West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
Tonight we have full details of what’s happening at the Fauntleroy Fall Festival on Sunday (2-5 pm)! Here’s the activity list:
And here’s the schedule of time-specific performances and events:
Among the highlights – a performance by Endolyne Children’s Choir:
Endolyne Children’s Choir is thrilled to celebrate fall and the return of the Fauntleroy Fall Festival this year on Sunday. Led by director Megan Callaghan Booth and staff instructor Maya Adams, all choir levels will perform and show off what they’ve been working on since the start of the fall session.
ECC is a no-audition, secular choir welcoming all singers in grades K-12. There are 21 West Seattle schools represented in our choir. Come join us and enjoy all the free activities that the festival has in store!
The photo above shows the choir performing exactly where you’ll find them at 2 pm Sunday, inside Fauntleroy Church, one of the festival venues – all on both sides of the 9100 block of California SW, as shown on the official map. Everything’s free at the festival except food/beverage concessions. See you there!
Ten nights until Halloween, and we’re back to showcasing West Seattle decorations. The photo above is perhaps the least scary scene in David‘s Delridge yard, judging by the video he sent with this announcement:
Halloween frights return for 2022 at 5206 23rd Ave SW.
We are one block east of Delridge Way and SW Brandon St. Just past the new home construction.
The 29th, 30th, and 31st will have lights, sounds and ghosts. Full-size treats on Halloween.
This is one of the displays featured in our West Seattle Halloween Guide, and we’re continuing to add more – if you have decorations or an event to tell us about, send info (and photos if available) to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
3 notes in West Seattle Crime Watch:
SHOPLIFTS-TURNED-ROBBERIES: Two incidents to report under this category – one happened this afternoon, with a 37-year-old man arrested after allegedly brandishing a knife when someone attempted to stop him from shoplifting at the Westwood Village Ross Dress for Less. According to police-radio discussion, he also was sought for an earlier theft incident at High Point Walgreens. He’s in the King County Jail tonight, sixth booking in five months … A different man is wanted for robbery after a shoplifting incident Thursday at Westwood Village Target ended the same way, with a knife pulled out when store security tried to stop him, according to police. An initial partial description broadcast over police radio: Asian man in his mid-20s, green jacket, white Honda Civic with no plates or possibly a temporary plate, last seen southbound toward Roxbury.
ON-RAMP WIRE THEFT: Today WSDOT tweeted the story of a daylight wire theft on the onramp from northbound I-5 to the West Seattle Bridge:
At about 1:30 p.m. Monday, one of our signals techs spotted someone pulling wire out of conduit and a junction box mounted on the side of the NB I-5 ramp to West Seattle Bridge. It didn’t look legit so he had a colleague film & called 911.
State Patrol arrived and, with help from the video evidence, arrested the person. While the person had on a hard hat and vest, it was obvious to our worker it wasn’t a real operation. How? A legit signals operation will have warning signs, cones or barrels, a truck with markings and multiple people on site. None of those things were there in this case. So please be on the lookout and if you see something suspicious, call 911 to report it!
You can see the video by viewing the first tweet in the thread here.
TAILGATE THEFT: The photo and report are from Lisa:
I’d like to share that my truck was targeted overnight, and the tailgate was stolen off of it (picture below). It happened on Holden & 17th and a police report has been filed. This is just the most recent incident with our vehicles. A couple of months ago, the driver’s window was shattered. A few months before that, the rear window of our other car was demolished by someone throwing rocks.
It’s just so frustrating.
The report was filed online and they’re still awaiting the number; we’ll add it here when available. (Saturday update: 2022-922713.)
Is a tiny-house encampment emergency shelter or housing?
That question has posed some problems for Camp Second Chance, according to discussion at this week’s monthly meeting of CSC’s Community Advisory Committee.
Camp staff said they’d been trying to kick out one person who had refused to follow requirements for staying at CSC – including chores and working with case managers – and who also had parked several derelict vehicles in and around the 9701 Myers Way South site. Two of them were towed hours before Tuesday night’s online meeting. “Four or five” others had been tagged by Parking Enforcement. The person had been the reason for three of the five 911 calls made by the camp in the past month (the other two were medical), said CSC manager Scott Harris, but he has holed up in a tiny house and refuses to leave. That’s where the question of “shelter or housing” came in – Harris said police were contending the camp was housing and so trying to remove the person would be a form of eviction. We’ve asked the city’s homelessness-response spokesperson for clarification on what tiny-house encampments are considered to be, and are still awaiting the answer.
Other updates:
CSC currently has 73 people – all its tiny houses are occupied, and any that become open are immediately filled. Case manager Marjorie Johnson said 17 of them are awaiting permanent housing at the buildings now owned/operated by LIHI, which also runs CSC and other tiny-house encampments. Ten are awaiting units at Dockside in Green Lake, four have applied to Boylston on Capitol Hill, and three elsewhere. Johnson hopes they will all be housed by the end of November. The day before the meeting, two people who had been at the camp since 2019 left for Dockside, and she said that was such a happy departure that she cried. She also finally has help – newly hired case manager Jenn Hunt was introduced.
Longtime CAC member Grace Stiller said her program Weed Warriors is continuing its work at the Myers Way Parcels – the city-owned land that includes CSC’s site – and again will have grant-funded stipends for campers to join in the restoration work.
The camp’s shower trailer is not yet connected to the sewer system, apparently because of a design issue with the trailer. They’re also working to get the trailer electrified, as the fire marshal frowns on the current use of propane.
