West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
That’s the Seattle Channel video of this morning’s City Council Transportation and Public Utilities Committee meeting, almost two hours of which was spent on the West Seattle to Ballard light-rail plan, starting about 36 minutes in. The time was divided between two presentations – first, city staff explaining how they’re drafting official city comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, so they can get those in before the April 28th deadline. Much of this presentation was given to the West Seattle/Duwamish segment’s Community Advisory Group last week (WSB coverage here). Here’s the slide deck that the city’s Calvin Chow, Marshall Foster, and Sara Maxana used today:
One major area of concern in what they’re drafting so far – they want ST to better address potential BIPOC displacement in Delridge, “more truth-checking with the community,” as Maxana described it. In council comments, West Seattle/South Park Councilmember Lisa Herbold underscored a point made that “scope reductions” – like dropping a station – should be discouraged unless there’s a very clear benefit in return.
That came up again in the second discussion, which also was partly a rerun from last week’s Community Advisory Group meeting – ST’s view of possible cost-saving measures, including possibly dropping the Avalon station. This presentation was given by ST’s Cathal Ridge. Here’s the slide deck he used:
In this discussion, Herbold reiterated that dropping Avalon would require a clear benefit such as more tunneling. She also stressed that no matter what, tunneling should be the preference for the West Seattle Junction end of the line, as elevated rail through “the heart of” The Junction would be undesirable. She voiced one other concern about dropping the Avalon station, wondering where its projected 1,200 riders would go, and wondering if that would make light rail less accessible for residents coming down 35th from areas such as High Point. Ridge said they projected that half the Avalon ridership would come to the station by bus, and they would likely ride to the Junction station instead.
WHAT’S NEXT: City staff will return to this committee May 17th; their comments on the DEIS, though, like everyone else’s, are due by April 28th and will be submitted by then. (Here’s how to comment.)
Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports:
SOUTH DELRIDGE ARREST: Police are still at this scene right now, at 16th/Henderson. We don’t have details of the initial call yet, but police were pursuing a possibly armed assault suspect on foot, and took him into custody after using a Taser. The suspect’s being taken to the hospital, we’ve been told at the scene. Officers are searching for a knife he might have dropped along the way. We’ll add any other details we get.
STOLEN-VAN SIGHTINGS: We published Zack‘s stolen-van report Sunday. It’s still in West Seattle, readers have reported, so Zack sent this followup:
My van is still missing, and has been seen multiple times in west Seattle. Thank you to everyone who has contacted me! The thief is driving very aggressively and erratically, and ripped the storage rack off the top at the junction QFC Monday evening. I have also learned that he is prowling houses, and using my van as the get-away vehicle. He has been spotted in the Admiral area several times, this morning was seen at Belvidere/Hanford at 11:00. Please call the police immediately if you see the van, this guy is up to no good!!
License plate: AFD9206
“Campmobile” sticker on the nose
“Treepeople” sticker in rear window
“West Seattle” sticker on rear hatch
My contact: 503-360-8813
WEDNESDAY UPDATE: Zack and van have finally been reunited – see comments.
All seven members of the Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors have been invited to an online meeting Saturday with members of West Seattle school communities – particularly families and staff. If you are involved with a local school, you’re invited too. Among the organizers is Manuela Slye, co-president of the citywide Seattle Council PTSA, who shared a letter to the School Board saying concerns they want to discuss include:
– Building level budgets and staffing cuts
– Prioritization of socio-emotional supports for students – counselors at all schools at the 1:250 minimum ratio
– Funding for SEL programs
– Disproportionate disciplinary rates in student of color populations
– Drug abuse on school campuses
– Narcan availability and proper training
– Free and appropriate education for students receiving special education services
– COVID-19 safety and student well-being during mask mandate transition
– Improved funding for Teach for America volunteers
– Resources for all SPS schools to have Equity Leadership Teams
– Robust support to ELL and Dual Immersion students
– Transportation eligibility for students in the Denny International dual language pathway to preserve the program
– Internship programs/job and career pathway opportunities for SPS students
– Teacher burnout/turnover
They’re also concerned about a report of possible bell-time changes next year. If you’re interested in attending the meeting at 3 pm Saturday (April 23rd), you can register here.
