West Seattle, Washington
15 Saturday
Earlier this week, we reported on the second arrest in a month of a man suspected in incidents at local businesses, most recently a shoplift-turned-robbery at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor). Today, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office filed felony charges against him in that incident and one earlier this month at a store in the West Seattle Junction. The suspect is 44-year-old Joseph W. Milojevich. He is charged with second-degree robbery for this week’s incident at the grocery store, in which he is accused of trying to leave with an alcoholic beverage without paying for it, threatening store staff who tried to stop him, brandishing a chain. The KCPAO also filed a charge of felony harassment for an early November incident (covered here) in which he was asked to leave The Beer Junction and then, prosecutors say, threatened to kill the store’s owner. Charging documents in the cases also note that he was charged earlier this year with third-degree assault for attacking a nurse at a hospital in Burien in April while there voluntarily seeking emergency care. A judge released Milojevich a day after he was jailed in that case, despite prosecutors arguing to keep him in. He has prior convictions from more than a decade ago, second-degree robbery in 2007 and felony hit-run in 2002. His bail in the new cases is set at $75,000.
Received tonight from Pliable, the West Seattleite-owned mobile health-care service that’s been providing COVID vaccinations at Neighborhood House in High Point:
We wanted to let the West Seattle community know that Pliable is hosting family-friendly COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics at Neighborhood House High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW) on the following dates:
Sunday, December 5th | 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Sunday, December 12th | 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Sunday, December 19th | 8:30 am-4:30 pmJ&J, Pfizer, Moderna — including boosters — are available for those that are eligible. Pediatric Pfizer (1st or 2nd doses) for ages 5+ to under 12 are also available.
ALL Walk-ups are welcome! If they would like to register for the clinic, here is the link.
5:50 PM: Seaview and Morgan Junction are reporting power’s out – and there was a much-more-widespread flicker, too – hit us in Upper Fauntleroy. Stand by for more. And sorry if you’re having trouble with our site, everybody subsequently hit us at once…
5:55 PM: Seattle City Light map hasn’t updated yet. But this appears to be widespread – we’ve heard from folks all the way up to Alki, too. There’s a wires-down call in the 5400 block of 37th SW, so that might be related.
6:02 PM: City Light map hasn’t updated yet but a reader says the phone recording cites 4,300 customers out.
6:08 PM: City Light has finally tweeted – almost 10,000 customers (homes/businesses).
6:13 PM: The map’s finally updated too – mostly western West Seattle. No word yet on the cause – we’ll go have a look at the 37th SW scene soon as we can.
6:37 PM: We’re en route, but in the meantime, nearby resident @kevinfreitas tweeted this photo:
Kevin says firefighters at the scene told him “they don’t know why but high-voltage line snapped (that wire dangling there at corner of 36th/Findlay). No vehicle accident or anything.”
6:43 PM: SFD is gone now but SCL crews are at work.
6:52 PM: SCL’s official explanation via Twitter: “The outage was caused by equipment failure on a utility pole that caused a high voltage wire to break. Crews are on-site assessing the situation, with more on the way to make repairs.” (We of course will be following up for further details tomorrow, but for now that’s the topline.)
6:59 PM: We’re getting word that some power has been restored. You? (Update) Looks like about half the outage has been resolved – just under 5,000 homes/businesses still out. Here’s the current map of who’s still out:
7:08 PM: We’ve confirmed that the Morgan Junction business district is one of the areas where power is back on.
7:25 PM: Our photographer was in the Alki area when lights started coming back on, so looks like more restoration. (Update) Down to 476 out, per SCL map. Here’s who’s still out:
8:55 PM: No restoration for that last group yet, but SCL is working on it.
12:47 AM: The last of the outage is off the map, after seven hours.
