TRAFFIC ALERT: West Marginal Way crosswalk painting early Friday

Traffic alert just in from SDOT:

SDOT crews will be marking the crosswalk across West Marginal Way tomorrow morning (Friday, December 3) in preparation for the new signal at the Duwamish Longhouse. Crews will focus on completing the southbound lanes first with hopes of being done with the southbound lanes by 5 a.m. (when the low bridge restrictions go into effect). Crews will then move on to the northbound lanes, which typically have lower traffic volumes in the morning peak period. We will always maintain at least one of lane of traffic open in each direction.

Seattle City Light will still need to hook up power to the signal for it to be turned on.

As we reported last week, that’s expected within days.

6 Replies to "TRAFFIC ALERT: West Marginal Way crosswalk painting early Friday"

  • Mj December 2, 2021 (5:42 pm)

    The two NB lanes have twice the capacity than the single SB lane.  Time to consider opening up the second SB lane, with the signalized crossing the primary reason for taking the curb lane away has been removed.

    • Reed December 2, 2021 (6:35 pm)


    • Cd December 2, 2021 (6:53 pm)

      Makes sense to me MJ

  • bill December 2, 2021 (7:20 pm)

    Nope MJ, the primary danger remains drivers. Time to shut down one of the northbound lanes permanently too. Basic child training: If you can’t follow the rules (speed limits for the dimwitted), you don’t get the privileges.

  • Mj December 2, 2021 (10:09 pm)

    Bill – the posted limit was 40 mph for years and without any technical traffic study SDoT arbitrarily changed the numbers to a limit that is inconsistent with standards!  The 85th speed has gone up, SPEED DIFFERENTIAL is significantly greater and the corridor is LESS SAFE.  

    • bill December 3, 2021 (8:35 am)

      MJ: The speed reduction is part of the Vision Zero program to reduce traffic deaths. It was in the works several years before the new speed signs finally went up across the city. The program’s goals and methods could have been publicized better. Unfortunately implementation coincided with nearly complete abandonment of speed enforcement. It is not necessary to study every street to know that excessive speed kills.

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