittently be reduced to one of two lanes in both directions. The lane closures are needed to allow maintenance crews room to clean the drainage systems and expansion joints on the bridge.”

DISTRICT 1 COMMUNITY NETWORK: Updates from around West Seattle and South Park

March 9, 2022 9:07 pm
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No big presentations or special guests at this month’s online meeting of the District 1 Community Network, a coalition of advocates from all around West Seattle and South Park. Instead, attendees shared a variety of quick updates and announcements.

WEST SEATTLE BEE FESTIVAL: It will return this year, in May, reported Cindi Barker of the Emergency Communication Hubs, who will be participating with preparedness info, as in the past. May 21st is the date. She also said a preparedness event is in the works for South Park’s Marra Farm in the next few months.

HIGHLAND PARK: Donna Burns reported that the HP Improvement Club is planning an event for June 25th, which will mark one year since the fire that closed the HPIC building – details to come. This month’s meeting of HPAC, meantime, will feature SDOT – that’s set for Wednesday, March 23rd, online.

FAUNTLEROY: Bruce Butterfield from the Fauntleroy Community Association said FCA will bring back its Food Fest annual membership meeting this year, in May.

TALKING WITH THE MAYOR: D1CN administrator Larry Wymer is point person for getting Mayor Bruce Harrell and at-large City Councilmembers Teresa Mosqueda (a West Seattle resident) and Sara Nelson as future guests. Nothing’s finalized. yet.

LANDMARK NOMINATION: Deb Barker, who represents the Morgan Community Association on D1CN but is also a historic-preservation advocate, said the city’s Landmarks Board had voted earlier in the day to nominate the South Park Neighborhood Center as a potential city landmark.

(King County Assessor’s Office photo)

The building at 8201 10th Avenue South is officially known as Former Fire Station 26. Here’s the nomination document. The board will decide at a future meeting whether to designate it as a landmark.

The District 1 Community Network meets on first Wednesdays, 7 pm, online until further notice; next meeting is April 6th.

CRIME WATCH: Another stolen red Nissan

March 3, 2022 7:04 pm
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For the second time today, we’re publishing a report of a stolen red Nissan – this time, a car. Katie‘s red 2007 Nissan Sentra was stolen from the 800 block of South Donovan St in South Park on Tuesday night. License plate BWN3670. If you see it, call 911.

TRAFFIC ALERT: South Park street flooding

January 7, 2022 11:47 am
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We’re getting multiple reports of street flooding in South Park this morning – in the wake of the 9 am high tide and the (now finally easing) heavy rain. The video above from 5th Avenue South and South Holden is by Clay DeRooy; the photos below are from Curtis Allan:

We just heard a police dipatch for a vehicle stuck in the water at 5th/Holden so steer clear of the area for a while. Drainage issues have been a longstanding problem in South Park – there’s some work under way now to try to alleviate it.

TRAFFIC ALERT UPDATE: 14th Avenue S. reopened in South Park

3:26 PM: We’ve been updating this in our morning traffic watch but we’re told the closure of 14th Avenue South in South Park, south of Cloverdale, is likely to last a few more hours, so we’re publishing this separate update. This all traces back to a truck crash after 7 am today. Here’s how SDOT explains the situation:

Due to a damaged utility pole, the Seattle Department of Transportation closed 14th Avenue S from S Cloverdale S to S Director St. to all members of the public in between SR-99 and South Park Bridge. The road is currently expected to remain closed until approximately 6 p.m. today and will be reopened once Seattle City Light crews verify that the area is safe to travel through. SDOT encourages travelers to find alternate routes if you are driving in and around the area. The South Park Bridge and the off-ramp from SR 99 to 14th Avenue S will be considered local access only.

While the South Park Bridge will be open to traffic, there will not be a direct access to SR 99. For travelers who are coming from South Park Bridge, SDOT encourages them to take Dallas Ave S to 12th Ave S and then to S Cloverdale to get access to SR 99. Travelers who usually exit 14th Avenue S from SR 99 will be asked to turn around and find an alternate route.

So again, the SP Bridge IS open, but not accessible from south of Cloverdale.

5:41 PM: SDOT says 14th Avenue S. is now open again.

TRAFFIC ALERT: South Park Bridge has reopened

3:48 PM: The South Park Bridge has opened again to vehicle traffic, two days after it was closed because of utility poles and trees down on East Marginal Way, blocking access to its east end. Here’s some of what they cleaned up (photos courtesy SDOT):

4:25 PM: Though the bridge is open/accessible again, SDOT says parts of East Marginal are still closed – to be specific, between 16th Ave South & South 86th Place.

5:40 PM: In an email update, SDOT elaborates, “Although SCL has completed work to clear debris and repair equipment within Seattle city limits, damaged traffic signal equipment in Tukwila continues to make the road unsafe to reopen south of the bridge. SDOT and Tukwila Public Works are continuing to work closely together to respond to the situation.” The stretch of East Marginal that remains closed isn’t expected to reopen before tomorrow.

TRAFFIC ALERT: South Park Bridge may not reopen until Monday night

One lingering problem from this afternoon’s wind: Downed wires/poles have closed East Marginal Way South between 14th Ave South and South 86th Place, and that means the South Park Bridge is closed too. Seattle City Light says, “We expect we can clear the road by tomorrow evening at the latest.”

VACCINATION: Four pop-up clinics ahead – two for COVID, two for flu

October 15, 2021 9:02 pm
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Quick reminder of four opportunities to get vaccinated in the next four days – two for COVID, two for flu:

COVID VACCINATIONS AT OLG: As previously reported, Our Lady of Guadalupe is hosting a clinic on Sunday, 9:30 am-1:30 pm. Our story includes the link for making an appointment. Pfizer and Moderna available, first, second, and (Pfizer) boosters.

COVID VACCINATION IN SOUTH PARK: No appointment needed at the South Park Senior Center (8201 10th Ave. S.) 9 am-1 pm Tuesday (October 19th), where all three vaccines are available, including Pfizer boosters. (Here’s the flyer.)

FLU SHOTS THIS WEEKEND: All community members are welcome at the flu-shot clinics 10 am-4 pm Saturday at Madison Middle School (3429 45th SW) and 10 am-4 pm Sunday at Chief Sealth International High School (2600 SW Thistle). Details and the registration link are in our original report.

BIZNOTE: Closing sale Sunday at South Park Hall

October 2, 2021 4:49 pm
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Keeping an event venue going during a long-running pandemic – when events have been banned or restricted – proved to be too tough a challenge for South Park Hall to keep going. So after four years, the renovated historic space at 1253 South Cloverdale is closing, One of its original proprietors, West Seattle entrepreneur Corina Luckenbach, has announced a fixtures/furniture sale for tomorrow (Sunday, October 3rd), 10 am-3 pm. Some items already have been sold but at last report they still had some tables and chairs as well as their bar. Luckenbach’s main business, Bebop Waffle Shop in The Admiral District, is still “doing great.” As for the fate of the South Park Hall space, owner John Bennett, the West Seattle-based entrepreneur/preservationist, says he’ll be seeking a new tenant,