NEXT MEETING: Online, 6 pm November 8th. All are welcome – this is a city-mandated forum for questions or concerns about CSC.
-Tracy Record, WSB editor
Just received two reports of discolored water today in West Seattle – one in Alki, one in The Junction. The person who texted the latter report said they had reported it to Seattle Public Utilities, which has just told them a water-main break is to blame – it’s not shown on the map yet, so we’re following up. If you are experiencing the problem, now or any other time, the SPU number to call is 206-386-1800 – that can help them figure out what’s happening and where. Here’s the general SPU advice about discolored water.
Imagine, a photo of Puget Sound in which the water and islands are visible, finally! The focus of this photo, sent by Danny McMillin, is the USNS Grasp (T-ARS 51) as it passed West Seattle, headed northbound. It’s a 37-year-old Safeguard-class rescue and salvage ship operated by the Military Sealift Command. According to the MSC website, USNS Grasp is used for “salvage, diving, towing, off-shore firefighting, heavy lift operations, and theater security cooperation missions.” It’s homeported in San Diego.
Two election notes:
BALLOTS ARRIVE: As noted here Wednesday, King County Elections has mailed the general-election ballots, and they’ve started arriving, so voting has begun. If you want to return your ballot via a county dropbox, West Seattle has three – the full countywide list is here. We recently previewed what’s on your ballot. You have until Tuesday night, November 8th, to vote, and you can choose a new way to track your ballot. Not registered to vote yet? Not too late to change that.
SENATOR CAMPAIGNS IN WEST SEATTLE: U.S. Senator Patty Murray just made a noontime campaign stop in West Seattle:
She spoke at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor), accompanied by Mini Timmaraju, who is president of NARAL Pro-Choice America. Murray is a Democrat running for a sixth 6-year term in the U.S. Senate, challenged in this election by Republican Tiffany Smiley. Murray chairs the Senate’s Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions Committee. Her speech at C & P not only focused on reproductive rights but also touted, among other things, the federal funding that helped cover the cost of the West Seattle Bridge repairs. After the C & P event, she was off to campaign in other parts of the city, including the Rainier Valley and International District.
Sunday looks like the best day this weekend for outdoor events, and we have a few to preview. First – the Makers’ Art Market at High Point Commons Park on Sunday afternoon. This market has brought together dozens of local artists, crafters, and other creators at other locations, most recently Alki, but this time they’re teaming up with the High Point Open Space Association to bring the market to the park. More than 30 local makers and small businesses are participating. It’s a family-friendly event, too. The park is at 3201 SW Graham, and the market is set for noon-5 pm Sunday (October 23).
Rain at last! Thanks to Jerry Simmons for the photo of a soggy Steller’s Jay. Now – here’s what’s happening in West Seattle for the rest of today/tonight:
HOTWIRE BENEFIT FOR GENESEE HILL: Get your drinks/treats at Hotwire Coffeehouse (4410 California SW) – open today until 6 pm – and tell them it’s for the Genesee Hill Elementary PTA.
SOUTHWEST ART SHOWCASE: See the community show at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW), which is open 10 am-6 pm today.
MEDICARE INFORMATION: Community session in Vietnamese and Russian at Salvation Army Center (9050 16th SW), 2 pm.
SKI SWAP DROPOFFS: If you’re selling gear at this weekend’s West Seattle Ski Swap, drop it off at the VFW Hall (3601 SW Alaska) 3-7 pm today. Not registered as a seller yet? The link is in our calendar listing.
HALLOWEEN MOVIE NIGHT: 6 pm at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW), “Room on the Broom” movie/book event – tickets required; our calendar event has info on how to buy yours.
HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: One home game tonight – the Chief Sealth International High School Seahawks host Lincoln at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle), 7 pm. Admission is $4 students/senior citizens, $6 adults.
MUSIC AT C & P: 7-9 pm, the Whateverly Brothers take the stage at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW), free, all ages.
BINGO AT ADMIRAL PUB: West Seattle’s “sassiest bingo party” starts at 7 pm. (2306 California SW)
AT THE SKYLARK: Live music with Jeanie Baby, Ash Tweet, Tylo, The Vulture Queen. Doors at 7 pm, show at 8 pm. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
AT ARTSWEST: The ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) play “Swimming While Drowning” continues the final week of its run, 7:30 pm curtain. Tickets are available online.
HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS/HOME SHOWS: See our West Seattle Halloween Guide!
Have something to add to our Event Calendar? Please email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
6:02 AM: Good morning. It’s Friday, October 21st.
Rainy and chilly today, and the high temperature might not even hit 50.
The rain could get in the way of some of this – but:
-California/Findlay work this weekend, as noted here
-Two-week closure of the outer southbound lane on West Marginal Way between 17th SW and the Duwamish Longhouse starts Sunday, to collect data for the protected-bike-lane project
Metro buses are on their regular schedules; watch @kcmetroalerts for trip cancellations/reroute alerts.
Still a 2-boat schedule for WSF’s Triangle Route (check here for alerts/updates).
The West Seattle Water Taxi is now on its fall/winter schedule (still daily, all dayparts, but no late Friday/Saturday runs).
High Bridge – here’s the camera at the top.
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end.
Low Bridge: Open to all.
1st Ave. S. Bridge: The alternate route.
Highway 99: Here’s the northbound side at Lander.
All functional city traffic cams can be seen here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are also on this WSB page … Are movable city bridges opening for vessels? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.
If you see trouble on the roads/paths/water, please text or call us (when you can do so safely) – 206-293-6302.