(Security-camera image from April 6th West Seattle robbery)
Eight days after the arrest of one suspect linked to robberies including the West Seattle Bellevue Rare Coins holdup and one during which a Tacoma cannabis-shop worker was killed, another has been arrested. Tacoma Police announced that 16-year-old Montrell D. Hatfield was arrested by Seattle Police in Kent – same location and agency that arrested 15-year-old Marshon D. Jones last week. After arresting Jones, SPD confirmed to WSB that he and Hatfield were suspects in the April 6th robbery here. So far, the two are charged in the March Tacoma robbery/murder and in a February robbery in Federal Way. Court documents indicate Hatfield is the suspect described in multiple cases as having a “distinctive limp” because of a prosthetic leg.
The RapidRide H Line launch is being pushed back again. Metro announced today that instead of launching this fall, the Route 120 conversion won’t happen until March 2023: “Unforeseen construction and materials delays from the regional concrete strike that began in early December 2021 have added several months to the original timeline of the RapidRide H Line project.” The announcement adds, “Under the revised implementation schedule, Metro plans to add more daily bus trips to coincide with the launch of the RapidRide service in March 2023, which will then improve frequent service to provide a bus trip in both directions every seven minutes during peak commute times.” Metro says that “approximately 40% of the overall construction work” has been completed so far. The (corrected) Delridge repaving project that SDOT handled was in support of the expected launch. This is the fourth time the launch has been pushed back – the conversion of Route 120 was originally projected for 2019, then that was pushed to 2020, then to 2021, and then a year and a half ago, changed to 2022.
This morning, the Northwest Seaport Alliance sent out notices saying Terminal 5 and other Seattle cargo docks would be closed for a day, effective immediately, because of a longshore workers’ “24-hour stop work.” We’ve had messages out since then to find out why; this is the NWSA response:
The Port of Seattle and The Northwest Seaport Alliance have been made aware of a member of International Longshore & Warehouse Union Local 19 passing away at the Pier 86 grain facility. As is tradition after a member dies while at work, facilities in Seattle only will be closed for the remainder of the day, with shifts starting again tomorrow morning. We offer our deepest condolences to ILWU and the worker’s family and friends during this difficult time.
The Seattle Fire 911 log shows a medical call to that facility just after 7 am today.
Two months until summer! Families that haven’t locked in summer-camp plans yet might be interested in the programs for which Seattle Parks just opened registration this afternoon. They’re offering summer camps at multiple West Seattle locations, including Delridge, High Point, and Alki Community Centers as well as Camp Long and Dakota Place Park. There are opportunities for kids with disabilities, too, as well as preschool-age camps. You can browse the citywide brochure here, and register online here.
Here’s what a lights-and-sirens police response last night at Westwood Village was about – we heard fragments about this incident =last night, and obtained the report narrative this morning: A teenager ran into the Target store around 9:30 pm and reported that someone tried to rob him. He told police three would-be robbers had followed him across the street from Roxhill Park, where he had gone to meet a friend from school, and that the robbery attempt happened in the lot near the store, with one person pointing a gun at him. He got away without injury and without anything being stolen; he told police he recognized the people who followed him, but wouldn’t give officers identifying details, according to the report, which says the three left the scene in a “Honda sedan.”
(Monday sunset photographed by Jan Pendergrass)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
LIGHT RAIL: If you missed our preview, the City Council’s Transportation and Public Utilities Committee is getting two presentations regarding the West Seattle-Ballard light-rail extensions at its meeting under way right now – on the city’s draft comments, and on ST’s proposed cost-savings and “refinements.” You can watch here (they just began, as we publish this); the full video will be available later today.
