(See full-size version as PDF by going here)
Six months after last we checked in on the design for Delridge Way SW as part of the RapidRide H Line conversion (WSB coverage here), the City Council’s Transportation Committee just got a briefing. Shown above is the 10 percent design concept for the Delridge section of the route.
One major change since what we saw/heard in January – the launch date for the Route 120 conversion is now described as 2021; it had been 2020.
Today’s briefing was related to a requirement that the council see the project at 10 percent design before spending goes beyond $1.4 million (the full project will cost at least $42 million, SDOT reps said at today’s meeting). This is still a very “early” stage of design, it was stressed, and District 1 Councilmember Lisa Herbold expressed interest in seeing south-end elements including improvements to the neighborhood greenway on 17th SW as well as connections to White Center. She was assured that those will be ready to review when the project gets to the 30 percent phase. That’s also when they’ll know more about how much repaving will be included as well as how and where sidewalk improvements will be addressed.
The final vote on allowing the project to proceed to the next phase of design is due at the full City Council meeting one week from next Monday – that’s July 30th. We’ll add video from today’s discussion – the committee meeting is still under way, on other topics, and about to enter its fourth hour – when it’s available.