Tonight we have full details of what’s happening at the Fauntleroy Fall Festival on Sunday (2-5 pm)! Here’s the activity list:
And here’s the schedule of time-specific performances and events:
Among the highlights – a performance by Endolyne Children’s Choir:
Endolyne Children’s Choir is thrilled to celebrate fall and the return of the Fauntleroy Fall Festival this year on Sunday. Led by director Megan Callaghan Booth and staff instructor Maya Adams, all choir levels will perform and show off what they’ve been working on since the start of the fall session.
ECC is a no-audition, secular choir welcoming all singers in grades K-12. There are 21 West Seattle schools represented in our choir. Come join us and enjoy all the free activities that the festival has in store!
The photo above shows the choir performing exactly where you’ll find them at 2 pm Sunday, inside Fauntleroy Church, one of the festival venues – all on both sides of the 9100 block of California SW, as shown on the official map. Everything’s free at the festival except food/beverage concessions. See you there!