JEWELRY SALE: The entire store at Wyatt’s Jewelers (WSB sponsor) is 30 percent off! Open today at Westwood Village (2600 SW Barton), until 6 pm.
LOW-LOW TIDE: At 1:35 pm, the tide is out to -2.3 feet – tread lightly!
CITY COUNCIL: Their weekly meeting is at 2 pm, online. The agenda explains how to comment; Seattle Channel is where to watch.
DEMONSTRATION FOR RACIAL JUSTICE: 4:30-6 pm at 16th/Holden, Scott leads this long-running weekly demonstration for racial justice. Signs available if you don’t have your own.
(added) SPORTS: The Chief Sealth IHS boys’ soccer team (5-1-2) plays a home game at 4:30 pm vs. Nathan Hale at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle). Also at NCSWAC, the West Seattle HS softball team (7-4) has a 4 pm home game vs. Rainier Beach.
FAMILY GAME NIGHT: Meeples Games (3727 California SW) welcomes families 6-8 pm to this weekly hosted game-playing night.
TRIVIA X 3: Three of the venues where you can play tonight – 7 pm at Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW), 7 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW), 7:30 and 8:30 pm at The Lodge (4209 SW Alaska).
BELLE OF THE BALLS BINGO: Play bingo with Cookie Couture at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), 8 pm. Free, all ages!
There’s more on our calendar – and if you have something to add for the future, email us the info at westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Just four days until Lake Washington Physical Therapy West Seattle (WSB sponsor) presents a community-running workshop, first noted here a month ago, and a few spots remain:
On Saturday, April 23rd from 3-5 pm, we will be hosting a Running Workshop for beginning, intermediate, and competitive runners.
Chris Johnson, PT is a nationally recognized clinician, speaker, and educator. We are very fortunate to have him spend a few hours with us and the running community to share his expertise and answer questions.
The registration fee is only $10, which will be fully donated to our charity of the month, WestSide Baby. Register and pay here: lakewpt.securepayments.cardpointe.com/pay
During registration, be sure to include RUNWORKSHOP as the Invoice number. Attendees will need to bring their emailed registration receipt for entry. Questions? Email: frontofficewestseattle@lakewashingtonpt.com
LWPT co-proprietor Mark Bouma says that if weather permits, they’ll hold the class on the rooftop, which has a great view of Elliott Bay. (If not, there’s lots of room in their light-filled clinic.) LWPT’s West Seattle clinic is at 1309 Harbor Avenue SW.
6:02 AM: Good morning. It’s Tuesday, April 19th.
Mostly cloudy forecast, high near 55.
*Second day of the two-week WSDOT closure of the West Seattle Bridge/Spokane Street ramp to northbound 99 for pavement repair.
*SPU‘s pavement-restoration work on California SW in the SW Myrtle could start this week – it hadn’t by day’s end Monday, but the no-parking signs are out.
Metro is on its regular weekday schedule. Watch @kcmetrobus for word of reroutes/cancellations. Note that you’re still required to wear a face covering on the bus despite Monday’s federal-court ruling – as explained here.
Same goes for the West Seattle Water Taxi, which is operated by Metro. Also, no midday service again today, because of training. Check its status via Water Taxi Vessel Watch. Summer schedule – adding later evening runs on Fridays and Saturdays – starts at the end of this week.
Ferries: WSF is still using the two-boat schedule for Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth. Check here for alerts/updates. And note that WSF *is* dropping its mask mandate, while noting they’re still recommended.
757th morning without the West Seattle Bridge.
Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)
1st Avenue South Bridge:
South Park Bridge:
West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:
Highland Park Way/Holden:
The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):
Are movable bridges opening for vessels? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed; 1st Ave. S. Bridge openings are also tweeted by @wsdot_traffic.
All city traffic cams can be seen here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are also on this WSB page
Trouble on the roads/paths/water? Text or call us (when you can do so safely) – 206-293-6302.