Former Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator Mark Solomon appointed to Seattle City Council

After five rounds of voting, the Seattle City Council has just appointed Mark Solomon to fill the District 2 seat from which Tammy Morales recently resigned. You might recall Solomon from his years as Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator, a civilian role he has continued to fill for the South Precinct. He’s sought council positions before, both in elections (losing to Morales in 2019) and in application/nomination processes like this one (such as the citywide Position 8 process a year ago), but this will be his first time serving. Solomon was the choice of District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka throughout this morning’s voting and was the top votegetter throughout, but stuck at four of eight votes until the last round. He will have the job until someone is elected in November to fill the remaining two years of Morales’s term.

14 Replies to "Former Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator Mark Solomon appointed to Seattle City Council"

  • Saka’s choice… January 27, 2025 (12:26 pm)
      1. That tells me enough. But we need an amendment that voter elected officials make a commitment to stay in their position barring any medical reason for the entire term. It’s ridiculous just because we’re in what people consider a progressive place that we allow this bait and switch to happen. If people wanted any of these privately elected people to serve the majority would have voted for them. Don’t cry about it when republicans and conservatives start doing the same and it’s too late. 
    1. Jacob January 27, 2025 (12:37 pm)

      Oh wow another person who lost to Tammy Morales in a general. This mayor and council is so out of touch with the voting base of D2

    2. walkerws January 27, 2025 (12:44 pm)

      Solomon was the choice of District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka throughout this morning’s voting” Talk about a ringing endorsement *against* someone. Jeez.

    3. DC January 27, 2025 (1:34 pm)

      Solomon lost to Morales by *20* points! He has no business representing the very people who rallied together to keep him out of office. This is a slap in the face to the people of D2 and democracy itself. Rob Saka has no interest in representing the people of Seattle, he just wants another conservative who will vote with Saka’s own interest.

    4. Marcus January 27, 2025 (2:53 pm)

      Everyone is concerned about petty politics and I am just happy that someone with crime prevention experience gets a chance. Now businesses, people and kids can be safer in my humble opinion. That is important to me.

      • Chuck January 27, 2025 (3:52 pm)

        I agree Marcus.

      • Darren January 27, 2025 (5:12 pm)

        Crime Prevention Coordinator is common sense stuff. I remember when he was my precinct’s coordinator (years before recently filling in for Danner-Satterwhite) and he was really bad at answering emails. I don’t think he’s any different than other city politicians, ie telling you what you want to hear, toeing the party line, etc. I don’t think his coordinator background brings anything to the council role.

      • Derek January 27, 2025 (5:49 pm)

        Small problem, district doesn’t want him 

    5. Mrs. Shaw January 27, 2025 (4:23 pm)

      Along with Marcus, I am very pleased that someone with solid community experience has been appointed.  Mark is someone who actually follows up on his commitments. Congratulations to Mark Solomon!

    6. WSzombie January 27, 2025 (10:08 pm)

      I’m just happy it’s not Sawant. 

      • WSB January 27, 2025 (11:38 pm)

        She was not a candidate nor is this the district in which she resides.

      • Lagartija Nick January 28, 2025 (10:04 am)

        Drool, grunt, snarl, “I want to eat Sawant’s brains!” You couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate moniker. 

    7. Watertowerjim January 28, 2025 (6:19 am)

      Sanity returning nationwide – even here.

    8. DavidWS January 28, 2025 (8:10 am)

      My understanding is that Mark Solomon will be a caretaker for the position, and not run for the 4 year term. This leaves the D2 seat open to others that may or may not be a better fit. In the meantime, I believe the process ran as it should have. There was a diverse group of candidates with great backgrounds (such as Chukundi Salisbury) who was recommended by Rob Saka. Salisbury is a life long D2 resident, very active in the D2 community, with great street credibility.  After the Solomon appointment, Salisbury said that Solomon was a good choice.  If Salisbury and others in D2 are okay with Solomon serving for 10-months, then we should be also.

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