All seven members of the Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors have been invited to an online meeting Saturday with members of West Seattle school communities – particularly families and staff. If you are involved with a local school, you’re invited too. Among the organizers is Manuela Slye, co-president of the citywide Seattle Council PTSA, who shared a letter to the School Board saying concerns they want to discuss include:
– Building level budgets and staffing cuts
– Prioritization of socio-emotional supports for students – counselors at all schools at the 1:250 minimum ratio
– Funding for SEL programs
– Disproportionate disciplinary rates in student of color populations
– Drug abuse on school campuses
– Narcan availability and proper training
– Free and appropriate education for students receiving special education services
– COVID-19 safety and student well-being during mask mandate transition
– Improved funding for Teach for America volunteers
– Resources for all SPS schools to have Equity Leadership Teams
– Robust support to ELL and Dual Immersion students
– Transportation eligibility for students in the Denny International dual language pathway to preserve the program
– Internship programs/job and career pathway opportunities for SPS students
– Teacher burnout/turnover
They’re also concerned about a report of possible bell-time changes next year. If you’re interested in attending the meeting at 3 pm Saturday (April 23rd), you can register here.