Traffic alert just in from SDOT:
SDOT crews will be marking the crosswalk across West Marginal Way tomorrow morning (Friday, December 3) in preparation for the new signal at the Duwamish Longhouse. Crews will focus on completing the southbound lanes first with hopes of being done with the southbound lanes by 5 a.m. (when the low bridge restrictions go into effect). Crews will then move on to the northbound lanes, which typically have lower traffic volumes in the morning peak period. We will always maintain at least one of lane of traffic open in each direction.
Seattle City Light will still need to hook up power to the signal for it to be turned on.
As we reported last week, that’s expected within days.
Three reports spanning four incidents in West Seattle Crime Watch:
RELATED ROBBERIES: Police are investigating two related robberies early Wednesday. First, around 3 am, a man was having car trouble in the 9400 block of 30th SW when he was robbed. According to the SPD summary:
The victim saw a white vehicle drive slowly past him and make a U turn. The victim thought the inhabitants were going to assist him with his vehicle. Instead, the two suspects in the white vehicle exited and went to their car trunk. The suspects pulled out two handguns and pointed the firearms at the victim making threats. The suspects demanded the victim’s wallet, keys, and cellphone. The suspects demanded the victim’s cell phone PIN. The victim complied with all the suspects’ demands, and the suspects left on SW Roxbury St. Officers recovered a rifle round on the ground at the scene, so the suspects possibly have a rifle inside their vehicle.
Half an hour later, the robbery victim’s roommate got texts from the stolen cell phone saying, the report says, “he needed to be picked up because his vehicle isn’t working.” He parked in the 3400 block of SW Graham St when, the report continues, two people – possibly the same as the ones who’d robbed his roommate – pulled up in a white vehicle and pointed handguns at him, demanding his cellphone, wallet, and keys. He handed over the first two items but not the keys – and then ran. The robbers chased him for a bit, then gave up. But, the report says, “While the victim was trying to call 911, the suspects poured an unknown white powder inside his vehicle. Seattle Fire responded to check the unknown substance.” The report doesn’t say what it turned out to be, nor does it describe the robbers.
MAIL THEFT: Thanks to Matthew on Puget Ridge for the tip on this, after a neighborhood-group post reporting a letter carrier had been robbed. We talked today with a U.S. Postal Inspection Service spokesperson, who said the incident earlier this week was not a robbery – no force was used – but did confirm that some mail was stolen from a carrier’s truck. She said the USPS would be notifying the customers whose mail was taken,
WARRANT SUSPECT ARRESTED: Back to SPD summaries – just before midnight last night, an officer made a traffic stop in the 4100 block of SW Edmunds; the report says the officer “recognized the front seat passenger as a felony (state Corrections Department) warrant suspect and officers placed him under arrest.” The car’s driver, meantime, told police he had a gun in the back seat: “Officers could not determine ownership of the gun as the driver had no paperwork and the gun returned ‘no record.’ It was placed into evidence.” The passenger, wanted in an assault case, was booked into jail,
12:23 PM: It’s a little murky out there but if you’re up for some whale-watching, Kersti Muul tells us orcas are headed back this way, northbound off the southernmost shore of West Seattle – let us know if you see them!
(Added: Photo by Monica Zaborac)
12:30 PM: We’ve also heard from Donna Sandstrom of The Whale Trail, who says these are Southern Residents from all three pods. (Update: J and K, she says,)
1:16 PM: Now off Lincoln Park per multiple reports (thanks!).
(Added: Photo by David Hutchinson)
2:13 PM: From Donna: “They are clearly visible from Alki looking west. Leaders are rounding the point northbound and NOAA boat is with them.”
(Added: Photo by Rick Rasmussen)
We’re just back from the Edgewater Hotel on the downtown waterfront, where the owner of the former Highline Bears summer collegiate baseball team (a WSB sponsor) chose a maritime setting for the ceremonial reveal of the team’s new name: Dub Sea Fish Sticks. Back in October, we reported that the team had narrowed a field of 200+ suggestions down to two finalists. 5,400+ votes later, Dub Sea Fish Sticks emerged victorious (not surprising, given the reaction to the other finalist, Dub Sea Seal Slingers). Here’s our video of the announcement event hosted by team owner Justin Moser:
The slicker-clad fisherman is just a temporary mascot, Moser says – there’ll be a naming contest soon for the permanent mascot, too.
But the new nickname for the team’s home field, Mel Olson Stadium at Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center, will, well, stick.
And Moser promised fish sticks will be offered at the concession stand.
The team usually plays home and away games June, July, and early August, but missed the past two summers because of the pandemic. Opening day for next summer is set for June 4th. If you want to be notified when tickets go on sale, join the list at the team’s new website, GoFishSticks.com.
SIDE NOTE: This isn’t just about sports – the team says it’s helped local groups and nonprofits raise $10,000 over the past five years, and the players are required to do volunteer work every week during the season.
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and inbox, here’s what’s happening today/tonight:
KIWANIS ONLINE AUCTION: You can help the service club continue its work with local kids by bidding on items including local gift cards. Browse and bid by going here – the auction ends Saturday,
FESTIVAL OF TREES: Visit the Brookdale Admiral Heights (2326 California SW) lobby 8 am-8 pm daily to see the donated, decorated trees.
GOVERNOR’S BRIEFING: Want to hear pandemic updates from Gov. Inslee? His next media briefing is at 2:30 pm – the livestream will be here.
HANUKKAH: This is the fifth of eight nights, with West Seattle community celebrations planned Sunday.
DESIGN REVIEW: The 5-story mixed-use proposal for 9218 18th SW goes to the Southwest Design Review Board for a third and possibly final time at 5 pm. Our preview includes the design proposal and links for attending/commenting.
LIVE MUSIC: Blues Night at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way), 6-9 pm.
TAE KWON DO: Tonight in West Seattle, as announced:
The West Seattle Tae Kwon Do Club has started up its in-person classes again at High Point Community Center. Adults (18 and older) can sign up to learn Tae Kwon Do, a Korean martial art known for its fast sparring techniques, dynamic forms, and strong kicks. Classes cost only $40/month and meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00-7:30 pm. The first class for December is on Thursday, December 2 from 6:00-7:30pm. We will be wearing face masks and will be appropriately distanced for safety. New students can join at any time and beginners are definitely welcome! Check out our website at westseattle.choitkd.org, email westseattletkd@gmail.com for questions, or call 206-684-7422 for registration information.
NORTH HIGHLINE UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNCIL: If you’re in White Center or elsewhere south of the city limits, your community council meets at 7 tonight, online. Our preview on partner site White Center Now has info for attending, by video or phone.
‘WE’VE BATTLED MONSTERS BEFORE’: Second week for the ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) musical, 7:30 pm. Tickets are available online. (4711 California SW)
BATTLESTAR KALAKALA: Get in the groove with this month’s show at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW), 9 pm.
Just got word of this – the Seattle Aquarium‘s beach-naturalist program will return to West Seattle tomorrow (Friday, December 3rd) for a nighttime beach walk. This time of year, the low-low tides are at night, and it’ll be a minus-three-foot tide tomorrow night. The beach walk is at Constellation Park (look for the canopy at 63rd/Beach Drive) south of Alki Point, 8-10 pm, free, no registration required. Family-friendly, the aquarium tells us. More info here.
6:03 AM Good morning!
Metro is on its regular weekday schedule. Watch @kcmetrobus for word of trip cancellations.
Ferries and Water Taxi: WSF is still running a two-boat schedule on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run. Check here for alerts/updates. The Water Taxi is on its regular schedule.
619th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here are views of other bridges and routes:
Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)
The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):
South Park Bridge:
West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:
Highland Park Way/Holden:
The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):
Are movable bridges opening for vessels? The @SDOTBridges Twitter feed can tell you; 1st Ave. South Bridge openings are also tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.
See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also on this WSB page.
Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.